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When Pakistani Soldiers Stood Guard At Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
10 Awe Inspiring Moments When Pakistani Soldiers Stood Guard At Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation In 1953
T. Khan

England’s Monarchy is the second oldest, dating back to the Middle Ages. Its home is Buckingham Palace. The changing of the guards for the reigning monarchy has always been a colorful event that is full of ceremony that has been maintained over the ages.

Back in 1953, after the creation of Pakistan in 1947, a contingent of Pakistani soldiers took over guard duty at Buckingham Palace for the Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation that took place on June 2 of 1953. The Changing of the guard ceremony took place prior to that.

A young Pakistani Army was since then classified as capable and strong because such a responsibility fell on their soldier on such a big day for English Royalty.

1. The British Monarchy’s London Residence – Buckingham Palace

Huffington Post

2. The streets of London during the Changing The Guard at Buckingham Palace took place in 1953


3. General Ayub and the young Queen Elizabeth on their way to Buckingham Palace in 1953 before the coronation on June 2

View Storm

4. Pakistani Soldiers entering Buckingham Palace – Taking Over Guard

My Historical Planet/blogspot.com

5. Two Pakistani Soldiers from the Frontier Force Rifles standing on guard duty in a sentry box with a British Grenadier

Royal Collection

6. Pakistan Soldiers marching on the Queen’s coronation day outside of Buckingham Palace


7. Pakistani Soldiers standing guard


8. The Coronation Parade in which Pakistani Soldiers took part in


9. The procession included all the countries that the Monarch laid claim over

British Pathe

10. Here the Pakistani Flag can be seen carried by a Pakistani Soldier

British Pathe
Did you even know that Pakistani Soldiers had ever been a part of the Changing The Guard Ceremony at Buckingham Palace and especially on such an occasion?
service by servants. how many times bangladeshi soldiers provided us with this kind of" service" after 71? after all they got independence from us just like we got it from england.
I guess you dont know 101 on politics!

This is nothing to be proud of.. Is this thread started on purpose to humiliate Pakistan?
Nothing to humiliate there it is a fact...In fact it is something to be proud that our soldiers were not suspected of anything wrong and given the honour to protect the queen....Even in imperial China not everyone was allowed to "protect the empress"....We are talking about about the previous century!

A young Pakistani Army was since then classified as capable and strong because such a responsibility fell on their soldier on such a big day for English Royalty.
The army was young and still allowed such a task is honour in workplace (as a soldier)
I guess you dont know 101 on politics!

Nothing to humiliate there it is a fact...In fact it is something to be proud that our soldiers were not suspected of anything wrong and given the honour to protect the queen....Even in imperial China not everyone was allowed to "protect the empress"....We are talking about about the previous century!

The army was young and still allowed such a task is honour in workplace (as a soldier)
Seriously, there is nothing to proud of protecting another queen even they admire your intergrity. See, we Chinese will never talk or admire about anything during colonial times of hongkong. Those were days of darkness...
I guess you dont know 101 on politics!
i know the other name of this type of politics in pak since independence is "baygharti". our elite always kept the nation slaves of the west. IK is the first leader who has given a strong reply to them. otherwise they hit us on salala and we did "politics" .they attacked abbotabad ad we did "politics". they hit us with their drones and we did "politics". they humiliate us time and again and we always did" politics". i would have admired this "politics" if we would have become economic and military power by using this "politics" but today we are begging the whole world and have no self respect. all of our institutes have collapsed and we are doing "politics".
the other group who is good at this type of politics is group of prostitu*es
Seriously, there is nothing to proud of protecting another queen even they admire your intergrity. See, we Chinese will never talk or admire about anything during colonial times of hongkong. Those were days of darkness...
We are not Chinese :coffee:

In order to understand history you need to accept it....the goods and the bad...Since you cant reverse it no point being sour about it...It is part and parcel of our past we accept it and see the little bit good it may have

i know the other name of this type of politics in pak since independence is "baygharti". our elite always kept the nation slaves of the west. IK is the first leader who has given a strong reply to them. otherwise they hit us on salala and we did "politics" .they attacked abbotabad ad we did "politics". they hit us with their drones and we did "politics". they humiliate us time and again and we always did" politics". i would have admired this "politics" if we would have become economic and military power by using this "politics" but today we are begging the whole world and have no self respect. all of our institutes have collapsed and we are doing "politics".
the other group who is good at this type of politics is group of prostitu*es
It is not the same as being honoured at your workplace...

Now for example if a guy working in the bank gets a promotion should he cry coz he is promoted in an institution which deals with interest or be happy about his future?

If you have nothing to contribute or feel ashamed in any form please leave the thread don't start a fight or useless argument!
We are not Chinese :coffee:

In order to understand history you need to accept it....the goods and the bad...Since you cant reverse it no point being sour about it...It is part and parcel of our past we accept it and see the little bit good it may have

It is not the same as being honoured at your workplace...

Now for example if a guy working in the bank gets a promotion should he cry coz he is promoted in an institution which deals with interest or be happy about his future?

If you have nothing to contribute or feel ashamed in any form please leave the thread don't start a fight or useless argument!
same advice for you as well.
You wouldnt say that if you have a clue of word ''international relations'' with superpower of its time.....
we have been seing the results of our "international relations" with "superpowers" for 70 yrs. they used us and discarded us.
@Dubious why did you delete my post? It was relevant to the thread. Just because we have opposing views, doesn't mean you should delete my post. You UK pakis must love your queen lizzy, but that doesn't mean the rest of us do.
it is said that "you can kill a man but you cant kill the truth".
i am sure some people may get what i am saying. bye.
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