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80 years old Hindu man beaten for eating in Ramazan

The constable should be punished for that. Such actions defame the Muslims and the country. Islam teaches us tolerance and care for others be it a Muslim or non-Muslim.
Don't people break their fast in the evening anyways? He was eating at 6 in the evening.
I don't know what's the Iftar time in Pakistan, anyway this was a brutal act and culprit must be punished.
This is not the Targeted action against a aged Pakistani HINDU As Played in India by extremist Hindu shivesena, bajarangdal against Minorities.
this is limited behavior of Police against citizens need to be corrected by behavior education .

That policeman was not even on duty, he was on leave and visiting a different place. The incident is what it is..
Policeman arrested for allegedly torturing elderly Hindu man in Ghotki

Pictures of the brutal torture went viral on social media as people called for justice for the old citizen. ─ Photo by author

GHOTKI: A police constable in Ghotki, who reportedly tortured an aged Hindu man for selling edibles before Iftar, was arrested by police following a social media campaign calling for justice for the old man.

According to police, a cop named Ali Hassan – posted in Ghotki district's Hayat Pitafi town – was arrested on charges of torturing and injuring Gokal Das, an octogenarian.

SSP Ghotki Masood Bangash told Dawn that a First Information Report (FIR) had been registered in Jarwar police station under Sections 337, 504 and 506/2 of the Pakistan Penal Code against the policeman for assaulting the senior citizen.

The complainant in the case is Vindod Kumar, grandson of victim Gokal Das.


The cop Ali Hassan under police custody in Ghotki.─ photo by author

The police officer said the unfortunate incident, which drew everyone's attention, took place on Friday.

As pictures of Das showing his torture marks went viral on social media, Inspector General Sindh A.D. Khawaja also took notice of the incident, ordering immediate action.

A number of rights activists, while talking to Dawn, lauded the IG's quick response and demanded an exemplary punishment for the accused cop.

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari, sister of PPP co-chairman Bilawal Bhutto, also tweeted about the arrest of the policeman.
Justice served
Scumbag probably wouldn't hesitate in taking bribe in the month of Ramazan yet trying to teach morals to others.
Whether the victim is Hindu or Muslim is not the question.... no aged person deserves this kind of treatment.
The Hindu community in this case should have got hold of the culprit and serve him justice there and then.
These kind of people are a disgrace to the uniform, religion and country.
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Wow. Those policemen who were beating him at that time mist have thought themselves the highest of momins despite the fact that in roza you are absolutely forbidden to even raise your voice in anger or use slurs bcz it breaks the fast and the fast becomes meaningless much less beating somebody up. In Islamic tenents even in a state of war we are not allowed to hurt an elderly so how fan this be justified.

Why? Bcz you were so weak in your fast that you couldn't watch anybody else eat. If people are going to act like animals then its better they don't fast.

There is no set law in Pakistan that forbids publicly eating in ramzan however it is a social taboo ( which hold greater power than law in the subcontinent in some areas) ...

However I will say this that one incident doesn't mean a nation. These pigs that beat up the old men do not represent pakistan and I hope they get the worst of punishments bcz battery and assault are punishable by law.

Fasting is an act of worship were you abstain from all sins and anger and hurting others. Its to make us a better person.

I totally agree with your post. But I also want to correct you, public consumption of edibles during fasting hours is prohibited by law. I believe the law was introduced during Gen Zia-ul-Haq's tenure.
If one's faith is so unstable that he will get enticed by seeing someone eat , i dont think he will get the spiritual ( if anything exists like that) benefit that he is aiming for.

I disagree with what they do, but the mentality is they feel insulted if someone ate in front of them. For example, if someone at beef in fromt of you? Depends on persons tolerance level. This is not representative of Islam or Pakistan.

I totally agree with your post. But I also want to correct you, public consumption of edibles during fasting hours is prohibited by law. I believe the law was introduced during Gen Zia-ul-Haq's tenure.

Zia ul Haq hasnt done shit right.
Zia ul Haq hasnt done shit right.

Can't really generalize. Basically, I thought about the pros and cons of the law and concluded that it is a good law, a necessary law to teach our younger generation about our religion and our culture from a tender age. Image the state of mind of children when they see people eating and drinking out in the open in the month of Ramdhan. There is no negative side to the law either, if you want to eat then eat indoors, period.
It seems that the outcry has paid off....action has been taken against the policeman

From: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1189133001137464&id=774600765924025

BREAKING: Activism with content and cause always pays off! SSP Ghokti Bangash sb has taken action against the accused Ali Hassan Hyderani. An FIR # 26/2016 has also been lodged against police constable and he is in lockup PS Jarwar, Ghotki.

Thank you all for your support and standing with me for this genuine cause.
The administration and the People of Pakistan needs to be appreciated for their quick action against such a heinous crime, seems Pakistan is more acceptiable & understanding than the Hindu Hooligan senas
Can't really generalize. Basically, I thought about the pros and cons of the law and concluded that it is a good law, a necessary law to teach our younger generation about our religion and our culture from a tender age. Image the state of mind of children when they see people eating and drinking out in the open in the month of Ramdhan. There is no negative side to the law either, if you want to eat then eat indoors, period.

How do you conclude which Pakistani believes in which God?

The administration and the People of Pakistan needs to be appreciated for their quick action against such a heinous crime, seems Pakistan is more acceptiable & understanding than the Hindu Hooligan senas

At least they are not killing people for eating beef like in India.
How do you conclude which Pakistani believes in which God?

It's not about every one, it is about the massive majority of Muslims, like almost 90%. And the law does not prohibit anyone from eating, it just prohibits public eating. And even in that I am sure that there are concessions for children, elderly and the sick. A couple of years back I took the kids to the Zoo, during Ramdhan, and they were drinking water and eating things while we were fasting. Even if we weren't fasting, we wouldn't eat out of respect for the majority of Muslims who fast around us.

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