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When Indian Army troops kissed the ground on re-occupying territory in Arunachal


Nov 12, 2022
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The clash of Indian Army troops with Chinese soldiers in Arunachal Pradesh last month has brought into focus another successful thwarting of Chinese designs by an Indian Army brigade in 1986. Major General P K Batra (retd) was commanding the Mountain Brigade, which was at the forefront in re-capturing a crucial height and recovering remains of Indian soldiers who died in hand-to-hand fighting at the same place in the 1962 war. He spoke to The Indian Express:
Officers involved in Op Falcon including then Brig PK Batra. (Express Photo)

Q. Does the recent clash with PLA troops in the Tawang sector rekindle memories of Op Falcon? Is the place of the recent stand-off somewhere close to where the previous one occurred?

: The recent clash at Yangtse does not exactly rekindle memories of ‘Op Falcon’. Yangtse lies 25-30 km northeast of Tawang and lies on our side of Line of Actual Control (LAC) and this post is occupied by our troops. The Chinese claim this post like many others along the LAC as on their side, hence keep creating skirmishes to keep the matter of dispute on LAC alive. However, our boys were ready and thwarted their intentions to occupy this post. The reinforcements in the form of QRTs (quick reaction teams) at brigade level further upset the Chinese plan and after a scuffle, which lasted for a couple of hours, they left, with minor injuries on both sides. The skirmish was at brigade level.

Q: Please give a gist of the operation your brigade undertook in Op Falcon.
: Op Falcon was a stand-off between the PLA and us and lasted for over a year. The Chinese claim Arunachal as theirs but during Op Falcon, their intention seemed to be to claim Thagla, Khinzamane etc. In 1985, they established a post at Samdrong Chu/Wangdung with a view to creep up and occupy Lungrola Pass. Their presence was reported by one of our patrols and Lungrola was occupied by us, thus thwarting their aim. They subsequently built up this post to over a company strength. This place and Hathungla are to the northwest of Tawang. Chinese patrols were sighted on Thagla, coming down to Namka Chu. Hathungla is across Namka Chu.

Chinese soldiers after being confronted by Indian soldiers in Arunachal Pradesh in Op Falcon. (Express Photo)

I was commanding 77 Mountain Brigade, which was deployed to thwart the Chinese intention to creep up further from Wangdung. Slowly but steadily, we surrounded this post from all sides. However, we were not allowed to capture this post. They were like sitting ducks. This and the capture of Hathungla are two major achievements of the Indian Army at that point in time.

Q: What was the level of operational preparedness in your brigade when you were asked to re-occupy Hathungla? Did the move come as a surprise to you?
: We were eyeball-to-eyeball at Wangdung. The Chinese did try to move up and we opened fire and they ran back. One had to be alert 24×7 and one could not let the guard down. In our discussions, we felt the Chinese will try and occupy Hathungla and therefore we may have to pre-empt that from happening. So we started preparing for this operation. My boys were excited when we got the green signal.

Q: What was your assessment of the intentions of the PLA forces and how far they were willing to extend the face-off at that time?

: My assessment was they were in a tight spot at Lungrola. On a few occasions, we saw choppers carrying dead bodies from Wangdung. They could not pull out as it would be tantamount to accepting defeat. They could try and occupy some other area and negotiate. My personal feeling is their morale was low. They were looking for an honourable exit.

Q: What kind of logistics problems did you face at the time to deal with the situation?

: The road to Lumla (road head) was a series of potholes connected with each other. From there to Lumpo, my Brigade HQ, and to Lungrola, a distance of over 15 km, only a mule track was available. My brigade was maintained by mules and Air Force – a force that never fails you. The Indian Air Force did a wonderful job. The weather was foul, yet they managed air drops, sometimes the parachutes would drift due to strong winds, luckily the locals would retrieve them for us. Our IAF choppers would manage to sneak through foul weather at Lumpo. Every few minutes, a chopper will land. Whilst one is being unloaded, one is hovering above to land. My boys named Lumpo as ‘Lumpo International Helipad’. I was very lucky as both my GOC, Maj Gen J M Singh, from The Brigade of The Guards and my Corps Commander, Lt Gen Narhari, from the Corps of Engineers were hardcore professional soldiers who ensured my brigade should have no problems. We had no control over weather, it could be snowing or raining for days together. We had very anxious moments when my DQ would tell me, “We are very low on…”

Q: As you look back, what is the most remarkable thing that comes to your mind about Op Falcon?

: When we re-occupied Hathungla, the boys with me knelt and kissed the ground. The Indian soldier is remarkably brave, obedient, highly motivated, disciplined and patriotic. I have love and respect for the ‘62 brave hearts.

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"Dongzhang waterfall region was occupied by Indian Army in 2001 and have sentry posts in the region since."

That's why IA deserves the worst beating from PLA. The greed for neighboring countries' land that they never belong has already held back India's nation-building for more than 70 years, and they are not getting any wiser.

This is a "penny wise, pound foolish" country.
"Dongzhang waterfall region was occupied by Indian Army in 2001 and have sentry posts in the region since."

That's why IA deserves the worst beating from PLA. The greed for neighboring countries' land that they never belong has already held back India's nation-building for more than 70 years, and they are not getting any wiser.

This is a "penny wise, pound foolish" country.
Get out from the ocuppied Tibet you fool
Tibet is a done business. China took Tibet hundreds of years before India was known as a country. :partay:

India is not even real India/Hind, it's the biggest case of identity crisis in human history, 1.4 billion people growing up thinking they are something they're not. True India is Sindh and Western Punjab.
If French called their South-East Asian possessions French China and left and the newly independent land called itself China wouldn't that be ridiculous? It's close to but not quite China. What kind of idiots adopt European mistakes into national identity.. f*ckin idiots.
India is not even real India/Hind, it's the biggest case of identity crisis in human history, 1.4 billion people growing up thinking they are something they're not. True India is Sindh and Western Punjab.
If French called their South-East Asian possessions French China and left and the newly independent land called itself China wouldn't that be ridiculous? It's close to but not quite China. What kind of idiots adopt European mistakes into national identity.. f*ckin idiots.
For all practical purposes a country has a sovereign status. It takes its own decisions. In this regard India is a country - seventh largest in in terms of area and second largest in terms of population to be precise.

People often confuse country to be a homogeneous entity - with a common culture, common language. This is in fact the basis on which the early nation-states emerged. But in today’s times, this definition is as useless as “ueue” in queue. It doesn’t matter if a country has historically been a political entity. What matters is the present political union.

Still, for the sake of argument, India as a country has its distinct culture. The entire country emerged from the same strands of cultural reality.

Chandragupta Maurya initially a Hindu (which he didn’t know then) after ruling the country from Pataliputra fasted to death as per the Jain practice of sallekhana in Shravanbelagola (in present Karnataka)

The great Rajendra Chola from the present Tamil Nadu assumed the title of Gangaikonda Cholan after the victory over the Pala dynasty of Bengal

This is India. This is India’s history.

India has been a separate geographical entity. India has been a melting point of cultures, customs and traditions. This is who we are. If the yardstick of being a country is having a distinct culture, our distinct culture of being culturally heterogeneous is truer now than ever
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