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7 injured after F-35 jet crashes on aircraft carrier in South China Sea

If american jet crashes, chinese, Pakistani, indian or any other.. There shouldn't be mocking.

Accidents / Crashes do happen in aviation. Sometimes mechanical failure, sometimes human error.

A crash doesn't mean that aircraft is junk. we proudly claim F-16 as one of our best, which has installed fear in indians for decades.. F-35C is generation ahead of that plane by same makers.

As far as pilots training are concerned, A/Cs operations are many folds more trickier then normal land based ops. Even so, highly skilled / trained pilots do sometimes are involve in accidents / human error.

We lost our ace pilot in F-16 not long so ago near Shakarprian, Neither there was any lack of training nor the jet was junk.

Bottomline is Accidents can happen to anyone anytime. This proves nothing. Move on.
those clowns come to intimidate another country gazillion miles from their home with that kind of performance again and again. they deserve to be laughed at. :lol:
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Seven injured as US F-35 crashes in South China Sea​

A United States fighter F-35 has crashed on the deck of an aircraft carrier during operations in the South China Sea, injuring seven.
January 25, 2022 - 11:12AM

Seven people have been injured after a United States fighter jet crashed on the deck of an aircraft carrier during operations in the South China Sea on Monday.
“An F-35C Lightning II, assigned to Carrier Air Wing 2, had a landing mishap on deck while USS Carl Vinson was conducting routine flight operations in the South China Sea, January 24, 2022,” US Pacific Fleet public affairs said in a statement.

“The pilot safely ejected from the aircraft and was recovered via US military helicopter. The pilot is in stable condition.”

Seven sailors were injured – three required MEDEVAC to medical facility in Manila, Philippines, and four were treated on-board by medical personnel, the statement said.

“All three MEDEVACs are assessed as stable,” it said. “Of the four sailors treated by on-board medical, three have been released. Additional details and the cause of the in-flight mishap is under investigation.”

It’s unclear whether the aircraft fell into the sea as a result of the mishap or remained on the deck.

“The status of the aircraft is currently under investigation as are the factors involved in the mishap,” US Pacific Fleet spokeswoman Brenda Way told The War Zone.

It’s the second major accident involving an F-35 operating from an aircraft carrier.

In November, an F-35B Joint Strike Fighter crashed off the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth while conducting operations in the Mediterranean.

Extraordinary footage of the crash, taken from the carrier’s own surveillance cameras, was later leaked on social media.

It shows the jet approaching the ski jump as it prepares to take off, before slowing down as it reaches the ramp and toppling into the ocean.

The pilot can be seen ejecting from the $190 million aircraft just before it goes over the edge.

Early reports suggested the crash was the result of a plastic air intake cover mistakenly being left on one of the engines.

The UK Ministry of Defence said in December the wreckage had been pulled from the ocean, after an urgent recovery effort assisted by the US and Italian navies.

Defence officials had feared the jet’s stealth technology could fall into Russian hands.

The South China Sea is becoming F-35s' most favored crashing site.
Seems like the catapult failed. Pilot made good decision to eject in a split of a second.
In the final analysis, F-35 program has made lots of fat-wallets fatter. US military programs are places where you legally engage in corruption. Not that they do not deliver; but, comes at a greater cost and with little public interest in mind.
It appears the wreckage has not been recovered, sitting on the bottom of the South China Sea. This can get worse.
LOL, Last time US Navy came, their nuclear sub smashed into an undersea mountain, UK came to South China sea and go back with one F-35 short, it seems everytime they came, they'll leave some gifts here.

The South China Sea is becoming F-35s' most favored crashing site.

F-35 goes belly up in the South China Sea

View attachment 810965

But please don't confuse different events: This one is the wrecked RN/RAF F-35B, that crashed in the Mediterranean after that most stupid and simply embarrassing maintenance error.

The one that crashed recently was indeed in the SCS and according to the very credible Ward Carroll a so called "ramp strike"

By the way ... here is lays down on the bottom of the SCS!


So many request for caution over making unreasonable conclusions about the aircraft and sympathy for the terrorists. 🙄

I wonder where these concerned voices are whenever the monthly wave of noisy American "reports" about Chinese aircraft secretly crashing, failing, being defective and underpowered recurs, citing nothing more than random Twitter "experts" with no qualifications or even proximity to the field and other "anonymous sources", rather than authorative sources.
Since it says 7 other sailors were injured, I'm thinking the arresting cable snapped. Explains why other sailors got injured during landing.

This was my first thought too. Cable snapped, whipped around the deck, hit 7 people, plane then went overboard, pilot ejected at low altitude.
Since it says 7 other sailors were injured, I'm thinking the arresting cable snapped. Explains why other sailors got injured during landing.

If this is true, then those poor injured sailors will be disabled for life as they definitely would have some body part missing !! Real Bad !
If this is true, then those poor injured sailors will be disabled for life as they definitely would have some body part missing !! Real Bad !
There is a high chance that American limbs are missing in the South China Sea. Why is it ''real bad''?
There is a high chance that American limbs are missing in the South China Sea. Why is it ''real bad''?

You need to read my post again to comprehend what I said. 'Real Bad' as in 'Real Bad Injuries' to the sailor, meaning severe injuries with the likelihood of permanent disability.
Biggest? How big? let me tell you , it lasted for 2 weeks and it's over 40 years ago. How long did you stay in Afghanistan and how long ago you pulled out?
Afghanistan was on the other side of the world and we stay for 20 yrs. Viet Nam is next door to China and you got booted after two weeks. Not a combat record for you to boast about.
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