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6 Iranians arrested/freed for making fan video

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If u ask me I will tell u mullas never will go.because 70-80 % of Iran are religious and people of Iran believe their spirituals. Even non religious people love their government before 2-3 years ago and sanctions.
In 34 years ago Iran has built like 100 years.
Empires/Rulers don't last forever, one day your beloved mullahs will go too.
If u ask me I will tell u mullas never will go.because 70-80 % of Iran are religious and people of Iran believe their spirituals. Even non religious people love their government before 2-3 years ago and sanctions.
In 34 years ago Iran has built like 100 years.

Let me tell you, 1970's Iran was far more advanced then Turkey and today you are simply not. And didn't happened only in 2-3 years.

And how can you explain the brain drain in Iran... most of the non-religious, intellects, liberals left Iran.
Let me tell you, 1970's Iran was far more advanced then Turkey and today you are simply not. And didn't happened only in 2-3 years.

And how can you explain the brain drain in Iran... most of the non-religious, intellects, liberals left Iran.

It is joke.Only Tehran was advanced before 1970.u dont know limit of destitution in Iran before 1970's.
Brian drain exist in every country.

Befor IR emigration of Iranian to foreign was not less than now compared to population.
Many of my rich friends have studies in foreign but they want to serve in country.
In shah era amount of sciences and studies in Iran was joke compared to after IR.
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You see now this is why you Euros have so many problems with Muslims, you think you are progressive but do stupid shit like this. My sisters do not like or wear the veil and I have always stood by them in this even when my father was initially reluctant to agree but I have a cousin who wears the veil because she wants to and trust me if someone grabbed her veil the way you are describing they would eat cement not soon after. Now if it was a teacher that would be an entirely different matter because the idiot would both be out of a job and looking at a lawsuit.

In the US we have the same no hats in school rule but religious head wear does not apply, so Muslim girls and even Sikh dudes wearing Turbans are not told anything. Maybe that is why American Muslims are not bat shit angry like Europeans Muslims.

As for your girl not wearing a head dress while inside a mosque most Imams will let such things slide for tourists but quite frankly you might have thought this as progressive but it would be considered disrespectful in most mosques. One time in my mosque a female police officer came inside with a few firefighters to check if the signs for regulations were put up and she stopped at the entrance and asked the Imam if her entering without head wear would be disrespectful and if so she would stay outside, he just smiled and told her that her asking shows that she meant no disrespect and she is welcome to enter as is. That is American progressiveness versus European progressiveness.

Markus is a retard and his comments have little to do with the video which @Sinan probably has little issue with.

I can´t be that retarded or i would not be sucessful in school, university and job. But the personal insult aside, we have a "no hat rule" at school and this counts for evryone. I can also say my baseball cap is for my religious believes and get this through the board? And no, the teacher here would not be fired, since courts decided this is right. We live in the 21st century and our society does not allow backwardness to creep back. Thousands of people died in the fight for a secular society.

You don´t like our rules? Thats fine. Take the next plane and leave.

Both Italy and Germany know how to deal with hostile elements like this and i support this.

When i talk with a person i want see her face and i need to see it because it is important for communication.

And no, i did not think my girls decission is "progressive". I simply see it as normal. She can do what she wants. It is her decission and i support her in this. If men must not cover their hair then women must not cover it either.

It is joke.Only Tehran was advanced before 1970.u dont know limit of destitution in Iran before 1970's.
Brian drain exist in every country.

Befor IR emigration of Iranian to foreign was not less than now compared to population.
Many of my rich friends have studies in foreign but they want to serve in country.
In shah era amount of sciences and studies in Iran was joke compared to after IR.

You mean the time machine you guys want construct now?

I didn't, no.

Whatever you're arguing him about, this isn't the right thread for it. You're just helping out terrorists like Mohsenam. When it comes to wahabi/hezbollahi garbage, we're all one. These animals are the enemies of humanity and they should be our priority. Everything else is secondary.
I usually don't quote the trolls, but I just wanted to say we feel the same way about you and your kind.
atheist = secular = wahhabi, why? because you both serve the same devil.
I can´t be that retarded or i would not be sucessful in school, university and job. But the personal insult aside, we have a "no hat rule" at school and this counts for evryone. I can also say my baseball cap is for my religious believes and get this through the board? And no, the teacher here would not be fired, since courts decided this is right. We live in the 21st century and our society does not allow backwardness to creep back. Thousands of people died in the fight for a secular society.

You don´t like our rules? Thats fine. Take the next plane and leave.

Both Italy and Germany know how to deal with hostile elements like this and i support this.

When i talk with a person i want see her face and i need to see it because it is important for communication.

And no, i did not think my girls decission is "progressive". I simply see it as normal. She can do what she wants. It is her decission and i support her in this. If men must not cover their hair then women must not cover it either.

First of all you are the dude who was showing off a cheap watch to make fun of third worlders so I will stick by my statement about your retardation.

Yeah and I said that is why Europe has problems with its Muslims whereas North America has none, anyway most Europeans Muslims are second or third generation now especially in Germany the Turks there are like 4th generation so what plane you will put them on we will see. :D

Likewise for some Muslim women covering their hair is normal so you should respect that and lol at hostile elements.
First of all you are the dude who was showing off a cheap watch to make fun of third worlders so I will stick by my statement about your retardation.

Yeah and I said that is why Europe has problems with its Muslims whereas North America has none, anyway most Europeans Muslims are second or third generation now especially in Germany the Turks there are like 4th generation so what plane you will put them on we will see. :D

Likewise for some Muslim women covering their hair is normal so you should respect that and lol at hostile elements.

At least muslims don´t fly into skyscrapers here. germany was able to stop evry terrorist act before it was done. Thats somethng to be proud for. The secret service here is working great.

It also doesn´t matter what generation you are in germany and also italy. People have been kicked out who were born here. There was a case about a family from bangladesh. Their parents lived here since 35 years. Their children were born here, spoke only german and went to high school. Police stromed their house at night, they had to pack and were brought to the airport and placed into the next Lufthansa machine. There were alot of sad stories in newsmagazines here, about how shocking this is for the kids, to be now in a foreign country. They asked chancellor Schröder (he was chancellor back then) what he wishs for them...And he said: "I wish they soon find friends in their new home".

Italy is even more strict in its laws. Illegal immigrants are put into camps in remote areas for several weeks to months and then shipped to Libya or morroco. We made special contracts with this countries so they take them. No matter where the immigrant comes from orginally.

If a women covers her hair i have no problem with it. The veil i do not respect. I don´t talk with a veiled person because it is totally disrespectful towards myself. I only talk to persons i can see the face.
I usually don't quote the trolls, but I just wanted to say we feel the same way about you and your kind.
atheist = secular = wahhabi, why? because you both serve the same devil.

I usually don't quote the trolls, but I just wanted to say we feel the same way about you and your kind.
akhoond = hezbollahi = wahhabi, why? because you both serve the same devil.
I usually don't quote the trolls, but I just wanted to say we feel the same way about you and your kind.
akhoond = hezbollahi = wahhabi, why? because you both serve the same devil.
you want to be a monkey? that's fine. but in the reality wahhabis are sworn enemy of hizbollah and akhounds, in reality atheists and seculars are number one ally and supporter of wahhabis, a painful truth in the face of you.
so is Iran retarded? the fuk is going on over there
You mean the time machine you guys want construct now?


U should beg us for technology oil and wealth in 5 years further.

U are small country that are going to live like 3rd world countries.
Everyday I see unrest protests and sit-in in Europe cause of economic austerity.
One of my friedns was in Italy 2 years ago and told about the the low level of life in there.He told me many of Italian youth are learning english to go foreign,especially to UK and US cause of horrible situation of life level.
He showed me strange pictures of Italy that I could not believe it is Italy.
By the way I respect beauty of Italy and especially art.
I was going to forget ,He said many Italian have horrible view about Islam cause of Zionist propaganda there.

Edit: If u are not Muslim or u are atheist do not comment what is good or bad in Islam.If u are christian u should know your people for 1900 years veiled themselves.Do not comment about Islam while your people veiled themselves for 1900 years.
Well, generalizing "Turk politicians" is a pretty much racist comment.
lol what ?

criticizing turk politicians is "racist" ? thats the first time i've heard such a thing . anyway i would like to change it to "current" turk politicians .

I don't think your wish for unrest in our country will ever be a reality.
i never wish for such a thing , i wished that the "current ongoing" unrest reaches its goal .

i think you have serious comprehension issues buddy .

good luck
you want to be a monkey? that's fine. but in the reality wahhabis are sworn enemy of hizbollah and akhounds, in reality atheists and seculars are number one ally and supporter of wahhabis, a painful truth in the face of you.

How do seculars and atheists support wahabis, again?
lol what ?

criticizing turk politicians is "racist" ? thats the first time i've heard such a thing . anyway i would like to change it to "current" turk politicians .
Yeap that's more like it.

i never wish for such a thing , i wished that the "current ongoing" unrest reaches its goal .

i think you have serious comprehension issues buddy .

good luck

I know exactly your mindset, want me to bring some older posts of yours ?
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