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7 injured after F-35 jet crashes on aircraft carrier in South China Sea

F 35 is becoming a failure for us and its allies its bkessing in desguise no muslim nation bought it
Its a machine, and Machine fails, people learn from their mistakes and fixes it... F-16's has a lot of crashes in its record but at the same time its an amazing fighter jet.
It can do better. Claiming those crashes can help learning better is just trying to mask slack training and incompetent of the western airforce.
Its a $400 billion project. I want to see the day when this toy fails and is put out of use everywhere.
An F-35C operating of USS Carl Winson has crashed while landing, the pilot ejected but several sailors were injured.
First the seacow, now this. Likely both incidents are direct results of the usa assets getting harrassed by PLA.

PLA can track usa assets especially carriers almost 24/7 in the western Pacific, let alone SCS.
That's why western ships going to SCS is just political stunts to please fanboys back home, little military meaning.
In peace time, it's mostly fine. Now that tension is higher, PLA is just turning up the heat a little bit.
Americans have no shame in celebrating 70 years of rape, murder and genocide and now these crocodile tears.
And they have the cheek to try lecture other about human right when their guantanamo bay prison, murder, abuse of Iraqi, syrian, Afghan, libya civilian are well known. None of those penetrator got any capital punishment or long jail term.
Is the F35 also a sub?
After Japan, GB, now USN.... pacific will become a F35 grave.

From 大包
If american jet crashes, chinese, Pakistani, indian or any other.. There shouldn't be mocking.

Accidents / Crashes do happen in aviation. Sometimes mechanical failure, sometimes human error.

A crash doesn't mean that aircraft is junk. we proudly claim F-16 as one of our best, which has installed fear in indians for decades.. F-35C is generation ahead of that plane by same makers.

As far as pilots training are concerned, A/Cs operations are many folds more trickier then normal land based ops. Even so, highly skilled / trained pilots do sometimes are involve in accidents / human error.

We lost our ace pilot in F-16 not long so ago near Shakarprian, Neither there was any lack of training nor the jet was junk.

Bottomline is Accidents can happen to anyone anytime. This proves nothing. Move on.
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