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Will The Egyptian And Turkish Militaries Clash In Libya?

Turkey can not cross the Egyptian red lines ,it's a way to hell.

There is no Egyptian Red line

Turkiye fought Russia and France in Libya ....... puppet SISI's Egypt only can be used as a pawn for destroying Libya by Russia-France even The Uae ( Israel )

GNA , Turkish Frigates in Libya , Turkish UCAVs and F-16 Fighter Jets can send Egyptian Army to Hell
Egyptian Army can not reach to SIRTE which is 1.000 km away from Egypt
and Egypt has NO right enter Libya to fight the UN recognized Legal Libyan Government GNA

HAFTAR,Egypt,S.Arabia ,The Uae,France failed in Libya to take Tripoli
now they are crying about Sirte ....... but without Russia , weak Egypt can do nothing

sooner or later the UN recognized Legal Libyan Government GNA will clean SIRTE from traitor terrorists and christian invaders
There is no Egyptian Red line

Turkiye fought Russia and France in Libya ....... puppet SISI's Egypt only can be used as a pawn for destroying Libya by Russia-France even The Uae ( Israel )

GNA , Turkish Frigates in Libya , Turkish UCAVs and F-16 Fighter Jets can send Egyptian Army to Hell
Egyptian Army can not reach to SIRTE which is 1.000 km away from Egypt
and Egypt has NO right enter Libya to fight the UN recognized Legal Libyan Government GNA

HAFTAR,Egypt,S.Arabia ,The Uae,France failed in Libya to take Tripoli
now they are crying about Sirte ....... but without Russia , weak Egypt can do nothing

sooner or later the UN recognized Legal Libyan Government GNA will clean SIRTE from traitor terrorists and christian invaders

No one intervened directly in Libya except Turkey .

Egypt already declared red lines since 40 days and really GNA is afraid to cross it .

Egyptian army have tons of AD and have an airforce too and hundreds of armed drones .1000 km is nothing to cross through the eastern Libya .Turkish can't fly F-16 freely over Libya ,her tankers and Awacs would be hit over the Med .
I don't like a war between Turkey and Egypt by the way ,
shit, here we go again :rofl:

czn vuran
No one intervened directly in Libya except Turkey .


because of No one can intervene directly in Libya to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

therefore Bandit countries France,Russia,The Uae,S.Arabia and Egypt directly used traitor terrorist HAFTAR as a lapdog to make a coup against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

-- Russia deployed MIG-29 and SU-24 Fighter Jets , also thousands of WAGNER terrorists in Libya
-- Russia deployed Assadists in Libya from Syria
-- French Special Forces in Libya to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA
-- S.Arabia and The Uae sent tons of heavy weapons , UCAVs , AD System to traitor terrorist HAFTAR via Egypt to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA
-- The UAE deployed thousands of terrorists from Chad,Niger,Sudan to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA
-- Egypt deployed troops and weapons in Libya to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

Turkiye and the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA signed military agreement that the Turkis Armed Forces to be in Libya

so the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA is under the Turkish Armed Forces protection

Egypt already declared red lines since 40 days and really GNA is afraid to cross it .

puppet SISI's Egypt only can be as a pawn of the Uae ( Israel ) , France and Russia to destroy Libya and to kill Libyans ... nothing else

Russia already declared red lines over SIRTE-JUFRA and Russia deployed 14 Fighter Jets in Libya to stop GNA in Sirte ...... ( Russia wants to set up naval base in Sirte and airbase in Jufra )

so Turkiye doesnt care about puppet dictators ASSAD,HAFTAR,SISI ..... Turkiye fight Russia-France in Syria and Libya

btw 40 days are nothing ..... HAFTAR,WAGNER,France and The Uae tried for over 600 days to take TRIPOLI

sooner or later GNA will clean SIRTE from terrorists and christian invaders

Egyptian army have tons of AD and have an airforce too and hundreds of armed drones .1000 km is nothing to cross through the eastern Libya .Turkish can't fly F-16 freely over Libya ,her tankers and Awacs would be hit over the Med

what a joke

pathetic Egyptian Army can not match with even less than 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Sinai and still dreaming about SIRTE which is in another Country and 1.000km away from Egypt

1-- Egypt doesnt have hundreds of Armed Drones .... stop liying
2-- Turkish UCAVs will hunt Egyptian M1A1 Tanks and AD Systems
3-- GNA will be in Sirte with hundreds of anti Tank missiles and MANPADS
4-- Turkish Frigates will block SIRTE ... Turkish Frigates armed with SM-1MR and ESSM air defense missiles
also if needed HARPOON land attack missiles

and Egyptian Airforce is joke ... even 24 RAFALE Jets armed with only 60km MICA air to air missiles
and Russian Junk MIG-29M2 can not match with superior NATO technology Turkish Airforce

-- 192 F-16C/D block50M/52 with link-16 data link for network centric warfare
-- 120km AIM-20C7 networked air to air missiles
-- 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC
-- 7 Boeing KC-135R air refueling Tankers

even primitive Egyptian Airforce doesnt have large sccale operation capability
but superior NATO technology Turkish Airforce has large scale operation capability to destroy Sidi Barani Air Base in Egypt in hours

also if needed , Turkiye to arm Cargo Ships with KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles to hit Air Bases in Cairo and Alexandria ..... as like Israeli concept

and Turkish Navy is so superior to outdated and weak Egyptian Navy

also muslim Egyptian People so hate criminal dictator SISI and his anti-ISLAM policy for christian Copts and Israeli interests

in a war dictator SISI will be kicked out of Egypt .....

Egypt is nothing to do with Sirte which is 1.000km away
and Egypt doesnt have right to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA in Libya

then Turkiye will have right to kick SISI ... we are waiting for a mistake by criminal dictator anti-Islam scum SISI
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Egypt better focus on the economy and industry for the next 10 years since Egypt current GDP is only 250 billion USD with 2.500 USD per capita (2018). Just stop acting as a regional power in the middle east at the mean time.
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because of No one can intervene directly in Libya to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

therefore Bandit countries France,Russia,The Uae,S.Arabia and Egypt directly used traitor terrorist HAFTAR as a lapdog to make a coup against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

-- Russia deployed MIG-29 and SU-24 Fighter Jets , also thousands of WAGNER terrorists in Libya
-- Russia deployed Assadists in Libya from Syria
-- French Special Forces in Libya to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA
-- S.Arabia and The Uae sent tons of heavy weapons , UCAVs , AD System to traitor terrorist HAFTAR via Egypt to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA
-- The UAE deployed thousands of terrorists from Chad,Niger,Sudan to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA
-- Egypt deployed troops and weapons in Libya to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

Turkiye and the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA signed military agreement that the Turkis Armed Forces to be in Libya

so the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA is under the Turkish Armed Forces protection

puppet SISI's Egypt only can be as a pawn of the Uae ( Israel ) , France and Russia to destroy Libya and to kill Libyans ... nothing else

Russia already declared red lines over SIRTE-JUFRA and Russia deployed 14 Fighter Jets in Libya to stop GNA in Sirte ...... ( Russia wants to set up naval base in Sirte and airbase in Jufra )

so Turkiye doesnt care about puppet dictators ASSAD,HAFTAR,SISI ..... Turkiye fight Russia-France in Syria and Libya

btw 40 days are nothing ..... HAFTAR,WAGNER,France and The Uae tried for over 600 days to take TRIPOLI

sooner or later GNA will clean SIRTE from terrorists and christian invaders

what a joke

pathetic Egyptian Army can not match with even less than 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Sinai and still dreaming about SIRTE which is in another Country and 1.000km away from Egypt

1-- Egypt doesnt have hundreds of Armed Drones .... stop liying
2-- Turkish UCAVs will hunt Egyptian M1A1 Tanks and AD Systems
3-- GNA will be in Sirte with hundreds of anti Tank missiles and MANPADS
4-- Turkish Frigates will block SIRTE ... Turkish Frigates armed with SM-1MR and ESSM air defense missiles
also if needed HARPOON land attack missiles

and Egyptian Airforce is joke ... even 24 RAFALE Jets armed with only 60km MICA air to air missiles
and Russian Junk MIG-29M2 can not match with superior NATO technology Turkish Airforce

-- 192 F-16C/D block50M/52 with link-16 data link for network centric warfare
-- 120km AIM-20C7 networked air to air missiles
-- 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC
-- 7 Boeing KC-135R air refueling Tankers

even primitive Egyptian Airforce doesnt have large sccale operation capability
but superior NATO technology Turkish Airforce has large scale operation capability to destroy Sidi Barani Air Base in Egypt in hours

also if needed , Turkiye to arm Cargo Ships with KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles to hit Air Bases in Cairo and Alexandria ..... as like Israeli concept
View attachment 652253

and Turkish Navy is so superior to outdated and weak Egyptian Navy

also muslim Egyptian People so hate criminal dictator SISI and his anti-ISLAM policy for christian Copts and Israeli interests

in a war dictator SISI will be kicked out of Egypt .....

Egypt is nothing to do with Sirte which is 1.000km away
and Egypt doesnt have right to fight against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA in Libya

then Turkiye will have right to kick SISI ... we are waiting for a mistake by criminal dictator anti-Islam scum SISI
Again no one has intervened directly there except Turkey .Egypt only give LNA some armored vehicles since 2014 to fight ISIS eastern Libya .

Yes Egypt has hundreds of UAVs.Last deal with China only was 108 Wing Loong as below :

The Egyptian Air Force has introduced a total of 108 aircraft in two batches.

Egypt navy is not weak ,they have Type-209 submarines ,Fremm ,Gowind corvette ,Ambassador MK III missile craft ,other corvette ,frigates and missile boats ,They operate different ASM like Harpoon ,Exocet ,Otomat ,P-270 Moskit ,Silkworm ,p-15 termit ,Bastion .

Your UAVs would be hunted easily by fighters and tens of AD systems and jammers .UAVs could be a gamer changer against some terrorists but not against an organized big army like Egypt .

Egypt could give LNA some ASM and say goodbye to your frigates there . BVR is not what do you think , real fight is between close and medium distances . Egypt has Meteor ,Mica, R-27 long range version ,R-77 .Actually AIM-7F/M/P is a BVR missile too .

US used Aim-9 over syria and it failed to hit old Syrian aircraft .Turkey used Aim-120 from 60km to hit the syrian aircraft .

Any tankers or AWACS would be intrcepted over mediterranean .You can't fly over Greece too .

Turkish f-16 will need to do things precisly in order to be able to go home safely and have enough fuel to go back. The one carrying air to air missiles will be kept away by mig-29 and Rafales. The one being armed with air to ground will have to go over air defence systems so either go around and burn lot of fuel or go low alritude and burn even more fuel and probably get destroyed by Egyptian f-16 because turkish can't send an awacs so far and if it is kept too far away it will see nothing.

Egypt has a geographical advantage to deploy it's army in Libya ,so any talk about TB-2 or some AD or armored vehicles or artillery is a joke ,Egypt can deploy a real organized army which would be a disaster to GNA or Turkey .

Also in case of war with Turkey, you can forget Suez canal to cross any Turkish ships.
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In my opinion there should be a limited war between Turkey and Egypt by Sea and Air. Lets destroy them and move on. Ethiopia is straight up filling their dam right now and the only thing egypt does is begging the UNSC and no more, its a dog who only barks so remind it of its place.
Egypt better focus on the economy and industry for the next 10 years since Egypt current GDP is only 250 billion USD with 2.500 USD per capita.

Where did you get those numbers? I'm just curious. Last I checked...

Economy of Egypt
$355.6 billion (nominal, 2020 est.) $1.427 trillion (PPP, 2020 est.)
GDP rank 40th (nominal, 2019) 19th (PPP, 2019)
GDP growth 5.3% (2018) 5.6% (2019) 3.0% (2020e) 2.1% (2021e)
GDP per capita $3,046 (nominal, 2019 est.) $14,023 (PPP, 2019 est.)


Egypt's economy is doing amazing considering it's 7-10 years out of a revolution and political chaos and being on the edge of falling into the abyss of failure and to be in the position it's in right now with all the projects and economic projections is truly remarkable, especially as every country in the world has suffered to some degree from the corona virus.

And why do you suppose Turkey is adventuring all the way into Libya? And please don't tell me it was at the request of a UN-recognized GNA or out of the kindness of its heart lmao! It has more economic purpose to its endeavors than anyone else involved. So let's stop with the hypocrisy and call it like it is all around.

Just stop acting as a regional power in the middle east at the mean time.

Stop acting as a regional power!? That's what you think Egypt is doing? If that's where your train of thought is, then I certainly won't waste my time explaining to you so many obvious reasons for Egypt to feel threatened by what is happening in Libya as a result of the turkeys bringing in 20,000 Syrian mercenaries to a broken-down country which happens to be OUR NEIGHBOR and NOT TURKEY's and all the terrorist acts that happened in Egypt from filthy terrorist residing in Libya and how we had to spend billions blowing up terrorist columns trying to intrude into Egypt and made many direct, retaliatory bombings in Derna and other areas of Libya against the filthy scum that is killing Egyptians in Libya and trying to bring that filth into Egypt. Its astonishing that you can't see anything wrong with that picture. But I think we know the reason.......

In my opinion there should be a limited war between Turkey and Egypt by Sea and Air. Lets destroy them and move on. Ethiopia is straight up filling their dam right now and the only thing egypt does is begging the UNSC and no more, its a dog who only barks so remind it of its place.

LOL! Look at this lunacy and absolutely crazy arrogance. I think you need to be admitted to the nearest insane asylum in your neighborhood. Can someone drive you there quickly?
Egypt is indeed a regional power. She should kick Turks out of Libya. Pan Arabism will be one more step forward.

Where did you get those numbers? I'm just curious. Last I checked...

Economy of Egypt
$355.6 billion (nominal, 2020 est.) $1.427 trillion (PPP, 2020 est.)
GDP rank 40th (nominal, 2019) 19th (PPP, 2019)
GDP growth 5.3% (2018) 5.6% (2019) 3.0% (2020e) 2.1% (2021e)
GDP per capita $3,046 (nominal, 2019 est.) $14,023 (PPP, 2019 est.)


Egypt's economy is doing amazing considering it's 7-10 years out of a revolution and political chaos and being on the edge of falling into the abyss of failure and to be in the position it's in right now with all the projects and economic projections is truly remarkable, especially as every country in the world has suffered to some degree from the corona virus.

And why do you suppose Turkey is adventuring all the way into Libya? And please don't tell me it was at the request of a UN-recognized GNA or out of the kindness of its heart lmao! It has more economic purpose to its endeavors than anyone else involved. So let's stop with the hypocrisy and call it like it is all around.

Stop acting as a regional power!? That's what you think Egypt is doing? If that's where your train of thought is, then I certainly won't waste my time explaining to you so many obvious reasons for Egypt to feel threatened by what is happening in Libya as a result of the turkeys bringing in 20,000 Syrian mercenaries to a broken-down country which happens to be OUR NEIGHBOR and NOT TURKEY's and all the terrorist acts that happened in Egypt from filthy terrorist residing in Libya and how we had to spend billions blowing up terrorist columns trying to intrude into Egypt and made many direct, retaliatory bombings in Derna and other areas of Libya against the filthy scum that is killing Egyptians in Libya and trying to bring that filth into Egypt. Its astonishing that you can't see anything wrong with that picture. But I think we know the reason.......

LOL! Look at this lunacy and absolutely crazy arrogance. I think you need to be admitted to the nearest insane asylum in your neighborhood. Can someone drive you there quickly?
Egypt better focus on the economy and industry for the next 10 years since Egypt current GDP is only 250 billion USD with 2.500 USD per capita. Just stop acting as a regional power in the middle east at the mean time.
Egypt better focus on the economy and industry for the next 10 years since Egypt current GDP is only 250 billion USD with 2.500 USD per capita. Just stop acting as a regional power in the middle east at the mean time.

where you are getting your info from ...?!

Plus what my bro’s @Gomig-21 told you. ....the Egyptian economy is The only Economy in ME that will has + Growth in 2020 .... update your data before writing please ..!

Regarding letting our vicinity occupied and letting terrorists terrorizing our brothers and sisters in Libya and infiltrate into the Egyptian boarders to kill Egyptians ... we will not let that happen ... we will fight them their .... and if things become more hot .... the battle will be else where the Mediterranean, Northern Syria , Northern Iraq , Eastern south of Turkey .... every where so they know that opposing Egypt has a price they have to pay ...!

Lastly , I have told you before ( softly ) regarding Eastern Timor or Singapore separating from Indonesia and Malaysia .... but let me tell you that again frankly ( no offense) .... some Nations have dignity and pride .... they fight for It and even they die for It ..... other nations, only live to eat and sh** .
According to their Legacy and wealthy social experience.
where you are getting your info from ...?!

Plus what my bro’s @Gomig-21 told you. ....the Egyptian economy is The only Economy in ME that will has + Growth in 2020 .... update your data before writing please ..!

Regarding letting our vicinity occupied and letting terrorists terrorizing our brothers and sisters in Libya and infiltrate into the Egyptian boarders to kill Egyptians ... we will not let that happen ... we will fight them their .... and if things become more hot .... the battle will be else where the Mediterranean, Northern Syria , Northern Iraq , Eastern south of Turkey .... every where so they know that opposing Egypt has a price they have to pay ...!

Lastly , I have told you before ( softly ) regarding Eastern Timor or Singapore separating from Indonesia and Malaysia .... but let me tell you that again frankly ( no offense) .... some Nations have dignity and pride .... they fight for It and even they die for It ..... other nations, only live to eat and sh** .
According to their Legacy and wealthy social experience.

That is 2018 data, I cannot find 2019 data online. While 2020 is still estimation and not reliable since we are still under this outbreak.

Egypt is indeed a regional power

Egypt is just a pawn. They are only returning a favor to the UAE, which happens to pour billions into Egypt economy and purchase Rafale, MiG and Kamov on their behalf. Turkey on the other hand has a sustainable economy and their own agenda. Qatar is aiding Turkey, but nonetheless Turkey can survive without Qatar, Egypt cant achieve growth without UAE and KSA. Turkey is a whole different league. Problem for Turkey they still failed to deploy substantial forces. Parading bayractar is not enough

Pan Arabism will be one more step forward.

Pan arabism is a history since the death of Nasser
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