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1962 Sino-Indian War Documentary

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England tried to annex China from the East and West, couldn't because the locals fought back. Made a deal with the devil aka Dalie Lama. Also, you are NOT taking over for the British Raj, all delusional fantasy. Concerning the Vietnam incident, that's because the Viet's are one determined MOFO. They defeated the French, Japanese, British, Chinese and USA. Nothing unusual there. Also, you are not aware of the Sino-Viet relationship. "Yue Nan" is understood by both countries. :smitten:

You are right of course, China was so powerful that it beat back the British as you claim. Is n't it surprising that the country that resisted 'British aggression' felt mortally threatened in 1962 by India, a colony of Britain till 1945. Is n't that what that dumb@$$ 'documentary' claimed. It was pure and simple aggression by a vastly bigger and stronger nation.
And prey what qualifies Dalai Lama to be the 'Devil' you claim? Is it because he wants the Chinese to get out of Tibet, his mother land which China forcibly occupied?
criminals, other diagruntled, misfits and retards claiming that they were fighting for Kashmir like they did in 1948 and are still doing.
i cant do nothing but :rofl::rofl:
You are right of course, China was so powerful that it beat back the British as you claim. Is n't it surprising that the country that resisted 'British aggression' felt mortally threatened in 1962 by India, a colony of Britain till 1945. Is n't that what that dumb@$$ 'documentary' claimed. It was pure and simple aggression by a vastly bigger and stronger nation.
And prey what qualifies Dalai Lama to be the 'Devil' you claim? Is it because he wants the Chinese to get out of Tibet, his mother land which China forcibly occupied?

Here's a breakdown:

(1) Dalai Lama is NOT the 'embodiment of the Buddha'. The Qin dynasty set up the Pachai Lama and Dalai Lama "reincarnation" system to preserve the power structure -- i.e. this had always been about power, NOT religion.

(2) Dalai Lama and many of his fellow monks engage in RAUNCHY SEX ORGIES, eat meat (e.g. Dalai eats beef regularly), basks in material possessions (DL is unofficial ambassador for Gucci watches, Luis Vuitton, and other Euro fashion houses). For centuries the Tibetans lived under a ruthless dictatorship (rivalling the Catholic Church) in which serfdom and slavery prevailed. Dalai owned hundreds of slaves personally in which he was "God" to them, selling and buying humans as he and his top "monks" pleased. Chinese Tibetans had no voice and if they complained they were regularly executed in public, or "disappeared". Drums and other 'religious' tools were made from human skin and human bones. DL and his clique are filled with desire for power, wealth, and fame. ALL OF THESE ARE CONTRARY TO THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA.

(3) Contrary to the Dalie, he is Chinese. There is no such thing as a single ethnic group, China is composed of different ethnic groups.

Here's a breakdown:

(1) Dalai Lama is NOT the 'embodiment of the Buddha'. The Qin dynasty set up the Pachai Lama and Dalai Lama "reincarnation" system to preserve the power structure -- i.e. this had always been about power, NOT religion.

(2) Dalai Lama and many of his fellow monks engage in RAUNCHY SEX ORGIES, eat meat (e.g. Dalai eats beef regularly), basks in material possessions (DL is unofficial ambassador for Gucci watches, Luis Vuitton, and other Euro fashion houses). For centuries the Tibetans lived under a ruthless dictatorship (rivalling the Catholic Church) in which serfdom and slavery prevailed. Dalai owned hundreds of slaves personally in which he was "God" to them, selling and buying humans as he and his top "monks" pleased. Chinese Tibetans had no voice and if they complained they were regularly executed in public, or "disappeared". Drums and other 'religious' tools were made from human skin and human bones. DL and his clique are filled with desire for power, wealth, and fame. ALL OF THESE ARE CONTRARY TO THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA.

(3) Contrary to the Dalie, he is Chinese. There is no such thing as a single ethnic group, China is composed of different ethnic groups.


WOW :wave:
Here\'s a breakdown:

(1) Dalai Lama is NOT the \'embodiment of the Buddha\'. The Qin dynasty set up the Pachai Lama and Dalai Lama \"reincarnation\" system to preserve the power structure -- i.e. this had always been about power, NOT religion.

(2) Dalai Lama and many of his fellow monks engage in RAUNCHY SEX ORGIES, eat meat (e.g. Dalai eats beef regularly), basks in material possessions (DL is unofficial ambassador for Gucci watches, Luis Vuitton, and other Euro fashion houses). For centuries the Tibetans lived under a ruthless dictatorship (rivalling the Catholic Church) in which serfdom and slavery prevailed. Dalai owned hundreds of slaves personally in which he was \"God\" to them, selling and buying humans as he and his top \"monks\" pleased. Chinese Tibetans had no voice and if they complained they were regularly executed in public, or \"disappeared\". Drums and other \'religious\' tools were made from human skin and human bones. DL and his clique are filled with desire for power, wealth, and fame. ALL OF THESE ARE CONTRARY TO THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA.

(3) Contrary to the Dalie, he is Chinese. There is no such thing as a single ethnic group, China is composed of different ethnic groups.


$hit man....they teach you THAT in school...amazing imagination the communist government has to conjure up such lies against a man of such stature, and so effective they are....what you must be at least twenty and you still believe that...amazing.

If you really had the privilege of free media in china you, would know that people respect that single man more than your entire nation... they even almost blew out your Olympic torch more than once to show their support...and France sidelined china totally when it protested it welcoming Dalai there...just some examples to show how morally strong that man is, rather than what your pathetic government fabricates.
Enjoy your IT/BPO backlash from America, UK and France. These nations protest not on the basis of morality but from fear of losing their "way of life". How else can the "burqa" be the symbol of 'evil'? Is Akhand Bharat so important to you guys? By the way my education is from the West, not Chinese. :crazy: We know these things through a process called researching and thinking. :wave:
Enjoy your IT/BPO backlash from America, UK and France. These nations protest not on the basis of morality but from fear of losing their "way of life". How else can the "burqa" be the symbol of 'evil'? Is Akhand Bharat so important to you guys? By the way my education is from the West, not Chinese. :crazy: We know these things through a process called researching and thinking. :wave:

Extremely confusing.
What has 1962 Sino-Indian war have anything to do with things like IT/BPO, way of life, burqa, evil, Akhand Bharat or the education system adopted by SIF?
May be some heavy researching and thinking is needed to clear the confusion.
How the hell on earth can you compare '71 with '62! It is better to make use of brains before bringing the emotions in it.

i think the **** generals saw and believed this video before they attacked in 65. They got their mouth full.

I compared because in one chinese war we surrendered in the other u did. we have enough videos showing niazi signing before the sardarji. :-)

Hope this helps to refresh some unused parts of the brain.
Extremely confusing.
What has 1962 Sino-Indian war have anything to do with things like IT/BPO, way of life, burqa, evil, Akhand Bharat or the education system adopted by SIF?
May be some heavy researching and thinking is needed to clear the confusion.

You used the example of the France incident to mock, so I just showed you that two-faced actions affects us all. Also you mocked my education background without have a clue what it was, so I explained it to you slowly. The IT/BPO recent backlash against H1B and Indian outsourcers was to show you that people/nations protest to preserve their interests, not necessarily for greater common good. Just like India protesting attacks in Australia.

Used these examples to show you that it is better to get along and set aside differences. I noticed the enjoyment India media had during the torch relay, it was all over the news. But during the attacks against India in Oz, China supported her.

You really need to wake up to the fact we are NOT your enemy. 1962 was a response to Indian aggression starting in 1957 to create Greater India, aka Akhand Bharat. I only found about this through personal research. It's not me who is being brainwashed about 1962..... :wave:
i think the **** generals saw and believed this video before they attacked in 65. They got their mouth full.

I compared because in one chinese war we surrendered in the other u did. we have enough videos showing niazi signing before the sardarji. :-)

Hope this helps to refresh some unused parts of the brain.

i will again emphasize that you must get your brain cleansed of the f!lth and think clearly. None can compare '71 with '62 as these two are separate stories. Now if you are trying to find and relate the common factor of 'surrender' then i must say you need to learn alot. If we go by your intellect then we may find others like you equating and comparing the US in Afghanistan with the US in Iraq, Baluchistan turmoil with the terrorists residing in the tribal areas, the American defeat with Hitler's blindness in Russia and so on and so forth!

Dude try to 'understand' (if your dumb brain allows) the reasons that lead to the '62 war and the '71 war, also try to 'understand (again if your dumb brain allows)the reasons that lead to your insult in '62 and our mishap in '71, then may be i would take you as a grown up and reply you further.

Till then cling to Google and RIP!:crazy:
China claimed that it has no intention of settling the dispute with force, they just wanted to repel the indian aggregation! Impressive!

Nope, it wasnt their goodwill. It was logistics. They had stretched their lines way too thin. They were increasingly becoming vulnerable if they held that territory for too long.

It was Nehru's and Menon's interference in the Army that led to this. They removed competent generals, appointed their favourites and incompetent ones in their places.

The one good thing that came out of this is that since that debacle, the Indian Prime Ministers and Defence Ministers have fully realized, that playing favourites with generals leads to disaster. Now the process is institutionalized and political interference is minimum.
Nope, it wasnt their goodwill. It was logistics. They had stretched their lines way too thin. They were increasingly becoming vulnerable if they held that territory for too long.
But they still used it against you.

no onw would have been intrested if they have said that they are backing off due to logistics, but everyone would 'praise' their 'big heartedness' if they said they have deleibratly spared you.

It was Nehru's and Menon's interference in the Army that led to this. They removed competent generals, appointed their favourites and incompetent ones in their places.
Who is to be blamed.

Was Nehru so lame that he couldn't think of the cons of this petty issue; no one replace commanders during a lost war!

Brainys dont even replace 'bad' generals during wars because of the fear that the new comer would definitely ruin the things further because of the obvious reasons as the difficulty in understanding/comprehending the fluid situation, lack of understanding among the junior commanders, the time the new comer would require to fit/adjust in etc etc

The one good thing that came out of this is that since that debacle, the Indian Prime Ministers and Defence Ministers have fully realized, that playing favourites with generals leads to disaster. Now the process is institutionalized and political interference is minimum.
Guud for you sir!

P.S. Thanx for the mature insight though:)
Here's a breakdown:

(1) Dalai Lama is NOT the 'embodiment of the Buddha'. The Qin dynasty set up the Pachai Lama and Dalai Lama "reincarnation" system to preserve the power structure -- i.e. this had always been about power, NOT religion.

(2) Dalai Lama and many of his fellow monks engage in RAUNCHY SEX ORGIES, eat meat (e.g. Dalai eats beef regularly), basks in material possessions (DL is unofficial ambassador for Gucci watches, Luis Vuitton, and other Euro fashion houses). For centuries the Tibetans lived under a ruthless dictatorship (rivalling the Catholic Church) in which serfdom and slavery prevailed. Dalai owned hundreds of slaves personally in which he was "God" to them, selling and buying humans as he and his top "monks" pleased. Chinese Tibetans had no voice and if they complained they were regularly executed in public, or "disappeared". Drums and other 'religious' tools were made from human skin and human bones. DL and his clique are filled with desire for power, wealth, and fame. ALL OF THESE ARE CONTRARY TO THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA.

(3) Contrary to the Dalie, he is Chinese. There is no such thing as a single ethnic group, China is composed of different ethnic groups.


Im Sorry Sino...but please do not hurt our intelligence by spreading such lies....especially #2....I mean cmon if the audience was your 5th grade Chinese class students from a Tier 2 chinese city, I can understand your rant...but making claims that the Lama had orgies, slaves and all other non-sense....Star Wars is more believable than this .....I really expected more.....

Also...please refer to all the reports of China using its population in sweatshops .....overworking/underpaying its citizens to meet its economic goals....Do you not consider that slavery....wait let me correct myself...that is the bloody definition of Slavery!!!

And mind you....if such emotions are felt about the struggle for Tibet by Tibetans and legitimizing the claim of the chinese as saviors of Tibet...then as a Pakistani you have no moral right to defend Kashmir as we could be saying the same that we are protecting our Kashmiri citizens from being engulfed by a Radical/fundamentalist ideology.....the rest you should be able to decipher....I trust you get my point.

Also....I believe to each his own...so if Tibetans think he is Buddha...or a reincarnation thats their belief....you wouldnt want anyone to question the legitimacy of Islam or its Prophet now would you?
Im Sorry Sino...but please do not hurt our intelligence by spreading such lies....especially #2....I mean cmon if the audience was your 5th grade Chinese class students from a Tier 2 chinese city, I can understand your rant...but making claims that the Lama had orgies, slaves and all other non-sense....Star Wars is more believable than this .....I really expected more.....

Also...please refer to all the reports of China using its population in sweatshops .....overworking/underpaying its citizens to meet its economic goals....Do you not consider that slavery....wait let me correct myself...that is the bloody definition of Slavery!!!

And mind you....if such emotions are felt about the struggle for Tibet by Tibetans and legitimizing the claim of the chinese as saviors of Tibet...then as a Pakistani you have no moral right to defend Kashmir as we could be saying the same that we are protecting our Kashmiri citizens from being engulfed by a Radical/fundamentalist ideology.....the rest you should be able to decipher....I trust you get my point.

Also....I believe to each his own...so if Tibetans think he is Buddha...or a reincarnation thats their belief....you wouldnt want anyone to question the legitimacy of Islam or its Prophet now would you?

And yet these slave workers in these sweat shops earn more than your "growing middle class". :woot: Secondly DL does NOT speak for all Tibetans or Chinese or Buddhists. And since when is criticism of out-right fraud disallowed??? You condemn totalitarian regimes, yet you believe people are allowed to question the legitimacy of their oppressors/leaders/government??? What kind of fork-tongue is that? :devil:
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