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Algeria cheated against Russia in world cup 2014 match

Who was behind that laser? That's messed up, indecent fan probably. Although didn't Algeria win by a couple points anyways?

it can be anybody...Algerians fans have never been known to use such devices..Since Russia take over Crimea (which is rightfully theirs) the EU, the United States and their Allies were not particularly happy with Putin's stand...Blaming Algerians as the sole culprits is indecent...
Algeria deserve the win.. they played better got more quality/capable team.
Both teams played well. and both deserve to advance....But lady luck and talent put Algeria over...that's football...



In Mecca

Algerian newspaper article on the subject...
By Salim Koudil

The goalkeeper of Russia Igor Afinkeev has pointed out twice in this world. The first time was in the first game of his team against Korea.The goal he conceded was totally his fault. On an innocuous hit a Korean striker Igor Afinkeev though it was well placed, let the ball slip through his fingers to the surprise of everyone, the first goalscorer. The second time was yesterday during the game against the Algeria capital. But this time it is his coach, Italian Fabop Cappelo, who came to make excuses, but not its incumbent keeper.Russian porter would have been so embarrassed by a laser pointer on the action and this is what would have bothered to intercept the center Brahimi had led the purpose of Slimani!

Capello can not find flaws in his team, nor admit that he face a good opponent. For him, the culprit, in addition to arbitration (as Turkish rather seemed disadvantage Algerian with a vicious arbitration), was none other than the laser! "This green light in the eyes of the net, this is not normal. I'm not looking for excuses. Ok for the defeat but not this way, "he has said at the end of the meeting. These statements Capello, who apparently wanted to justify his huge salary (he is the highest paid coach at the World, with an annual salary of $ 8 million), came out of the sporty and above can not explain the disappointment of his team .

Moreover, at the end of the match, the first question, or Igor Afinkeev, was far from the controversy. In his statement to hot at any moment he is back on the history of the laser. Instead he paid tribute to the Algerian team and speaks a deserved "What happened qualification? A goal. Algeria has excellent players and we made many mistakes. Let me put everything on the back - I do not care. Any result deserves respect. We are aware of the wave of criticism that awaits us. But it will hold good: strong people must roll with the punches. Do not pay attention to those who criticize us. We all have family, friends, we must continue to live and enjoy our careers as possible. The good thing in all this? We played a World Cup. And it is not given to everyone, "he has told the Russian daily "Kommersant" . Even the secretary general of the Russian football federation, Anatoli Vorobiev has not gone in the direction of Capello. In a statement to the Russian site Sports.ru , he admitted the "reality" of the game, but not the extras "The reality is that we are no better than Algeria, and the risk of losing there. Recognize it. "

The Egyptians also

This is not the first time that Algerians are accused of using the laser, and how. Number 2009, a few days before the explosive return was going to play in Cairo between Egypt and Algeria on behalf of qualifying for the 2010 World Cup match, the atmosphere among local fans was electric. Conditioned by the power of Mubarak, Egyptian hammered everywhere that leg between the two teams, Algeria won (June 7, 2009, 3-1 in Blida stadium Tchaker) thanks to lasers pointed at the guard Pharaohs Al-Hadary!

For them it was about revenge. They enjoy trying to destabilize Chaouchi keeper in the second leg, played Nov. 14, 2009, but without effect. If pure Al Hadary there were no pictures as "evidence", lasers at the Cairo Stadium are still available on the web (see video)

Since the Egyptians obviously enjoyed this episode that the laser beams have become the symbol of their revolution. The images of the protests in Tahrir Square (June 2013) against former President Morsi demonstrated, as shown in this video:

Russia & Co

The use of laser projectors of different colors is common in forums around the world for several years. Returning to Russia, the local federation banned, as of September 2011, their use before, during and after the meetings. A decision "to preserve the players vile tricks some pseudo-supporters, whose actions endanger the health of players and violate the principles of fair play" as shown at the time in the press of the proceedings Federal Russian.

In other countries, there are many stories of laser. Thus, in September 2012 during the match France - Belarus (3-1) in Paris, while the Belarusian Sergey Kornilenko was preparing to take a penalty, he was targeted by a green laser came forums. He missed his shot (but one of his teammates had followed the action and scored the goal) and some had explained the laser effect. Another example, one that took place in Brazil in October 2012. During local league match between Flamengo and Bahia, a supporter from the stands, had referred players with a laser.Services have heckled on site and took him out of the stadium. France has also not been spared. In October 2012, during the impact OM-PSG (2-2), three Marseille fans were arraigned directly forums Velodrome. They were identified through video and were sentenced after a fine and a suspended sentence.


In the settlement of Fifa on the safety and security of stages, and among the "structural and technical measures", it is stated that for security checks must prohibit access to the stadium to any person "in possession of any other dangerous object that can not, for legal reasons, be brought into the stadium, including aggressive or racist banners and laser pointers. " However, the world football body seems to take seriously the "case" of Algeria-Russia match. The General Secretary of FIFA, Jerome Valcke, said Friday that the user of the laser was sought ... but said " We have a picture but the quality is too poor to recognize " while stating " We can not stop a game with a laser to find the user " .

@ SalimKoudil
LASERGATE ! - Liberté Algérie , Quotidien national d'information

its sure not Russian team or fans
iiit can be anybody, Russians included...!
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Both teams played well. and both deserve to advance....But lady luck and talent put Algeria over...that's football...



In Mecca

Great photos and videos Ceylal. I can tell you that the entire Arab world were Algerians that night as was evident by the events that night.

That video from Makkah is great! There were such scenes across the Arab world, Europe etc. Everywhere where people from the Arab world live but of course the celebrations were the biggest and longest in Algeria itself for obvious reasons! I saw photos from celebrations in Algiers! Very nice.

You know what? Germany on paper looks very difficult (some pessimists would even say impossible) but if Algeria shows the same determination, fight and quality than everything is possible.

Germany are not that great in terms of defending. There will be chances. One just has to take them!

In any case this World Cup has already been a big success for Algeria! So everything else is just a big bonus!
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You know what? Germany on paper looks very difficult (some pessimists would even say impossible) but if Algeria shows the same determination, fight and quality than everything is possible.
Germany, is not what she was 4 years ago...They are determined to beat her and meet France to stick their thumb up Marie Lepen's ***...





it can be anybody...Algerians fans have never been known to use such devices..Since Russia take over Crimea (which is rightfully theirs) the EU, the United States and their Allies were not particularly happy with Putin's stand...Blaming Algerians as the sole culprits is indecent...

lol,western conspiracy to throw Russia out of the World Cup.

Anyway,Algeria was the better team throughout the World Cup,i saw them before in a friendly match against my country which they won 2-1 (but IMHO the score was unfair,they could have won by 2-3 goals) .Everybody was moaning here how a weak national team beat us but i said that Algeria has good,fast players and is anything but a weak team.I was right.Congrats to Algeria,altough i support Germany.
Although didn't Algeria win by a couple points anyways?

Not exactly, this game was make or break for both, with Russia having a mathematical advantage coming into the game.

At the onset of the match Russia had 2 options to qualify for 1/8 finals; Algeria had 1 option.

Russia could either win or draw - either way they would have qualified for the 1/8 finals.

Algeria had to win to qualify. Drawing would not have sufficed.

Let's do the maths:

Prior to the the game:
Algeria: 0 games won, 1 game drawn, 1 game lost = 1 point
Russia: 0 games won, 2 games drawn, 0 game lost = 2 points

If Russia had drawn: 0 games won, 3 games drawn, 0 games lost = 3 points
If Russia had won: 1 game won, 2 games drawn, 0 games lost = 5 points

If Algeria had drawn: 0 games won, 2 games drawn, 1 game lost = 2 points
If Algeria had won (which is what happened): 1 game won, 1 game drawn, 1 game lost = 4 points

2014 FIFA World Cup™ - Group H - FIFA.com

For me, the question is wether or not the Russian goalie was blinded during the flight of the ball. On the video posted in this thread, prior to the Algerian free kick the laser pointer shines on the goalies chest and only once glazes his eyes...

But anyway, wasn't it Stalin who always said something like "nobody judges the winner" ? :lol: It's a common proverb in Russia IIRC.

Stop judging the Algerians Sennheiser :lol:

Actually I was also SURPRISED by the laser incident, I want to know how did the FIFA officials let someone take it to the stadium on the first place?

But I think the blame lies with the GK as well, why din't he complained to the referee & refused to play until it stops?

Agreed. With regards to the GK's behavior "silence is consent". That simple.
Because I am an Arab. That's why genius. You support your own rather than foreigners. Completely normal. Why don't you support Algeria instead of Russia? Also would you support Belarus or Zimbabwe? Belarus obviously which in your twisted logic is racism.:lol:

That's because you are trolling and because that joke always works.

They did not lose and I don't think that domestic violence (which is present everywhere) is a lesser problem in Russia rather the opposite given the alcoholism.

There is even a whole Wikipedia page about it. Interesting:

Domestic violence in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the difference is in russia domestic violence is not except culturally while in many arab countries its okay to hit your women or children its even demanded from you because of honor etc. You have even honor killings for women who have sex with other men.
An Oum Durman redo? Algerian authorities mulling the idea of an air brigde to Porto Allegre to ferry fans for the derby Algeria-Germany..
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Well, the Arabs always do that in Asia during World cup qualification matches so I am not surprised that
the Algerian Arabs also did that. You should be grateful that Russia doesn't play in Asia.

Japan vs Jordan

Germany will send them back to alegeria.

it is just a game..but the idea of ferrying fan has a different objective..
For Germany, we beat them in 82, and they are beatable this coming Monday...No matter what the results , it will be a display of a great football...
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