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A Take On Communal Violence In India

Still dowry. Marriage should happen on equal terms not because of some ridiculous payment.
It's positive discrimination at work. You're just some pseudo-liberal who beats genuine progressives with the "UCC" stick. We know this tactic around here. But feel free to humour us.
Seriously, no onion and garlic is brutal.

I was told by one Gujurati friend that the reasoning is that they are considered like animals due to having layers of skin.

For a Pakistani who eats tandoori chicken, tikke, or beef seekh kabab, always with onion drizzled with lemon. That lifestyle is simply not possible.

Your Gujarati friend is full of it.

The Brahmins don't eat onions and garlic because these belong to the third category of food, tamasik, and overheat the system, and create all kinds of negative feelings.

Nirmala Sitharaman being the *** she is said at a time when onion prices had gone through the roof that her family was able to get along without the stuff without any difficulty, thereby enfuriating that half of the population that was not rolling on the floor with laughter at her incredible tactlessness.

The Jains don't eat anything grown underground because of the fear that they might kill some insects unknowingly. There is a special diet provision known as Jain vegetarian, and looking after them is pure hell.
Poona has an "old" settled Muslim population, unlike areas like Mumbra which are pure refugees from Gujarat.

These are girls born and brought up in a big metro. And a very cosmo liberal one too.
But that doesn't mean there have been no migration, they could have been an addition to the older settlement.

From what I have observed in my anecdotal experience, daughters are more likely to leave burqa (when they go to school, colleges or work) if their mother used to wear it but never that daughter wore while mother did not.
Maybe, I am looking at a micro-trend here.
I know a Gujarati Hindu girl based in the UK. She married a Pakistani, and told me he converted to vegetarianism for her. So, definitely exceptions exist among Pakistan.
That would be very funny though.

Not so. I know a couple of Muslim vegetarians, very normal in other ways, but clearly preferring this diet. Nothing wrong with them medically, btw.
What is UC ?
Upper caste

And sad about this case, especially because the woman didn't approach the police despite being educated. That is why I say that in India the so-called educated system hasn't liberated people from old socio-economic oppression and injustices.
They have lessened but not to the degree, we can stop talking about.
Yeah "good luck" with dowry , widow burning, caste system , drowning female infants in milk, forcing people what to eat and the extreme mysoginy plaguing Indian society

That's a lot of progress to catch up with.
Most of these don't even happen. But if it makes you happy, keep on believing on that. We'll definitely get rid of all these things if they are still occurring in rare places. But unlike you guys, we admit there's a problem and try to work on it. That's the biggest difference between you and me. And time will tell who will progress faster. Certainly.
Was feeling too unmotivated to post anything but I agree with Prashant here.

@jamahir @Joe Shearer That's what I was talking about.

No problem with that. Waqt waqt ki baat hai. When I shifted to Madras/Chennai in 1981, no decent female would dress in anything but a sari (early 20s onwards) or a half-sari, a pavade. If you land up in Channai now, as I did after about a decade or so, you will be stunned: EVERYBODY is in a salwar-kameez (maamis excepted; they're too old to change).

He doesn't know the proper reason. According to ayurveda there are three types of foods

1. Satvik (Food of the Brahmins) Fruits from upper part of tree, milk and milk by products come under this this type of food is good for scholars as it won't create anxiety or tension in body.

2. Rajasik( Food of the warriors) Intoxicating drinks , nerve stimulating drinks come under this .

3. Tamasik( Food of the lower castes) Meat, food of underground( tubers, onion , garlic),hard drinks these foods bring negative character in humans.

Oops. Sorry. Hadn't seen this before posting.

He doesn't know the proper reason. According to ayurveda there are three types of foods

1. Satvik (Food of the Brahmins) Fruits from upper part of tree, milk and milk by products come under this this type of food is good for scholars as it won't create anxiety or tension in body.

2. Rajasik( Food of the warriors) Intoxicating drinks , nerve stimulating drinks come under this .

3. Tamasik( Food of the lower castes) Meat, food of underground( tubers, onion , garlic),hard drinks these foods bring negative character in humans.

Get to the point: Tamasik builds L U S T.
But that doesn't mean there have been no migration, they could have been an addition to the older settlement.

From what I have observed in my anecdotal experience, daughters are more likely to leave burqa (when they go to school, colleges or work) if their mother used to wear it but never that daughter wore while mother did not.
Maybe, I am looking at a micro-trend here.

I do not agree. There are increasingly many Muslim families who will make small girls also wear some type of head covering getup (the technical names evade me).

Their mothers would have been small girls in the early 90s or not even born.

At a time when Poona hardly you saw a burqa. Max you would see those floral things Bohri ladies wear.

Its a bit of a stretch to hypothesise that all of them came from surrounding small villages.

I'm not a demographic expert but unlike UP I do not think Maharashtra has a big Muslim rural component. Its mainly urban and semi urban.
No problem with that. Waqt waqt ki baat hai. When I shifted to Madras/Chennai in 1981, no decent female would dress in anything but a sari (early 20s onwards) or a half-sari, a pavade. If you land up in Channai now, as I did after about a decade or so, you will be stunned: EVERYBODY is in a salwar-kameez (maamis excepted; they're too old to change).

Oops. Sorry. Hadn't seen this before posting.

Get to the point: Tamasik builds L U S T.
Yup garlic is great food to increase libido.
I agree with the pajeet posters here that Indian Muslims need to progress. The fact that we are so safely sitting in our country, free from pajeet overtures is because 80 years back a few modern educated men like Quaid e Azam and Iqbal took the reigns of our community and worked towards our safety. The regressive Mullahs were opposing it then too. Indian Muslims need reformists voices within them to throw off this yoke of Hindu Brahmin hegemony off them.
Reported for calling Pajeet.
I agree with the pajeet posters here that Indian Muslims need to progress. The fact that we are so safely sitting in our country, free from pajeet overtures is because 80 years back a few modern educated men like Quaid e Azam and Iqbal took the reigns of our community and worked towards our safety. The regressive Mullahs were opposing it then too. Indian Muslims need reformists voices within them to throw off this yoke of Hindu Brahmin hegemony off them.
The liberal muslims in India are just a mouth piece of Sanghis

me he converted to vegetarianism for her.
I do not agree. There are increasingly many Muslim families who will make small girls also wear some type of head covering getup (the technical names evade me).

Their mothers would have been small girls in the early 90s or not even born.

At a time when Poona hardly you saw a burqa. Max you would see those floral things Bohri ladies wear.

Its a bit of a stretch to hypothesise that all of them came from surrounding small villages.

I'm not a demographic expert but unlike UP I do not think Maharashtra has a big Muslim rural component. Its mainly urban and semi urban.
Maybe you're right but is the burqa graph (percentage of burqa wearing women) is on the rise continuously? Or is it a up and down trend with some local peaks in the graphs (say mid-2000s) then a downward trend?

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