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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Anyone even remotely familiar with Turkey's defense industry knows that making engines is THE problem when it comes to Turkey.
I spoke generaly.Maybe we cant produce but some one can make 1500hp electrical engine.But nobody can produce super compact batteries.in the whole world main problem is power source.
We can always dream :) Besides, it is not a far future. Electric cars were only a vision 10 years ago. Now, it has become a reality and in 10-15 years, you won't even be able to purchase an internal combustion engine in most European countries. Technology is catching up really fast. We will most definetely see electric-powered tanks in our lifetimes and perhaps in less than 10 years. Mark my words :).

When i said reality i was talking about ALTAY MBT. We need domestic engine asap, doesn't matter diesel or electric powered
What about gas-turbin engines for tanks? Is there any domestic engine project ? Features of gas-turbin engines they run with jet-fuel as well gasoline , genareting more power very silently.
Thats why T-80 tanks stiil occupy %50 of operational russians tank inventory.
And legendary M1abrams runs with gas-turbinr engines .
What about gas-turbin engines for tanks? Is there any domestic engine project ? Features of gas-turbin engines they run with jet-fuel as well gasoline , genareting more power very silently.
Thats why T-80 tanks stiil occupy %50 of operational russians tank inventory.
And legendary M1abrams runs with gas-turbinr engines .
Russia doesnt use T-80... despite it being a better tank than T-90.

Because its too expensive to produce and operate.

Pakistan swapped the gas turbines for diesel in upgraded T-80UD.
What about gas-turbin engines for tanks? Is there any domestic engine project ? Features of gas-turbin engines they run with jet-fuel as well gasoline , genareting more power very silently.
Thats why T-80 tanks stiil occupy %50 of operational russians tank inventory.
And legendary M1abrams runs with gas-turbinr engines .
They are very effective in cold conditions. Difficult to maintain and not suited for hot desert areas.
What about gas-turbin engines for tanks? Is there any domestic engine project ? Features of gas-turbin engines they run with jet-fuel as well gasoline , genareting more power very silently.
Thats why T-80 tanks stiil occupy %50 of operational russians tank inventory.
And legendary M1abrams runs with gas-turbinr engines .

They also leave a lot of heat signature and burn 3-4 times more fuel than diesel engine..
Oh please, post your source for AKKOR.
I can't post from mobile. Please read yesterdays tvit from sovalye347. He wrote that all (Sabra) M-60 T will be equipped until end of March with Zaslon . Akkor critical field tests are not completed.No misunderstanding, he didn't write that they failed but critical tests are ongoing and not finished.Regards
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I can't post from mobile. Please read yesterdays tvit from sovalye347. He wrote that all (Sabra) M-60 T will be equipped until end of March with Zaslon end Akkor critical field tests are not completed.

I tend to ignore Twitter statements, I was hoping maybe it was from and S&H, MSI or C4Defence magazines... Anyway thanks..
How many M60-T do we have left after we lost a number of them in Syria?
I tend to ignore Twitter statements, I was hoping maybe it was from and S&H, MSI or C4Defence magazines... Anyway thanks..

I also read about our tanks. They will be ready in March 2018. But AKKOR issue , i dont know. Its been a while so i coudnt find the source.
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