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Army major killed in 6-hour-long gun-battle in IOK

Retard I did not call IA major a b@stard , I repeated the words of your country fellow ......

@sandy_3126 I thought you were a sane member :disagree:
Are you sure you didn't? being a think tank member you are using profanity where you are a model for civil discourse, and thus the negative rating, please do explain the negative rating if you can.
Are you sure you didn't? being a think tank member you are using profanity where you are a model for civil discourse, and thus the negative rating, please do explain the negative rating if you can.

Show me where did I say that the "Indian Army major was a b@stard" ...... I repeated the words used by your country fellow to remind him what this thread was about (as per him) ....
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Interesting thread, RIP to our fallen soldier and my prayers to his family.

Sepoy Vikram Singh originally of 17 Rajput, deployed with 44 RR, died while killing 3 terrorists in Shopian.
It is quite sad that on a thread about army Major's death, you and a few others have made this to be a terrorist sympathizing parade. This mindset is quite disturbing.

For you Freedom Fighters are "terrorists" , For Us (Kasmiris included) IA is the real "terrorist" and Mujahideen are the true soldiers fighting against oppression .. So There are soldiers on both side ...... If you can`t respect our soldiers , Don`t expect that we would respect yours
For you Freedom Fighters are "terrorists" , For Us (Kasmiris included) IA is the real "terrorist" and Mujahideen are the true soldiers fighting against oppression .. So There are soldiers on both side ...... If you can`t respect our soldiers , Don`t expect that we would respect yours
stop ranting. .. none is interested to listen your bullshyte. from the beginning you are insulting IA personal. . to support those militants. ... none here intended to insult PA personal who are martyred. kashmir belong to us.. not to you...
stop ranting. .. none is interested to listen your bullshyte. from the beginning you are insulting IA personal. . to support those militants. ... none here intended to insult PA personal who are martyred. kashmir belong to us.. not to you...

You are wrong ... None "here" is interested in listening to "Your" BS .......
And Kashmir does not belong to you ..... So spare us your nonsense
Now Go Away troll
Indian soldiers are brave, they try to finish militants in gun battle.........on the other hand pakistani soldiers prefer to deal with militants through heavy artillery, jets, gunship helicopters, tanks and what not, no matter how much collateral damage occurs.
For you Freedom Fighters are "terrorists" , For Us (Kasmiris included) IA is the real "terrorist" and Mujahideen are the true soldiers fighting against oppression .. So There are soldiers on both side ...... If you can`t respect our soldiers , Don`t expect that we would respect yours

Even your own government doesn't buys that...
These militants (Kashmiri freedom fighters) really need to improve their armed combat skills they are no where near as effective as other insurgencies, and them being in small numbers should work to their advantage. Although killing a Major is a high value target, but these kinds of strikes often come at high casualties for them.
Yes they need to be equipped with RPG and Snipers and Heavy and Light Machine Guns and better Assault Rifles with Gernades too than they can more deadly for enemy forces
Indian soldiers are brave, they try to finish militants in gun battle.........on the other hand pakistani soldiers prefer to deal with militants through heavy artillery, jets, gunship helicopters, tanks and what not, no matter how much collateral damage occurs.

And who gives a damn about what a "self confessed" Afghan parasite has to say !!

Even your own government doesn't buys that...

So what ?
Indian soldiers are brave, they try to finish militants in gun battle.........on the other hand pakistani soldiers prefer to deal with militants through heavy artillery, jets, gunship helicopters, tanks and what not, no matter how much collateral damage occurs.
Thanks for stating the truth. But expecting some butt hurts to be on fire but then who cares about those low lifes!!
Indian soldiers are brave, they try to finish militants in gun battle.........on the other hand pakistani soldiers prefer to deal with militants through heavy artillery, jets, gunship helicopters, tanks and what not, no matter how much collateral damage occurs.

You also know its not abt bravery. IA has strict instructions to avoid civilian casualties. Thats obviously not the case in pak. If pathans had the unity kashmiris have, things would be different. Fact is pathans have been successfully divided.
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