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1962 Sino-Indian War Documentary

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Saw the first part of the "documentary", couldn't stop laughing at the sub standard production values. I though the Chinese propaganda machine would be far more hi tech. Honestly, does such a documentary really deserve three pages?

Part 1 of the Documentary, try watching it this time.

Next time before commenting or asking for the source, actually try watching the videos I posted.

I apologise, i should have made my meaning far clearer. When i say source, i meant one that isn't deluded by the PRC. A neutral source would be nice.
Saw the first part of the "documentary", couldn't stop laughing at the sub standard production values. I though the Chinese propaganda machine would be far more hi tech. Honestly, does such a documentary really deserve three pages?

I apologise, i should have made my meaning far clearer. When i say source, i meant one that isn't deluded by the PRC. A neutral source would be nice.

How about all those CIA, UK and declassified 3rd party sources?! You did read them didn't you, or you just conveniently 'ignored' them as usual. Now you can't say it is biased in favor of China, since we know China isn't well perceived by CIA, UK intelligence and the like. :smitten:
Do these declassified CIA files state that when Chinese troops entered Arunachal they were greeted as liberators? If they do, i would like to read them.
once i asked my chineese friend why u came to usa to work when china itself is so industrialized . he said freedom is something u dont get there.as long as u dont talk politics u are good . also a flat costs as much as house in us which makes it un affordable. chinese need land because large tracts of land they have are not cultivatable so they look for greener pastures.
That's correct, who doesn't want to be more wealthier (besides maybe a handful in the entire world)? India is now surpasses China as the largest # of immigrants, not factoring the illegal immigrants. In UAE alone 2.2 million, SA 1.5 million NRI. There's more Indians flooding into China (especially HK), than Chinese into India (if any its for business/tourists).

There's also a ton of foreigners flooding into China (both legally and illegally) from USA, Europe, Africa, SE Asia, etc. In fact China now 1st in number of tourists by a long shot! Illegal residents who overstay their VISA make up a huge underground illegal activities (by the way Japan, Korea also have this problem). We apprehend them and deport them or detain them for a few years in prison, but more keep coming. India has a similar problem with Israel immigrants who run a large illegal narcotics operation through India, centering around GOA and other tourists places. In fact these are well-known for tourists who want to get 'high' cheap.

Perhaps problems of illegal immigrant means your economy is attractive.
Of course you are right and I am wrong, I admit that. I also admit the following:-
1. China was right in surreptiously occupying Aksaichin. There was nothing imperialistic about this.

That’s Indian imperialistic perspective. Even Nehru admitted that boarder was not clearly demarcated:

Nehru conceded t h a t the f r o n t i e r "has not been demarcated on the ground in a l l s e c t o r s but I am somewhat surprised to know t h a t t h i s f r o n t i e r was not accepted at any t i m e by the Government of China."

And the Chinese government never said it will stick to old map, but wanted a negotiation.

2. China was right in forcibly occupying Tibet and driving millions of refugees into an already impoverished India. Again nothing imperialistic about this.

This is a China internal affair. You have several option: protest their human rights abuse if your status is credible enough to show your good human rights record; or seal the boarder as US/Mexico story; or leave it as you do. It is nothing imperialistic.

3. China was right in brow beating India about the presence of those very Tibetan refugees it had caused to be driven to India. Nothing wrong about it.

Because it has been proven that India and CIA are in conspiracy to subvert China. In addition, it has been reported that even now India is supporting 14k Tibetan rebellious armed force along Sino-India boarder. So the browbeating is justified, and should be more and harder.

4. China was right about building roads through Tibet to the Indian borders in preparation for the forthcoming war, while their leaders talked of peaceful co-existance with India. Nothing deceitful about it.

jealousy of other country's economic development and progress? Nothing more retarded and imperialistic than this.

5. India was wrong in protesting about Tibet and Aksaichin.
If it is to pretest human rights abuses, nothing is wrong. If the intention is imperialistic, i.e., to occupy them. It is wrong.

At that time, India didn’t even know that was in their map, yet they claim it is theirs. Nothing could be more imperialistic.

6. India was wrong in assuming that Mr McMohan the British foreign secretary was right when he showed to India the marked map depicting the borders between India and Tibet in Arunachal Pradesh when the British left India. How imperialistic of India.

Indeed. Supporting imperialistic one-sided decision is always wrong, unless in the eyes of imperialists.

7. India was wrong in believing that what happened in Aksaichin could be repeated in the East by the Chinese and so the borders needed to be safeguarded by physical presence. How very presumptious of India.

“Forward policy” has proven failed. Want to have a try again? Go ahead. You'll be further satisfied.

8. India was totally wrong in not giving in to the Chinese demands of territories India believed to be its own. How very arrogant of India.

It’s indeed arrogant trying to act as their imperialist master in hugging wholeheartedly the demarcation for imperialist and colonial influence .

9. Of course China was right in demanding lands right upto Tejpur on the foot hills deep inside India. Why didn't the foolish Indians just give in? The displaced people could just have jumped into the Bay of Bengal.

China has been announcing, since the day one, that its old, Koumingtang map doesn’t count, boarder is not demarcated, and negotiation is needed. But the new, incompetent and clownish imperialist said whatever imperialism made is good and final.

Now tell if India is not imperialistic who is?
That’s Indian imperialistic perspective. Even Nehru admitted that boarder was not clearly demarcated:

And the Chinese government never said it will stick to old map, but wanted a negotiation.

This is a China internal affair. You have several option: protest their human rights abuse if your status is credible enough to show your good human rights record; or seal the boarder as US/Mexico story; or leave it as you do. It is nothing imperialistic.

Because it has been proven that India and CIA are in conspiracy to subvert China. In addition, it has been reported that even now India is supporting 14k Tibetan rebellious armed force along Sino-India boarder. So the browbeating is justified, and should be more and harder.

jealousy of other country's economic development and progress? Nothing more retarded and imperialistic than this.

At that time, India didn’t even know that was in their map, yet they claim it is theirs. Nothing could be more imperialistic.

Indeed. Supporting imperialistic one-sided decision is always wrong, unless in the eyes of imperialists.

“Forward policy” has proven failed. Want to have a try again? Go ahead. You'll be further satisfied.

It’s indeed arrogant trying to act as their imperialist master in hugging wholeheartedly the demarcation for imperialist and colonial influence .

China has been announcing, since the day one, that its old, Koumingtang map doesn’t count, boarder is not demarcated, and negotiation is needed. But the new, incompetent and clownish imperialist said whatever imperialism made is good and final.

Now tell if India is not imperialistic who is?

You sound like a scratched record, hasn't someone told you that these cliches are obsolete. You also seem to be very fond of the word 'imperialist' as it is in every sentance you write. India has no imperialistic designs. We just want to keep what is ours. You say China wants negotiations on the border issue. Do you know what China wants? China wants us to vacate Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim and forget about Aksai Chin. Tell me if I am wrong? Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin are part of India. China has illegally occupied Aksai Chin. We have Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim has voluntarily merged with India. Yet China wants them back and is threatening to go to war. Doesn't that make China imperialistic and also beligerant and bullying in its attitude. India is a victim of China's expansionist designs. Tell me has China ever negotiated with any one? China went to war with USSR over the islands in the Amur and Ussuri in 1969 and got its back side kicked. China also went to war with little Vietnam in 1979 and again got hammered. Now they are picking on India again. Tell me who is the imperialistic nation? And listen Mr Gpit, dont use these words like clownish and incompetent. Any one can use them or stronger words. You dont have any intellectual property rights over the language. I can use them also but then we will only be squabbling.
once i asked my chineese friend why u came to usa to work when china itself is so industrialized . he said freedom is something u dont get there.as long as u dont talk politics u are good . also a flat costs as much as house in us which makes it un affordable. chinese need land because large tracts of land they have are not cultivatable so they look for greener pastures.

you know what ,i asked the similar question to an indian who was living in china,he told me he couldn't get anything in india,freedom is something for 10% rich indian,for those 90% indian they are just rabbles who are living in a semi-feudal democratic country ,he actually like china's step by step democracy better than indian's copy democratic,he pictured a vivid india to me :caste system ,child sexual abuse,child marriage ,child who was buried alive ,religious discrimination ,govt don't give a damn about the people who are living in the slum , etc .he told me india is no way close to a democratic country:smitten:
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you know what ,i asked the similar question to an indian who was living in china,he told me he couldn't get anything in india,freedom is something for 10% rich indian,for those 90% indian they are just rabbles who are living in a semi-feudal democratic country ,he actually like china's step by step democracy better than indian's copy democratic,he pictured a vivid india to me :caste system ,child sexual abuse,child marriage ,child who was buried alive ,religious discrimination ,govt don't give a damn about the people who are living in the slum , etc .he told me india is no way close to a democratic country:smitten:

Since your heart so obviously bleeds for the poor and downtroden in India, why not come to India and do something productive for the poor instead of abusing Indians. Indians who migrate to other lands donot do so for lack of freedom, feudalism, caste system, child abuse and the other reasons you have described. They do so primarily because they cant handle the extremely tough competition in India. An average and mediocre person who would have got nowhere in India, stands a very good chance of reaching great heights in the west with a bit of hard work and luck and also earn unbelievable salaries. There are greater opportunities abroad.
I am not sure what you meant by India's copy democracy and China's step by step democracy. Democracy is not new to India, We knew it 2000 years ago when the westerners still lived in trees. Yes, the style of government has been imported from the best examples available. What do you mean by step by step democracy of China? China does not have any democracy of any kind at all. Who told otherwise? China follows a kind of totalitarianism which is seen only in North Korea and has vanished from every where else in the world.
Not only have you made up all this nonsense about your Indian friend, you also are not very knowledgable about most things you talk about and you have drifted off topic completely. Kindly dont waste my time. Good Day.
Not only have you made up all this nonsense about your Indian friend, you also are not very knowledgable about most things you talk about and you have drifted off topic completely. Kindly dont waste my time. Good Day.

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Look at the topic of the thread buddy. Blow your drums elsewhere.

indian start this defame game, what do you expect from us

like the 1962 war ,you started it ,so you have to suffer the consequence
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I get embarrassed and angry by China's stupid mistake in treating captured Indian soldiers well and hand them over to India as a posture of good will after the end of the war. Also I do not understand why China just returned the captured Indian weapons and ammunitions. India, on the contrary, would not have done so had it been in the place of China.
@ aimarraul,

Most of ......... are just a sexually and mentally perverted people. No wonder why we often hear father raping his own daughter.
Yes, '..........' is right,the way he posts is no wonder a sign of sexually and mentally perverted people...........or thats a sign of not enough shitting in the morning,constipation and wicked mentality makes a man what he is today..........god knows why people even care to reply to a racist and wicked man,who is even shy of revealing his national identity!!!
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