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Zarif: Anyone who wants to enter Strait of Hormuz must cooperate with IRGC


Jan 29, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Can someone confirm. Is this true?

If US wants to enter Hormuz Strait, it must talk to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards – FM Zarif
Published time: 24 Apr, 2019 17:47

If the US seeks to operate in the Hormuz Strait, the Persian Gulf’s major trade route, it must talk to those who defend it, FM Zarif said, referring to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, which the US has declared ‘terrorists’.

Anyone who enters the Strait of Hormuz has to work with regional powers providing security for the area, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said at an Asia Society event in New York, adding that this means cooperating with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

ALSO ON RT.COM‘Lift sanctions & apologize if you want to talk,’ Iran’s Rouhani tells Washington

The foreign minister warned Washington against any “crazy moves” that could harm Iranian security, particularly its ability to transport oil through the strait, while saying that Tehran is “open for dialogue.”

“We believe that Iran will continue to sell its oil. We will continue to find buyers for our oil and we will continue to use the Strait of Hormuz as a safe transit passage for the sale of our oil,” he said.

If the United States takes the crazy measure of trying to prevent us from doing that, then it should be prepared for the consequences.

Zarif’s warning came days after the Trump administration announced its decision to lift sanctions waivers for Iran’s eight biggest oil buyers to continue importing certain volumes of oil despite the US restrictions re-imposed last year after Washington unilaterally left the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

ALSO ON RT.COMWashington making ‘bad mistake by politicizing oil & using it as a weapon’ – Tehran

Washington’s renewed push to reduce Tehran’s oil imports to “zero” has already sparked resentment in Ankara and Beijing. Both previously enjoyed the waivers scheduled to expire by May. Zarif noted that if the White House wants to bring Tehran to the negotiating table, it would be wise to drop the threats and try talking to Iran instead.

“We’re allergic to pressure,” he said. “Try the language of respect, it won’t kill you, believe me.”
It sounds like rouhani and zarif have finally both discovered for themselves the very same thing that a certain mr neville chamberlain discovered over 80 years ago,namely that attempting to appease fascists in the hope that they will keep their word and live up to their agreed upon obligations,is not only a very bad idea in theory,its an even worse one when put into practice.
Im not even sure what the end game is now for Us Iran relations.....

Not even sure what the logical conclusion might or could be....

this is one the few most GREYEST things i have come across in geopolitics.
Im not even sure what the end game is now for Us Iran relations.....

Not even sure what the logical conclusion might or could be....

this is one the few most GREYEST things i have come across in geopolitics.

As long as Trump remains in office. There is none.
“We believe that Iran will continue to sell its oil. We will continue to find buyers for our oil and we will continue to use the Strait of Hormuz as a safe transit passage for the sale of our oil,” he said.

That is all well and good. And USA will only subject those who violate sanctions to the consequences, that is all. It is up to the buyers to decide whether to benefit from Iranian oil or suffer the consequences of violating sanctions. It is their choice, of course.
It sounds like rouhani and zarif have finally both discovered for themselves the very same thing that a certain mr neville chamberlain discovered over 80 years ago,namely that attempting to appease fascists in the hope that they will keep their word and live up to their agreed upon obligations,is not only a very bad idea in theory,its an even worse one when put into practice.

Iran won’t fire the first shot or even the second. If anything Iran will avoid war and take a few hits, it’s in its interests to do so. Remember Operation Praying Mantis? The last time Iran directly attacked (not via proxies or covert operation) the US military with then state of the art equipment.

Bolton wants nothing more to trick the IRGC into doing something stupid in order to unleash a barrage of cruise missiles.(example)

In that case what is Iran’s move, if it gets hit with 500 cruise missiles? Do they escalate situation one step further and fire BMs in retaliation or yell and scream and pull out of NPT?

People are quick to think Iran will immead unleash the gates of hell, but history has shown us (in Syria and elsewhere), Iran’s response is measured.

So I don’t think war is imminent. If anything Iran has shun war or confrontation at every opportunity.
It sounds like rouhani and zarif have finally both discovered for themselves the very same thing that a certain mr neville chamberlain discovered over 80 years ago,namely that attempting to appease fascists in the hope that they will keep their word and live up to their agreed upon obligations,is not only a very bad idea in theory,its an even worse one when put into practice.

Neville chamberlain has always been unfairly bashed as historys coward. and a racist criminal that was hardly any better then hitler when it cames to uber white man superiority Churchill is considered a hero..

The german nation / army was on the rise in the late 30s. Hitler wanted to rectify a humiliation. Neville chamberlin had 2 choices. Face the dragon head on, or try and do something the british were masters at. play the geopolitical chess board and give the Nazis territory to the east, and put them on a collision course with the soviet union. have your 2 enemies destroy themselves.

Its just that stalin 1 upped them with the surprising Molotov Ribbentrop pact. And the german army steamrolled the "western allies" in short order. and the rest is history.

its not like if Neville chamberlain had gone full retard and declared all out war on germany in 1937-1939 there was going to be an overwhelming british victory (as the media likes to portry) it would have probably ended much the same way. with the german army steamrolling the british/French armies.

this fits in to the whole "western allies defeated the evil Nazi's" propaganda theory. that completely ignores the fact that the german army was almost completly destroyed in the eastern front.

Irans lesson in all this is not to trust any agreement by these colonial wannabe powers. Their signatures are not worth the ink they are written on. Their agreements are solely meant to buy time for their own interests, and if that's not working, they will outright break their written contracts anytime it suits them.
Neville chamberlain has always been unfairly bashed as historys coward. and a racist criminal that was hardly any better then hitler when it cames to uber white man superiority Churchill is considered a hero..

The german nation / army was on the rise in the late 30s. Hitler wanted to rectify a humiliation. Neville chamberlin had 2 choices. Face the dragon head on, or try and do something the british were masters at. play the geopolitical chess board and give the Nazis territory to the east, and put them on a collision course with the soviet union. have your 2 enemies destroy themselves.

Its just that stalin 1 upped them with the surprising Molotov Ribbentrop pact. And the german army steamrolled the "western allies" in short order. and the rest is history.

its not like if Neville chamberlain had gone full retard and declared all out war on germany in 1937-1939 there was going to be an overwhelming british victory (as the media likes to portry) it would have probably ended much the same way. with the german army steamrolling the british/French armies.

this fits in to the whole "western allies defeated the evil Nazi's" propaganda theory. that completely ignores the fact that the german army was almost completly destroyed in the eastern front.

Irans lesson in all this is not to trust any agreement by these colonial wannabe powers. Their signatures are not worth the ink they are written on. Their agreements are solely meant to buy time for their own interests, and if that's not working, they will outright break their written contracts anytime it suits them.

WW2 was the direct result of European and American thievery and malice Post-WWI.

Germany was humiliated and forced to cover the costs of WWI even though it wasn’t the only fighting force involved. The German people were subject to harsh economic conditions and humilitated. This gave way to a growing Fascist movement and allowed an individual like Adolf Hitler to assume powerful.

Of course, Western history books will try to deflect any blame for the rise of Nazi Germany. But history has shown, Western countries are grossly incompetent in managing world affairs and undoubtly eventually cause a massive blowback in their own face.
Dose this mean that IRGC is going to stop the Centcom ships from passing through the Strait of Hormuz?
As long as Trump remains in office. There is none.

to be quite honest......trump won't be able to even locate Iran on a world.map....

it the conservative base which supports him....they are quite religiously radical like some of your people in iran...
No, It means to pass through strait of Hormuz, U.S navy has to answer to IRGC interrogations, as they are doing it already.
But that was for before we designate Centcom as a terrorist organization.
to be quite honest......trump won't be able to even locate Iran on a world.map....

it the conservative base which supports him....they are quite religiously radical like some of your people in iran...
Here is how I see this...trump came to office on the back of two very different crowd..the first group were Steve Bannon people and second group were Sheldon Adelson guys + neocons (mostly radical Jews..likes of Kushner and freedmans )
looks like neocons got rid of Bannons and are now controlling trump agenda.
ZOG is now in control again ..poor trump wanted to dry the swamp...the swamp got him in return..lol
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