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What does this have to do with anything? He merely established that you are biased because of your religious affiliations.

He established nothing. Those who know me and know what I believe don't need these poltroons and their flashes of insight to decide about my views.
He established nothing. Those who know me and know what I believe don't need these poltroons and their flashes of insight to decide about my views.

The problem here is your sense of superiority Joe. If you are content with the opinion of those 'who know you and what you believe', what is the need to get personal with these lesser mortals.
Secondly he has all the right to agree, disagree or decide about your views. He is forming his own opinions not deciding your views for you.
I don't care about the opinions of dreary humourless persons who join forums like this only to spread discord and dislike between members of different nations and different religions. None of such kinds ever contribute to a defence related topic or thread. Their only interest is to pounce on each and every opportunity to insult and to browbeat others.
I think you know yourself pretty well. :cheesy:
For you to assume what you have assumed from my post just shows your insularity and boorish pettymindedness. You are really disgusting.

Did I struck some raw nerves ?? More you rant and bark more you give insight into your bias .
He established nothing. Those who know me and know what I believe don't need these poltroons and their flashes of insight to decide about my views.

You are an intellectual and a professional, aren't you? So why only "those who knows you" would stand by you?

I am on PDF for the last 5-6 years and trust me, for every poster who "knows you", there are 5 others who vehemently oppose you and your views.

Same as in India. The Sangh and RSS that you hate so vociferously could claim the same... as majority have voted for them, why should they care about "those who didn't".... Its an irony that you oppose this RSS mindset while on the other hand, you yourself follow the same principle here on pdf.

@Android @magudi
You are an intellectual and a professional, aren't you? So why only "those who knows you" would stand by you?

Those who are brain-dead and follow their prejudices are those who will not stand by me. Clear enough?

I am on PDF for the last 5-6 years and trust me, for every poster who "knows you", there are 5 others who vehemently oppose you and your views.

Is this a democracy? No it isn't. So here it does not matter that 5 trash-talkers vehemently oppose me and my views.

Same as in India. The Sangh and RSS that you hate so vociferously could claim the same... as majority have voted for them, why should they care about "those who didn't".... Its an irony that you oppose this RSS mindset while on the other hand, you yourself follow the same principle here on pdf.

They won one election, with the lowest percentage of the vote ever. This does not allow them the liberty to claim that their views must prevail over all minorities.

Here, too, on PDF, it is the majority, the large number of trolls, to whom I am opposed, who are against a small minority of us.

I think you know yourself pretty well. :cheesy:

Did I struck some raw nerves ?? More you rant and bark more you give insight into your bias .

Repeating back what someone says to you might have seemed intelligent to you in kindergarten.
Those who are brain-dead and follow their prejudices are those who will not stand by me. Clear enough?

Your statement itself is prejudiced.

They won one election, with the lowest percentage of the vote ever. This does not allow them the liberty to claim that their views must prevail over all minorities.

Our government does not follow the presidential system of election. Get all the PM contenders in the fray - presedential style- eliminating the weakest ones and asking voters to chose between the last remaining two contenders, YOUR ARGUMENT WILL FALL FLAT. Probably you also know this. How about some intellectual honesty Joe?

Here, too, on PDF, it is the majority, the large number of trolls, to whom I am opposed, who are against a small minority of us.

Majority = Trolls?

By the way what made you overlook my last post, no reasoning forthcoming! I am disappointed.
Those who are brain-dead and follow their prejudices are those who will not stand by me. Clear enough?

Is this a democracy? No it isn't. So here it does not matter that 5 trash-talkers vehemently oppose me and my views.

They won one election, with the lowest percentage of the vote ever. This does not allow them the liberty to claim that their views must prevail over all minorities.

Here, too, on PDF, it is the majority, the large number of trolls, to whom I am opposed, who are against a small minority of us.

Repeating back what someone says to you might have seemed intelligent to you in kindergarten.
You are, in all honesty, (and I don't mean offense) the most intolerant person I have met to date on any online forum so far.

That is surprising considering the spectrum I have seen. Of all religions and without.

Not one is so allergic to being receptive to a different opinion as you have portrayed time and again.
Your statement itself is prejudiced.

That's what you think. So, go ahead and think what you want.

Our government does not follow the presidential system of election. Get all the PM contenders in the fray - presedential style- eliminating the weakest ones and asking voters to chose between the last remaining two contenders, YOUR ARGUMENT WILL FALL FLAT. Probably you also know this. How about some intellectual honesty Joe?

If you want an intellectually honest opinion, I have to say that I have seldom heard weaker arguments, and seldom seen more pretentious behaviour.

Majority = Trolls?

Yes. Majority = Trolls

By the way what made you overlook my last post, no reasoning forthcoming! I am disappointed.

I didn't find it interesting. Any more than I find the person posting.

You are, in all honesty, (and I don't mean offense) the most intolerant person I have met to date on any online forum so far.

That is surprising considering the spectrum I have seen. Of all religions and without.

Not one is so allergic to being receptive to a different opinion as you have portrayed time and again.


Absolutely isolated from any personal opinion. Purely objective.

How sick can you get? Do you believe all this about yourself?
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Those who are brain-dead and follow their prejudices are those who will not stand by me. Clear enough?

Is this a democracy? No it isn't. So here it does not matter that 5 trash-talkers vehemently oppose me and my views.

They won one election, with the lowest percentage of the vote ever. This does not allow them the liberty to claim that their views must prevail over all minorities.

Here, too, on PDF, it is the majority, the large number of trolls, to whom I am opposed, who are against a small minority of us.

Repeating back what someone says to you might have seemed intelligent to you in kindergarten.

Ok here it is..... And I am being moderate here..... You are nothing but a person full of bigotry, hate and prejudice. You are a Muslim and you have 100% right to feel proud and have your own assumptions. But to say in every other post.... majority are trolls and what not.... just shows your rabid anti-Hindu stance. You are such an intolerant person that when MMS was an unlected PM you had no issues. Congress had less seats and vote share than BJP in 2015 but no... they were the rightful owners of the Delhi throne for you.

Fact is, you and your pov is a minority. Majorityy of us have elected BJP and Modi to lead India.

Learn to live with it. Otherwise you can either return your 'degrees' or whatever or are free to write crap as you so often do.... No body cares.
Ok here it is..... And I am being moderate here..... You are nothing but a person full of bigotry, hate and prejudice. You are a Muslim and you have 100% right to feel proud and have your own assumptions. But to say in every other post.... majority are trolls and what not.... just shows your rabid anti-Hindu stance. You are such an intolerant person that when MMS was an unlected PM you had no issues. Congress had less seats and vote share than BJP in 2015 but no... they were the rightful owners of the Delhi throne for you.

Fact is, you and your pov is a minority. Majorityy of us have elected BJP and Modi to lead India.

Learn to live with it. Otherwise you can either return your 'degrees' or whatever or are free to write crap as you so often do.... No body cares.

Good. Now that you have this off your chest, shut up. You obviously have nothing left to say.

Ok here it is..... And I am being moderate here.....

You cannot be a moderate. The moment you belong to the camp that preaches exclusion, you stop being moderate, you stop being civilised, you become a factional animal.

You are nothing but a person full of bigotry, hate and prejudice.

I am not bigoted, because that implies a positive feeling towards one religion or the other. As an atheist, bigotry is not part of my outlook.

I hate bigots, on the other hand; and I hate those who push their religion and their majoritarian status to undermine the rule of law, to undermine the position of other segments of society, and to bully others. If I have a prejudice, it is that of detesting the mentality of the pack, the mentality that you display, of reflecting whatever the pack requires you to reflect.

You are a Muslim

I am nothing of the kind. Just because some jackass took a humorous remark, tied himself into knots and jumped to some stupid conclusion does not mean anything. Not that there is anything wrong with being a Muslim. I merely say this to correct inaccuracy.

and you have 100% right to feel proud and have your own assumptions.

With or without your saying so.

But to say in every other post.... majority are trolls and what not.... just shows your rabid anti-Hindu stance.

Rubbish. The majority are trolls. That is an observed fact. Only those who are so described fail to recognise it. Everybody else - moderate Hindus, moderate Indians, Pakistanis of all sorts and shades of opinion, the Chinese, the Iranians, the Saudis, the Turks - everybody but your troll breed of Sangh Parivar pack animals, recognises it.

Go check and you will be shocked by the result. You are the single most detested group. Not just here but all over the Internet.

You are such an intolerant person that when MMS was an unlected PM you had no issues. Congress had less seats and vote share than BJP in 2015 but no... they were the rightful owners of the Delhi throne for you.

I have opposed the Congress from before you were born. If you are dense and cannot spot that, and if you are unaware that there was nothing I posted earlier that tends to your silly, shallow conclusion, that is nobody's fault but your own.

Fact is, you and your pov is a minority. Majorityy of us have elected BJP and Modi to lead India.

That is why you are despised. That is why you will continue to be despised. Open your eyes; and also smell the coffee.

Learn to live with it. Otherwise you can either return your 'degrees' or whatever or are free to write crap as you so often do.... No body cares.

It is not I who is despised outside my little coterie. It is you and those like you. That should tell you where you get off. And that should also ring in your ears the next time you read my posts, and either answer them, or adapt them, or reply them.
Good. Now that you have this off your chest, shut up. You obviously have nothing left to say.

Its not about me shutting up or not. Its about your 'hypocrisy" which is exposed time and again here on PDF.

You cannot be a moderate. The moment you belong to the camp that preaches exclusion, you stop being moderate, you stop being civilised, you become a factional animal.

Nor are the 39% of Indians who voted for NDA and in turn, Modi. So as per you, 39% of Indians (who are mostly Hindus) are not moderate and are uncivilised. Nice to know.

Atheist doesn't mean to berate other's religion and feelings. BTW you are far from being an athiest. Where wre you in that thread where Hindus were killed in pakistan or that other day when in Meerut a Hindu boy was killed?

I hate bigots, on the other hand; and I hate those who push their religion and their majoritarian status to undermine the rule of law, to undermine the position of other segments of society, and to bully others. If I have a prejudice, it is that of detesting the mentality of the pack, the mentality that you display, of reflecting whatever the pack requires you to reflect.

If anything, you should be thankful that you are in India. Not many hours ago 20 Shias were killed in Pakistan for being... yes... Shias. In BD, anti-Islamic intellectuals are routinely murdered. Compare that to India where 1 man getting lynched out of 180 million grabs headlines for 2 months and every Hindu is responsible. Can't even imagine a person like you in the Arab world or Syria or Bangladesh or whatever. Still you will mock us "majority" and blame us being intolerant.

I have opposed the Congress from before you were born. If you are dense and cannot spot that, and if you are unaware that there was nothing I posted earlier that tends to your silly, shallow conclusion, that is nobody's fault but your own.

I don't care whether you opposed Congress or Hitler or Stalin. I only care when you label us "mostly Hindus" as communal, uncivilized and what not.
So @Joe Shearer , is there any political party in India that you support....or is Congress simply the least bad option since they are not inherently evil like the Sanghis...or are they all equally bad?

Just interested in your opinion!

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