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215th anniversary of General Tipu Sultan.

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What about Hindus and Christians in Mysore? I would say that his treatment was not necessarily motivated primarily because of religious reasons....

Such acts were not uncommon in those days in Asia.

Nevertheless, Tipu Sultan was a good general and a true soldier. I dont want to use great, because I dont think he was a great general. He overestimated the effect of his rockets after initial victories against the British and underestimated the ability of the British generals to adopt to the new weapon.

PS: Mysore is a beautiful city :P

Is it not enough that Kannada was replaced by Persian as the administrative language? Is Farsi the language of Hindus or Christians anywhere in India?

True. Such acts weren't uncommon in those days. But who else committed such acts and is still called a Hero in India?

On the contrary, he underestimated the effectiveness of those rockets. They weren't employed in great numbers in subsequent wars, inspite of clear indications that they'd completely spooked the British troops and their allies in the Second Anglo-Mysore War.
Yes, we Indians hate British rule but that doesn't mean to look for a hero in everyone who fought against British. It is impossible for me to consider him hero after knowing his persecution of Hindus and Christians, although I too once admired him.

Sorry, but where did I mention the word hero?

And again, atrocities against the civilian population was nothing uncommon in Asia at that time.
Is it not enough that Kannada was replaced by Persian as the administrative language? Is Farsi the language of Hindus or Christians anywhere in India?

True. Such acts weren't uncommon in those days. But who else committed such acts and is still called a Hero in India?

On the contrary, he underestimated the effectiveness of those rockets. They weren't employed in great numbers in subsequent wars, inspite of clear indications that they'd completely spooked the British troops and their allies in the Second Anglo-Mysore War.

1.) Persian was used in many courts of South Asia... kinda like French was used in many European courts back then. No one but the elite of those societies spoke those languages.... mainly to show off.

2.) Countless leaders in history (and I am talking about leaders from all over the world) could be described as war criminals these days.... ranging from execution and torture of POWs to massacring civilians.
(I am not defending those acts in any way)

3.) I am not sure about this, but AFAIK those rockets were horrible inaccurate and mainly a psychological weapon. And placing ones hope completely on some wonder weapons is a bad idea anyways (See WW2 for the Germans)

Maybe @AUSTERLITZ can shed some more light
If we want, we can also give dozens of names who slaughtered their enemies from 3rd century bc to 21st century ad. We do not give such name as it is our policy and we must be proud of it. It's our strength, not weakness.

Get out of this victimhood and biased history or provide source. And, you think that Hindus and the British destroyed not a single mosque?

"The total number of temples that were destroyed across those six centuries was 80, not many thousands as is sometimes conjectured by various people. No one has contested that and I wrote that article 10 years ago."-Richard Eaton, the Wikipedia, the Google and, many would argue, the last word on medieval and Islamic history in India.
‘It’s a myth that Muslim rulers destroyed thousands of temples’ | Tehelka.com

Read History. I won't even argue. You yourself will understand your "aukat".
Tehelka. From Vijaynagar to Martand, the destroyed temples don't lie. Please - let's not go there. Besides, I honestly don't look for some Eaton to understand what happened in my country. There is plenty of evidence - first hand and as preserved by the ASI even, that proves him completely wrong. In fact the number 80 is beyond pathetic to be honest.

Don't wish to be rude, but plenty of people contested and proved their point - quoting Islamic sources themselves. 80 temples were probably destroyed in Kashmir in one single day during Sikandar Butshikan's reign. Let's not reduce his contribution here. He got his name (Butshikan) for a reason.

Trust me - the temples did not have an auto destruct button.
1.) Persian was used in many courts of South Asia... kinda like French was used in many European courts back then. No one but the elite of those societies spoke those languages.... mainly to show off.

2.) Countless leaders in history (and I am talking about leaders from all over the world) could be described as war criminals these days.... ranging from execution and torture of POWs to massacring civilians.
(I am not defending those acts in any way)

3.) I am not sure about this, but AFAIK those rockets were horrible inaccurate and mainly a psychological weapon. And placing ones hope completely on some wonder weapons is a bad idea anyways (See WW2 for the Germans)

Maybe @AUSTERLITZ can shed some more light

Again, do any of these actions merit reverence? On the other hand, his treatment of POWs and inhabitants of the regions he tried to annexe merit revulsion. So, what should be the overall assessment of the Man then?

As for those rockets, their flight characteristics had been significantly improved by Tipu's engineers. Besides, they being inaccurate was in no way a handicap. They were expected to fall on massed flanks of Men, and their unpredictability often led to confusion and disarray in the flanks.

Please clean up this thread. Troll invasion has began.
kindly close it for further replies until cleansing. And please start a process to limit the trouble making nationalities to participate in threads that may not go down their throat.
Tipu was a mixed bag.
Anyone trying to show him as absolute good or absolute bad is a liar and a cheat.

He was a good general, a good administrator, but a religious bigot with an issue with Hindus and Christians.

I think that is a fair assessment.
kindly close it for further replies until cleansing. And please start a process to limit the trouble making nationalities to participate in threads that may not go down their throat.
Lol, ajlaf behaviour.
kindly close it for further replies until cleansing. And please start a process to limit the trouble making nationalities to participate in threads that may not go down their throat.

Why are you getting all butthurt at people discussing a historical figure? Tipu Sultan was not God, he is not above criticism.
How much can you misconstrue my quote???

1) I said hindu extremists -which should mean only those who sullied Tipu Sultan and not all the hindus.Btw being a hindu myself I would not do that.
2)How can you even compare Tipu sultan's heroism with Dyer's????
Did Dyer help in reconstruction of a temple??? - NO
Did Dyer come up with an invention or even commission something similar to the mysore rocket???- NO
Did Dyer die fighting like a brave soldier??- NO
then where's the comparison???

And let me give you another example
We call lord rama our god and hero while Ravan is an anti-hero when the fact is that
1)Ram violated a woman,surpanakha ("naak katna in hindi would mean violating isn't it??)
2) Ram left his pregnant wife alone in a jungle so that wild animals could feast on her.

And Ravan's effigies are burnt because
1) He tried to restore his sister's honor.
2) For not violating Sita when he could 've done that easily.

Ironical isn't it??

I know that he killed but rape??I am not sure.
google-tipu sultan unmasked..by capt.ajit vadakayil...
i was a tipu sultan fan when i was a kid,,,there was a show on him on dd national
I spit on the legacy of Tipu Sultan. He doesn't belong to Pakistanis at all. Islamic invaders referred to your people as Ajlafs, meaning lowly native convert. This isn't a attack, this a historical fact. These Muslim rulers hated your kind. Ajlaf boy. @Umair Nawaz

As i see you are here calling native Indians as ajlaf if they follow Islam and if the same native Indians follow Buddhism, Hindusm, Sikhism etc you will term them dalits .o_O
As i see you are here calling native Indians as ajlaf if they follow Islam and if the same native Indians follow Buddhism, Hindusm, Sikhism etc you will term them dalits .o_O
No, I call Pakistani Ajlaf.
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