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Will india build its own defence equipments?

They look similar is because China is Pakistan's ally and we do built stuff together combing our strength. On the other hand, India depends on imports for all her needs !!!

Rather, it would be right to say Pakistan is china's ally. Chinese are the one who give and you take it.

But it is surprising to see this friendship doesn't extend beyond defense equipment.

China with a foreign exchange reserves of more than $2 Trillion doesn't give a paltry $11 billion to Pakistan. Pakistan has to get it from IMF. The IMF is micromanaging the finances of Pakistan.

On the other hand the evil & poor India gave $1 billion as soft loan to Bangladesh and over $500 million to Sri Lanka.
HinCom = Hindu Commie !!!

here is the one who accepts handouts :

BBC News - Who, What, Why: Why does the UK give aid to India?

HinCom = Hindu Commie !!!

In the same breath..

Pak! = Pakistani Islamist

Most of the posters this forum would refrain from defending or posting religious and racial slurs. I would hope the same from you.

here is the one who accepts handouts :

Let me explain it in plain and simple english.

For India Aid is optional, for Pakistan Aid is necessity.

Pakistan is in a debt trap, Its a culmination of 3 decades of financial mismanagement. This is not the case with India.
If u call a Trillion dollar economy a poor country then i have no words for ur stupidity and i hence forth don't think its worth to discuss the topic with a guy with a pea brain...................... fine live in ur world and be a pond frog and let me not burst ur bubble
If u call a Trillion dollar economy a poor country then i have no words for ur stupidity and i hence forth don't think its worth to discuss the topic with a guy with a pea brain...................... fine live in ur world and be a pond frog and let me not burst ur bubble

What is wrong with that? :what:

China is a 6 trillion dollar economy, and yet we are still a poor country.
But we never compare our economy with yours...we admit we are far behind you but our neighbors have to admit they are also far behind us...the problem is they compare themselves with us.
only if somehow india gets an arms embargo. otherwise india will import everything.
only if somehow india gets an arms embargo. otherwise india will import everything.

Are you talking from Chinese experience? But after arms embargo also China remained largest importer of weapons for many years. India builds all type of weapon and our % of indigenous production increasing every year.
it is building its own defence equipment,it might take a few years to get world class products but its definately heading there
and why the hell does it matter to pakistanis and chinese whether the arms are built in india or imported,it is not going to tell you where it came from when they are being bombarded in your back yard
only if somehow india gets an arms embargo. otherwise india will import everything.

I partly agree with that. Actually its not about Arms embargo.. it is about overthrow of this corrupt government and replacing it with a truly democratic if not non-corruptible at least not corrupt in terms of defence and infrastructure sort of a government. But trust me, we hate the present ruling government more than we hate your PLA or Pak militancy.
here is list of defense equipments build by India on its own
1. INSAS rifle- 3,00,000 rifles are in service
2. Arjun mbt (248 ordered, 100 in service)
3. IAC 1 (under construction)
4. agni 2, agni 3, BRAHMOS missiles
5. warships like INS Brahmaputra, INS kochi, INS shivalik stealth frigate etc.
6.hf maroot, lca
7. arihant
this list can go on.
I think I might have posted this, but did you guys think about it?
during a rapid war or a short war, a military needs assets as they are, not what will arrive(ie to be manufactured)
only a few critical defence equipments can be built in large enough quantities to make a difference which generaly are massed produced
in the hundreds/thousands such as
and ammo for the guns and tanks.
fighter jets are complicated.
the most advanced nations can only build between 12-24 a year.
a dozen or more jets during a short war, ie via Pakistan/China or Bangladesh.
wont make a real difference, rather for the enemy its just another dust of sand
on the beach.
Aside for this, warships, and jets, have a huge manufacturing process.
the enemy can knock them out easily, if they want to waste
they're resources in doing so.
Its not what you will have, during a conflict.
its what you have,
the enemy is not going to wait around for you to get prepared.
for those that want to example WWII
think about the advanced technologies they dropped, ie TV guided bombs
in favor of hundreds of conventional bombs,
because it was easier to produce.
even the figher aircraft of WWII were designed in way that made them cumbersome
but easier to produce, and the enemy?
well during WWII
precision guided cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, GPS guided bombs didn't exist.
hence it was difficult to knock out factories.
but modern warfare has changed.
the reason nations develop in house fighter jets,
but military can opt for outside is because
of the advancement of commercial technologies,
that benefit the researching state. ie F-2 of Japan, and Avro of Canada.

And will India?
Yes ofcourse.
The entire reason the United States and Europe are willing to bid in MMRCA and such tenders is because if they don't sell,
the Indians can build their own in 10 years, quality maybe low.
but it'll do the job. and put a competitor on the Market.
thats why even TOT is possible.
Nothing to loose because the Indians will try to make their own if the can't buy,
a great example is the Akash, Tejas, and AAD
these allowed the United States and Europeans to overlook technological reasons for not selling,
because the Indians were close enough.
Nothing to loose because the Indians will try to make their own if the can't buy,
a great example is the Akash, Tejas, and AAD
these allowed the United States and Europeans to overlook technological reasons for not selling,
because the Indians were close enough.
You are right....do you know, Raytheon is now offering offering us a SAM after Indian forces signed huge offers for Akash (worth more than 5 billion $).
..:: India Strategic ::.. Defence Industry: Weapons on Offer to India: Raytheon’s Hawk XXI Air Defense Missile System
I think now in a couple of years they will also offer us Arrow which right now is barred while right now they are offering us Patriot. And you should read about these products from DRDO, some of them are really among the best and even have better quality than US counterparts. Akash has received a huge order and i think Akash has a huge potential for foreign sales as it is one of the cheapest SAM.

The Akash Missile Development cost of 1,000crore ($200 million), including the project sanction of 600 crore ($120 million), is 8-10 times lower than the cost of similar system developments in other countries. Same is the case with NAG ATGM also.

DRDO AWACS is not yet ready but its specs is better than its competitors and cost is way less than others....I mean its now time that DRDO will start to export because of good quality and cheaper products.

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