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Ahmadinejad roars Iran and Pakistan won’t be scared off

my source is sunnis off of the street. half the sunnis say that to your face. The only sunnis that haven't said this to me have been turks. Then there's youtube. I can list 500 video in 10 mins where 500 diff imams are saying shias are kafirs and shias should be killed blah blah

anyway, we've proven something today. Iran is the only country where seperate mosques aren't allowed and all people pray together. It's also the only muslim country where people aren't getting blown up (along with Turkey and a few other secular muslim majority nations).

Seems our laws are better.

You are wrong, i'm Sunni but i never saw Shias or Ismailis as non Muslims. Pakistan is a big country & have many diffrences in opinion, it is working very hard to create harmony among all Pakistanis.

BTW many regions in Pakistan also have common Mosque for Shias, Sunnis & Ismailis, i don't think it is some kind of law in Pakistan to not have Single Mosque for all sect.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3633725 said:
well you still failed to provide answers and im not resorting to personal attacks so please dont :angel:

Lets concentrate on ourselves first ! Our Ahmedis in Pakistan treated alright ? Are the Ismailis & the rest of the Muslim minority groups ? I don't care whether Sunnis are crucified in Iran...its not my problem !
You are wrong, i'm Sunni but i never saw Shias or Ismailis as non Muslims. Pakistan is a big country & have many diffrences in opinion, it is working very hard to create harmony among all Pakistanis.

BTW many regions in Pakistan also have common Mosque for Shias, Sunnis & Ismailis, i don't think it is some kind of law in Pakistan to not have Single Mosque for all sect.

No there isn't a law...we just don't care to regulate these things thats all !

Except in case of the Ahmedi thing...not even allowed to call a mosque a mosque or give the Adhan !
wth is all this ahmedi , ismaili whatever seriously whos keep making these . stop splitting it up into 30 things just 1 name . Muslim .

Except the Ahmedi thing ! Though I agree the State shouldn't have an opinion on that.
atleast u had your fun for good 40 minute or sumthing. no modz too they smoking weed.

Oh there are mods, but their fingers prolly hurt. They;ve banned at least 98 of his accounts. Don't understand why they just don't perm ban every single one.
wth is all this ahmedi , ismaili whatever seriously whos keep making these . stop splitting it up into 30 things just 1 name . Muslim .

yeah didn't u split this post up in to groups playing hide n seek. job well done. now pak n iran will trade forever.
wtf is a seperate mosque though?
Just a place where they don't let each other in?

Is that what they mean by sunni and shia mosques? lmao

and they want Iran to have this? lmaoooooo

Is this a joke? Can't believe they're serious.

Shows the difference between the two cultures.

Dear no offense intended but reality is that Iran & KSA has destroyed the social fabric of Pakistan in their struggle for influence, Many thing which don't happen in Iran & KSA happens in Pakistan. We have Shia Mosques - they call it Imam Bargah, we have Sunni Mosques, We have deobandi Mosques, We have Wahabi Mosques and what not - it's not that they are restricted to go into other mosques but foreign funded mullahs had brain washed people that if you pray behind an Imam who believe in different sect than God will not accept your prayer and it's unfortunate reality. And this thing is not happening in Iran nor in KSA - I know the incidents where people went to KSA for hajj but the sunni mullahs who were leading them asked to pray behind him not behind wahabi Imam of Kabah otherwise their Hajj will not be accepted. In short - In Pakistan sunnis are not the sunnis which you have in mind and shias are not the shias which you have in mind.
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