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When Pakistani Soldiers Stood Guard At Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation

Many fought for the King in Mesopotamia against Turk Muslims.
You call that service?
Those who fought under the king were under his rule...They had no choice while the Pakistan had got its independence and the soldiers in OP were doing a service...Only trusted ones protect the queen so your example is not valid
why do not we look at it a little earlier when British started taking over from kings in Mahabharat. it was us who surrender independence.
rule is taken over by the Brits and the slavery is imposed is where we start all that drum beating and this is actually called slavery.
we have a past and we will keep discussing it. we all have our ancestors who have suffered or were present and saw all that misery.
but one thing is a fact if someone is UK-**** or US-**** or whatever, he or she has the roots from the land which no one can deny even someone think this as his or her bad luck.
several Pakistanis born and grown up abroad visit Pakistan, hate locals, hate system even hate their ancestor's living style, values , beliefs. They call them bloody Pakistanis.
but nobody looks at what went wrong with us over 70 years. it was not the people but the politicians, establishment, the tycoons, the waderas, the powerful elite that damaged the fabric over 70 years.
one example is Zia ul Haq who for the sake of that slavery mind changed the names of the roads from British era particularly in Punjab. is this how we can get rid of it?
to the best of their interest, politicians played very well, nationalism card when ever their politics was in danger.
Mullahs have always been one of the main characters and never let the time go to cash a situation when they can sloganeer Islam.
What are we? we blame each other, we are good at pulling a leg, we betray, we lie, we cheat, criminals of society, we betray homeland, we abuse our leaders, we tarnish their personality so well that we used to change the slogan "Unity Faith Discipline" to our own will?
there was never a thinking or an effort made to built the character of a child being his right which is a must for the development of a true nation.
we are not educated and those who are, are ignorant because education is never a remedy to ignorance, knowledge is.
Awe inspiring moment? The people of the subcontinent indeed have a slave mentality.
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