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7 injured after F-35 jet crashes on aircraft carrier in South China Sea

Why is it that every time an Allied naval comes to the region, it always ends up with some disaster or tragedy?

Very strange.
Why is it that every time an Allied naval comes to the region, it always ends up with some disaster or tragedy?

Very strange.
To display our incompetence so it will be easier for the other guy to shoot first.
Just come incomplete list of accidents happening in South China Sea and vicinity:

2021/10/2 USS Connecticut: collision with a sea mount
2017/8/21 USS Maccain: collision with a tanker
2017/8/1 USS Stethem: sailor missing
2017/6/17 USS Fizgerald: collision with a cargo ship
US sailors smoke too much weed, I mean it. Just look at how US sailers spent their vacation in Philippine, whores, drugs, gambling, gay sex, group sex, gun fighting in the bar with locals, and so on.
So many request for caution over making unreasonable conclusions about the aircraft and sympathy for the terrorists. 🙄

I wonder where these concerned voices are whenever the monthly wave of noisy American "reports" about Chinese aircraft secretly crashing, failing, being defective and underpowered recurs, citing nothing more than random Twitter "experts" with no qualifications or even proximity to the field and other "anonymous sources", rather than authorative sources.
When Chinese plane, crashed. The western lapdog will claim Chinese junk and made in China quality.

When western plane or indian plane crashed. These lapdog will claim crashed is common. Any airforce will crashed and claim crashed means they are training hard and not hangar queen. Nothing to gloat about.

See how these clown try to switch narrative to suit their humiliation. :lol:

US Navy Wants To Recover Jet Before China Does After It Crashes In South China Sea

So does it mean whoever gets it first can have it? It fell off the AC, so I think the Americans know the exact location and the AC is right there? How will China send a ship right next to the AC and pull it out of water?
When Chinese plane, crashed. The western lapdog will claim Chinese junk and made in China quality.
There is that joke about the metal 'Chinesium'... :enjoy:

When western plane or indian plane crashed. These lapdog will claim crashed is common. Any airforce will crashed and claim crashed means they are training hard and not hangar queen. Nothing to gloat about.
I cannot speak for India, but as someone who had experience with US military aviation, people the world over know that the US led the world in aviation and will continue to lead, and the US always shared the knowledge, so whenever we have a mishap, they understand that such comes with great experience and that the US will teach allies. When they see China in the same arena, they see a epigone, a copycat, an imitator, a plagiarist, and a wannabe. Sorry...:yu:

So does it mean whoever gets it first can have it?

It fell off the AC, so I think the Americans know the exact location and the AC is right there?
Not exact. But the general location will suffice.

How will China send a ship right next to the AC and pull it out of water?
It will have something to to with 'Chinese physics'. I will admit the US know nothing about 'Chinese physics' so you will have to ask the PDF Chinese members about that.

Anyway...The Carl Vinson will not be around to salvage the jet. It is not equipped for it. But there will be another ship that can.
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The F-35 WILL survive these mishaps the same way my F-111 and F-16 passed theirs and became feared weapons for decades.
F111 was a special case.
F16 is a world success commercially and technically. Unfortunately F35 will only be a commercial success mainly due to the uncle sam umbrella provided with each sales, nothing more.
750 jets produce, we are now 16 years after the first preserial flight and the bird is only IOC.
It is not impossible to imagine the bird never fully operationnal because too complicated and without an incremental evolution. They are making soft evolutiosn before the last release is fully debunk ...

Seven injured as US F-35 crashes in South China Sea​

A United States fighter F-35 has crashed on the deck of an aircraft carrier during operations in the South China Sea, injuring seven.
January 25, 2022 - 11:12AM

Seven people have been injured after a United States fighter jet crashed on the deck of an aircraft carrier during operations in the South China Sea on Monday.
“An F-35C Lightning II, assigned to Carrier Air Wing 2, had a landing mishap on deck while USS Carl Vinson was conducting routine flight operations in the South China Sea, January 24, 2022,” US Pacific Fleet public affairs said in a statement.

“The pilot safely ejected from the aircraft and was recovered via US military helicopter. The pilot is in stable condition.”

Seven sailors were injured – three required MEDEVAC to medical facility in Manila, Philippines, and four were treated on-board by medical personnel, the statement said.

“All three MEDEVACs are assessed as stable,” it said. “Of the four sailors treated by on-board medical, three have been released. Additional details and the cause of the in-flight mishap is under investigation.”

It’s unclear whether the aircraft fell into the sea as a result of the mishap or remained on the deck.

“The status of the aircraft is currently under investigation as are the factors involved in the mishap,” US Pacific Fleet spokeswoman Brenda Way told The War Zone.

It’s the second major accident involving an F-35 operating from an aircraft carrier.

In November, an F-35B Joint Strike Fighter crashed off the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth while conducting operations in the Mediterranean.

Extraordinary footage of the crash, taken from the carrier’s own surveillance cameras, was later leaked on social media.

It shows the jet approaching the ski jump as it prepares to take off, before slowing down as it reaches the ramp and toppling into the ocean.

The pilot can be seen ejecting from the $190 million aircraft just before it goes over the edge.

Early reports suggested the crash was the result of a plastic air intake cover mistakenly being left on one of the engines.

The UK Ministry of Defence said in December the wreckage had been pulled from the ocean, after an urgent recovery effort assisted by the US and Italian navies.

Defence officials had feared the jet’s stealth technology could fall into Russian hands.

The South China Sea is becoming F-35s' most favored crashing site.

Also of submarines mysteriously bumping into stuff.
Joke? The joke about made in USA that keeps crashing? From boeing 747 max to now F-35? I still remember F-22 even need to saw off canopy to save the poor pilot. :lol:
For every mishap we had, US aviation made thousands advances. Your China have not been a non-contributor since the dawn of aviation, so the real joke is on you.
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How about Chinese own contributions to aviation just a hint.


It isn't a weapon, it landed and flew twice.

For certain the US is the wealthiest and most populated western country. It is also established in aviation. It will not hold onto lead forever and even if it remains at or near the top, it will share those positions of development pace and success. Not today but soon enough.

As for Chinesium, there's also this from USA... even their own submarines.


Chinesium is only for lowest priced stuff that western consumers demand. They can also buy higher quality Chinese materials which are just higher priced. It's their consumer choice to pay shit and receive shit. Chinesium is there only to make money. It doesn't go on Chinese submarines.

Oops also the Japanese seem to be in on making their version of Chinesium. At least Chinese don't supply that grade to serious customers paying top dollar.


Japanese even supplied aircraft makers and other high level OEMs with substandard Japnesium.

Chinese supplying German aircraft engine makers with technology related to material. Hmmm looks like world is more complex than trolls and haters think. Hate will consume your soul.


I am very upset at mods deleting my post! I wanted to highlight the real reasons for American policy failures in the last 30 years in alight hearted way as I am not against any religion or creed. In my view an increased dependence on first generation / born in India migrants who are well educated in policy circles come with an Indian notion of security. This creates a biased world view resulting in skewed policy and bad strategic decisions.

Case and point the Indian in Involvement in Afghanistan led to American defeat

Appeasement action on Russia as a policy (rusee Hindi Bhai Bhai) has created the greatest disaster in the last 20 years in Europe where NATO is clearly divided

An increased aggressive anti Chinese policy hurting ordinary Americans and the recovery

All these are policy disasters predicated on a policy Eleite that has not grown up in the west. Please don’t get me wrong I suffer from the same problem as I have Pakistani mentality issue seeing World events from a Pakistani lens.

A great example of the parallel universe o my argument is listening to tucker Carlson vs Fareed zakria vs Edward luttwak…..

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How about Chinese own contributions to aviation just a hint.
Wong made personal contributions and he used America to do them. China, as a country, was never a foundation for any new idea towards aviation in general.

If you guys want to criticize the F-35 pilot, assuming it was pilot error, then wait until the release of the official investigation. When I was active duty, we slammed each other all the time. But the moment you targeted a country, then yours is fair game.
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