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Egypt unilaterally determines its maritime borders with Libya.

Retired Greek Admiral Stelios Fenekos also admitted that they had made a mistake in a self-criticism he wrote for the famous military magazine Militaire.
Militaire? Come on,man! Militaire is the most leftist "defence" site.It's hardly reliable for anything. It constantly publishes articles criticizing the government,the Armed Forces leadership and most of the time,they nag like a syndicate with the majority of articles being about paychecks,safety,fired personnel,retired officers etc.

If I'm not mistaken,they were also one of the sites that complained about the Marder 1A3 deal,presenting the BMP-1s as valuable weapons that protect the islands.
Turkiye's biggest chance is to have a Greek foreign policy that lacks such strategic vision and uses everything as a propaganda tool. The steps we are about to take are carefully crafted by Greek strategic incompetence. Compared to past periods, we are really grateful for that.


Let's take a closer look at the situation for Egypt and later possible conclusions:

With the current goverment (General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi period), 14860 square kilometers have been ceded to the Greek Cypriot administration of Southern Cyprus. 6500 square kilometers were left for Greece.

With the emergence of the coordinates, it was seen that Egypt's maritime border did not touch the Türkiye-Libya line. However, Egypt occupied Libya's sea area of 6,854 square kilometers by taking the lateral border line,which should be in the northeast direction, to the north.

The decision, which was greeted with shouts of victory in Greece; After the map was revealed, it was replaced by great disappointment and anxiety.

Retired Greek Admiral Stelios Fenekos also admitted that they had made a mistake in a self-criticism he wrote for the famous military magazine Militaire. Fenekos said: “It was probably too hasty to conclude that Egypt 'broke the Türkiye-Libya agreement'. All the eulogies to Egypt were actually made without seeing the coordinates and map in the decree. Unfortunately, our press also fueled this judgment. However, Egypt's maritime border has nothing to do with the Türkiye-Libya agreement."

The fact that frightened the Greek side the most was written by the famous Greek journalist Nikos Meletis. Reminding that Egypt declared the EEZ delimitation “unilateral”, Meletis argued that this is in violation of the 1982 UNCLOS, which was also signed by Cairo.

-A big LMFAO-


Meletis stated that according to Article 74 of the Convention, the limitations of the EEZ should be made by mutual agreement, and noted that in this case, Türkiye could also declare an EEZ unilaterally.


Contrary to Meletis's claim, Turkish experts have long stated that there is no obstacle to declaring a “unilateral” EEZ in the 1982 Convention, so Türkiye should quickly declare an EEZ in the Eastern Med. As a matter of fact, many states that signed UNCLOS had unilaterally declared EEZ. Egypt's latest practice also includes a paradigm that can set an example for Türkiye. Nikos Dendias confirmed this by congratulating the Egyptian MFA. They cannot object.

So it is loading:


Your maps are the definition of Turkish revisionism and delinquency, because quite simply it does not pay any attention to International Law, specifically both to decisions of the International Court of Justice in The Hague and also to the UN Law of the Seas(UNCLOS).
It is no coincidence that the Eastern Mediterranean troublemaker does not recognize the jurisdiction of The Hague and neither does the UNCLOS.

Like it or not, the Greek islands have EEZ rights (full or partial), according to the decisions of The Hague and UNCLOS.


Finally, the official maps, which follow the middle line, or the interstate agreement (government and parliament) or the decisions of international courts, are the below.
The only country that has not done any of the above is Turkey, which issues ridiculous maps, violating international laws and territorial waters of neighboring countries.






Clear proof that the Libyan Parliament keeps its official line stable, in contrast to the dummies of the deposed government of Tripoli, who do whatever the Turks do.
Militaire? Come on,man! Militaire is the most leftist "defence" site.It's hardly reliable for anything. It constantly publishes articles criticizing the government,the Armed Forces leadership and most of the time,they nag like a syndicate with the majority of articles being about paychecks,safety,fired personnel,retired officers etc.
I love that he says it and....famous!!!! 😆
I love that he says it and....famous!!!! 😆
LOL I WAS GOING TO COMMENT ON THAT! I was going to comment on that,but then I thought "ok never mind,forget it".

I was like..."Famous? Who is he?" I had to google the name.
Daydreamer pathetic losers


Turkish military operations blocked USA-France backed PKK/YPG terror corridor in Syria
( Turkish Army killed over 10.000 PKK/YPG and ISIS terrorists in Syria )
ISIS terrorists are currently operating in Syria under US protection and under the same umbrella organization as the PKK.

We can discuss this with those who want to on a separate thread and with 'documents'. However, the purpose is different, they serve as an apparatus to create a post-truth fiction with irrelevant accusations and to take the current issue out of its context and make it undebatable. Instead of talking about how Egypt gains what from buddying with Grek, it is easier for charlatans to embrace such troll attempts.
We can discuss this with those who want to on a separate thread and with 'documents'. However, the purpose is different, they serve as an apparatus to create a post-truth fiction with irrelevant accusations and to take the current issue out of its context and make it undebatable. Instead of talking about how Egypt gains what from buddying with Grek, it is easier for charlatans to embrace such troll attempts.
Always the subtle one. What do you have to say about your compatriot with the tantrums? Also,what's that umbrella organisation that you mentioned above. Elaborate a bit. Because it's like putting the barbarians with PKK in the same basket.
ISIS terrorists are currently operating in Syria under US protection and under the same umbrella organization as the PKK.

We can discuss this with those who want to on a separate thread and with 'documents'. However, the purpose is different, they serve as an apparatus to create a post-truth fiction with irrelevant accusations and to take the current issue out of its context and make it undebatable. Instead of talking about how Egypt gains what from buddying with Grek, it is easier for charlatans to embrace such troll attempts.

ISIS and PKK/YPG terrorists are currently operating in Syria under USA-France protection

French cement company Lafarge admits it gave material support to ISIS, agrees to pay over $700 million in fines

since 2013 , Turkiye is in active fight against USA-France and their terrorists/puppets FETO , PKK/YPG , HAFTAR , Greece , Armenia from Syria to Libya , from Karabakh to Eastern Mediterranean
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ISIS terrorists are currently operating in Syria under US protection and under the same umbrella organization as the PKK.

We can discuss this with those who want to on a separate thread and with 'documents'. However, the purpose is different, they serve as an apparatus to create a post-truth fiction with irrelevant accusations and to take the current issue out of its context and make it undebatable. Instead of talking about how Egypt gains what from buddying with Grek, it is easier for charlatans to embrace such troll attempts.
Why don't you open a separate thread, on the subject of relations between Turkey and ISIS?
In Turkey, any journalist who dares to report it, has the result of being imprisoned.
Why don't you open a separate thread, on the subject of relations between Turkey and ISIS?
In Turkey, any journalist who dares to report it, has the result of being imprisoned.
They don't like to mention how Turkey actually helped create this chaos and backed a lot of the hideous barbarians and armed gangs in Syria. Even if they deny it,they cannot deny the TFSA. And in the TFSA are included many of criminal gangs.
ISIS terrorists are currently operating in Syria under US protection and under the same umbrella organization as the PKK.

We can discuss this with those who want to on a separate thread and with 'documents'. However, the purpose is different, they serve as an apparatus to create a post-truth fiction with irrelevant accusations and to take the current issue out of its context and make it undebatable. Instead of talking about how Egypt gains what from buddying with Grek, it is easier for charlatans to embrace such troll attempts.

that guy can not understand, he has short ignite wire, that Greece troll is good with turning the subject. And that fool is easy.
that guy can not understand, he has short ignite wire, that Greece troll is good with turning the subject. And that fool is easy.
For you,no matter what we say,we're "trolls". The easier word to throw around is "troll". You don't have arguements,you don't have anything serious to say,you start mumbling about how we're "greek trolls". You're acting like one,though. You've always been acting like one.
Wouldn't it be more mindful to fix a trou led economy then worrying about land disputes?
23 days left and the United Nations will enter into force
Legally, it is in favor of Egypt
I ask the Turkish brothers, when they play next time, to know their size well
23 days left and the United Nations will enter into force
Legally, it is in favor of Egypt
I ask the Turkish brothers, when they play next time, to know their size well
Perhaps it would be better for you to hear from your Turkish brothers that they are satisfied with the Egyptian government's position on Egypt's unilateral declaration, which has carefully observed the limits of the Turkish Libyan Maritime Jurisdiction Agreement and deliberately avoided them in its declaration.

Egypt's declaration of maritime jurisdiction on its west neither conflicts with Turkish maritime jurisdiction nor violates the limits of the Turkish-Libyan agreement. So you can find here, apart from the satisfaction of the Turks, maybe a few people at most who are advocating something on behalf of Libya.

Whether it is a victory or not to take from Libya only 1/8 or maybe less of the maritime jurisdiction area that you have left to Greece or Greek Side of Cyprus and that you are entitled to, and to be able to declare it unilaterally is a victory or not is at the discretion of our Egyptian brothers and sisters, I do not want to comment on this issue.

However, there is one thing that I appreciate the Egyptian state and that is the unilateral declaration. I think the Turkish state should follow Egypt's example and make a unilateral declaration.
Perhaps it would be better for you to hear from your Turkish brothers that they are satisfied with the Egyptian government's position on Egypt's unilateral declaration, which has carefully observed the limits of the Turkish Libyan Maritime Jurisdiction Agreement and deliberately avoided them in its declaration.

Egypt's declaration of maritime jurisdiction on its west neither conflicts with Turkish maritime jurisdiction nor violates the limits of the Turkish-Libyan agreement. So you can find here, apart from the satisfaction of the Turks, maybe a few people at most who are advocating something on behalf of Libya.

Whether it is a victory or not to take from Libya only 1/8 or maybe less of the maritime jurisdiction area that you have left to Greece or Greek Side of Cyprus and that you are entitled to, and to be able to declare it unilaterally is a victory or not is at the discretion of our Egyptian brothers and sisters, I do not want to comment on this issue.

However, there is one thing that I appreciate the Egyptian state and that is the unilateral declaration. I think the Turkish state should follow Egypt's example and make a unilateral declaration.
I do not have brothers occupying Arab lands in Syria and Iraq and a militia base in Libya
Wait for Greece to announce the 12 nautical mile limit
The knockout is complete
For your information, the agreement entered the Egyptian parliament and was ratified
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