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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Source: @Combat-Master

Im assuming the tank is moving?
Again I mentioned that in previous comments, that if it was a requirement that Akkor can defeat the RPG30 then the solution is possible through software.

You are only reading some of my posts, then trying to argue with me with the same points that I myself said in the previous page mate......

As for ignoring the precursor charge, possible, but if the precursor hits the vehicle as the APS tries to engage the actual threat then the shock of the hit could disrupt the accuracy of the APS, there is no margin for deviations in angle or timing when it comes to APS. The Israeli method is better, take them both out.

Brother, Akkor project has been commenced in 2008 by Aselsan own sources and Aselsan engineers carried the project to a maturity level and proved it in trials against LAW munition in 2010. They have introduced their capabilities to Under-secretariat and reached an official deal to meet the new requirements at serial production variant under the name of Akkor and Akkor-lite.

It seems that The official Akkor project foreseen an engagement capability against well-known munitions to be fired from a distance of 50m. It is even clear that The introduction video points out the engagement capability of system against rockets (RPG illustration) fired from close ranges (50m limit).

RPG-7 takes 50m distance 550-600ms
LAW munition takes 50m distance 330ms

We consider that Akkor with current engineering demonstration model can engage both of them. If SSM put a signature with Aselsan for a new development schedule and budget worth 54 million Euro to upgrade in order to perform better than current engineering variant, It means Akkor aims better reaction time against better munitions such as RPG-27 to be fired at a distance of 50m. Engineer talking in video pointed out a reaction time under 300ms but did not give an exact targeted data.
When Altay goes into serial production is it going to have Akkor onboard and if no can it be added after giving Altay to the military? Can Akkor be integrated in tanks that are being used at the moment like our M60(T), the Leo and the Leo 2? What do you think about Akkor Lite? Do you think that Akkor Lite will be integrated in our future vehicle and APC configurations?
"The Altay Project 2nd Period Mass Production Project involves the mass production of 250 tanks and their integrated logistical support activities. The Altay tank project, in which national resources and opportunities were used, was designed in relation to the Turkish Armed Forces'(TSK) needs."

How long will it take to produce 250 altay? And when does the 3rd period of mass production start?
When Altay goes into serial production is it going to have Akkor onboard and if no can it be added after giving Altay to the military? Can Akkor be integrated in tanks that are being used at the moment like our M60(T), the Leo and the Leo 2? What do you think about Akkor Lite? Do you think that Akkor Lite will be integrated in our future vehicle and APC configurations?

Akkor or akkor lite will be enough even in Just limited numbers, because not all vehicles fight at frontlines. So when it become ready they must be order without lost anytime.
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