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2 soldiers embraced shahadat during an IBO in Central Kurram

With American exit, TTP and BLA militants will not able to flee Afghanistan or can carry out cross border raids in Pakistan from Afghanistan moving forward. So you will find more of their presence in Pakistan because of dense population and bigger hidding place. Hence there will be more attacks on our forces in the next few months but it won't last long since one by one Pakistani Army will neautralized them where as Afghanistan will also be a no go area for them as well.
The news is true man. No point of being in denial. Thanks to our leadership we are loosing soldiers all over again Waziristan. Sorry to say but General Qamar Javed Bajwa needs to retire and let someone else become chief. Plus we need to launch operation in Afghanistan against TTP, ISIS and Baluch insurgents.
Any other country worth a penny would have moved into Afghanistan and hunted BLA, ISIS, TTP down like dogs. Furthermore at least a10 mile buffer inside Afghanistan would have been established. This would act as buffer zone and launching pad against terrorists. It would also contain refugees etc. If you want example look at Turkey.

France, UK, Italy and other middle tier powers like Turkey will even go 1,000 miles distant to protect their borders. If you look at Chad, Mali, Senegal etc in Africa they all have European armies which are there to protect European interests.

Even look at Afganistan. It is literally under Pakistan's nose yet half the world was gathered their in pursuit of their interests. But Pakistan stood on this side of Durand.
Any other country worth a penny would have moved into Afghanistan and hunted BLA, ISIS, TTP down like dogs. Furthermore at least a10 mile buffer inside Afghanistan would have been established. This would act as buffer zone and launching pad against terrorists. It would also contain refugees etc. If you want example look at Turkey.

France, UK, Italy and other middle tier powers like Turkey will even go 1,000 miles distant to protect their borders. If you look at Chad, Mali, Senegal etc in Africa they all have European armies which are there to protect European interests.

Even look at Afganistan. It is literally under Pakistan's nose yet half the world was gathered their in pursuit of their interests. But Pakistan stood on this side of Durand.

Unofficially Pakistani forces do conduct raids inside Afghanistan. When we did it in IOK than why cannot in afghanistan. There will be more such cross border raids now as America exits from the scene.
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Pakistan must be invited by IEA/Taliban it could turn into win/win relationship and prosperity for everyone.. Because priorities are completely different today due to the eastern border issues so there is common grounds and mutual interest in that.. There also has to be coordination with IEA and there full invitation..

I always say this don't ever involve emotions into politics but effectiveness and well thought out plans that has purpose. TTP or BLA are not a threat to your next generation or the generation after that nor is anyone in Afghanistan as a matter fact if you vanish they will also follow you the day after... Do you get my gist and where I am going with this..

recalibration and pragmatism is needed in PDF community.. If you are the gate-keeper of Gog and Magog and go to sleep nor focussed on the job entirely that makes you an irresponsible gate-keeper but it is your job to not get distracted from the greater good and gather the other remnants to do the job hence why etbalishing a long time relationship with IEA comes into play and using that unpregnatable landscape as a military fortress in your next generation stragetic depth addition but it has to come with their blessings and they will gladly accept and willingly to contribute
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Confirmed by ISPR. 3 terrorists killed. 2 soldiers martyred. 11-15 was fake news.
Inna-Lillahi-Wa-inna-illihi-Rajioon. May Allah accept their sacrifice.

Kindly try not to use unconfirmed Twitter sources next time, it creates unnecessary panic and hatred.
Confirmed by ISPR. 3 terrorists killed. 2 soldiers martyred. 11-15 was fake news.
Inna-Lillahi-Wa-inna-illihi-Rajioon. May Allah accept their sacrifice.

Kindly try not to use unconfirmed Twitter sources next time, it creates unnecessary panic and hatred.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon

I take it the rescue operation was a success?
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon

I take it the rescue operation was a success?
ISPR does not mention that it was a rescue Op, they called it a clearance OP in the description of the video, it also says that they’re continuing clearance in the area to take out any remaining threats. Either the rescue OP was a success because no other deaths have been reported or the OP is continuing because they haven’t found the hostages, if the latter is the case I hope they find them soon. Or it could be that it wasn’t a rescue OP at all and a simple IBO to kill the terrorists.
While such attacks (especially at such a frequency) are demoralizing for us all, we must not forget that we are not fighting against some rag-tag and unsupported enemy. The world powers are unceremoniously leaving this region (i.e. Afghanistan and Pakistan) after tasting a humiliating defeat. You cannot imagine their frustration and sense of disgrace. So, should we expect them leave just silently without doing any mischief? They came and occupied Afghanistan with big global and regional plans for enforcing a new world order of their own. They wanted to redraw many borders in this region as well as in the Middle East. Pakistan was certainly on the hitlist of the enemy. They were not ordinary countries. It was an alliance of all western world powers, called Nato. In those good old days, Nato countries used to have very resourceful, professional, and highly trained militaries. No one in world could match their technological prowess. Alhamdulillah, we are lucky that we survived their multi-dimensional onslaught both overt and more lethally covert. But the enemy stayed in this region for over two decades. They had support from not only Afghan sell-outs but our enemy India too. During all those years, they have presumably created local assets, agents, and terrorist cells. Now that their demands for military bases in Pakistan were rejected and while facing an actual departure, they probably deem it the perfect time to utilize all their hidden tricks and terror that they have been creating in over two decades. It was not without a reason when they transferred terrorists of Daish from Iraq/Syria to Afghanistan/Pakistan. So we must face it. It's not to say that Pakistan needs to budge from its principled position. But enemy's exit wouldn't be a hunky-dory affair either. We'll, in-sha-Allah, finally destroy all these terrorists but need to be mentally prepared for having such losses. These terrorists have been trapped in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Mopping up will take some time and require sacrifices. Nations don't hesitate to offer sacrifices for survival. Alhamdulillah we are already out of our existential threat. We'll crush these terrorists too. But we should not be acting like cry-babies on such losses.


Security Forces conducted an Area Sanitization Operation in Zewa, Kurram District on reported presence of terrorists. 3 terrorists were killed during the operation. During intense exchange of fire with terrorists, an officer, Capt Basit, age 25 years, r/o Haripur and a soldier, Sepoy Hazrat Bilal, age 22 years, resident of Orakzai embraced shahadat. Cordon and search operation is in progress to eliminate any other terrorists found in the area.

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