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Muslim techie beaten to death in Pune, 7 men of Hindu outfit held

In Pune: Beaten to death for sporting a beard
By Sapan Kapoor 27 minutes ago

Mohsin Mohammed Sadique Shaikh, a manager in the IT department of a textile firm in Pune. PHOTO: SCREENSHOT

Five years ago, in 2009, I was in Pune on an assignment. There, I decided to stay with my college friend, a Muslim, for a couple of days, for I thought it would be a good opportunity to revive old memories and spend some quality time together. But, providence had something else in store for us.

On a chilly, dank night while returning from a rotisserie on my friend’s motorcycle, we were stopped by a group of seven people with saffron headbands worn around their brows, armed with clubs, hockey sticks, knives and above all, a flag of a Hindu nationalist political outfit in Maharashtra.

“Jai Shree Ram,” roared one of the zealots.

My friend and I looked at each other; we knew something was amiss. Just one month ago, on November 26, 2008, Mumbai had witnessed a spectacular terrorist attack.

In an amiable vein, I asked them,

“What do you want from us, bhai? Why have you stopped us?”

Thereupon, a tall, thin man with a cadaverous face stepped forward and asked my name.

“Sapan Kapoor” I replied.

He then turned to my friend, Ghulam Ali and asked him,

“And what’s your name?”

I knew it was a ticklish situation and required a tactful handling, as a slightest mistake on our part could prove to be fatal for us. Before Ali could respond, I retorted without batting an eye,

“Why, he is Arvind. What do you want from us?”

At this juncture, I showed them my identity card and entreated to let us go. They seemed satisfied with my answer; Ali did not sport a beard and looked like a Hindu.

“Can we go now?” I asked them once again.

The zealot turned around and murmured something to his fellow ruffians in Marathi.

“You’re a North Indian, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Why, I am a Punjabi. Is that a crime?” I re-joined.

By this time, he had worked himself up into a fine lather and retorted in a fiery vein,

“Indeed, you North Indians have snatched the bread and butter of locals who are the sons of the soil. Why do you people come in throngs to Mumbai and Pune to steal our jobs?”

“Because I thought Mumbai and Pune were a part of India. After all, we are all Indians first. Aren’t we? Besides, I have not stolen any of your jobs since I do not work in Maharashtra. I have just come here for a couple of days and I shall return to New Delhi the day after tomorrow,” I replied.

While waving his club, the zealot exclaimed,

“Nay, we do not want you North Indians in Maharashtra. Go back to your states or we will kick you people out of here. Verily, I think you’re lying. You must have come here to look for a job. What of your friend, Arvind? He is also a North Indian. Does he work here?”

“Yes, he works here. Now what do you want from us?” I asked.

To this, he thundered,

“Hand over whatever money you have in your wallet and we shall let you go. Else, you will be taught a lesson tonight.”

At this moment, the scales fell from my eyes. In a soliloquy, I said to myself,

“So much for India first.”

But for Ali, I would have resisted any attempt to rob us of our money. I had Rs 2,000 in my wallet which I handed over at once and moved off without wasting any time, lest they should find out that Ali was not Arvind. It was a close call, indeed.

But these are dangerous times. Mohsin Mohammed Sadique Shaikh, a manager in the IT department of a textile firm in Pune, was not as fortunate as Ali. Shaikh’s only fault, perchance, was that he sported a beard. The 28-year-old young man was beaten to sodden pulp with hockey sticks near his residence in Pune on Monday night by a group of people allegedly belonging to a Hindu militant outfit, namely Hindu Rashtra Sena.

As per media reports, the police suspect that Shaikh was killed ‘randomly’ after rumours spread over an objectionable post on Facebook; he had nothing to do with the controversy. Shaikh’s cousin, Salman said that the victim and his roommate were returning home on their motorcycle after picking up dinner.

“A gang of youths blocked his way near the lane just behind his house and started hitting him with sticks. While the roommate managed to escape, they bludgeoned my cousin with stones and fled. He was lying covered in blood for about 15 minutes. His brother rushed there and took him to a nearby hospital where he died during treatment,” he said.

A total of 13 people associated with Hindu Rashtra Sena have been arrested in connection with the cold-blooded, nerve-racking murder of the techie. Alas, our people have gone mad.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised during his whirlwind election campaign that the people of India will witness ‘good days’ during his rule. He had said,

“Ache din aane wale hein”

(Good days are imminent)

Is this the beginning of ‘good days’, Modi ji?

Do we deserve this?

At this juncture, my mind dwells on the words of Shakespeare’s character Cassius in his play ‘Julius Caesar’,

And why should Caesar be a tyrant then?

Poor man! I know he would not be a wolf,

But that he sees the Romans are but sheep;

He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.

Those that with haste will make a mighty fire

Begin it with weak straws. What trash is Rome,

What rubbish, and what offal, when it serves

For the base matter to illuminate

So vile a thing as Caesar! But, O grief,

Where hast thou led me? I, perhaps, speak this

Before a willing bondman;

Nay, we do not deserve this. Modi must make good on his promises. Let there be peace at any cost.


Sapan Kapoor
A history buff and India-based journalist, Sapan blogs at sehar-anawakening.blogspot.in/
  • The views expressed by the writer and the reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of The Express Tribune.
ISI kidr se aa gai ISI na un hinduo ka bola ka maro isko ajeeb ho yaar tum to apni gulti maan be lea kro
Zarrar Accha,What about Balochistan.Are Indian Raw Agents coming to Balochistan and attacking your gas pipelines.Are Indians kidnapping Balochis,torturing,killing & dumping their bodies.Are Indians protesting on the streets of Quetta raising Baloch flags & demanding Indipendece. First of all India doesn't share any border with Balochistan nor the Militants come from Bombay,Bangalore,Amritsar.Actually the armed struggle was first started by Prince Karim,Nawab Akbar Bugti & now Brahma Bugti.One goes another comes
Then go to your spiritual guru or your Pandit in the mandhir and discuss that with them. I am not here to debate on the Bhagvad-Gita or Lord Krsna.

I don't have either and am neither seeking one. I just pointed out your logical fallacy where you assumed that Hindus will live by a book just like Muslims and Christians.
Zarrar Accha,What about Balochistan.Are Indian Raw Agents coming to Balochistan and attacking your gas pipelines.Are Indians kidnapping Balochis,torturing,killing & dumping their bodies.Are Indians protesting on the streets of Quetta raising Baloch flags & demanding Indipendece. First of all India doesn't share any border with Balochistan nor the Militants come from Bombay,Bangalore,Amritsar.Actually the armed struggle was first started by Prince Karim,Nawab Akbar Bugti & now Brahma Bugti.One goes another comes
kiddo first correct ur facts 23 tribes are balochi in balochistan and rest are pushtoons and punjabi settelers and siraki settlers and secondly arm struggle was not started by akbar bugti but by brahmdag bugti when he visited and given shield by RAW and for ur kind info out of these 23 tribes only three are creating problem Bugti , marri and mengal all the other tribes are pro Pakistan and support federal govt so ur BS is baseless regarding balochistan ... and now abot brahmdag yes u peeps don share border with Balochistan but u opened 17 consulate near pak afghan border ?? what are those for?? showing nude dance of indian girls to BLA members?? every sane man with a brain know why you opened those shit consulates near balochistan and tribal areas ...
The poor guy was killed for just looking a "Muslim", he had no connection to any of this. However I find your attitude troubling, even if anyone was involved in saying stuff about Sivaji or anyone else, are you suggestion that it ok for anyone to kill him/her? For that? Do you understand how closely your argument sounds to those made by terrorists as justification?

You are the one being silly here. The first case had nothing to do with the religion, the second was primarily & only about that. The chap was killed for being & looking a Muslim and for no other reason. How then does it not becoome news? And why are you indulging in the standard obfuscation that extremist nutters use? Makes as much sense as many Muslims claiming conspiracy, don't see you buying those arguments.

I did not know he was a innocent victim until later and when I found out I said that the culprits should be hanged but I want also the person who made these images to be caught also and booked on charges of inflaming communal tension because these types of cases can lead to riots and it won't be 1 victim but multiple deaths.

I can't believe this man was killed for wearing a skull cap why was he singled out? burkahs and skull caps are in every street you go to in India so why was this guy singled out? there is another story to this for sure

Who is balasaheb thakrey .. a saint or something? No Body gives a Phuk about thakreys outsides maharashtra
reality is far from what you are portraying here
notably it was Nikhil Tikone , a Hindu boy from Kasba Peth , Pune who uploaded defamatory pictures of Shivaji and Bal Thackeray under the name of ‘Nihal Khan’ which triggered violence against Muslim community in the city

Yes for many he is a modern day saint and is hero worshipped he is respected by many not just that are Marathi.
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well, RSS and Bajrang dal terrorists often attacks even for non-issues. They preach they have the tolerance unlike Abrahamic religions etc, but in reality they are very much affected by any remarks including neutral ones. banning of a book under pressure from Saffron terrorists is an example. talking particularly of Northern India.

Book was banned for misinformation on Hinduism and mockery images, just like the satanic verses was banned too.
Difficult. Hindus are like this only.

Incorrect. Satanic Verses remains banned. Penguin's books are not.

Penguin is a publisher I am referring to that 1 particular book that was recalled by the publisher, it has misinformation about Hinduism and gross images of our deities.

Anyone that talks shit about Hinduism or insults our religion or leaders will have to face the Sangh and the World Hindu council and believe me we have the power to stop anyone be it by force or by the pen.
Penguin is a publisher I am referring to that 1 particular book that was recalled by the publisher, it has misinformation about Hinduism and gross images of our deities.
I am perfectly aware of that. My point is that the book published and sold by Penguin(or Penguin's book) was not banned.
See, you need to understand the difference. If a muslim chap is walking down the street going about his business, why would I or anyone target him? No one in their right mind will target him. What has he done to me or others? Why would I want to harm him?

But if he uses media to pretend victim, take freebies what we work for, riot and kill our people and then make impractical demands like having a separate religious law for his variety, then naturally it would anger us.

None of us want to attack; but we don't back down from retaliation. That's all. Not offensive, but coldly defensive.

Mohsin Shiekh was just a random guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was killed for no reason. So your retaliation theory doesn't work here.

The murder of this techie guy was unfortunate and must be investigated with full justice. But posting wrong stuff about king Shivaji in Maharashtra is the most idiotic thing he did.

There is no proof that he said anything on FB or social media against any religion. He was killed for looking like a Muslim. You are mixing different issues to defend the murderers.

So basically, this man died because of an unfortunate folly of his.

No e didn't. He actually died because of religious bigots of the majority community of his country.
Coz Hinduism is a religion of sunshine and roses . Ya get what i mean ;)

I don't think it's right to blame religion for the acts of man. Man is a scoundrel that commits a crime and seeks refuge in religion/nationalism/ethnic etc.

But I do get your sarcasm.:D
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