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2 soldiers embraced shahadat during an IBO in Central Kurram

what right ? there is a huge difference in 15 and 2-3
This time they were dead wrong. But most of their claims in the past have proven to be accurate. In fact I have made fun of them every time only to be proven wrong. This time for first time they have proven wrong and I am really happy about it.
This time they were dead wrong. But most of their claims in the past have proven to be accurate. In fact I have made fun of them every time only to be proven wrong. This time for first time they have proven wrong and I am really happy about it.

kheir bro just be careful. Any wrong info posted here can be picked up desperate disinfo lab pajeets to make Pakistan look bad..they thrives on misinformation
I am not going to continue this debate after this post but kindly don’t assume that I am trying to justify the deaths of our men, thats just hurtful.

Its naive to assume that following the things you say will suddenly make these casualties or attacks stop. I never said there isn’t negligence (every death to an IED is pure negligence, so is any death because of a Hilux or a base that the enemy can walk right into) or that there aren’t things to improve.

My point has always been that we should be trying to stop these attacks at the root, no matter what method we use to do it, which is where the pure inaction is on the part of both the leadership and most of Pakistans people. There’s traitors in the country and no one does anything about them, foreign powers conspire against us to support these miscreants and we don’t do anything, and more than 3/4ths the nation doesn’t pay taxes and then asks where the equipment for our troops is. We’ve been trying to shoot this problem of terrorists away for 20 years and it’s still not fully gone, why?

Because More armor and firepower will just prolong the fight and not end it, and no matter how well equipped you are, fighting means casualties. That doesn’t mean I’m against improvements in tactics or firepower.
I just don’t see enough people complaining about the correct thing to the correct people. I.e stopping these attacks altogether, which is the only solution. Let’s say PA doesn’t use any of these tactics and now adopts them, and the casualties still come in the same, then what? Is that when we will realize that this wasn’t the solution? Or should we already be demanding the actual solution now? I fully support what you propose too. Give our troops what they need, but what they need most to stay alive is an end to this war.

And if you still think All of that suddenly makes casualties vanish, well then I’m amazed the US army had any casualties at all…after all they had drones, MRAPS, constant patrols, the best air cover, the best training, the most defended bases, the best funding…all of what you think will solve our problems.

Let’s agree to disagree, but just don’t insult people with assumptions as big as that. You never know what someone has lost in this war, I have seen the same war as you. We’re all hoping for the same improvement at the end of the day.
There's no monitoring of routes, convoys travel without jammers, these are basic things which we don't apply and I know we don't because the results show for themselves. We're losing tens of soldiers for every terrorist we kill. I can go on and on.
This homeopathic strategy will be the end of us.
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