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215th anniversary of General Tipu Sultan.

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1. Well. Mostly Hindu staff is not true. After Hyder Ali assumed power, the titular heads remained the Wodeyars. Hence the Hindu name of Sri RangaPattnam remained.

2. The official capital was still Mysore.

3. The name of the state was changed to Khudadat Sultanate! The de jure capital became Sri Rangapattnam.

Now why did he keep this temple? Because of a fear of prophecy and superstition - that no harm should come to it, otherwise his rule would end. Tyrants are always superstitious. And this is independent of faith :D During Tipu's reign the Wodeyar 'king', or titular head was imprisoned. The British restored the Wodeyars to power later.

4. He destroyed more than 20000 temples and converted at least 400,000 at least in and around the Malabar region alone. He was honest. He boasted about it in his letters.

@Indischer will be able to validate or correct if anything is wrong.

Well, I'm from the region of Mysore, but that does not automatically make me any expert on Mysorean history. What I can say, however, is that Tippu Sultan was a brave man, but a tyrant nonetheless.

Now, if anyone so chooses to ignore his negative aspects and focus on his positives, I have no problems with that. But let it be known that a great man is the sum of all his parts, and if the bad in him outdid the good in him, it's apt that his notoreity will outdo his fame.
Well, I'm from the region of Mysore, but that does not automatically make me any expert on Mysorean history. What I can say, however, is that Tippu Sultan was a brave man, but a tyrant nonetheless.

Now, if anyone so chooses to ignore his negative aspects and focus on his positives, I have no problems with that. But let it be known that a great man is the sum of all his parts, and if the bad in him outdid the good in him, it's apt that his notoreity will outdo his fame.
Bingo :tup: Hit the nail on the head.

You're a smart guy, you'll understand why we named our missiles after them. :lol:

Hint : The Missiles and the Sultans had a common objective :devil:


sultans tried their best : India Still stands tall!

moral : just as sultans failed so will these missiles ! :devil:
Do you know what's common between all those names ??? :angel:

Forced Hindu conversions, importing and imposing a foreign culture and language over an unwilling populace and an overbearing sense(or stench?) of piousness in their actions.:angel:
What more were you expecting? After Ghaznavi, Ghauri and Babur missiles, it's only apt that a PNS Tipu Sultan also be part of their arsenal. And No, it's not because he fought bravely against the British.:rolleyes:

whatever the reason may be! his fight against British will never be one! In fact for Pakistanis British rule was more acceptable than the fears of hindu rule!
I respect your views. Please go through his letters and his museums. Check the Encyclopaedia of Mysore as well. :D
Hey how the heck can he go through the letters of Tipu Sultan when the museum itself is located in Mysore,India.Poor kid,he was all along claiming Tipu to be the national hero of his country but can't even see his personal items which are all in INDIA.:rofl::rofl:
What more were you expecting? After Ghaznavi, Ghauri and Babur missiles, it's only apt that a PNS Tipu Sultan also be part of their arsenal. And No, it's not because he fought bravely against the British.:rolleyes:

I am aware of it. :haha: Right now its convenient for them to create a relation with South India, at some other moment they will claim Pakistanis only similar to 3% Indian Punjabis, not similar to 97% Indians. :omghaha::omghaha:
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Forced Hindu conversions, importing and imposing a foreign culture and language over an unwilling populace and an overbearing sense(or stench?) of piousness in their actions.:angel:
Not at all.

You got it all wrong !!! :D
I am aware of it. :haha: Right now its convenient for them to create a relation with South India, at some other moment they they Pakistanis only similar to 3% Indian Punjabis, not similar to 97% Indians. :omghaha::omghaha:
Are you sure it's 3%? I was under the impression that the Radcliffe Line was so Roohani that people on the other side suddenly would have more in common with Iran, Tajikistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc in terms of their culture, language and ancestry. Basically any country barring India. 3% is too darn high a number, innit? :unsure:
Tipu must have fought bravely against British but he was involved in destruction of Hindu temples in Kerala and mass murdering of unarmed Konkani Christians in Serilingapatnam and thus for me he has no greatness.

What about Hindus and Christians in Mysore? I would say that his treatment was not necessarily motivated primarily because of religious reasons....

Such acts were not uncommon in those days in Asia.

Nevertheless, Tipu Sultan was a good general and a true soldier. I dont want to use great, because I dont think he was a great general. He overestimated the effect of his rockets after initial victories against the British and underestimated the ability of the British generals to adopt to the new weapon.

PS: Mysore is a beautiful city :P
Not at all.

You got it all wrong !!! :D

Please enlighten me then. I thought this was the standard laundry list of things-to-do on the subcontinent if one was to gain the title of Ghazi. :sarcastic:
What more were you expecting? After Ghaznavi, Ghauri and Babur missiles, it's only apt that a PNS Tipu Sultan also be part of their arsenal. And No, it's not because he fought bravely against the British.
If we want, we can also give dozens of names who slaughtered their enemies from 3rd century bc to 21st century ad. We do not give such name as it is our policy and we must be proud of it. It's our strength, not weakness.

4. He destroyed more than 20000 temples and converted at least 400,000 at least in and around the Malabar region alone. He was honest. He boasted about it in his letters.
Get out of this victimhood and biased history or provide source. And, you think that Hindus and the British destroyed not a single mosque?

"The total number of temples that were destroyed across those six centuries was 80, not many thousands as is sometimes conjectured by various people. No one has contested that and I wrote that article 10 years ago."-Richard Eaton, the Wikipedia, the Google and, many would argue, the last word on medieval and Islamic history in India.
‘It’s a myth that Muslim rulers destroyed thousands of temples’ | Tehelka.com

Bakwas band kar asshole. Yr fantasy of mis kerala adventures is not even funny.
But this is true that he lost only one battle thanks to tyrants traitor hindus that yr kind has always been to us Muslims. No wonder u still curse us for ruling yr entire kind for a 1000 years time.
Now get lost.
Read History. I won't even argue. You yourself will understand your "aukat".

The History of Modern Day India

5500 BCE to 2000 BCE: Indus Valley Civilization. Provinces withIndus Valley Civilization Sites: Sindh, Rajasthan, Punjab(both East & West), UP, Gujrat, Baluchistan, Haryana, Kashmir, Maharashtra.

2000 BCE to 600 BCE: Vedic Civilization or Gangetic Civilization.

600 BCE to 300 BCE: Sixteen Mahajanapadas or Sixteen Great Kingdoms.

4th Century BCE: The Nanda Empire. It was the first powerful and influential Indian imperial power.

322 BCE to 185 BCE:TheMaurya Empire. It was the largest ever Indian empire and imperial power.

1st Century BCE to 1st Century CE: 1) North-West India: Indo-Greek Kingdom. 2) North-Central India: Sunga Empire. 3) South India: Satavahana Kingdom. 4) West India: Indo-Scythian Kingdom.

1st Century CE to 3rd Century CE: 1) North India: The Kushan Empire. 2) South India: Satavahana Kingdom. 3) West India: Indo-Scythian Kingdom.

4rd Century CE to 6th Century CE: The Gupta Empire. Most of the historians consider this period as The Golden Age of India.

6th Century CE: 1) North India: The White Huna Kingdom under Mihirakula and his father Tormana. And also many small Kingdoms.. 2) South India: The Pallava Empire.

7th Century CE: 1) North India: Empire of Harshavardhan. 2) South India: The Pallava Empire and The Chalukya Empire.

NOTE: Islam came to India in this time, mainly in the South India in the 1st half of 7th century by Arab traders.

8th Century to 12th Century CE: 1) West India: TheGurjara Pratihara. 2) East India: Pala Empire. 3) South India: Rashtrakutas Empire and Chola Empire. Again, between 8th and 11th century a fierce Tripartite Struggle took place among them over Kanauj or Gangetic plane. Again, the Karkota dynasty of King Lalitaditya Muktapida of Kashmir created a huge north Indian empire (625-1003) extended upto Central Asia(Turkestan).

13th Century CE to Mid 16th Century CE: 1) North India: Delhi Sultanate. It was the third Indian empire of Central Asians after Scythians and Hunas. Sufism and Bhakti Movement started during this time. 2) South India: Chola Empire( upto mid 14th century) and Vijaynagar Empire (upto mid 16th century). 3) Rajputana and Western India: Rajputs 4) Other Areas: Himalayan Kingdoms by Gurkhas and Maharasthra by Bahmani Empire.

1526 CE to 1556 CE: 1) North India: Total Chaos. Four rulers came into being: Babur, Sher Shah, Humayun and Hemu Vikramaditya. 2) South India: Vijaynagar Empire. 3) Rajputana and Western India: Rajputs

1556 CE to 1707 CE: Mughal Empire. It was one of the greatest empires of India. Mughals were Chagatai Turks of Uzbekistan. During this time, a new culture of singing, dancing, drinking, writing, art, inter-religious marriages and synthesis of faiths developed.

1680/1707 CE to 1805/1818 CE: Maratha Empire. It was the last Pan-Indian imperial power. At its peak, it was stretched from Bengal to Peshawar and from Kashmir to Tamilnadu.

Bengal: Battle of Palassey(1757) took place which later proved to be a turning point in the history of India.

First half of the 19th Century: 1) North-West India: Sikh Kingdom in Punjab, Haryana, Kashmir and KP. 2) Rest of India: Rapid expansion of British East India Company rule annihilating many small states.

1857 CE: The Sepoy Mutiny or The Indian Rebellion.

1858 CE to 1947: British India. Bengal Renaissance. Congress was established in 1885, Muslim League in 1906 and RSS in 1925. Age of Gandhi (1919- his death).

1947 CE: Partition of India. The Republic of India was born.

1947 CE to Present Time: Nehruvian Period (1948 to 1964). Help in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. First Non-Congress Government came in 1977. India becomes a Trillion Dollar economy in 2007.
Interesting debate.

As always the funny part is the identity crisis from across the border. While saying IVC had nothing to do with India (even though its also spread in today's India), the same people want to claim Tipu who never set a foot in what is todays Pakistan. Its just their religious small mindedness that they will pretend to honor Tipu for fighting the British but in reality will totally ignore non muslims who did the same. The REAL reason they honor people like Tipu and Aurangzeb was because of their persecution of Hindus, nothing else.
What about Hindus and Christians in Mysore? I would say that his treatment was not necessarily motivated primarily because of religious reasons....

Such acts were not uncommon in those days in Asia.

Nevertheless, Tipu Sultan was a good general and a true soldier. I dont want to use great, because I dont think he was a great general. He overestimated the effect of his rockets after initial victories against the British and underestimated the ability of the British generals to adopt to the new weapon.

PS: Mysore is a beautiful city :P

Yes, we Indians hate British rule but that doesn't mean to look for a hero in everyone who fought against British. It is impossible for me to consider him hero after knowing his persecution of Hindus and Christians, although I too once admired him.
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