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Pakistani: Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack

Some people placing blame on Trump, however, this goes further back during Bush Jr. who let the fire in a room filed with oil. He set of a chair reaction ---
As much as I think team Trump is a scourge of the earth, can’t blame him for everything.

He’s a disgusting orange pig as far as I’m concerned

Hate exists in every society/culture/country bro, its just in many countries it remains dormant until someone from the position of power comes and say it outright, What i believe we can no distinguish between America and Canada, although different but the Islamophobic issue is relatively same, After 9/11 American's were made to believe Muslims are the enemy, they were isolated and Alienated to a degree that Americans start attacking Sikh's who happen to have Turbans and have beards, you can't achieve that without a constant indoctrination of society.

There are a lot of voices in the west, Powerful Voices who are preaching this as an invasion of East/Islam in their White white West (Pun intended) after every attack was done by a brown/Arab the excessive media reporting, name-calling and instant labelling led us where we are today, NZ mass shooting, Quebec shooting and many across the USA and other EU counties are the byproduct of this massive machine of Hate/alienation that is at work.
Indians at it again.
The Zionist scum terrorist was named NATHANIEL VELTMAN who was a Zionist and had been posting Islamophobic rants before. The Canadians are the most racist trash anyway and have an inferiority complex vis a vis their American masters and try to out do the US redneck racists. Imagine if a Muslim was involved the Jew media MSM would be all over the place blaming Muslims for all sorts of crimes and misdemeanors, but this was a JEW TERRORIST and the media and Canadian Zionist controlled puppet regime of idiot Trudeau just hushed up this episode of JEW TERRORISM, where an educated and nice Muslim family from Pakistan lost their lives, just because of their religion and attire. The western hypocrisy and racism is now scrapping the bottom. I would bet my life that this JEW TERRORIST will get away Scott free by pleading some mental health issue. Canada should be ashamed if it has any humanity left. When the Australian "white" right-wing terrorist Brenton Tarrant killed over 51 Muslims in Christchurch NZ mosque attacks, the whole country and government condemned it, but in Canada, the racist hypocrites have not even shed crocodile tears.
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Although my comment was deleted, I will reiterate: Israel fires hellfires on Palestinians in retaliation for Gass cylinders. The USA along with others came to Iraq and Afghanistan, murdered and caused the murder of millions of Muslims. In Syria and Yemen, millions were murdered and displaced due to direct or indirect western involvement. Libya was brutally liberated. Mass rape and murder are a daily routine in Libya now.

And Muslims are blamed for all that. Subhanallah.

I will say, first, uproot Israel with all your might. And start marching towards the west. Muslim blood spill will only stop the day when we will become aggressors.

That's nature's rule.
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لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم

May Allah grant them janat al fardous and their son the strength and wisdom to lead a great life
It's terrorism, the PM and authorities have labeled it as such. The issue is if they want to charge him with it, because if the charge doesn't stick, it could have unintended consequences.

Instead, they're probably gonna charge him with a hate crime, which in this case is much easier to prove and would automatically increase his sentence.
Funny how it's hate crime for White people, Gangs and Shit for Mexican,Black or South Americans and terrorism for Muslims 😆
Why do you think Islamophobia is rising everywhere?

when you have people like modi who have a deep hate of Islam and spread hate 247 ( as Islam un does their power base.)

RSS hindu believes in caste system Islam doesn't, women have rights , hinduism doesn't... and so on. ie Islam is the opposite of hinduism

me think the Jew terrorist got up set with FM Qureshi statement of Zionist deep pockets.
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When the Australian "white" right-wing terrorist Brenton Tarrant killed over 51 Muslims in Christchurch NZ mosque attacks, the whole country and government condemned it, but in Canada, the racist hypocrites have not even shed crocodile tears.
Funny how it's hate crime for White people, Gangs and Shit for Mexican,Black or South Americans and terrorism for Muslims 😆

The Canadian PM, Premier of Ontario, Mayor of London, Federal Opposition Leader, Provincial Opposition Leader, and every other rep from the government has already termed it as a terrorist attack. They've also openly acknowledged that Islamophobia is on the rise in the country and they are responsible for fixing it.

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On the other hand it is so unfortunate that the mainstream media in Pakistan did not highlight this incident in their talk shows. I mean a Pakistani family is massacred and no one in mainstream media is giving this incident its DUE significance.

Suna hey bohat sasta hai khoon aik mulk ke logon Ka
Woh Mulk ke jiskey makeeno ko Pakistani kehtey hein
On the other hand it is so unfortunate that the mainstream media in Pakistan did not highlight this incident in their talk shows. I mean a Pakistani family is massacred and no one in mainstream media is giving this incident its DUE significance.

Suna hey bohat sasta hai khoon aik mulk ke logon Ka
Woh Mulk ke jiskey makeeno ko Pakistani kehtey hein
Most talk shows invite guests from the government, the opposition, and a "senior tajzianigar", and then encourage them to argue (not discuss or debate in a civilized manner).

I prefer Kamran Khan which is sort of a news roundup of the day, with guests invited for a more in-depth look at certain topics. And he did cover this incident in some detail.
Most talk shows invite guests from the government, the opposition, and a "senior tajzianigar", and then encourage them to argue (not discuss or debate in a civilized manner).

You need to understand the origins of these so called talk shows which brings two sides and then literally give them open grounds to fight each other...they were started this way so that audiences get this perception that either of the two parties is fighting for their cause ... so when a pumped up and angry awaam open the telly they will get some respite to see oh look at this group they are talking about our issues ... but Pakistani talk shows failed in even creating that perception miserably...
Sad to hear what happened to the family.
Why do you think Islamophobia is rising everywhere?

my personal thoughts are how I think it all began to go wrong. the Soviet Union collapse was a disaster , then it just kinda went down hill for the Muslims with gulf war 1 , then 9/11 gulf war 2 and Afghanistan included you started to get terrorism attacks now tit for tat became more. we get more private owned run right wing tv channels , radio , and politicians . all this happened in the last 2 decades and now chaos

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