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The Dilemma of Iran’s Resistance Economy

It will be interesting to see what raisis economic policies will be,as its pretty apparent that relying on sanctions relief and neo liberal economic policies was not exactly a winner for irans previous government[to put it mildly].Hopefully raisi will do more than merely pay lip service to the concept of the resistance economy,as developing this is not only critically important to defeating,or at a minimum blunting the campaign of economic warfare directed against iran,but is also critically important to developing iran into a future genuine manufacturing economy,rather than merely a supplier of raw materiel's for others.
In addition corruption must be ruthlessly dealt with and stamped out,as it has become a luxury that iran can no longer afford in an era of economic warfare aimed at destroying iran,it should be treated as effectively tantamount to sabotage in time of war.
What Iran should look at doing,if it hasnt already,is creating a serious fraud office or agency to deal with financial crimes over a certain monetary value,as this would provide a specialised investigative body with all of the legal tools and investigative talent needed to deal with financial crimes and corruption at this level.
Iran must also start to get very serious about taxation,both in streamlining the existing system while also looking at new previously untapped avenues for generating taxation revenue.
Greater efforts must also be made in the area of sanctions busting,in addition iran must be much more proactive in using all forms of pressure to obtain access to its funds held illegally in countries like south korea,this can go hand in hand with increasing the costs,not only on those countries who are cooperating with the illegal sanctions regime,but the overal costs,be they political,economic or other,of maintaining the sanctions regime itself.
Ultimately the most important thing here is not to repeat the tragic mistake of the preceding administration of putting all its eggs,both political and economic,in one basket.There must always be a plan b,c,d,e,f...etc,and ideally more than one in effect at the exact same time.
Iran has the potential to be the economic powerhouse of the mena region,as china was the factory to the world so to could iran be the factory to the mena region.
In the end the west and its sanctions can at best only ever slow iran down,they cant stop it.
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