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6 Iranians arrested/freed for making fan video

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Don't derail the thread with your nonsense Sinan.
They didn't go and dance in a mosque with their dicks and tits hanging out. They made a cover video for Pharrel's happy. Your argument makes no sense. Markus makes complete sense here.

I'm talking about covering your head while going to a mosque or cemetery not talking about your guys...... i believe you didn't read the arguments throughly.
I'm talking about covering your head while going to a mosque or cemetery not talking about your guys...... i believe you didn't read the arguments throughly.
I didn't, no.

Whatever you're arguing him about, this isn't the right thread for it. You're just helping out terrorists like Mohsenam. When it comes to wahabi/hezbollahi garbage, we're all one. These animals are the enemies of humanity and they should be our priority. Everything else is secondary.
I didn't, no.

Whatever you're arguing him about, this isn't the right thread for it. You're just helping out terrorists like Mohsenam. When it comes to wahabi/hezbollahi garbage, we're all one. These animals are the enemies of humanity and they should be our priority. Everything else is secondary.

You know we don't like mullahs and want to see them gone. Our relationship with (economic, diplomatic, etc..) Iran will boost.
You know we don't like mullahs and want to see them gone.
you know we dont like anything about turk politicians . they're just double-faced hypocrites .

we really want to see them gone . inshaallah the daily unrest and revolution of our bros and sisters will reach its goal in turkiye and they bring the double-faced evil down :)

hezbollahi garbage
you're a piece of ashghal :) felan k dast mast hame chi :lol: to hey gerye kon . iranie vaghie banoo وشتی hast na ye mosht badbakht bichare mesle khashayar .
No, i'm european. We have freedom here. It may be that people in your part of the world aren't allowed to voice their opinion, but here we say what we think. And i dont take someone seriously who wears a veil. And if a person is covered completly i denie her any contact or positive feedback. Sseing someones face is essential for communication. Thanks god its not allowed in italy nor in germany to wear something like this in school or university. We had a great teacher at school who dealed with this properly. We had one turkish girl at school who did wear a veil. It was rule in the school that nobody wears a hat inside. He walked next her, granned the veil and ripped it down saying "hats down inside the school building". If i as a boy aren't allowed to wear a cappie inside school, then it is just fair that she is also not allowed to wear it.

My girl made her standpoint clear when we visited turkey last september. We had a tour in istanbul and visited this blue mosque which is right mext to hagia sophia. She did not cover her head and she had all my support in this.

Your post is full of contradictions, if you had freedom then people would be free to dress like a whore or dress with modesty/veil. Why take away the freedom from someone to decide whether they wish to wear a hijab or cover their hair.

Your story of a teacher ripping a hijab a sign of respectability and honour for many muslim women is horrendous, I would have immediatly confronted him for such ignorant or hatefull behaviour if no slapped him across his face

If you go to a mosque then abide by the islamic guidelines, if you dont want to abide by those guide lines then dont fucking go
So do i have a right to enter a church butt-naked ? let's say i'm a naturist and go to nudist beachs. This is my right and i want to go to a church butt-naked... I'm sure you won't oppose this idea right ?

I think we both saw St. Peter's Basilica and Blue mosque... i wonder how did you felt while visiting them, can you describe ?

The difference is that nobody is allowed to enter a church naked. male and women. Thats what equality is meant for. If all males must cover their head too then i have no problem with it.

As for the blue mosque, well i think since Vatican is the center of my religion its much more important for me. The blue mosque looked beautiful and interesting. I have no negative feelings towards it if you meant that.
The difference is that nobody is allowed to enter a church naked. male and women. Thats what equality is meant for. If all males must cover their head too then i have no problem with it.

We can't understand each other on this subject. I'm leaving at that.

As for the blue mosque, well i think since Vatican is the center of my religion its much more important for me. The blue mosque looked beautiful and interesting. I have no negative feelings towards it if you meant that.

How can i describe.. when i entered st. peter's... it was very beatiful.. i mean everything was beatiful and rich... That richness came odd to me. If you look at the mosques they have very plain and simple interior.

That richness in a place of worship came odd to me. I wondered if you felt a similar way... maybe simple interior of a mosque given you a similar feeling that you would feel " this place shouldn't be so simple, it should have been richer" ??? I wondered if you think like this ?
We can't understand each other on this subject. I'm leaving at that.

How can i describe.. when i entered st. peter's... it was very beatiful.. i mean everything was beatiful and rich... That richness came odd to me. If you look at the mosques they have very plain and simple interior.

That richness in a place of worship came odd to me. I wondered if you felt a similar way... maybe simple interior of a mosque given you a similar feeling that you would feel " this place shouldn't be so simple, it should have been richer" ??? I wondered if you think like this ?

No, i did not think like this. It is not that different to many churches we have in italy. St Peter is our main cathedral so it has much more ornament than others. The idea behind this is to show how important god is for us. The blue mosque did not look poor in any way for me. It also looked rich, with expensive marble and so on. Just a different style.
you know we dont like anything about turk politicians . they're just double-faced hypocrites .

Well, generalizing "Turk politicians" is a pretty much racist comment.

we really want to see them gone . inshaallah the daily unrest and revolution of our bros and sisters will reach its goal in turkiye and they bring the double-faced evil down

I don't think your wish for unrest in our country will ever be a reality. I want to see Erdogan down but with in a democratic way, if you know what i mean.
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One must not be happy in the wonderland of mullahs. They should have known better.

it is not good to disrespect human rights as well. Since women and men are equal there is no reason for her to cover her head. Since there was no sign that all people should cover their head i see no reason why she should.

It is normal for certain places to have such rules and regulations. It would be silly to think of them as something against human rights since nobody will tell you what to wear and force you to enter a mosque. So if you don't want your gf to cover her head for 10 minutes, you would skip the mosque tour then, simple as that. There are restaurants that will not accept people with short and t-shirts you know... Written or unwritten there are rules in many places.
I didn't, no.

Whatever you're arguing him about, this isn't the right thread for it. You're just helping out terrorists like Mohsenam. When it comes to wahabi/hezbollahi garbage, we're all one. These animals are the enemies of humanity and they should be our priority. Everything else is secondary.

I am terrorist because I am religious? I dont kill ants easily in my life.
Being like US atheist and making 70 wars in 100 years is not terrorism.
No, i'm european. We have freedom here. It may be that people in your part of the world aren't allowed to voice their opinion, but here we say what we think. And i dont take someone seriously who wears a veil. And if a person is covered completly i denie her any contact or positive feedback. Sseing someones face is essential for communication. Thanks god its not allowed in italy nor in germany to wear something like this in school or university. We had a great teacher at school who dealed with this properly. We had one turkish girl at school who did wear a veil. It was rule in the school that nobody wears a hat inside. He walked next her, granned the veil and ripped it down saying "hats down inside the school building". If i as a boy aren't allowed to wear a cappie inside school, then it is just fair that she is also not allowed to wear it.

My girl made her standpoint clear when we visited turkey last september. We had a tour in istanbul and visited this blue mosque which is right mext to hagia sophia. She did not cover her head and she had all my support in this.

You see now this is why you Euros have so many problems with Muslims, you think you are progressive but do stupid shit like this. My sisters do not like or wear the veil and I have always stood by them in this even when my father was initially reluctant to agree but I have a cousin who wears the veil because she wants to and trust me if someone grabbed her veil the way you are describing they would eat cement not soon after. Now if it was a teacher that would be an entirely different matter because the idiot would both be out of a job and looking at a lawsuit.

In the US we have the same no hats in school rule but religious head wear does not apply, so Muslim girls and even Sikh dudes wearing Turbans are not told anything. Maybe that is why American Muslims are not bat shit angry like Europeans Muslims.

As for your girl not wearing a head dress while inside a mosque most Imams will let such things slide for tourists but quite frankly you might have thought this as progressive but it would be considered disrespectful in most mosques. One time in my mosque a female police officer came inside with a few firefighters to check if the signs for regulations were put up and she stopped at the entrance and asked the Imam if her entering without head wear would be disrespectful and if so she would stay outside, he just smiled and told her that her asking shows that she meant no disrespect and she is welcome to enter as is. That is American progressiveness versus European progressiveness.

Don't derail the thread with your nonsense Sinan.

They didn't go and dance in a mosque with their dicks and tits hanging out. They made a cover video for Pharrel's happy. Your argument makes no sense. Markus makes complete sense here.

Markus is a retard and his comments have little to do with the video which @Sinan probably has little issue with.
You know we don't like mullahs and want to see them gone. Our relationship with (economic, diplomatic, etc..) Iran will boost.

If u ask me I will tell u mullas never will go.because 70-80 % of Iran are religious and people of Iran believe their spirituals. Even non religious people love their government before 2-3 years ago and sanctions.
In 34 years ago Iran has built like 100 years.
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