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Now, Germany mulls burqa ban


Jul 27, 2009
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BERLIN: As France has moved closer to a ban on burqas, German politicians are debating whether a similar measure was necessary in their own country, media reports said.

After a French parliamentary commission ruled earlier this week that the enveloping garment worn by some Islamic women is unacceptable and recommended a ban in schools and public offices, former Social Democratic parliamentarian, Turkish-German Lale Akgun urged for a similar ban in Germany.

"The burqa is a full-body prison that deeply threatens human rights," she told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily. "It would be an important signal for Germany to ban the burqa."

A burqa ban in German should include schools, universities, and high-security zones such as banks and airports, the daily quoted her as saying on Saturday.

However, fellow party member Dieter Wiefelsptz rejected the suggestion.

"We have a different understanding of freedom than the French," he told the paper, adding that an enlightened Islam could not be forced.

Green party leader Cem Ozdemir said the debate overlooked the real conflict of integration, stressing that the number of women who wear burqas in Germany is low.

BERLIN: As France has moved closer to a ban on burqas, German politicians are debating whether a similar measure was necessary in their own country, media reports said.

After a French parliamentary commission ruled earlier this week that the enveloping garment worn by some Islamic women is unacceptable and recommended a ban in schools and public offices, former Social Democratic parliamentarian, Turkish-German Lale Akgun urged for a similar ban in Germany.

"The burqa is a full-body prison that deeply threatens human rights," she told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily. "It would be an important signal for Germany to ban the burqa."

A burqa ban in German should include schools, universities, and high-security zones such as banks and airports, the daily quoted her as saying on Saturday.

However, fellow party member Dieter Wiefelsptz rejected the suggestion.

"We have a different understanding of freedom than the French," he told the paper, adding that an enlightened Islam could not be forced.

Green party leader Cem Ozdemir said the debate overlooked the real conflict of integration, stressing that the number of women who wear burqas in Germany is low.

Now, Germany mulls burqa ban - Europe - World - The Times of India

Unlike the cheap France, Germans would probably never find a veil would bother them.
Unfortunately, there is no place of burqa in Europe now, so people who wear it should go back. Who knows when they will send all Muslims back to where they came from.
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According to Zaid Hamid one day West will ask all the Muslims to leave once for all . I think many Liberal Muslims in west will convert to stay rather then going back :lol:
According to Zaid Hamid one day West will ask all the Muslims to leave once for all . I think many Liberal Muslims in west will convert to stay rather then going back :lol:

According to Zaid Hamid, there will be a Gazwa-e-Hind as well. According to him Muslims can never be friends with Yahood and Hanood. Do you believe all that he says?
In France Muslims are mostly of French background unlike other countries where Muslim are not European. I read an article about it in a newspaper.

But Muslims are not going anywhere.

At present Muslims have a growth rate of 2.2 in Britain where as non Muslims have 1.2.

It means for every Muslim couple there is an average 2.2 children but for non Muslim couple its only 1.2. Non Muslims are at decline and many critics fear Muslim majority in Europe in near future. Thats why they are confused and we are seeing such bans.
According to Zaid Hamid, there will be a Gazwa-e-Hind as well. According to him Muslims can never be friends with Yahood and Hanood. Do you believe all that he says?

Gazwa-e-Hind NO way , no body is perfect in what they say (Zaid Hamid)

Yahood and Hanood friends with Muslims sorry can't say any thing as I lack a bit in religious knowledge. :undecided: so he could be right
According to Zaid Hamid, there will be a Gazwa-e-Hind as well. According to him Muslims can never be friends with Yahood and Hanood. Do you believe all that he says?

Not sure about Gazwa-e-Hind, but dont change the subject and object of the sentence, its actually Yahood and Hanood can never be friends of Muslims. And it is correct.
Is it pertinent to bring Zaid Hamid in every discussion? Every time I turn my head I read his name. I have no idea why people take him so seriously in India, the guy is an armchair theorist that trumps even most internet participants. He's making a quick buck, I heard the guy has mansions in Karachi, ISB and Lahore.

Anyways regarding this Burqa ban possibility in Germany, I don't think it will happen. The German society is less polarized than the French one. It won't settle well with many countries because this debate is bound to stir more Islamism in the world (which is the intent).
but the burka has nothing to do with islam. it is an arabian dress style and was never prescribed as a form of dress for islam so i been told
^^you have been told wrong.

And if you like commenting so much first study ISLAM and then come.
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