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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

They look to matters from a racist pov they dont take into account the AKP for them its just the mongoloid Turk and Turkey its an enemy all together its because they are from a tribal society.. i dont blame them tho you would probably be just like them if born in that country.

thats one more similarity between Egypt and Turkey both are nation states and not tribals
I think they are jealous of us thats why they try to insult us and always attempt to compare themselves to us. We dont care what some people think we know what the average arab thinks of us and thats whats important.
Yep, i wish we could have discussed without offending other Arabs but its just not possible.
I think they are jealous of us thats why they try to insult us and always attempt to compare themselves to us. We dont care what some people think we know what the average arab thinks of us and thats whats important.

Arabs are very very rich people honestly i see no reason for them to be jealous of us.
Arabs are very very rich people honestly i see no reason for them to be jealous of us.

Indeed but let's end it here.

Some Turks were hostile to Arabs and we then replied in a similar fashion and now this has apparently continued while I was away.

In reality most Arabs and Turks have no problem with each other from what I have seen at least.

Whatever people are free to do what they want here.
Regarding this " Some Turks were hostile to Arabs "

I exactly remember how these flame wars started. There were no hostiles towards Arabs by Turks.

Yes, there were. The traitor talk by some well-known idiots.
Besides nobody cares. No insult towards Arabs and you will not have any replies. Just look at the Turkish section. 1 Arab writes every 2 months or so. We never comment on Turkish issues.

When it comes the other way around we know the realities at least on this forum.

If you exclude the 2 last weeks due to the mutual trolling.

Anyway I don't care anymore. Don't like Arabs? We don't give a pfuck as long as nobody is polluting our threads and sections.

I don't have any problem with Turks or Turkey to tell you honestly. The last 2 weeks have only been replies to trolling. The 60 other weeks that I have been a member on this forum there were no anti-Turkish comments from me or any Arab members. Besides as I told Arab members nearly never comment on Turkish issues.

The issues that concern me the most on this forum are those concerning Arabs and Arab-Pakistani related news.
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Arabs are very very rich people honestly i see no reason for them to be jealous of us.
Its not about the money its about our military, industrial developments etc. which is why they rarely visit our section even though their countries are buying gear from us.
Yes, there were. The traitor talk by some well-known idiots.
Besides nobody cares. No insult towards Arabs and you will not have any replies. Just look at the Turkish section. 1 Arab writes every 2 months or so. We never comment on Turkish issues.

When it comes the other way around we know the realities at least on this forum.

If you exclude the 2 last weeks due to the mutual trolling.

Anyway I don't care anymore. Don't like Arabs? We don't give a pfuck as long as nobody is polluting our threads and sections.
Who opened the last couple trolling threads about Turkey? Dont act like that only Turks are insulting.

BTW: ME section is not arabic section my friend.
Who opened the last couple trolling threads about Turkey? Dont act like that only Turks are insulting.

BTW: ME section is not arabic section my friend.

But that thread about the traitor talk started this past 2 week trolling feast and it was created by your compatriot. The same compatriot was the one who made the first anti-KSA thread here which we already discussed and which everyone can see by looking at the dates.

Anyway I have forgot that and don't care. If somebody wants to keep the hostility going I have no problem with that nor the other way around. You give and take.

I am not only talking about the ME section. In any case it is undeniable that the interest is bigger from the other side than vice versa but that's not strange anyway.
But that thread about the traitor talk started this past 2 week trolling feast and it was created by your compatriot. The same compatriot was the one who made the first anti-KSA thread here which we already discussed and which everyone can see by looking at the dates.
That thread was not about traitor or something, it was about a Ottoman Pasa but it turned into a flamewar.

Anyway I have forgot that and don't care. If somebody wants to keep the hostility going I have no problem with that nor the other way around. You give and take.
The same for me, but notice that your compatriot waited for you to get unbanned to open 3 anti Turkish Threads in 2 days. (im not saying its your fault.)

I am not only talking about the ME section. In any case it is undeniable that the interest is bigger from the other side than vice versa but that's not strange anyway.
Can you be more specific?
But that thread about the traitor talk started this past 2 week trolling feast and it was created by your compatriot. The same compatriot was the one who made the first anti-KSA thread here which we already discussed and which everyone can see by looking at the dates.

Anyway I have forgot that and don't care. If somebody wants to keep the hostility going I have no problem with that nor the other way around. You give and take.

I am not only talking about the ME section. In any case it is undeniable that the interest is bigger from the other side than vice versa but that's not strange anyway.
I actually didnt call arabs traitors that was a pakistani guy in The Fakhri Pasha Thread. You are just assuming that I opened that thread to attack arabs when in fact that was not my intention. Besides there is nothing wrong with me opening an anti KSA thread after you made anti turkish comments. You did the same after by opening an armenian thread so we are in the same boat. Also you dont own the arab defence forum either.

Dont talk to me about being a coward by not mentioning you in a post you just talked about me without using my name at all.
That thread was not about traitor or something, it was about a Ottoman Pasa but it turned to flamewar.

The same for me, but notice that your compatriot waited for you to get unbanned to open 3 anti Turkish Threads in 2 days. (im not saying its your fault.)

Can you be more specific?

That thread was not a trolling thread itself but later comments by Turkish users and such accusations turned it into a trolling thread. That was 15 days ago if I recall. On a Sunday. I remember because I had an exam that Tuesday and instead of preparing I was discussing that nonsense.

Later Sunday night @Kaan made the first anti-KSA thread on this section (ME section) about that so-called prince deflecting to which I replied with a similar thread showcasing the number of journalists imprisoned in Turkey which apparently is the highest. Then he made 2 more anti-KSA threads and I made two more anti-Turkey threads. That was it. A few days after I got banned for 1 week and what has happened in the meantime I have no clue about.

So you are wrong about who started making trolling threads first on this section.

Anyway I got no problem as I told. I give and take even against other Arabs. They can testify to this here since we in the past have had heated discussions in Arabic and in English just as Turkish members have had heated discussions withe each other.

Anyway if certain Turkish users have a problem with Arabs or certain Arab users have a problem with Turks they should say it openly so those users can avoid each other.

I actually didnt call arabs traitors that was a pakistani guy in The Fakhri Pasha Thread. You are just assuming that I opened that thread to attack arabs when in fact that was not my intention. Besides there is nothing wrong with me opening an anti KSA thread after you made anti turkish comments. You did the same after by opening an armenian thread so we are in the same boat. Also you dont own the arab defence forum either.

Dont talk to me about being a coward by not mentioning you in a post you just talked about me without using my name at all.

Read my reply to @xenon54 in this very post.

Now you are lying. You started making an anti-KSA thread on the ME section to which I replied. So I did not start it. Also it was not me that started calling Arabs names but your compatriots. You cannot deny this.

I unlike you it seems always mention the people I talk about or at least try to.

Nor am I badmouthing you in Arabic or spamming threads about "Kaan is back" nonsense. I don't give that much attention to any user on a virtual forum. Sorry.

Anyway I do feel that you are a good guy so let us leave it here. For all I care you can keep insulting me in Turkish but I always prefer direct people and honest ones. So if you want to insult me do it in a language I understand and directly. The other thing I consider as a coward's way out. Like badmouthing people behind their backs or snitching. That's a girly thing to do in my world view.
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That was it. A few days after I got banned for 1 week and what has happened in the meantime I have no clue about.
Nothing much happened.

So you are wrong about who started making trolling threads first on this section.
Its not about first thread or first post, like i said, i will try to avoid such flamewars in future as long as nobody trys to spread lies about my Nation.

Anyway I got no problem as I told. I give and take even against other Arabs. They can testify to this here since we in the past have had heated discussions in Arabic and in English just as Turkish members have had heated discussions withe each other.
Anyway if certain Turkish users have a problem with Arabs or certain Arab users have a problem with Turks they should say it openly so those users can avoid each other.
Fair enough.
That thread was not a trolling thread itself but later comments by Turkish users and such accusations turned it into a trolling thread. That was 15 days ago if I recall. On a Sunday. I remember because I had an exam that Tuesday and instead of preparing I was discussing that nonsense.

Later Sunday night @Kaan made the first anti-KSA thread on this section (ME section) about that so-called prince deflecting to which I replied with a similar thread showcasing the number of journalists imprisoned in Turkey which apparently is the highest. Then he made 2 more anti-KSA threads and I made two more anti-Turkey threads. That was it. A few days after I got banned for 1 week and what has happened in the meantime I have no clue about.

So you are wrong about who started making trolling threads first on this section.

Anyway I got no problem as I told. I give and take even against other Arabs. They can testify to this here since we in the past have had heated discussions in Arabic and in English just as Turkish members have had heated discussions withe each other.

Anyway if certain Turkish users have a problem with Arabs or certain Arab users have a problem with Turks they should say it openly so those users can avoid each other.

Read my reply to @xenon54 in this very post.

Now you are lying. You started making an anti-KSA thread on the ME section to which I replied. So I did not start it. Also it was not me that started calling Arabs names but your compatriots. You cannot deny this.

I unlike you it seems always mention the people I talk about or at least try to.

Nor am I badmouthing you in Arabic or spamming threads about "Kaan is back" nonsense. I don't give that much attention to any user on a virtual forum. Sorry.

Anyway I do feel that you are a good guy so let us leave it here.
Ok we will leave it here no need to waste anymore time.:closed:
Nothing much happened.

Its not about first thread or first post, like i said, i will try to avoid such flamewars in future as long as nobody trys to spread lies about my Nation.

Fair enough.

Apparently trolling threads were made. At least that's what you just told me.

Nobody is interested in any flamewars but you cannot blame people for replying in a similar fashion. That it then evolves is the rule of forums such as these. For good and bad.

Well, that was just an idea. Would make live easier.

Ok we will leave it here no need to waste anymore time.:closed:

In all seriousness what do you have to say about this?

"Nor am I badmouthing you in Arabic or spamming threads about "Kaan is back" nonsense. I don't give that much attention to any user on a virtual forum. Sorry.

Anyway I do feel that you are a good guy so let us leave it here. For all I care you can keep insulting me in Turkish but I always prefer direct people and honest ones. So if you want to insult me do it in a language I understand and directly. The other thing I consider as a coward's way out. Like badmouthing people behind their backs or snitching. That's a girly thing to do in my world view."

Don't you agree? I have no problem calling other users for idiots and them me for idiots in a heated debate. But afterwards it has ended that's about it. No need to act like a girl afterwards. But hey, that's just my view. Everyone is different.
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