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5 Indian Army officers Including Col & Major killed in operation against Freedom Fighters

Absolutely spot on. The RSS sadhus have been singing the S-400 and Rafale song ever since the 27th. We should not take it lightly. We need to up the ante and destroy Indian back.

LOL Like as if India has been throwing petal flowers to Pakistan. India is the master of deception. India has been using non-state actors like left and right against Pakistan.

I wonder what countermeasures Pakistan has against these toys especially the S400 which is considered one of the deadliest anti missile system in the world? maybe Pakistan has some surprises up its sleeve, time will tell, but Pakistan has to be alert, you have a crazy and monster chai wala prime minister who can do anything.
I wonder what countermeasures Pakistan has against these toys especially the S400 which is considered one of the deadliest anti missile system in the world? maybe Pakistan has some surprises up its sleeve, time will tell, but Pakistan has to be alert, you have a crazy and monster chai wala prime minister who can do anything.

He will do crazy things. 100%. That is why this is the time to really put them under pressure. The filthy rape chief is buying time. He thinks he can wait it out with his shelling across the line plan. I agree with you. Let's put the Indians under a good amount of pressure.
I can add two points to this:

1. The second that the Maharaja signed the IoA with India, for whatever reasons, the presence of Pakistani tribals in J&K became Pakistan state-supported non-state actors in India. Thus starting the process of sub-conventional actions.

2. If you think that it was acceptable for Pakistan to send tribals to act against the Maharaja in J&K then you shouldn't have qualms with India sending Mukti's against Pakistan sponsored genocide against Bengalis in East Pakistan.

There really are no grounds for Pakistanis to complain when their own playbooks are being followed.
The instrument of accession was signed AFTER the tribal invasion and AFTER the genocide perpetrated by the Maharajah.

India had already committed a second crime of invading and forcibly annexing Jungadh despite that State's accession to Pakistan in 1947.

Large scale violence in East Pakistan started AFTER India started pumping in the terrorists of the Mukti Bahini that carried out their own atrocities. The exponential increase in violence in East Pakistan increased as a direct result of Indian interference & support for terrorism there, whereas the genocide in Jammu was already well underway by the time the tribals marched in.

Finally, none of the above excuses CONTINUED Indian atrocities & occupation of millions of Kashmiris despite UNSC Resolutions clearly stating that the Kashmiris should be allowed to choose between India & Pakistan in a UN led plebiscite.

You can talk about historical events all you want, but the fact is that it is the petty, greedy and expansionist State of India (and millions of its citizens) that CONTINUE to support the forcible occupation of, and atrocities perpetrated upon, millions of Kashmiris in Indian Occupied J&K. That is your present - that is your reality - that is your nature as a country and a people - you support occupation by force, atrocities, torture, rape and massacres and then whine and cry when your soldiers, deployed by your corrupt & genocidal political elite to carry out that occupation of J&K and perpetrate those atrocities, get slaughtered.
What is it with these Indians and their English adopted names? LOL at Robbie. GTFO here.

Don't be surprised, I have had countless cold callers from Indian call centres, using Christian names when for some strange reason they don't like using their original names.
Don't be surprised, I have had countless cold callers from Indian call centres, using Christian names when for some strange reason they don't like using their original names.

Pakistan needs to work hard and not be complacent. We have a solid window of opportunity now. I believe the JF-17 Block 3 will be an absolute killer. Indian air force will require time to induct the Rafale fighters. Modi is pretending it will be plug and play which it won't. I think they will rely a lot on them. We also need to use stand off weapons and other tactics to take on S-400. Overwhelm their S-400 batteries. Once you take out these toys Indian morale will go down to ground zero considering how much the RSS brigade has been touting these weapons as a game changer.
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I can add two points to this:

1. The second that the Maharaja signed the IoA with India, for whatever reasons, the presence of Pakistani tribals in J&K became Pakistan state-supported non-state actors in India. Thus starting the process of sub-conventional actions.

2. If you think that it was acceptable for Pakistan to send tribals to act against the Maharaja in J&K then you shouldn't have qualms with India sending Mukti's against Pakistan sponsored genocide against Bengalis in East Pakistan.

There really are no grounds for Pakistanis to complain when their own playbooks are being followed by India. Imitation is flattery I say.
So then you accept that India illegally invaded Junagadh as they had signed a treaty to Join Pakistan.

Hyderabad was going to sign over to Pakistan as well until Hindus threatened them violence.
They even sent us their royal treasury.

Can't have it both ways Pajeet.
If the treaty with the Maharaja is Iron clad, then you need to give us Junagadh. If not then you accept that both the Maharaja and Junagadh made mistakes and their treaty are not worth much.
The instrument of accession was signed AFTER the tribal invasion and AFTER the genocide perpetrated by the Maharajah.

India had already committed a second crime of invading and forcibly annexing Jungadh despite that State's accession to Pakistan in 1947.

Large scale violence in East Pakistan started AFTER India started pumping in the terrorists of the Mukti Bahini that carried out their own atrocities. The exponential increase in violence in East Pakistan increased as a direct result of Indian interference & support for terrorism there, whereas the genocide in Jammu was already well underway by the time the tribals marched in.

Finally, none of the above excuses CONTINUED Indian atrocities & occupation of millions of Kashmiris despite UNSC Resolutions clearly stating that the Kashmiris should be allowed to choose between India & Pakistan in a UN led plebiscite.

You can talk about historical events all you want, but the fact is that it is the petty, greedy and expansionist State of India (and millions of its citizens) that CONTINUE to support the forcible occupation of, and atrocities perpetrated upon, millions of Kashmiris in Indian Occupied J&K. That is your present - that is your reality - that is your nature as a country and a people - you support occupation by force, atrocities, torture, rape and massacres and then whine and cry when your soldiers, deployed by your corrupt & genocidal political elite to carry out that occupation of J&K and perpetrate those atrocities, get slaughtered.
Please allow me an opportunity to educate you. You seem to have your chronology wrong.

India signed IoA with J&K on 26th October. The second after India signed IoA, forward movement and violence committed by Pakistani sponsored non-state actors was terrorism in India.

India annexed Junagadh in early November. You could argue that India had allegedly sealed the land borders between India and Junagadh before that, but closing borders is a sovereign right and no violence was carried out against Junagadh.

Pakistani actions predate Indian action and started the whole chain of using non-state actors. I repeat for emphasis, Pakistan started the aggression. I hope you will remember that when you start accusations of 'India started xyz' tirade next time.

Now on to your second non-factual tirade of violence starting after India intervened. The internet is awash with sources documenting when and why Pakistani military started repression in East Pakistan. The Indian action was taken to prevent ethnic cleansing on the borders after repression started. I don't even need to bother responding to you.

Lastly, to your final point about the present reality. India acknowledges that there have been human right violations and actions have been taken in most if not all instances where such excesses have occurred. The unfortunate reality is that India has had to militarize Kashmir after repeated Pakistani attempts at grabbing territory and using jihadis it reared for Afghanistan to inflict violence on the state of Kashmir.

On a more personal note, I wish that the restrictions on the valley are lifted and political activities resume. I don't agree with the lockdown that GoI has done and don't agree that politicians can or should put under detention. I hope that the military is no longer needed there, however is dependent on whether Pakistan stops using terrorism.

As far as plebiscite is concerned, the conditions outlined in the UN resolution need to be met - that includes first and unilateral withdrawal of the Pakistani military from entire J&K. Pakistan seems to be in no mood to comply.
Please allow me an opportunity to educate you. You seem to have your chronology wrong.

India signed IoA with J&K on 26th October. The second after India signed IoA, forward movement and violence committed by Pakistani sponsored non-state actors was terrorism in India.

India annexed Junagadh in early November. You could argue that India had allegedly sealed the land borders between India and Junagadh before that, but closing borders is a sovereign right and no violence was carried out against Junagadh.

Pakistani actions predate Indian action and started the whole chain of using non-state actors. I repeat for emphasis, Pakistan started the aggression. I hope you will remember that when you start accusations of 'India started xyz' tirade next time.

Now on to your second non-factual tirade of violence starting after India intervened. The internet is awash with sources documenting when and why Pakistani military started repression in East Pakistan. The Indian action was taken to prevent ethnic cleansing on the borders after repression started. I don't even need to bother responding to you.

Lastly, to your final point about the present reality. India acknowledges that there have been human right violations and actions have been taken in most if not all instances where such excesses have occurred. The unfortunate reality is that India has had to militarize Kashmir after repeated Pakistani attempts at grabbing territory and using jihadis it reared for Afghanistan to inflict violence on the state of Kashmir.

On a more personal note, I wish that the restrictions on the valley are lifted and political activities resume. I don't agree with the lockdown that GoI has done and don't agree that politicians can or should put under detention. I hope that the military is no longer needed there, however is dependent on whether Pakistan stops using terrorism.

As far as plebiscite is concerned, the conditions outlined in the UN resolution need to be met - that includes first and unilateral withdrawal of the Pakistani military from entire J&K. Pakistan seems to be in no mood to comply.
You can't educate anyone whilst dissembling and spouting the same lies and propaganda that have been used by the corrupt, greedy hatemongering political elite of India to turn many of its people into a hateful caricature of the Nazis.

Junagadh acceded to Pakistan on September 15th. By September 17th, the Indian cabinet had taken the decision to deploy military around what was now Pakistani territory and blockade it, with the Indian government essentially threatening Pakistan to reject the accession, through diplomatic communication supported by military action such as the blockade. Additionally, an illegal 'provisional government from Junagadh' was accepted by the Indian government despite the fact that the accession had been signed and accepted by Pakistan. The Indian blockade of Jungadh caused unrest and suffering in Junagadh which eventually led to the administration in Jungadh being forced to 'invite' Indian forces into the territory to calm the situation. You can hide behind all the dissembling lies you want, as is the nature of your country's politicians, academics, military and government officials, but the fact remains that India's blockade of Junagadh (much like it's support for terrorists in East Pakistan) created the unrest and conditions in Jungadh that forced the administration to 'invite' Indian forces in.

So clearly Indian actions to create the conditions to militarily take over the territory started long before the tribal invasion of J&K (which itself occurred a few days before the genocidal maniac of a Maharajah acceded to India). India's refusal to accept the accession of Junagadh is clearly outlined in official diplomatic communications with Pakistan, so your argument that the Maharajah's accession to India means anything after that is just another example of the outright hypocrisy and two-faced nature of India's government we have come to expect over the years. Why should Pakistan have respected the Maharajah's accession to India when India had already made it clear that it was not accepting Junagadh's accession to Pakistan?

Your personal note means nothing - it is nothing more than more two faced dissemblance to justify India's continued occupation of J&K and continued atrocities perpetrated on its people. There is only one ethical, moral and just solution to the J&K dispute and that is to allow the people of J&K to vote in a UN held plebiscite to choose between India, Pakistan and independence. Your refusal to even accept that in principle clearly exposes your own lack of character and morality, which isn't surprising given the genocidal maniac and hatemongerer Indian's have elected into power for the second time.

And finally, the UNSC Resolutions do not require a unilateral withdrawal from Pakistan - they call for negotiations on a truce/demilitarization agreement between Pakistan, India and the UN to come up with specifics, negotiations that were carried out multiple times with all 3 parties participating, and India rejecting proposals that both Pakistan and the UN agreed to. No country or entity in their right mind is going to support the dishonest and outlandish Indian proposal of a unilateral withdrawal from disputed territory of one warring party, and allow the other free reign to occupy the vacated territory. Again, your resort to this absurd excuse is just another example of your own moral and ethical bankruptcy to match that of your country.
What is it with these Indians and their English adopted names? LOL at Robbie. GTFO here.
Says a Pakistani with a Hindi name. :enjoy::enjoy:

You can't educate anyone whilst dissembling and spouting the same lies and propaganda that have been used by the corrupt, greedy hatemongering political elite of India to turn many of its people into a hateful caricature of the Nazis.

Junagadh acceded to Pakistan on September 15th. By September 17th, the Indian cabinet had taken the decision to deploy military around what was now Pakistani territory and blockade it, with the Indian government essentially threatening Pakistan to reject the accession, through diplomatic communication supported by military action such as the blockade. Additionally, an illegal 'provisional government from Junagadh' was accepted by the Indian government despite the fact that the accession had been signed and accepted by Pakistan. The Indian blockade of Jungadh caused unrest and suffering in Junagadh which eventually led to the administration in Jungadh being forced to 'invite' Indian forces into the territory to calm the situation. You can hide behind all the dissembling lies you want, as is the nature of your country's politicians, academics, military and government officials, but the fact remains that India's blockade of Junagadh (much like it's support for terrorists in East Pakistan) created the unrest and conditions in Jungadh that forced the administration to 'invite' Indian forces in.

So clearly Indian actions to create the conditions to militarily take over the territory started long before the tribal invasion of J&K (which itself occurred a few days before the genocidal maniac of a Maharajah acceded to India). India's refusal to accept the accession of Junagadh is clearly outlined in official diplomatic communications with Pakistan, so your argument that the Maharajah's accession to India means anything after that is just another example of the outright hypocrisy and two-faced nature of India's government we have come to expect over the years. Why should Pakistan have respected the Maharajah's accession to India when India had already made it clear that it was not accepting Junagadh's accession to Pakistan?

Your personal note means nothing - it is nothing more than more two faced dissemblance to justify India's continued occupation of J&K and continued atrocities perpetrated on its people. There is only one ethical, moral and just solution to the J&K dispute and that is to allow the people of J&K to vote in a UN held plebiscite to choose between India, Pakistan and independence. Your refusal to even accept that in principle clearly exposes your own lack of character and morality, which isn't surprising given the genocidal maniac and hatemongerer Indian's have elected into power for the second time.

And finally, the UNSC Resolutions do not require a unilateral withdrawal from Pakistan - they call for negotiations on a truce/demilitarization agreement between Pakistan, India and the UN to come up with specifics, negotiations that were carried out multiple times with all 3 parties participating, and India rejecting proposals that both Pakistan and the UN agreed to. No country or entity in their right mind is going to support the dishonest and outlandish Indian proposal of a unilateral withdrawal from disputed territory of one warring party, and allow the other free reign to occupy the vacated territory. Again, your resort to this absurd excuse is just another example of your own moral and ethical bankruptcy to match that of your country.

Even though we are enemies, I appreciate your eloquence. Anyways, back to Junagarh. The location of Junagarh would have ensured somewhat enclave like presence for Pakistan. You could not keep a much larger Bangladesh with you because of the geographical separation. There was no way you could have kept Junagarh and Hyderabad from falling in our hands sooner or later. It just had to happen. As Sardar Patel said about Hyderabad, Pakistani territory inside India would have been like a cancer for us. It's too bad though that they couldn't show this promptness about Kashmir else today we would have been peaceful neighbours.
You can't educate anyone whilst dissembling and spouting the same lies and propaganda that have been used by the corrupt, greedy hatemongering political elite of India to turn many of its people into a hateful caricature of the Nazis.

Junagadh acceded to Pakistan on September 15th. By September 17th, the Indian cabinet had taken the decision to deploy military around what was now Pakistani territory and blockade it, with the Indian government essentially threatening Pakistan to reject the accession, through diplomatic communication supported by military action such as the blockade. Additionally, an illegal 'provisional government from Junagadh' was accepted by the Indian government despite the fact that the accession had been signed and accepted by Pakistan. The Indian blockade of Jungadh caused unrest and suffering in Junagadh which eventually led to the administration in Jungadh being forced to 'invite' Indian forces into the territory to calm the situation. You can hide behind all the dissembling lies you want, as is the nature of your country's politicians, academics, military and government officials, but the fact remains that India's blockade of Junagadh (much like it's support for terrorists in East Pakistan) created the unrest and conditions in Jungadh that forced the administration to 'invite' Indian forces in.

So clearly Indian actions to create the conditions to militarily take over the territory started long before the tribal invasion of J&K (which itself occurred a few days before the genocidal maniac of a Maharajah acceded to India). India's refusal to accept the accession of Junagadh is clearly outlined in official diplomatic communications with Pakistan, so your argument that the Maharajah's accession to India means anything after that is just another example of the outright hypocrisy and two-faced nature of India's government we have come to expect over the years. Why should Pakistan have respected the Maharajah's accession to India when India had already made it clear that it was not accepting Junagadh's accession to Pakistan?

Your personal note means nothing - it is nothing more than more two faced dissemblance to justify India's continued occupation of J&K and continued atrocities perpetrated on its people. There is only one ethical, moral and just solution to the J&K dispute and that is to allow the people of J&K to vote in a UN held plebiscite to choose between India, Pakistan and independence. Your refusal to even accept that in principle clearly exposes your own lack of character and morality, which isn't surprising given the genocidal maniac and hatemongerer Indian's have elected into power for the second time.

And finally, the UNSC Resolutions do not require a unilateral withdrawal from Pakistan - they call for negotiations on a truce/demilitarization agreement between Pakistan, India and the UN to come up with specifics, negotiations that were carried out multiple times with all 3 parties participating, and India rejecting proposals that both Pakistan and the UN agreed to. No country or entity in their right mind is going to support the dishonest and outlandish Indian proposal of a unilateral withdrawal from disputed territory of one warring party, and allow the other free reign to occupy the vacated territory. Again, your resort to this absurd excuse is just another example of your own moral and ethical bankruptcy to match that of your country.

Complete and utter destruction of that Nazi wanna be.

This was glorious to watch.
Why India always try to be innocent.



Oh tenu pata ni tera keray prah nal vah piya ehhh
These are the times when the epic dailogue of noori nut starts to reverberate in one's Pakistani self.

Oye Saab tu'n e koi vayri ds jayra es dhaon da Val kdhy

But then we are up against indians [emoji38]
reddit is infested with Indians.

The funny thing is that a lot of their hateful comments and nonsense tends to get down voted.
This is true. I repeatedly tried to contact mods for the hate comments and bullshit on Pakistan military related posts but no response. These gangus like to smack downvote button on Pak-Miliatary posts. I am just sick of them.

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