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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

605 workers out of 695 in the Tank Palet factory have issued a manifesto, and said not to work for Qatar. Most of the rest 90 workers will get retired soon.

“Burada edinmiş olduğum bilgi birikimimi Katar ortaklı özel bir şirketle paylaşmak istemediğim için Milli Savunma Bakanlığ'ının başka bir fabrikasına tayinimi talep ediyorum”

Their move is based on the article 37 in the contract.

Honor and patriotism for the future of the country/nation.

605 workers out of 695 in the Tank Palet factory have issued a manifesto, and said not to work for Qatar. Most of the rest 90 workers will get retired soon.

“Burada edinmiş olduğum bilgi birikimimi Katar ortaklı özel bir şirketle paylaşmak istemediğim için Milli Savunma Bakanlığ'ının başka bir fabrikasına tayinimi talep ediyorum”

Their move is based on the article 37 in the contract.

Honor and patriotism for the future of the country/nation.

How are they working for "Qatar"??? o_O

Qatar is an allied country of Turkey....a smaller ally at that. It gives Turkey power projection ability in Arabian Sea/Indian ocean, provides an option for financial resources, and could be a customer for future Turkish defense products.

But I guess these "patriotic" workers would gladly work for.......USA and Europe on joint-projects where Turkey is a smaller/less respected ally :lol::lol::lol:

What am I missing?
How are they working for "Qatar"??? o_O

Qatar is an allied country of Turkey....a smaller ally at that. It gives Turkey power projection ability in Arabian Sea/Indian ocean, provides an option for financial resources, and could be a customer for future Turkish defense products.

But I guess these "patriotic" workers would gladly work for.......USA and Europe on joint-projects where Turkey is a smaller/less respected ally :lol::lol::lol:

What am I missing?

Are you actually trolling or what? First off, I can't believe you're insulting our Tank factory workers. Do you actually think you know better than them? Lmao. Absolutely ridiculous and disrespectful.

You're asking what's the problem with Qatar.. hmm I wonder.... They host the biggest US military base in the middle east for one. Also, despite their problems with Saudi Arabia, they are once again bed buddies (they had joint drills recently). Both Saudi Arabia and the USA sponsor PKK/YPG...

What makes you think that Qatar is 100% trustworthy? Just as one of the spokesmen at the factory said, we can not trust them. Just like any other Arab country they will switch sides once daddy Israel tells them to.

As for Ethem Sancak, the owner of BMC.. He is legitimately my least favorite person in Turkish defense-politics. I may dislike Erdogan, however he is an angel compared to Ethem Sancak. I can not trust him no matter what. How dare he insult the entire Turkish race.
Are you actually trolling or what? First off, I can't believe you're insulting our Tank factory workers. Do you actually think you know better than them? Lmao. Absolutely ridiculous and disrespectful.

You're asking what's the problem with Qatar.. hmm I wonder.... They host the biggest US military base in the middle east for one. Also, despite their problems with Saudi Arabia, they are once again bed buddies (they had joint drills recently). Both Saudi Arabia and the USA sponsor PKK/YPG...

What makes you think that Qatar is 100% trustworthy? Just as one of the spokesmen at the factory said, we can not trust them. Just like any other Arab country they will switch sides once daddy Israel tells them to.

As for Ethem Sancak, the owner of BMC.. He is legitimately my least favorite person in Turkish defense-politics. I may dislike Erdogan, however he is an angel compared to Ethem Sancak. I can not trust him no matter what. How dare he insult the entire Turkish race.
No one is trustworthy unless is trusted and tested first

None of the big defense companies are 100% state owned even in the west

Besides the factory was leased not sold it's just like renting an apartment

and hey Turkey is buying F-35 but US is supporting PKK so why do you expect Qatar to cut US ties to be our ally

Turkey does trade and joint drills with Saudi Arabia too so your point is BS

Or do you expect each country to only have one friend lol
No one is trustworthy unless is trusted and tested first

None of the big defense companies are 100% state owned even in the west

Besides the factory was leased not sold it's just like renting an apartment

and hey Turkey is buying F-35 but US is supporting PKK so why do you expect Qatar to cut US ties to be our ally

Turkey does trade and joint drills with Saudi Arabia too so your point is BS

Or do you expect each country to only have one friend lol

I would like to answer you when the top western defence companies/factories etc. are ''sold'' to China or Russia after a $500 million ''gift'' to a person in charge; and later the west buys indigenously-developed weapons produced in those factories by China or Russia.

Turk Telekom, Tekel, Seka ...

The Arab League, the stance of Arab countries against Turkey, Qatari drill in southern Cyprus etc. make them not ally of Turkey but a political party in Turkey; when the ruling party changes what will happen then?

Many more things to say, but not the place to talk about.
I would like to answer you when the top western defence companies/factories etc. are ''sold'' to China or Russia after a $500 million ''gift'' to a person in charge; and later the west buys indigenously-developed weapons produced in those factories by China or Russia.

Turk Telekom, Tekel, Seka ...

The Arab League, the stance of Arab countries against Turkey, Qatari drill in southern Cyprus etc. make them not ally of Turkey but a political party in Turkey; when the ruling party changes what will happen then?

Many more things to say, but not the place to talk about.
Great I say I believe you lol

Then why is Turkey doing military drills with the Arab league/ selling them weapons / wait is Turkey supporting the PKK ??

Those are countries they need to deal with friends and enemies alike there is no such thing as breaking all ties

you seriously compared US ties with Russia and china as similar to Turkey ties with Qatar

You need help my friend
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Great I say I believe you lol

Then why is Turkey doing military drills with the Arab league/ selling them weapons / wait is Turkey supporting the PKK ??

you seriously compared US ties with Russia and china as similar to Turkey ties with Qatar

You need help my friend

I just realized you an Arab, that now makes sense about your reaction.

However, I repeat the stance of Arab countries/The Arab League against Turkey, Qatari drill in southern Cyprus, Arab support to PKK terrorism in Syria etc. make them not ally of Turkey but a political party in Turkey; when the ruling party changes what will happen then is the question that needs a logical answer not a cheap justification attempt.

P.s: I am out as the thread and the current issue is more important than feeding trolls.
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I just realized you an Arab, that now makes sense about your reaction.

However, I repeat the stance of Arab countries/The Arab League against Turkey, Qatari drill in southern Cyprus, Arab support to PKK terrorism in Syria etc. make them not ally of Turkey but a political party in Turkey; when the ruling party changes what will happen then is the question that needs a logical answer not a cheap justification attempt.

Nope I'm not an Arab tho even if I was I wont even dare defend countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE for what they are doing

I'm not defending the Arab league I'm just quite shocked that you don't see Qatar as an ally because it has relations with the US

Those are countries they gotta deal on several dimensions in several directions THERE is no such thing as break all ties just to satisfy another

Even the US works with Russia in some areas

The US TRADE with China is in Billions so wake up

Entrusting the Tank factory to the Qataris, is wrong and totally dumb.

Defence Industry and all other State own companies need to stay in TURKISH Hands.

The factory is in Turkish hands it is leased what is wrong with that ??

An isolated alone defense industry that is just in growing stage wont survive at all

If the defense industry is mature and developed I would 100%agree but there would still be Joint ventures and agreements wth

If we go by this mentality then all turkish defense sector is owned by foreigners
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