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Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

Why don't you go to and write down your rubbish in this thread

Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions. | Page 68

That way you won't derail the topic.
Quite rich coming from you after all you are ranting about oppressed Uighurs brethren in the first place:cheesy:

I suppose the geneticists who composed those graphs and the Turkic artists who sculpted statues of GokTurks are all rubbish:cheesy:

Whether you want to live in a fantasy world where the original Turks were primary Caucasoid is up to you.

Why would I associate with trolls such as atawolf or usernameless?
Quite rich coming from you after all you are ranting about oppressed Uighurs brethren in the first place:cheesy:
I suppose the geneticists who composed those graphs and the Turkic artists who sculpted statues of GokTurks are all rubbish:cheesy:
Whether you want to live in a fantasy world where the original Turks were primary Caucasoid is up to you.
Why would I associate with trolls such as atawolf or usernameless?

Ahhh... what can i do sometimes...i said i don't understand this genetics stuff but you are asking the same stuff for the 5th time... I show you Turkish users knowledgeable on this area and show you a specific thread...

But you insist to discuss with me on a subject that i'm saying that i'm not knowledgeable..... and i'm saying this for the 5th time.

Do it one more time and you are in my ignore list... then you can talk to yourself.
That what it says in Turkish media.

It is quite ironic.

When we han Chinese feel unfair, because Uighur and the other minority groups are allowed to have more than one child ,

some western media accuse CCP for forced abortion of Uighur women.
The association of some Turkey members with terrorist groups in Xinjiang is understandable if you look at the precedents. It is in fact the major feature of Jihadist terrorism whereby diverse people are feel associated by a common bond.

it is obvious that Turkey members feel a sort of brethren-ship with the terrorists based on racism and sectarianism -- otherwise, why would they be bothered about a people living on a distant land. Now, once they agree and willing to associate themselves with the terrorists that chop-up people or drive SUV into the crowd of tourists, they are in the lightest sense of the word ideological associates of Uighur terrorism.

They must be treated likewise.

In fact, the UNSC has passed a resolution, asking states to clamp down on the propagation of terrorism on the cyberspace. Under many national laws, it is a crime. China passed such law some three years back. It is the duty of the PDF administrators not to allow the PDF to be used as a tool to the propagate terrorism, whether it be against Chinese in China or Turkish in Turkey.

No terrorism should be encouraged, associated with, and praised. Turkey members have definitely gone way too much. We do not know, and care, what they talk in their tea houses while they suck on hookah, but, at least this section should be kept clear of the propagation of terrorism of any sort.

@Hu Songshan @Web Master

Why would I associate with trolls such as atawolf or usernameless?

Definitely. I would advice against wasting your time on them.
Quite rich coming from you after all you are ranting about oppressed Uighurs brethren in the first place:cheesy:

I suppose the geneticists who composed those graphs and the Turkic artists who sculpted statues of GokTurks are all rubbish:cheesy:

Whether you want to live in a fantasy world where the original Turks were primary Caucasoid is up to you.

Why would I associate with trolls such as atawolf or usernameless?
XJ Uighur people looks like kind of mix of Arab and EU
It is quite ironic.
When we han Chinese feel unfair, because Uighur and the other minority groups are allowed to have more than one child ,
some western media accuse CCP for forced abortion of Uighur women.

maybe it's yor media that reverse telling to you the story.

The association of some Turkey members with terrorist groups in Xinjiang is understandable if you look at the precedents. It is in fact the major feature of Jihadist terrorism whereby diverse people are feel associated by a common bond.
it is obvious that Turkey members feel a sort of brethren-ship with the terrorists based on racism and sectarianism -- otherwise, why would they be bothered about a people living on a distant land. Now, once they agree and willing to associate themselves with the terrorists that chop-up people or drive SUV into the crowd of tourists, they are in the lightest sense of the word ideological associates of Uighur terrorism.
They must be treated likewise.
In fact, the UNSC has passed a resolution, asking states to clamp down on the propagation of terrorism on the cyberspace. Under many national laws, it is a crime. China passed such law some three years back. It is the duty of the PDF administrators not to allow the PDF to be used as a tool to the propagate terrorism, whether it be against Chinese in China or Turkish in Turkey.
No terrorism should be encouraged, associated with, and praised. Turkey members have definitely gone way too much. We do not know, and care, what they talk in their tea houses while they suck on hookah, but, at least this section should be kept clear of the propagation of terrorism of any sort.
@Hu Songshan @Web Master
Grand Historian said: ↑
Why would I associate with trolls such as atawolf or usernameless?
Definitely. I would advice against wasting your time on them.

I'm second to you..

Only remove a every Turkish word from your post. I said countless times nobody is supporting terrorism. The reality is ou can't take any critisize and try to silence any opposing voices... the exact behaviour you are doing to Uyghurs...

Also.. mods should take action against the users who insults the whole nation.
To put it gently and politely, modern day Turks of Turkey are the bastards of Arab, Persian and Armenian ethnicities.
you can really get lots of losers' excuses to comfort youself . at least in this section we let you give out your bullshit rather than banned like I experienced in your section. You are a so low life that not worth of my reasoning anymore.

Infact primitive people like yourselves shouldn't be allowed to post in PDF.
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maybe it's yor media that reverse telling to you the story.

The only thing which I am sure is: "GOV never applies "one child" policy to Uighur people"

This information is not from CCP media , I have Uighur friends ,they told me !
The only thing which I am sure is: "GOV never applies "one child" policy to Uighur people"

This information is not from CCP media , I have Uighur friends ,they told me !

Well, we have news of forcefull abortitions, i don't know about the rest.
You are always ranting about Uighur brethren,oppressor Han Chinese,Uighurs being native to all of Xinjiang when all of these are wrong.

There's no use in denying it Autosomal DNA /Y DNA/M DNA all show that Anatolian Turks are mainly derived from a native population.

Why do you keep on claiming kinship with Uighurs when Armenians are your true "brethren"?

Pan Turkicism is a disease akin towards White Supremacism and Afrocentrism.

Not only do they steal history they seek to project themselves as mighty conquerors.

They seek to tear off Xinjiang just because Uighurs speak a Turkic language,what is truly hilarious is that they aren't even related.

Regardless,anything supporting Chinese rule in Xinjiang is denounced as propaganda and fabrications.

Genetics does not decides one's ethnicity, other then some primitive island tribes there are almost no ethnicity that has no genetic mix, its only a natural result.

Turkish ethnicity is not made up, there were massive migrations to Anatolia, Turkish ethnicity is been continuous for like since its labelled first, language was also continious and there is visible amount of genetics brought from east, which is enough to prove historical ethnic Turkic presence in Anatolia, Anatolia was a major center of population, it always been multiethnic and a center of migrations, its still is, we coexisted with other ethnicities and mixed with them, simple as that, its does not automatically undos Turkic ethnicity.
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@Grand Historian
You are always ranting about Uighur brethren,oppressor Han Chinese,Uighurs being native to all of Xinjiang when all of these are wrong.
There's no use in denying it Autosomal DNA /Y DNA/M DNA all show that Anatolian Turks are mainly derived from a native population.
Why do you keep on claiming kinship with Uighurs when Armenians are your true "brethren"?
Pan Turkicism is a disease akin towards White Supremacism and Afrocentrism.
Not only do they steal history they seek to project themselves as mighty conquerors.
They seek to tear off Xinjiang just because Uighurs speak a Turkic language,what is truly hilarious is that they aren't even related.
Regardless,anything supporting Chinese rule in Xinjiang is denounced as propaganda and fabrications.[/quote]

we,Anatolians turks are living separate from uygur turks more than 1000 years. Yes we mixed with non turkic groups in anatolia central asia and iran. it doesnt mean we or uygur turks are fake turkic. Every nation genetically close with their neighbors for example tajiks Y dna more close to uygur and kırghiz turks than persians but nobody says that persians are fake iranic people :) you, chinese people are trying to change to topic . There is no human right in east turkestan. Chinese goverment trying to assimilation uyghur turks. Also who support uyghur people humans rights you call them like islamic terrorist.

we turkic have same culture same language same history.
azerbaijani turk
Uygur turk
anatolian turk
Turkey is a muslim country, though secular (maybe now). China is not a muslim country and will NEVER BE for sure.

In China, whatever your god is, it is below the Law of China. Here it is intended for any religion including islam.

The reason mentioning that is quite simple since more than one idiot here support religion first, country second, which is totally unacceptable.

That is also why u.k. germany, france and etc have such a hard problem dealing with muslim communities.

As for those uighur terrorists, I do not have to omit anything. Those terrorists are uighur terrorists and that is the fact. They are different from moderate uighur Chinese citizens.

As for treating them like dogs, well, they are not human being and have lost all the human conscience. We deal with this kind of SOB with the inhuman way as well.
Yeap, same issue in Turkey, Kurds and Kurdish oriented terror organization PKK.

You guys have misconception about Turkey. The everything you listed above is in the law of Turkey. We are a secular country not an Islamic one.

On short notice god is not below anybody.... you are talking about seperation of religion from state affairs.... that's fine but do not talk in a insulting way towards my religion. I'm not doing the same thing to your religion.

Terrorists okay. remove Uighur from the sentence.... If you have Uighur terrorists instead of just terrorists. And accuse my brother nation for terrorism.... yes we have a problem than.

Terrorist or not everybody deserves a burial.... if you are obstructing this fact, it just show how low you can be as a human being.

That what it says in Turkish media.

We have say here "Your thoughts reflects to your actions"...

I assure you if there is a racist and terrorist-lover here..... that's you.

Muslim Terrorists... Uighur terrorists.

And you are Chinese Terrorists.... for all do i care. You terrorise Uighurs, so i can call you Chinese terrorists.

Lol,,, everybody can make a pic and and write anything on the pic. It's show your intellectual capacity, to believe in these kind of pics... Nobody on the earth can prove that Turkey is aiding ISIS... that is absurd. There will be always enemies of Turkey and they will want to slander us...

Slander, Lies not important these allegations will remain allegations and those who threw these allegations on to us will remain as liars.. because they will never prove it as there is no such thing.
Turkey is a muslim country, though secular (maybe now). China is not a muslim country and will NEVER BE for sure.
In China, whatever your god is, it is below the Law of China. Here it is intended for any religion including islam.
The reason mentioning that is quite simple since more than one idiot here support religion first, country second, which is totally unacceptable.
That is also why u.k. germany, france and etc have such a hard problem dealing with muslim communities.

You are way of speaking is disrespectful. Learn to communicate with people first.

And second what is the all of the purpose of the saying to me... we don't follow Shariah rule in Turkey. If you say these stuff to Iran or Saudi Arabia, you have a point but saying these stuff to Turkey is meaningless.

Also you said (maybe now)... change it with (now and forever) that way you will be more correct.
Did you know what those uighur terrorist bastards have done???

We do not give a damn about your pan-turkish wet dream though a lot of turks even have it today.

Terrorists are not human but dogs. They have lost all human conscience and we do not have any better way than send them to hell.

@Grand Historian
You are always ranting about Uighur brethren,oppressor Han Chinese,Uighurs being native to all of Xinjiang when all of these are wrong.
There's no use in denying it Autosomal DNA /Y DNA/M DNA all show that Anatolian Turks are mainly derived from a native population.
Why do you keep on claiming kinship with Uighurs when Armenians are your true "brethren"?
Pan Turkicism is a disease akin towards White Supremacism and Afrocentrism.
Not only do they steal history they seek to project themselves as mighty conquerors.
They seek to tear off Xinjiang just because Uighurs speak a Turkic language,what is truly hilarious is that they aren't even related.
Regardless,anything supporting Chinese rule in Xinjiang is denounced as propaganda and fabrications.

we,Anatolians turks are living separate from uygur turks more than 1000 years. Yes we mixed with non turkic groups in anatolia central asia and iran. it doesnt mean we or uygur turks are fake turkic. Every nation genetically close with their neighbors for example tajiks Y dna more close to uygur and kırghiz turks than persians but nobody says that persians are fake iranic people :) you, chinese people are trying to change to topic . There is no human right in east turkestan. Chinese goverment trying to assimilation uyghur turks. Also who support uyghur people humans rights you call them like islamic terrorist.

we turkic have same culture same language same history.
azerbaijani turk
Uygur turk
anatolian turk
Did you know what those uighur terrorist bastards have done???

We do not give a damn about your pan-turkish wet dream though a lot of turks even have it today.

Terrorists are not human but dogs. They have lost all human conscience and we do not have any better way than send them to hell.

You make some much noise for a Chinese Terrorist.

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