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The Dilemma of Iran’s Resistance Economy

I cannot have a discussion with someone who makes absurd claims such as “Rouhani this” and “Rouhani that”. You think it was Rouhani’s decision to install IR-4? Are you that dense?

Was it Rouhani’s decision to wait one year before breaking agreement? Attacking Saudi Arabia? None of these are Rouhani’s decisions they are made by the power factions and SL blessing. Nothing is done without the SL and security councils okay.

You need to stop blaming one man (Rouhani) for the failures of the republic (the collective). I can’t believe the Iranians on this board have reached the intelligence level of the average American who blames “libtards” or “trumptards” for their nations problems instead of looking at failure of the government as a WHOLE.

And I honestly don’t need to be lectured by some of you who live in Canada and Europe about the reality on the streets of Tehran. Much less by individuals who have never actually traded in Iran or done business under the archaic and corrupt business laws of the Republic.

You sit and tell a nation what they should accept while you sit comfortably in clutches of the West you denounce while people starve and die. So brave and noble you guys are. If you advocate for this continued path you should get up and move to Iran or at least help that country prosper or else you guys sound like a bunch of a hypocrites.
What a load of nonsense. All I did was ask you to backup your ridiculous claim that Iran's oil revenues under the Ahmadinejad administration reached 1 trillion dollars. You obviously failed to do that and now you're accusing me of blaming everything on Rouhani. lol

Do you seriously mean it when you say that Iran attacked Saudi Arabia? Have you become that retarded and blind? When did Iran attack Saudi Arabia? Oh, do you mean that Iran supports Houthis because Saudi Arabia has militarily interfered in Yemen and MBS has openly threatened to bring war into Iran on several occasions in public media? They even made a propaganda video about attacking Tehran.

This very one man that you're defending now blamed all the problems of the system on Ahmadinejad during all his election campaigns with his sidekick Eshagh Damagh while his administration has turned out to be 10 times worse than Ahmadinejad's in all aspects. The idiot managed to bring down the value of our currency to 1 USD = 300,000 IRR at one point. He constantly blamed the IRGC for the failures of the JCPOA by shouting that testing ballistic missiles is against "the spirit of the JCPOA". He boasted about "knowing the language of the world" but Iran's foreign relations have never been worse than now.

This man has increased Iran's GINI coefficient to an unprecedented level. At least Ahmadinejad reduced Iran's GINI coefficient for several consecutive years. You know what's hypocritical? Living in the US and calling on others to get up and move to Iran to help the country. And for your information, I was born and raised in Tehran and I'm on a student visa at the moment. So, yeah. Once I'm done with my studies, I will move back to Iran and I will probably apply for express entry to move to Canada. Once I've sorted things there, I plan to move back and forth between Iran and Canada like thousands of Iranians. I don't think you have such plans though. At some point people said that you can't even write in Farsi. How hypocritical of you to pretend that you actually care for the ordinary Iranians when you probably have never been to Iran.
Iran needs the cream of its ancestral brains back.

Iran also needs to find it's true soul and accept it openly again.

All else follows from there.

Ushta te.

Cheers, Doc
You obviously failed to do that and now you're accusing me of blaming everything on Rouhani. lol

The idiot managed to bring down the value of our currency to 1 USD = 300,000 IRR at one point.

You are such a clown you managed to contradict yourself in the same post.

If you think Rouhani is to blame for the currency woes and not decades of mismanagement and sanctions choking every lifeblood of iran then you are lost and confused without an iota of intelligence.

The sanctions placed during Trump on Iran dwarf Obama’s sanctions. Add to that Decades of mismanagement by likes of Rafsanjani clan and Larjani clan and the likes of Qalibaf have led to this situation, not Rouhani or Zarif in 4-8 years time. Absurd declaration.

There is no point in discussing things with you. You live in your own reality.
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You are such a clown you managed to contradict yourself in the same post.

If you think Rouhani is to blame for the currency woes and not decades of mismanagement and sanctions choking every lifeblood of iran then you are lost and confused without an iota of intelligence.

The sanctions placed during Trump on Iran dwarf Obama’s sanctions. Add to that Decades of mismanagement by likes of Rafsanjani clan and Larjani clan and the likes of Qalibaf have led to this situation, not Rouhani or Zarif in 4-8 years time. Absurd declaration.

There is no point in discussing things with you. You live in your own reality.
What an imbecile. lol Did your mom drop you on your head when you were a baby?

I said "You are accusing me of blaming everything on Rouhani". That doesn't imply that I can't blame Rouhani for some things. I do blame Rouhani for some things. There's no contradiction there. It's just Critical Thinking 101. You aren't the brightest candle on the cake apparently.

An administration that prides itself on statements like "not having built even a single house for people", or "the Central Bank should not interfere in the economy", or ideas like self suffiency in gasoline is a scam and it is the root cause of air pollution in Iran, so let's allow the Ebtekars import gasoline instead of producing gasoline, or brilliant statements like "even our drinking water is linked to sanctions", or huge achievements like outsourcing even food in Iran Railways to an Austrian catering, or opening branches of the lowest quality European junk food chains like Telepizza and Hesburger, well, yeah, he is indeed responsible for most of the problems that we are facing today. He bankrupted many businesses in Iran that were producing strategic goods and products that we needed by importing and subsidizing European products in the market.

You were moaning about how Iranians lived prosperously during Ahmadinejad's presidency, but at least Ahmadinejad didn't encourage consumerism. Particularly a very shit type of consumerism where Europeans sell their overpriced, low quality, junk food in your country and you call that mutual trade and business. Don't get me started on how foolish and unrealistic Rouhani's plans for renovating Iran's civilian airlines were.

Your hypocrisy is surprising. You have a history of calling Ali Akbar Salehi a village idiot on numerous occasions, while he remains one of the best qualified and most educated people in the Islamic Republic, and yet you think Zarif and Rouhani are not dumbf*cks and they can't be blamed for the stupid things they have said and done in the past 8 years.

The sanctions placed during Trump on Iran are pretty much the same as sanctions placed on Iran by the Obama administration. Trump just reimposed the sanctions on Iran that had been designed by the Obama administration. OFAC just reintroduced the same restrictions on Iran that had been designed by the Obama administration. The main difference is that this time these sanctions were unilateral and they were not backed by 4 UNSC resolutions. So, yeah. They were not as significant as back in 2009. And your beloved president with his wishful thinking that thought the Europeans would support us failed to convince them to ignore the US unilateral sanctions.

Yeah. Let me live in my reality and you can continue to live in your own delusions as long as you don't write them here and then quote me and pretend that they're true.
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@Arian @TheImmortal

Can't you guys fight in Persian on the Iran chill thread?

Your generation is failing badly at the 5th generation war ...

Cheers, Doc

I won’t waste my time on him or his generation. And the kid is a student, doesn’t do any business in Iran, but wants to lecture me on Ahmadinjead era when he was a child. Wants to lecture me on ease of business during Rouhani v Ahmadinjad era someone who actually knows about this. I am literally laughing at this guy.

When his lies get exposed he jumps to another topic and avoids addressing the topic, ex how he blamed Rouhani for “currency devaluing to 30,000 toman” then proceeds to play semantics with words. Only a moron would blame one man for the currency issues of a country of 80+ million people. But I guess that’s why he’s studying in Europe to get some common sense.

The guy wants to paint me as a Rouhani supporter. Hilarious joke, my posts can see how I have been critical of Rouhani, Zarif, and Salehi as much as anyone in the Republic.

I’m tired of talking to trolls like him who still rely on mommy and daddy to pay their tuition bills in Germany.

Kid says the maximum campaign of sanctions under Trump wasn’t as bad as 2009 Obama sanctions what a joke.
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I won’t waste my time on him or his generation. And the kid is a student, doesn’t do any business in Iran, but wants to lecture me on Ahmadinjead era when he was a child. Wants to lecture me on ease of business during Rouhani v Ahmadinjad era someone who actually knows about this. I am literally laughing at this guy.

When his lies get exposed he jumps to another topic and avoids addressing the topic, ex how he blamed Rouhani for “currency devaluing to 30,000 toman” then proceeds to play semantics with words. Only a moron would blame one man for the currency issues of a country of 80+ million people. But I guess that’s why he’s studying in Europe to get some common sense.

The guy wants to paint me as a Rouhani supporter. Hilarious joke, my posts can see how I have been critical of Rouhani, Zarif, and Salehi as much as anyone in the Republic.

I’m tired of talking to trolls like him who still rely on mommy and daddy to pay their tuition bills in Germany.

Kid says the maximum campaign of sanctions under Trump wasn’t as bad as 2009 Obama sanctions what a joke.

Baradar all I can share here is the example of my own country and this board to illustrate the harm both of you are doing by exposing your cleave lines and internal squabbles so openly on a forum where reside a large number of members who do not wish you well.

And an even larger number of faceless "watchers" who are gathering tjis information and mining it and using it against you.

Why are "some" threads always with x number of members watching and 3-5x number of "guests"?

Who do you think those guests are?

What are they doing here?

You guys are am intelligent race. I'll leave it there.

Cheers, Doc
You are such a clown you managed to contradict yourself in the same post.

If you think Rouhani is to blame for the currency woes and not decades of mismanagement and sanctions choking every lifeblood of iran then you are lost and confused without an iota of intelligence.

The sanctions placed during Trump on Iran dwarf Obama’s sanctions. Add to that Decades of mismanagement by likes of Rafsanjani clan and Larjani clan and the likes of Qalibaf have led to this situation, not Rouhani or Zarif in 4-8 years time. Absurd declaration.

There is no point in discussing things with you. You live in your own reality.
Rouhani didn't have any practical plan except JCPoA as it was one of his presidential campaign promises to remove sanctions ... if you look at his speech before election he said we can not blame every thing on sanctions and he laughed at Ahmadinejad for devaluing Rials to half in 8 years ... and now has halted the whole country for removal of sanctions and devaluated it further... Rohani has been Rafsnajani clan whom has the highest record of inflation and now Rohani has got the second rank in row ....
All of them are blamed for it esp Rouhani .. he had been in circle of power from the very beginning and he knew the system to the core as he has been a part of it .... Ahmadinejad made unnecessary speeches and statements that just caused country trouble and called resolutions some papers.
For sure both Zarif and Rouhani are responsible too but not entirely ... for God sake they have been in power for 8 years, have led negotiations and signed it and defended it on the daily basis esp during Trump administration ..
But in general the bigger picture ain't Iran nuclear program or mismanagement but China energy route supply and taming China .... so no matter whom was in power , Iran as last part of puzzle must be forced to come to american camp ... that's why Biden doesn't care if we increase centrifuges or enrichment level ...
Rouhani didn't have any practical plan except JCPoA as it was one of his presidential campaign promises to remove sanctions ... if you look at his speech before election he said we can not blame every thing on sanctions and he laughed at Ahmadinejad for devaluing Rials to half in 8 years ... and now has halted the whole country for removal of sanctions and devaluated it further... Rohani has been Rafsnajani clan whom has the highest record of inflation and now Rohani has got the second rank in row ....
All of them are blamed for it esp Rouhani .. he had been in circle of power from the very beginning and he knew the system to the core as he has been a part of it .... Ahmadinejad made unnecessary speeches and statements that just caused country trouble and called resolutions some papers.
For sure both Zarif and Rouhani are responsible too but not entirely ... for God sake they have been in power for 8 years, have led negotiations and signed it and defended it on the daily basis esp during Trump administration ..
But in general the bigger picture ain't Iran nuclear program or mismanagement but China energy route supply and taming China .... so no matter whom was in power , Iran as last part of puzzle must be forced to come to american camp ... that's why Biden doesn't care if we increase centrifuges or enrichment level ...

Rouhani also said that corruption must be dealt with and that economic reform of Iran’s existing laws need to make Iran more competitive. That never happened. Is that his fault?

Iran has one of the worst ease of business ranking in the world for years. Is this Rouhani’s fault?

If you and me sign a business contract, I can violate it and if you take me to court I will just pay off the judge. Is this Rouhani’s fault?

You guys don’t know how the Republic works and look to play one admisntration or another for problem that is the Republic.

I will give you an example, Raisi as head of judiciary came in and fired tons of Judges for corruption. This was not done under Larjani Clan. Did Rouhani do this? Does Rouhani get credit? Of course not! Did Rouhani cause the removal of Larjani clan as a power base? Of course not!

The factions are what drive this country....at best some directional changes can be modified by the president, but any major decisions will need to approved by factions including SL.

The nuclear deal was SL and Security Council’s fault, they approved it...the factions consensus was to go forward with the deal....neither the SL nor Security Council will take responsibility that they didn’t envision a rogue conservative candidate (Trump) coming to power and ripping up the deal. This is their fault for not envisioning this.

Rouhani negotiated a crappy deal, but it was the Republic that accepted it.

This will go down as the Republics fault

Just as how Khomeini’s refusal to sign a cease fire in early years of Iran-Iraq war is completely his fault which lead to deaths of hundreds of thousands of more Iranians and prolonged the war for more years. (poison chalice)

One area you are correct, is in relation to China. I have already outlined in previous posts how Iran can escape sanctions and it either ends up with Iran in the Western camp economically shielded by the West (what Rouhani wanted) or Iran in the Eastern Camp economically shielded by the East (What some factions want).

Until China gets pressured by the West, we will not see a resolution to the Iran file as neither the West nor China will make the guarantees Iran needs to economically prosper (strategic alliance), until the point they need Iran on their side.
Rouhani also said that corruption must be dealt with and that economic reform of Iran’s existing laws need to make Iran more competitive. That never happened. Is that his fault?

Iran has one of the worst ease of business ranking in the world for years. Is this Rouhani’s fault?

If you and me sign a business contract, I can violate it and if you take me to court I will just pay off the judge. Is this Rouhani’s fault?

You guys don’t know how the Republic works and look to play one admisntration or another for problem that is the Republic.

I will give you an example, Raisi as head of judiciary came in and fired tons of Judges for corruption. This was not done under Larjani Clan. Did Rouhani do this? Does Rouhani get credit? Of course not! Did Rouhani cause the removal of Larjani clan as a power base? Of course not!

The factions are what drive this country....at best some directional changes can be modified by the president, but any major decisions will need to approved by factions including SL.

The nuclear deal was SL and Security Council’s fault, they approved it...the factions consensus was to go forward with the deal....neither the SL nor Security Council will take responsibility that they didn’t envision a rogue conservative candidate (Trump) coming to power and ripping up the deal. This is their fault for not envisioning this.

Rouhani negotiated a crappy deal, but it was the Republic that accepted it.

This will go down as the Republics fault

Just as how Khomeini’s refusal to sign a cease fire in early years of Iran-Iraq war is completely his fault which lead to deaths of hundreds of thousands of more Iranians and prolonged the war for more years. (poison chalice)

One area you are correct, is in relation to China. I have already outlined in previous posts how Iran can escape sanctions and it either ends up with Iran in the Western camp economically shielded by the West (what Rouhani wanted) or Iran in the Eastern Camp economically shielded by the East (What some factions want).

Until China gets pressured by the West, we will not see a resolution to the Iran file as neither the West nor China will make the guarantees Iran needs to economically prosper (strategic alliance), until the point they need Iran on their side.
Well I agree on what you said about Republic even the SL recently said we hurried back then but you underestimate role of president over here a little bit but at last true or false president as most powerful country would be blamed ...
Back in 92 when all candidates were mocking Jalili that how he lectured 5+1 during talks instead of negotiating making no progress no one talked about republics' fault or corruption but Ahmadniejad and Jalili ignorant of international politic ... as I said in previous post even Rohani did attack government and its policies rather than other parts of republic or when Zarif was asked is there any possibility that American would hit under table knowing a person by the name of Trump amongst candidates is threatening of destroying the deal , exactly 18 month before Obama terms came to an end, he replied "NO I assure you they can not" indicating despite warning and opposition administration proceeded by its plan ... JCPoA was endorsed by the UNSCR and Zarif was right base upon international law but he took logic of power so lightly as if we all live in an utopia where no wrong and no lie is seen ...
As I said Rohani had been a part of power and he knew the system so he was aware of the fact that any major decisions will need to be approved by factions including SL and despite it he became candidate twice and followed his agenda .. by your logic no one can blame any administration in Iran for its failures by blaming other fractions while all have their own very share of big pie ... Rohani has been part of negotiations team from Iran-Contra to 598 and nuclear talks since 2003 and in none of them made any good output ... for example still he has not said anything about first one ... or Jack Straw once said we are deeply concern Rohani would be replace as new government take the power as he promised us 10 years halt in Iran NP ... I remind you of his words:

رئیس جمهور: فکر می کردند قطعنامه را در منقل کنار دستشان می اندازیم و آتش می گیرد و تمام می شود

So Rohani implemented his plan despite oppositions as it Republic and majority could pursue its policies in way such a statement was made to show different btw his approach and the other one ...
The same Larjani clan passed the deal in 20 minutes as Rohani wanted while congress didn't .. so as you blame Larjani Clan for his misfortunes you should blame Larjani Clan for his fortunes too ... or how they rushed to remove centrifuges that damaged some of them ...
Still I think JCPoA wasn't a bad or crappy deal ... one side Iran and other side 5+1 but IR still was not ready or mature enough to benefit from it to the max ...

Finally I think it's both
Iran, China gird to set up ‘sanctions-free’ partnership

The story: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is set to visit Tehran on March 26-27. Yi is expected to meet with top officials to discuss among other issues the pending comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. The yet to be finalized roadmap reportedly outlines 400B USD in Chinese investment in Iran over 25 years. Yi’s visit is part of a regional tour that also includes stops in Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The state of play: Iranian and Chinese officials have for years discussed a 25-year roadmap for vastly expanded bilateral cooperation. If realized, it would provide welcomed breathing space for the beleaguered Iranian economy. However, the “comprehensive strategic partnership,” as official Iranian outlets refer to the nascent accord, is not without its critics.

Domestically, there have been harsh reactions against the initiative in Iran. Apart from stated outrage over impending Chinese influence, dismissed claims of the effective ceding of Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf to Beijing have sparked heated debate. Some Iranian commentators have likened the partnership document to the Treaty of Turkmenchay, which saw Iran cede territory to Tsarist Russia. The 1828 accord has a firm place in the contemporary Iranian political lexicon, and is commonly evoked by figures across the spectrum as an example of national subjugation and thus humiliation.

Internationally, the Trump administration vehemently criticized the partnership for undermining its “maximum pressure” campaign to compel Iran to renegotiate the JCPOA. Such criticisms have helped create awareness among analysts in Tehran that there is a sensitivity in Washington towards Chinese involvement in the region in general, and Iran in particular.

From the perspective of Tehran, Beijing has become a natural actor in the region, and been greatly successful in its endeavor because of its approach. For instance, while the US greatly views West Asia from a highly securitized lens—with local alliance-building partly hardwired around arms agreements—China has focused more on soft power. Avoiding siding with any one regional actor or camp, Beijing now has access to all capitals in West Asia—including Tehran. And as the inclusion of Iran in Yi’s regional tour suggests, the Chinese—in stark contrast with the US—view any approach to the region that excludes Iran as unfeasible.

The reasons for the hold-up: Iranian sources have confirmed to Amwaj.media prior reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping brought up the comprehensive strategic partnership during his visit to Tehran in 2016. Foreign Minister Zarif is said to have taken a draft of the document to China two years later, with both sides engaged in discussions since. The work on the endeavor appears to have shown nuances and seriousness.

Importantly, more than an agreement, the comprehensive strategic partnership is a roadmap. It shows that both sides have a will to work together in various fields. It can also provide a path for Iran and China to formalize the expansion of their engagement.

When asked about the hold-ups to progress, one Iranian source who spoke to Amwaj.media on condition of anonymity referred to the “political culture of both sides,” pointing to extensive intra-institutional reviews of the document in the two capitals. The source added, “Anything that is [done] quickly shows that it is not serious. China may go ahead slowly, but they are steady until they reach a certain point: then they go ahead with full steam. Just like us Iranians.”

One key element of the roadmap is the underlying political decision to establish a “sanctions-free” partnership, or perhaps better put: a “sanctions-resilient” partnership. This is a direct outcome of the overuse of US sanctions in the past decade. However, practical issues remain. For instance, the domains and dimensions of the partnership agreement must be mutually agreed in detail. Moreover, implementation of the plan is a whole other challenge on its own.

The China czar in Tehran: Former parliament speaker Ali Larijani has been playing two main roles over the past year or so. On the one hand, the pragmatic conservative acts as a balancer to some extent in Iran’s domestic politics. Loathed by hardliners, Larijani notably helped moderate President Hassan Rouhani push the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action through parliament. He is also aligned with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in his general approach to China.

On the other hand, Larijani has risen to become the effective coordinator of Iran’s China policy. Last year, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed Larijani as his advisor. Iranian sources tell Amwaj.media that the appointment effectively means that the former parliament speaker is responsible for ensuring that the diverse range of actors in Iran that deal with China—from the oil ministry to the ministry of economic affairs and finance—act in harmony.

One Iranian source revealed to Amwaj.media that Larijani is now based in a building on the grounds of the foreign ministry in northern Tehran. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, also said that in addition to the publicly announced meetings with Rouhani and Zarif, Yi will also separately meet with Larijani.

The backdrop: Yi is the most senior Chinese official to travel to Iran since the inauguration of US President Joe Biden in January. His arrival in Tehran comes as China has reportedly stepped up its indirect imports of Iranian oil to the highest level in two years. As the US and other western countries have since the early 2000s been imposing sanctions on the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program, Iran has responded by turning to trade with mainly China and other Asian countries.

This dynamic has been particularly notable on two occasions in the past decade: in 2011, when the European Union imposed an oil embargo on Iran, ending significant imports. Moreover, while Iran-Europe trade was revived following the signing of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), former US president Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the accord in May 2018 has collapsed the trade volume to pre-JCPOA levels.

It is important to consider that the orientation of the Iranian economy as well as trade patterns have undergone a transformation over the past decade. Partly driven by US sanctions, Iran has put further emphasis on domestic capacity-building to immunize the economy against external shocks. The outcome of these efforts is that Iran is no longer a major dumping ground for Chinese consumer goods. Instead, as prominent economist Bijan Khajehpour recently noted in Amwaj.media, about 70% of Iran’s imports are now “intermediate goods, which is another indication that there is a greater reliance on domestic production and value addition.”

Mindful of the experience of revived Iran-Europe trade after the signing of the JCPOA, cooperation between Tehran and Beijing is bound to expand regardless of the outcome of the ongoing US-Iran contest.

China says will safeguard Iran oil deal, defend Sino-Iran relations

BEIJING (Reuters) - China will make efforts to safeguard its Iran oil deal and defend legitimate interests of Sino-Iran relations, the commerce ministry said on Thursday.

Ministry spokesman Gao Feng told a news briefing that China has not receive notices of sanctions on Iranian oil from the Biden administration.

Reuters reported that Iran has “indirectly” moved record volumes of oil into China in recent months, marked as supplies from Oman, the UAE and Malaysia.

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China, Iran expected to sign 25-year accord, Iranian state media says

DUBAI (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Iran on Friday for a visit that Iranian state media said would see the signing of a 25-year cooperation agreement between the two countries, which are both under U.S sanctions.

The accord, final details of which are yet to be announced, is expected to include Chinese investments in Iran’s key sectors such as energy and infrastructure.

In 2016, China, one of Iran’s largest trading partners and long-time ally, agreed to boost bilateral trade by more than 10 times to $600 billion in the next decade.

“The signing of the comprehensive cooperation programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the People’s Republic of China by the foreign ministers of the two countries is another programme of this two-day trip,” Iran’s state news agency IRNA said.

The accord comes as Tehran hardens its stance towards the United States and the European signatories of the 2015 nuclear accord with world powers.

On Thursday, China’s commerce ministry said the country will make efforts to safeguard the Iran nuclear deal and defend thelegitimate interests of Sino-Iranian relations.

China’s comments came after Reuters reported that Iran has”indirectly” moved record volumes of oil into China in recentmonths, marked as supplies from other countries, evenas China customs data showed that no Iranian oil was imported inthe first two months of this year.

China, Iran expected to sign 25-year accord, Iranian state media says

DUBAI (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Iran on Friday for a visit that Iranian state media said would see the signing of a 25-year cooperation agreement between the two countries, which are both under U.S sanctions.

The accord, final details of which are yet to be announced, is expected to include Chinese investments in Iran’s key sectors such as energy and infrastructure.

In 2016, China, one of Iran’s largest trading partners and long-time ally, agreed to boost bilateral trade by more than 10 times to $600 billion in the next decade.

“The signing of the comprehensive cooperation programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the People’s Republic of China by the foreign ministers of the two countries is another programme of this two-day trip,” Iran’s state news agency IRNA said.

The accord comes as Tehran hardens its stance towards the United States and the European signatories of the 2015 nuclear accord with world powers.

On Thursday, China’s commerce ministry said the country will make efforts to safeguard the Iran nuclear deal and defend thelegitimate interests of Sino-Iranian relations.

China’s comments came after Reuters reported that Iran has”indirectly” moved record volumes of oil into China in recentmonths, marked as supplies from other countries, evenas China customs data showed that no Iranian oil was imported inthe first two months of this year.

If this 25 year accord is not signed then it’s basically a myth.

If it is signed, it would mean that Iran has decided to finally turn its back to the West. Remember that since Rafsanjani was president in his attempt to woo American oil company Connoco to Iran in 1990 that Iran still wanted to be a part of the West.

Every overture Iran has made to the US since 1979.....Iran-Contra, Iran-US oil investment deal, 2001 aid against Taliban, 2003 alleged “grand deal” offer, and lastly JCPOA all have been met with a slap in the face due to Zionist influence in Congress.

America and even to an extent Israel could have had normalized relations with Iran, but Israel refuses to play 2nd fiddle to Iran in the region nor does it want to compromise on the Palestinian issue.
If this 25 year accord is not signed then it’s basically a myth.

If it is signed, it would mean that Iran has decided to finally turn its back to the West. Remember that since Rafsanjani was president in his attempt to woo American oil company Connoco to Iran in 1990 that Iran still wanted to be a part of the West.

Every overture Iran has made to the US since 1979.....Iran-Contra, Iran-US oil investment deal, 2001 aid against Taliban, 2003 alleged “grand deal” offer, and lastly JCPOA all have been met with a slap in the face due to Zionist influence in Congress.

America and even to an extent Israel could have had normalized relations with Iran, but Israel refuses to play 2nd fiddle to Iran in the region nor does it want to compromise on the Palestinian issue.


The US has demanded nothing more than unconditional surrender from Iran ever since the revolution. Obama has been the only anomaly, but we all have seen how short-lived this outreach by the US has been.

Agreement is going to be signed tomorrow:


Only a resistance-economy can save Iran, nothing else!
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