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7 Iranians arrested for dancing to a song called " Happy"

What do mean by that?

Isn't it clear? I said that guy is not an Iranian.

Oh sorry, you mean what I meant by "eventual regime change".
Well its really simple, there is a fundamental difference between Iranians and North Koreans; North Koreans had it tough as far as they could remember, but that's not the case with Iranians, some of them remember how things were during Shah era, it wasn't perfect but people had food on their tables and were free to wear whatever they wanted to wear, etc... these people who are from an older generation tell their stories to their children you know.

Not only that, Iranians themselves could remember that even 5 6 years ago things were much better, financial problems always existed (mostly due to corruption and incompetency of Mullahs) but not like this. Anyway, the only reason that hell isn't breaking loose in Iran is due to relative hope people have, they believe Rouhani could change things for the better, but if that dream doesn't come to realization people will get restless, especially under sanctions (which are inhumane I have to add) but reality is different, it doesn't matter if sanctions are humane or not, it matters that idiot decision makers have led Iran to what it is today and if it wasn't because of their confrontational idiotic policies situation would have been a lot better.
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What else to expect from clerics? Oakamoor should consider singapore style authoritative rule by civil laws.

This clerical regime is going to take you nowhere.
Islamic republic has certain dress code and code of public conduct. These people sure broke that and post it for public display. Every country has its rule, as in india certain things are prohibited for religious sensitivity and in EU talking against holocaust is crime.
Stupid video (learn to dance or lip sync) and retarded action by government
Stupid video (learn to dance or lip sync) and retarded action by government

Iranians who made this video did it as a symbol of rebellion. They did not focus on the performance. Iranian government saw it for what it is.
This song sucks, i dont find this song at all nice. Maybe im just not a happy person.
'Happy Chicago Muslims' dance to Pharrell's 'happy'

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