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London Mosque burned down: EDL stamps found.

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Stop changing the topic.

EDL and BNP should not be allowed to exist or practice within UK. It's a joke.

Nick Griffin BNP leader gets to go on TV, most of the time he is cussed and made a fool of, quiet funny when he tries to cover up that what he means by British is "white".
Turns out my prediction was right! Remember what i said in the thread about EDL being invited to Mosque with tea and biscuits.
Hate-crime like this won't stop until the muslims in england unite and decimate every single EDL member out there.

Lady that is an invitation for ethnic cleansing. Hope you dont believe that in real life.

How different are these from the very people they talk about?!

One is actionary - seeking to impose an alien way of life on others while the others is reactionary.

Admittedly both are stupid, but not identical. Without action there would be no reaction.

About kafirs....what is wrong with calling 1 believer or not?! I do not call a Christian a Muslim..I call him a Christian....Your sad point being?!

Yeah so what is wrong in calling a nigger a nigger..a p@ki a p@ki or any of those other derogatory adjectives ?

Dont try to sweat it out saying that the word "kafir/kuffar" is not used derogatorily towards non-muslims...that is awkward.
My question is simple. UK being christian majority, still allows some muslim preacher to ask people to convert. How many muslim majority nation allow other people (hindu/christian/atheist etc etc..) to openly call for conversion and/or reject muslim faith? who is bigger racist??

This is what these closet islamists believe is the answer to this question.

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one beheads and blows up civilians , another does it to assets.

neither can be considered good!! But the fact remains hatred leads to more hatred.
Turns out my prediction was right! Remember what i said in the thread about EDL being invited to Mosque with tea and biscuits.
Hate-crime like this won't stop until the muslims in england unite and decimate every single EDL member out there.

Seriously?? This will be infact asking for more trouble. Better solution for Muslims in England is to find the source of extremism amongst themselves and report them to police. The longer you keep ignoring the disease the harder it will be to treat and the bigger will be the consequences.
has there been any protest against edl from their own communithy?

tens of thousands of other brits come out against EDL in protest ( yup- white people against it).

no its not my disease....I am not police and controlling law and order situation isnt my job..
Police are well paid here and its their job which they arent doing for some reason....

Then why do you pass judgement of the so called snobs and rich of UK?
That will still amount to taking the law in our hands,and that is breaking the law..Wont be good for any of us.
Ours are very closed knit communities here...I only visit a select few mosques,and only listen to certain type of Scholars..Same is true for most Muslims living here..the scholars i listen to,they never incite violence.
Anjum choudhry isnt a scholar and only promoted by British media..Muslims dont even take him seriously.
Mostly its googling youths who rely too much on Internet to learn islam,they fall prey to idiots like him..The likes of me who go to real mosques and listen to learned people,we are fine.

Wait a minute, you absolve yourself from being responsible to stand up to your Islamist terrorists segment/part of the community. but lo behold should UK not convict anyone that harmed your people , then UK as a whole or part of the class among them as a whole is racist? after all- you did start about earlier in this thread on how whites give no justice in UK.
Islam is very confusing, two Islamic expert give two difference view of Islam... Taliban say they are true muslim. So called liberal claim to be true Muslim as well..

Sir Zarvan call himself true Muslim, So does RazPak and Aeronat, But there view/interpretation of Islam is poles apart...

The Liberal Zakir Naik tell Kaffirs have no human right, death must be awarded to those who leave islam etc, while on PDF ppl claim different....

@UK incident: UK is going thru difficult time, It lost soldier in broad daylight. The Brits are not safe in britain, The war is knocking there door, The soldier was killed like Muslims kill Goat (slowly and painful). Brits are raged and angry, the reaction will lead such incidents.

Its tough time, Muslim should take low profile any reaction from Muslims will lead to disaster. Muslim should understand "Non Muslims also has right to live on earth" .

Couple of cleaning ladies, bucket of paint and it'll be as good as new.
changing words? Well, it is not my fault you refuse to educate yourself before posting! Kuffr means reject and Kafir means 1 who rejects...Whats so tough abt that?! :unsure:
Who chooses to be a diaper head? Seriously? or carpet flyer...No flying carpets in 21st century ...Am not sure if You chose a rag for a head...

Huh? Yes, I had a number of friends who were born Hindu but claim they dont believe in it....but just do pooja coz their parents do it...Not sure what to make out of that :undecided:

You seem some how down playing other religions, wake up kid. Nothing is like that in reality.

Both Hinduism and Christianity have firm base.

Hindus may say we don't like pooja or some thing but they still believe in Hindu gods.

About kafirs....what is wrong with calling 1 believer or not?! I do not call a Christian a Muslim..I call him a Christian....Your sad point being?!

You believe in some book that do not mean you have right to call all others Kaffirs.

Come on....... Islam is not the only religion, people do believe in other faiths, that do not make them non believers.

Do not argue like Islam is for all and other B.S.
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