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A Take On Communal Violence In India

Tell me, what is wrong in vegetarianism? Ok, just forget I asked that. Who am I even asking?
Nothing . Being muslim and being non vegetarian is mutually exclusive . A muslim only be muslim if he follow the 5 tenets apart from that no requirement if a muslim does not follow that he or she is not muslim. So a vegetarian can be a muslim .
Maybe you're right but is the burqa graph (percentage of burqa wearing women) is on the rise continuously? Or is it a up and down trend with some local peaks in the graphs (say mid-2000s) then a downward trend?

I haven't done a trend analysis. It just crept up on us.
I think most communal violence in India stems from negative perceptions of the other's food habits.

The communal violence and religious segregation problems are quite serious in vegetarian Hindu/Jain dominated states such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttarakhand, parts of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka etc. These states are dominated by militant vegetarian communities that don't even eat eggs, and some won't even eat onion/garlic etc. Many Hindu/Jain religious customs practiced in these states revolve around ritual fasting, temple visits.

Many Hindus who do eat meat in Northern India (only chicken and mutton at the most) are often against Halal slaughter. They think it's unnecessarily cruel, and a bloodsport. Some Hindus have lately started eating pork to antagonize Muslims although they never did in the past as pork is just not a part of mainstream Indian cuisine. It's a whole new rabbit hole of poison which is compounding each year, each day BJP remains in office the problem is getting worse. At least when Congress was in power, these negative beliefs remained buried in one's closet. Now it's all out in the open.

On the other hand, Indian Muslims must sacrifice a goat for Qurbani (they are unable to sacrifice a cow, bull or calf anymore but I guess, buffalo is still legal) - the Hindus fail to understand the significance of this rituals, and why Muslims are doing it. They haven't heard of Abraham or Ishmael, or any other stories. So when Pakistani posters on here talk about those things, it bounces right off their heads.

According to Hindu theology as practised in these states, only Asuras (demons) will consume meat with so much gusto. That is the exact thought process that governs the minds of tens of millions of Hindus, all of whom are BJP voters = their core base.

In the worldview of such Hindus, the Muslims are committing and accumulating serious sins by murdering the animals for their rituals. The word "non vegetarian" in India is not just used for food habit preferences but also a way of life which is unclean, and impure. According to the communalized vegetarian Hindus and Jains of Brahmin, Kshtriya, and Banya class, Muslims since they must eat non-vegetarian, are unclean and impure by definition. Amusingly, p*rn videos are often labelled as "non-veg videos".

Never mind that in states such as West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, etc. many Hindus eat non-vegetarian products. Also all tribals in India eat meat. The real percentage of vegetarians in India is not more than 40%, but that is also the BJP's vote share.

So, basically India is being held hostage by the most rabid supporters of PETA = on steroids.

@xeuss your thoughts on this? Don't have to answer if this topic cuts very close, and brings back any unpleasant memories.

I strongly disagree with this viewpoint. I believe that food habits are cited as a justification for the hate that exists within Hindu society.

@masterchief_mirza and I have had some discussions on this and the hate, he can perhaps better explain (okay I am being lazy here)

I'm not a demographic expert but unlike UP I do not think Maharashtra has a big Muslim rural component. Its mainly urban and semi urban.

In most places, Muslims in India are found in urban areas. It is only in Bengal and Assam where they form the rural basis of population as well.

Its a recent phenomenon. Last 10-15 years.

I was a medical student in the early 90s here. A burqa was a rare sight. Now they are all over.

Culture is always evolving. Fashion is always evolving. Stop living in the past and embrace the future.
I strongly disagree with this viewpoint. I believe that food habits are cited as a justification for the hate that exists within Hindu society.

@masterchief_mirza and I have had some discussions on this and the hate, he can perhaps better explain (okay I am being lazy here)

In most places, Muslims in India are found in urban areas. It is only in Bengal and Assam where they form the rural basis of population as well.

Culture is always evolving. Fashion is always evolving. Stop living in the past and embrace the future.

UP. North Bihar (only Bihar now). Haryana too I think (farm labour).
63% of UP Muslims are rural, which should not be a surprise given that 77 percent of the total population is rural in that state, I think Bihar would be same or worse.

Okay I think there is a disagreement on how I understand rural and how the govt classifies them. The govt considers smaller towns like Sitapur, Amethi etc to be rural. But I consider whether the Muslims are living in a village setting and engaged in economic activity such as farming, rearing etc.
Mujhe veggies nahi pasand(phr bhi khaleta hun). Mei Chicken and Beef khata hun shoq se. Mutton bhi nahi pasand(albatta pulao ya biryani me khaleta hun)

As I generally do to get chased out by both sides, I hate chicken and mutton, and only like pork and beef. (where's that dratted suit of armour when you need it?)
Okay I think there is a disagreement on how I understand rural and how the govt classifies them. The govt considers smaller towns like Sitapur, Amethi etc to be rural. But I consider whether the Muslims are living in a village setting and engaged in economic activity such as farming, rearing etc.
Sitapur is considered an urban agglomeration of over 1 lakh population and Amethi of 13849 (urban only).

For farming and rearing, many Muslims are still engaged in that too, I personally know many whose extended family in villages are engaged in farming.

Musslims aren't safe in Yogi's UP or in Bihar. They need to move to Bengal or closer to Kashmir or the South towards Kerala and TN. And make alliances with local state Hindu leaders not from BJP like Mamta Banerjee or MK Stalin
Not that simple, dude.
You Muslims can not sit so defenceless. Make alliances with Naxals or Maoists, make alliances with whoever. Get out of the BIMARU state, get a little inconspicuous. It's not going to be easy but migrate to places that are strategically safe for you. These BJP thugs rely on fear and majority power.
Musslims aren't safe in Yogi's UP or in Bihar. They need to move to Bengal or closer to Kashmir or the South towards Kerala and TN. And make alliances with local state Hindu leaders not from BJP like Mamta Banerjee or MK Stalin

Brilliant idea. Now let's work on the logistics. Are there buyers for all Muslim properties in UP and Bihar? It would be a distressed sale, so we would get pennies on the dollar. The current economic climate will make things worse.

Secondly, do the "safe" states have enough infrastructure to support an influx for 100M muslims?

You Muslims can not sit so defenceless. Make alliances with Naxals or Maoists, make alliances with whoever. Get out of the BIMARU state, get a little inconspicuous. It's not going to be easy but migrate to places that are strategically safe for you. These BJP thugs rely on fear and majority power.

Another brilliant idea. How would this alliance work for a Muslim that lives in Meerut? Will the Maoists from the jungles of Jharkhand magically appear in Meerut when he rubs a lamp? How many would come with one lamp rub? 2? 4?

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