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Army major killed in 6-hour-long gun-battle in IOK

And Here come a few more denialistan trolls ........

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Here is the original pallywood production from which many of your propaganda poster is derived.



I think its quite pathetic. All this propaganda work undermines the genuine struggle of the Palestinians (If there is such a thing).

Here's another one,


Oh the brutal Zionists. Shock horror.



Brought to you by Pallywood. :rolleyes:

Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies
You must be talking about BLA or TTP .

No we are talking mukti bahni of Kashmir

Goes a long way to put a lid on the nonsense that those fighting in IOK are Pakistani Nationals.

Would post pictures of militants funeral and burial soon. Bering attended by hundreds of Kashmiris. Watch this space for further details. :)
Ha Ha Ha Ha

Here is the original pallywood production from which many of your propaganda poster is derived.



Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies
that is big slap... lol

Why act retarded always ??
Read previous posts .... This has been answered already

And Here is what really is a big slap :

"As the conflict in Kashmir enters its fourth year, central and state authorities have done little to stop the widespread practice of rape of innocent women by Indian security forces in Kashmir. Indeed, when confronted with the evidence of rape, time and again the authorities have attempted to impugn the integrity of the witnesses, discredit the testimony of physicians or simply deny the charges everything except order a full inquiry and prosecute those responsible for rape".
(Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, May 09, 1993)

"Since January 1990, rape by Indian occupation forces has become more frequent. Rape most often occurs during crackdowns, cordon and search operations during which men are held for identification in parks or schoolyards while security forces search their homes. In raping them, the security forces are attempting to punish and humiliate the entire community." ('Pain in Kashmir: A Crime of War' issued jointly by Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, May 09, 1993)

"By beginning TV cameras and prohibiting the presence in Kashmir of the International Red Cross and of human rights organization, the Indian authorities have tried to keep Kashmir out of the news." (`Kashmiri crisis at the flash point', The Washington Times, by columnist Cord Meyer, April 23, 1993)

"Despite pressure from League of Human Rights and other humanitarian organizations the Indian forces have not desisted from using torture and sequestration of political opponents and using methods that defy imagination." (Le Quotidien de Paris, September 05, 1992)

"The most common torture methods are severe beatings, sometimes while the victim is hung upside down, and electric shocks. People have also been crushed with heavy rollers, burned, stabbed with sharp instruments, and had objects such as chilies or thick sticks forced into their rectums. Sexual mutilation has been reported".
(Amnesty International, March 1992)

"Widespread human rights violations in the state since January 1990 have been attributed to the (Kashmir) Indian army, and the Paramilitary Border Security Force and Central Reserve Police Force." (Amnesty International, March 1992)

"The term "rape of Kashmir", is no exaggeration. India's Hindu and Sikh forces have adopted a concerted policy of raping Muslim women which is designed to break the will of the Kashmiri resistance... The world community should immediately bring political and economic pressure on India to stop behaving like a Mongol." (Eric Margolis, Sunday Sun, April 12, 1992)

"The worst outrages by the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) have been frequent gang rapes of all women in Muslim villages, followed by the execution of the men". (Eric Margolis, The Ottawa Citizen, December 8, 1991)

"While army troops dragged men from their homes for questioning in the border town of Kunan Pushpura, scores of women say they were raped by soldiers....a pregnant Kashmiri woman, who was raped and kicked, gave birth to a son with a broken arm." (Melinda Liuin, Newsweek, June 24, 1991) [Anthony Wood and Ron MaCullagh of the Sunday Observer (June 02, 1992)

estimated that over 500 Indian army men were involved in this orgy of rape and plunder in Kunan Pushpura Kashmir.]

"The security forces have entered hospitals, beaten patients, hit doctors, entered operating theaters, smashed instruments.
Ambulances have been attacked, curfew passes are confiscated." (Asia Watch, May 1991)

"Sexual molestation, beatings, threats of violence, and electric shock are the most common forms of torture in Kashmir.” (Asia Watch, May 1991)

Last 23 years have witnessed a rapid rise in human rights violations in Kashmir. The Indian security forces disregarding any fear of international criticism continue to practice their barbaric methods despite the fact that many human rights groups have consistently took notice of these despicable acts. Mary Robinson, United Nations high commissioner for human rights, during her recent visit to Pakistan, described human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir as "serious". The US State Department in its annual report on human rights for the year 2001 also expressed somewhat similar views. The report stressed that the Indian security force continued to commit human rights abuses in Kashmir including killing of civilians, excessive use of force, extra-judicial killings, torture and rape. (source: INSPAD)

Most regional sources indicate that more than 93,000 Kashmiris have already sacrificed their lives in pursuit of freedom from Indian rule. Over 102,000 houses and shops have been either burnt or looted. More than 100,000 children have been orphaned and roughly 10,350 women have so far been molested. It is indeed difficult to calculate that how many Kashmiris are missing or hiding but rough estimates put the figure to over 100,000. These figures by themselves paint a horrible picture in Kashmir. (Source: Kashmir Media Service-KMS)

And the persecution is still continuing at an ever-increasing rate. In a land where even gatherings of more than four persons is prohibited, everyday is a nightmare; every place is a holocaust. Every family has suffered in one way or another. (Source: Asia Watch)

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Yeah yeah yeah. There are tons of them resting in peace whilst you sit in the comfort of wherever you are clapping for them. Make no mistake, I ain't justifying any act of India here. What disgusts me is the fact that somewhere, some dadda gave these youngsters guns and sent them into a battle knowing that they would never come out alive. And you like that dadda scream "RIP", "Allah Akhbar" and whatever else it is which gives you the need to satisfy yourself that Muslim Kashmir should be part of Muslim Pakistan or whatever self glory it is which gives you a high. All this whilst the families of these youngsters and the soldiers killed in action will be trying to put their lives back together again. I would certainly have more respect for the Jihad or whatever movement of Kashmir it is which sent in these kids if they gathered a large force, headed by their "brave" handlers and commanders and moved into Kashmir to take on the IA head on. Sending in one or two or a few kids to be mowed down in my view is nothing but cowardice and you praising that cowardice shows the calibre of your character

You bhartis' beloved marathas used the same tactics against Mughal forces that Kashmiris are using today against IA but you glorify the former and condemn the Kashmiris? Double standards. :pop:

This is not a war. It is sending in youngsters to be killed for a failed cause. That is simply my point. Do you really believe that India will withdraw from Kashmir because an army major and one or two soldiers were killed ? If not, then what exactly is th purpose of sending in these kids to be killed ? The view I hold by the way is that the Kashmir issue should be resolved by all stakeholders via dialogue.

A cause is only failed once you give up on it. No India will not leave so Kashmiris will just have to keep dispatching Indian soldiers to Jahannum.

Terrorists dispatched to hell today.
A good job done by the Army.

The shaheed major and jawan will have a place in heaven and our hearts.

No place in heaven for a Mukund Vardharajan, maybe reincarnation as a literal dog this time around. That way the "IA dogs" written all over Kashmir will make even more sense.
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So mujahideen strike again
These militants (Kashmiri freedom fighters) really need to improve their armed combat skills they are no where near as effective as other insurgencies, and them being in small numbers should work to their advantage. Although killing a Major is a high value target, but these kinds of strikes often come at high casualties for them.
Indian Occupier Terrorists should get lost of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.

Where are international organizations? Why are they all silent? Where is UN, Human Right Activists, etc etc? Why are they all blind?
Indian Occupier Terrorists should get lost of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.

Where are international organizations? Why are they all silent? Where is UN, Human Right Activists, etc etc? Why are they all blind?

Read Shimla accord.
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