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6 Iranians arrested/freed for making fan video

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Clearly some ppl inside the regime r trying to portray rouhani weak. since he got elected execution rate increased, they r trying to block his every move, i blame hardliners and their goons.
If you chose to leave your home and family behind and go to canada then there must be enormous opression. I come from a free society and i would not want to live in a society like iran. Life there is unimaginable for me.
If u was born 100 years ago in any country, u should tolerate veiled women everywhere.
Unless Indian American that were not veiled.
MOHSENAM posted on the TeamUSA thread that a "friend of his" told him the USA is the most oppressed country on the planet.

u know, i heard than one of the iranian members of this forum got arrested. clearly iran is more free than usa.
Thats not true. In italy most women 100 years ago did not wear a veil. Veils are ugly and for old women. Italy is a country that loves fun and happiness and beauty.

I think you need to keep your opinions to yourself I know many girls who think the veil is great and wear it happily. Oh yeah and they are certainly not old women.
MOHSENAM posted on the TeamUSA thread that a "friend of his" told him the USA is the most oppressed country on the planet.

When 1% Capitalists are ruling 90-99 % of people so u are.
When jews control your country so u are. Ask your people...

u know, i heard than one of the iranian members of this forum got arrested. clearly iran is more free than usa.

It was a propaganda from a separatist.
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It was a propaganda from a separatist.

well i prefer not to take any chances. ur mullah friends had previously killed a carpenter whose weblog had 60 view in a month. bunch of lunatics running this country.

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well i prefer not to take any chances. ur mullah friends had previously killed a carpenter whose weblog had 60 view in a month. bunch of lunatics running this country.

I'ts interesting really... When any negative info about US comes from individuals/articles/blogs. Some people automatically accept anything said as fact, because it fits their narrative. Oh.. but if it's negative info about their own countries, than that means it's 'western propaganda'
I'ts interesting really... When any negative info about US comes from individuals/articles/blogs. Some people automatically accept anything said as fact, because it fits their narrative. Oh.. but if it's negative info about their own countries, than that means it's 'western propaganda'

well.. some of these ppl were brainwashed since childhood, they have this idiotic mindset of right and wrong and they think (hypothetically) if they're on the right side (whether right or wrong) that guarantees their victory if they buy into hardship, etc etc... u get what i mean. but actually reality is different you have to play smart, but these guys just dont get it, theyre loud, inefficient and they think simply being loud (burning countries flag, having confrontational policies, etc...) helps their agenda, but in reality it doesn't. they just need to learn to shut the **** up, but theyre too stupid to understand that.
well i prefer not to take any chances. ur mullah friends had previously killed a carpenter whose weblog had 60 view in a month. bunch of lunatics running this country.

A webloger that was wrote hundreds pages against IR when came to Iran get arestted and jailed for 3 years.
A person like snowden if enter the US the minimum thing the their goverment will do with him is sending him to a prison like guantanamo.
Death of that webloger that u mention with 60 views evey mounth was too doubtful.
I think he died in his home.
Do not beilive propaganda of Zionist broadcasts when Iran has killed webloger?

I wrote this Peter C:

It is because Israel. If US looked for its own interest you were much economical country.Not just you but Europe.

Your country is burning itself for its israeli rulers.

Israel did not just occupy Palestine but it has occupied Congress and Senate.
Almost of all of Senators in those places are Jews or Zionist.

And 1% rich in your contry do not do anything because they are controling by Jews.
Jews buy them...Own them.

All of your produced movies in hollywood conforms by Jews.

All of your singers must have assent of Jews and work for them otherwise Jews do not let a singer grow in your country.
Jews has occupied your big and populated country Sadly.
No one can talk about politics in your country if he/she is not in republican or democrats.

No one can become president if does not have Jews agreement.

Your Army, energy of your country, taxes of your people, future of your country and... are fighting for Jews.They are spending for Jews.

Indeed Jews have occupied your country and your people indeed are working for Jews.

Again they make money via their companies and monies all over the world and make money more and more.. and this inoperative cycle continues.
This is why they rule the world via their money.
Someone must stop them.

One of my friends tells people o America are the most oppressed in the world.
A webloger that was wrote hundreds pages against IR when came to Iran get arestted and he is in jailed for 3 years.
A person like snowden if enter the US the minimum thing the their goverment will do with him is sending him to a prison like guantanamo.
Death of that webloger that u mention with 60 views evey mounth was too doubtful.
I think he died in his home.
Do not beilive propaganda of Zionist broadcasts when Iran has killed webloger?
Good day / Good night

right. so u r comparing an undereducated carpenter with edward snowden, the motherfucker who screwed his country?
if u guys caught an edward snowden of your own you would have killed his whole family and everyone who ever met that guy..
right. why the **** is zionism or israel our business? and btw, your cyberpolice goes and tortures a blogger to death and thats zionism fault?
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