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Indian lies On Kargil War

We need to slowly grab kashmir back by these minor conflicts and one at a time approach.
One peak every 30 years - if you discount the numerous peaks won by India in the meantime (like in the Siachen war), it should only take you a hundred thousand years and 30 billion dead. Good luck.

Lolzz why u getting emotional for.. All I meant was that a Big Superpower like India has so much problems with a small country like Pakistan and yet fails every time
I'll take this non-response as an admission that you lied about "nuetral sources".
One peak every 30 years - if you discount the numerous peaks won by India in the meantime (like in the Siachen war), it should only take you a hundred thousand years and 30 billion dead. Good luck.

I'll take this non-response as an admission that you lied about "nuetral sources".
Man its almost 5:30 in the morning, I'm sleepy:hitwall: i will try to find those articles I've read and show every word to u when I find them promise

One peak every 30 years - if you discount the numerous peaks won by India in the meantime (like in the Siachen war), it should only take you a hundred thousand years and 30 billion dead. Good luck.

I'll take this non-response as an admission that you lied about "nuetral sources".
and again please don't get emotional, Im sorry about the *** whopping in Kargil part okay..
One peak every 30 years - if you discount the numerous peaks won by India in the meantime (like in the Siachen war), it should only take you a hundred thousand years and 30 billion dead. Good luck.

I'll take this non-response as an admission that you lied about "nuetral sources".
Siachin is a glacier nor was that 1984 siachin conflict was a war. It was a conflict just like kargil but minor viz a viz kargil.


I think people usually confuse Tiger Hill with point 5353 like before i did. But thats true both r different but 5353 is the largest peak and gives us a advantage in our future endeavors.
Congratulations to Pakistan for their VICTORY!!

Keep up the entertainment.
I quite amazed at Pakistani members expressing sense of victory in Kargil based on one of the peaks that is under their control.

To the same members I would request to remember the helplessness of Pakistani administration and the commanders who shamelessly witnessed their valiant soldiers being blown to bits by the Indian Air Force and Indian Artillery. There is no doubt about gallantry of the Pakistani Forces in Kargil, but both civilian and military leadership failed miserably causing it's foot soldiers left high and dry which led to the humiliating defeat on ground. India just didn't outmatch pakistan militarily, but it defeated pakistan in diplomatic, Perception Management, and political fronts as well.

The Worst part of the saga would have to be pakistani military not even acknowledging the Martyred Soldiers to be their own officers and Soldiers. What Kind of a professional army disowns the dead bodies of it's own fallen soldiers, their own sons?

If this is indeed a cause to celebrate, then indeed fire away. Holding one peak out of the several that pakistan controlled and were eventually routed from all of them in drass, batalik and kargil; and labeling it as a victory, is quite stupid.....

P.S. Kargil was originally captured by Gilgit Scouts in 47, And were repelled back by IA.....
Gilgitt Scouts were amalgated into NLI, and tried their hand and at Kargil... with exact same result....
I quite amazed at Pakistani members expressing sense of victory in Kargil based on one of the peaks that is under their control.

To the same members I would request to remember the helplessness of Pakistani administration and the commanders who shamelessly witnessed their valiant soldiers being blown to bits by the Indian Air Force and Indian Artillery. There is no doubt about gallantry of the Pakistani Forces in Kargil, but both civilian and military leadership failed miserably causing it's foot soldiers left high and dry which led to the humiliating defeat on ground. India just didn't outmatch pakistan militarily, but it defeated pakistan in diplomatic, Perception Management, and political fronts as well.

The Worst part of the saga would have to be pakistani military not even acknowledging the Martyred Soldiers to be their own officers and Soldiers. What Kind of a professional army disowns the dead bodies of it's own fallen soldiers, their own sons?

If this is indeed a cause to celebrate, then indeed fire away. Holding one peak out of the several that pakistan controlled and were eventually routed from all of them in drass, batalik and kargil; and labeling it as a victory, is quite stupid.....

P.S. Kargil was originally captured by Gilgit Scouts in 47, And were repelled back by IA.....
Gilgitt Scouts were amalgated into NLI, and tried their hand and at Kargil... with exact same result....
Crying to Clinton is a great indian Political win, which I must applaud :yahoo:
Crying to Clinton is a great indian Political win, which I must applaud :yahoo:
It's your prime minister who ran to the USA and supplicated at Clinton's feet, not ours. Meanwhile our PM was flashing the victory sign to us.


As sandy said, read and learn. It will make you a more informed person.
To most indian comedians who are replied in this thread so far should read carefully what i said in my first post if they got some education from the schools located in their dirty little slums.
I haven,t denied anything regarding the ceasefire,clinton IA reoccupying most peaks etc etc
At the end of the day you got invaded and lost your most strategic peak which was without any doubt located on the indian side before the kargil war as accepted by the indian media.Yes pakistan haven,t achieved all objectives but we ended up taking the tiger hill 5353 the most important and strategic peak and we lost no land.Now tell me who got the upper hand in this war?Why corrupt indian military and politicians hide this fact from indian people for 10 years? Why they are fooling their illiterate masses in the name of operation vijay??
Here is another example .Today if indian army invade pakistan,s punjab region and occupy cities of lahore and sialkot ,later we retaliate and liberate lahore from indian army but fail to liberate sialkot. Even after the war we try to liberate sialkot several times then we give up just like indian army give up dreams of taking tiger hill 5353 back from pakistan army .Does that call a pakistani victory?
I mentioned point 5353 NOT 5253! Post #36 Secondly, it's your media that is saying that point 5353 is indian but occupied by Paksitan. AND after trying very hard the indian army has given up.

It's only blind hatred that does not let you call it, like it is. Nothing else!
"Standing tall and dominating the famous Tiger Hill on the Line of Control (LoC) is a grim reminder of the Kargil war. Point 5353, the highest peak in the region which has a clear view of the National Highway 1 D, remains occupied by Pakistan even a decade after the battle.

While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers."

The Indian Army, which made several unsuccessful attempts to occupy the post after the Kargil war, has since given up the post.

What makes Point 5353 so valuable for the two armies is that it has a clear view of the national highway that connects the Kashmir valley with Kargil.

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied - Indian Express
Sorry, the 5253 was a mistake on my part.

If you feel you have won the war - Congos. May you win many such more wars and battles in the future.

To most indian comedians who are replied in this thread so far should read carefully what i said in my first post if they got some education from the schools located in their dirty little slums.
I haven,t denied anything regarding the ceasefire,clinton IA reoccupying most peaks etc etc
At the end of the day you got invaded and lost your most strategic peak which was without any doubt located on the indian side before the kargil war as accepted by the indian media.Yes pakistan haven,t achieved all objectives but we ended up taking the tiger hill 5353 the most important and strategic peak and we lost no land.Now tell me who got the upper hand in this war?Why corrupt indian military and politicians hide this fact from indian people for 10 years? Why they are fooling their illiterate masses in the name of operation vijay??
Here is another example .Today if indian army invade pakistan,s punjab region and occupy cities of lahore and sialkot ,later we retaliate and liberate lahore from indian army but fail to liberate sialkot. Even after the war we try to liberate sialkot several times then we give up just like indian army give up dreams of taking tiger hill 5353 back from pakistan army .Does that call a pakistani victory?
Who held 5353 before the war?

Is the P5353 Tiger Hill?
No. Tiger Hill is a famous rock climbing destination. 5353 it is not.

Is it held today by Pakistan?

One peak every 30 years - if you discount the numerous peaks won by India in the meantime (like in the Siachen war), it should only take you a hundred thousand years and 30 billion dead. Good luck.

I'll take this non-response as an admission that you lied about "nuetral sources".
P5353 always was de facto with Pakistan. The LOC goes right over it. The Indian forces never tried seriously to claim it - simply because it is surrounded by 5 other peaks. One of them is Tiger Hill. This means holding this P5353 is strategically unsound.

If kids claim that holding that peak which they held for decades is victory, they should claim victory for holding Muzzafarabad and Gilgit. They have more value.
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well technically we had only one proper war with India, the War of 14 august 1947, when almost the whole world was against partition, and a tiny bit of Muslims under the command of a great leader, made Pakistan a reality.

other wars were not wars, they were jokes

1948 Pakistan had hardly any army OR commanders, whole India had a full fledge army and commanders, attack repulsed

1965 Pakistan had such a small army, with the number of soldiers in West pakistan not even close to one lac, a navy of 7 frigates and one submarines, and an Air force of hardly 100 fighters, attack repulsed

1971 India exploited the already ongoing civil war, attack from West pakistan repulsed, a crazy politician recognizes Bangladesh

1999 as mentioned in the whole thread
well technically we had only one proper war with India, the War of 14 august 1947, when almost the whole world was against partition, and a tiny bit of Muslims under the command of a great leader, made Pakistan a reality.

other wars were not wars, they were jokes

1948 Pakistan had hardly any army OR commanders, whole India had a full fledge army and commanders, attack repulsed

1965 Pakistan had such a small army, with the number of soldiers in West pakistan not even close to one lac, a navy of 7 frigates and one submarines, and an Air force of hardly 100 fighters, attack repulsed

1971 India exploited the already ongoing civil war, attack from West pakistan repulsed, a crazy politician recognizes Bangladesh

1999 as mentioned in the whole thread

In other words, ignore or trivialize or make excuses for all the wars you lost. Play up the partition (which wasn't even a war.)

congratulations to pakistan for winning the war
And may they be blessed with many more such "victories".:lol:
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