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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

There was no coup in Egypt, 53% of Egyptians elected Morsi, and that happened because they didn't want to elect the other final candidate as he was the PM of Husni Mubarak. So they wanted to try a new one although they hoped for someone else. As soon as Morsi got the throne, he started grabbing power to himself and his party ignoring other Egyptians and that's absolutely NOT democracy. He further sucked at managing the country, security was minimal, goods prices hiked, and there was a shortage of electricity and fuel. So, after one year Egyptians flooded into the streets and wanted him out. Since millions demanded change and the country was on the edge of collapse, the army stepped in and decided to lead the country till the next ELECTION.

Believe it or not, the army wouldn't have stepped in without the majority of people taking their backs. They would have filled the streets and protested as they did with Hosni Mubarak, and not the army nor anybody else would have stopped them.

MB in Egypt is no difference than Mullahs in Iran, they are just the Sunni version.

Anyway, the KSA and other Arab countries respected Egyptian people demands and supported the new government espectially after credible western threats, Arabs bailed out Egypt when the world left it alone or worked against it.

As for Turkey, it has no right to speak on behalf of Egyptians at all. Turkey doesn't only dedicates it's media to attack the gov in Egypt but further host MB conferences and has recently launched a new TV channel for Egyptian MB. Turkish agenda are crystal clear, it wants to have a position in our region on the interest of Arabs and it will never succeed, it will just make things worse for itself.

Eventually, as an Arab, I was frustrated at Turkish attitude as we have always hoped for cordial and brotherly relations with Turkey, and we hope for them nothing but the best. But still, we should remember Turkish stand with Syrian people.

Inshallah, the differences with Turkey get solved.

Salafis are literalists to the point of being irrational; if they had their way they'd bring the 7th Century to the 21st !

The rest of the Muslim Sects within Sunni Islam like the Deobandis or the Barelvis (in South Asia) are between Salafi Islam & what may be called as 'Innovative Islam' !

Remarkably so the only Islamic Sects which are truly Progressive in Nature, at least in some forms, are the Minority Sects like the Ismailis, the Alevis or the Dawoodi Bohras but then they're pretty further apart from Mainstream Islam in their theology which begs questioning whether they are truly representative of Islam & Muslims at any rate or not ?

The Muslim World is a messed up place right now ! :(
Yes, I said that already. Most of them give a bad name to the word Salafisim.

The propaganda that young muslims must go to Syria for Sharia for exsample, why do so many young muslims give up their life in Europe and go to Syria?

Dude we in Europe see the developement with our own eyes, how can about 10 people in my working place become radical within a couple of months? There is something fishy, they even tried to do their propaganda on me, i wrote about it in earlier pages.

@olcayto and @usernameless also experianced the same.
Maybe, I don't know. If I were in their place I would have appreciated the country that offers me education or work opportunities. J
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Maybe, I don't know. If I were in their place I would have appreciated the country that offers me education or work opportunities. J
Thats what i mean, there must be a strong influence that someone gives the opportunitiys in Europe up just to join a war.

The extremism is the influence im talking about, i also know people who gave up their life in Europe and joined pkk, its the same thing with a different ideology.
Which elections results said they didn't want the MB? Or are you saying lets do away with democratic institutions and adopt mob rule? Oh who am I kidding talking about democracy here, you wouldn't know what democracy is even if it hit you right in the face.
The Muslim Brotherhood didn't respect democracy, so people had to act and they did. Democracy is not just a ballot box.

Turkey and Qatar support the Muslim Brotherhood because it is a way to gain influence over Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood don't believe in borders and nationality and all that stuff. It is very easy to work with them as long as you show them $$$.
The Muslim Brotherhood didn't respect democracy, so people had to act and they did. Democracy is not just a ballot box.

Turkey and Qatar support the Muslim Brotherhood because it is a way to gain influence over Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood don't believe in borders and nationality and all that stuff. It is very easy to work with them as long as you show them $$$.

Dude, Muslim brotherhood was trying to make transition from military control to civilian and government institutions. The Egyptian military controls near 40% of the economy in Egypt so there's no democracy until they declassify that budget and what they do with that money. They need to transfer economic influence to civilians so civilians can have control. Otherwise there will always be a military state with no democratic reality regardless of who's in the presidential seat.
The Muslim Brotherhood didn't respect democracy, so people had to act and they did. Democracy is not just a ballot box.

Turkey and Qatar support the Muslim Brotherhood because it is a way to gain influence over Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood don't believe in borders and nationality and all that stuff. It is very easy to work with them as long as you show them $$$.

Very good explained.
Dude, Muslim brotherhood was trying to make transition from military control to civilian and government institutions. The Egyptian military controls near 40% of the economy in Egypt so there's no democracy until they declassify that budget and what they do with that money. They need to transfer economic influence to civilians so civilians can have control. Otherwise there will always be a military state with no democratic reality regardless of who's in the presidential seat.
40% my a$$.... I don't consider Mullahs law or sharia law civilian honestly.
Choice B is propaganda by you and the massively corrupt stooges in the Egyptian military. Everyone saw the day were Sisi gunned down over a thousand demonstrators in cold blood. Who are you kidding? Incidents in the Egyptian Sinai have nothing to do with demonstrations all over Egypt. The bediouns there are fed up with the corruption there and their voice is not heard by Egypt's government.
so you support thier actions in sainai ?
Dude, Muslim brotherhood was trying to make transition from military control to civilian and government institutions. The Egyptian military controls near 40% of the economy in Egypt so there's no democracy until they declassify that budget and what they do with that money. They need to transfer economic influence to civilians so civilians can have control. Otherwise there will always be a military state with no democratic reality regardless of who's in the presidential seat.
if this was true then why did the people were in the streets protesting in larger numbers tha anti mubark protests ? the army acted after the people were in the streets demanding the army to act
@Arabian Legend

Indeed turkey is not part of the Arab world and should mind it's own business. Especially the Georgian that rules them.

Egypt is a potential regional superpower and have always been an ally and partner of us since ancient times and a long-standing neighbor. An ancient fellow Semitic and Arab country that will forever be our ally especially when it comes to people vs people relations.
MB proved what a big failure they are and now the vast majority of the Egyptian population dislike them and their backers. (turkey, Qatar)

The terrorism attacks that have been linked to them says it all as well.

It was a good decision of Egypt to cut their diplomatic ties with turkey.

Egypt cuts diplomatic ties with Turkey because of Erdogan | Modern Tokyo Times

Let them meddle in their non-existing "Turkic Union". I suggest Kyrgyzstan. :lol: if they are even a member in their 4 or 5 big member country club.

Indeed it is a mystery why Turkey supports a cult group such as the MB that is moreover accused of terrorism activities in Egypt and in the past. The Egyptian rulers and the vast majority of people consider them an terrorist organization right now so a continuous support to them is a slap in the face of Egypt.

We stick to our ancient culture and system and we do not pride ourselves on copying Western culture and systems when previously not copying Arab systems (Caliphates).


I am happy to see how a farsi migrant like you is so obsessed about me when not cleaning toilets. :lol:

You are even making up false lies about my person and quotes. How pathetic.:lol:

Also are you high on heroine, Farsi?

Syrians are fellow Arabs and Semities and will always remain as such. Most Syrians are against the Child-Murderer and Nusayri that your fake wannabe-Arab Grand Ayatollah Mullah's support. The Syrians are very grateful for the help of their Arab brothers. Militarily and financially.

Syria is not bordering KSA directly but thousands of Syrians are living in KSA. Much better than anywhere else in the Muslim world. Oh, and they don't live in refugee camps or tents.

Besides internal Arab matters are not your business. Worry about your brothers in Afghanistan starting with your cousins the Taliban.

Also nothing more funny than seeing Farsis "supporting" the MB. Most of MB supporters and members have nothing more than contempt towards Farsis and Shias. It's hilarious. During the MB rule Shia peasants and the most famous Shia cleric in Egypt (Iranian stooge) was killed in broad daylight by an angry mob that accused them of spying for Iran and corrupting Islam. All while Morsi did nothing. :lol:

I can post the video if anyone wants to see it.



Nobody cares about that (Afghanistan) failed entity with all due respect. Just ask Pakistan. Those are your brothers. If that accusation is correct it was only a counter to your support for the opposite party. The drug lords. Anyway I don't care about that entity and they are completely irrelevant when this is about Egypt.

Speaking about mosques then 90% of all mosques in Europe are founded by Arab money and Arab scholars are present. Including the biggest ones. 99,5% of them report no problems.

Islamist and Nationalist Radicalism Among German Turks

Talk about throwing stones when you live in a glass house.

Yes, zero Turks in Syria. That's right.

Turks worry as sons go to fight in Syria| Reuters

The reason why no Arab countries, outside Iraq, object to Turkey's role in Syria is because it is mostly positive and they are supporting the right side.

That cannot be said about the MB in Egypt. So that's the difference.

Yeah, that was an amazing joke. Until now and since the Ottoman copycats were defeated Turkey have been more obsessed about the Arab world, especially under the Georgian, than vice versa. 1000 times over. Even the Turks themselves and the Turkish users here complain about that.
The only time Arabs come to Turkey is to do business and mainly in Constantinople. Or stay in the most expensive hotels. That's about it.


Salafism is apparently an Arab ideology but by their logic Islam itself is an Arab ideology. That's usually what the anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs say. So no wonder.

I wonder if the same Ottomans that gave the Turks their biggest glory on all fields for a few centuries and who ruled by Sharia law are looked in the same light. They were probably more conservative than 99% of all Muslims in this year 2014.

Hypocrisy all the way around.

Yes, there is also one Qur'an for us Arabs because we can understand it and then there is one for all the non-Arabs. Did you not know?

Also we could not care less what outsider think. Nobody teach the people of Prophet Ibrahim (as), Prophet Ismail (as) and Prophet Muhammad (saws) or the people inhabiting the cradle of Islam their own religion. With all due respect.

Outside of all that then Erdogan is doing a good job as I see it.


Enjoy your ban Kurd. Maybe you can practice Arabic while you are banned since it is obligatory. After all it is a world language and among the top 5 most spoken languages in the world. Unlike your Kurdish or Persian.:lol:
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let us talk about facts
it is true that mursi won by 51 percent but since then the people who elected him are the most anti mb they think they would be better than the old regime
after 1 year the largest protests in Egypt ever many times more than anti mubark 25 jan wanted them gone
egypt vote on new constitution the people once again prove they back the 30 june revoultion and the army while the brotherhood ordered their folowers not to go and vote

Egyptians Vote on New Constitution in Referendum | Page 6
it is clear who the people support in Egypt and who lost by supporting the brotherhood
The neocons, friends of Israel, anti Muslim movement, right wingers, and others are very happy now the MB is gone. It makes me wonder, why Arabian interests are consistently parallel to those who hate Islam? :yes2:
The neocons, friends of Israel, anti Muslim movement, right wingers, and others are very happy now the MB is gone. It makes me wonder, why Arabian interests are consistently parallel to those who hate Islam? :yes2:

Return to your fire worship. Abrahamic religions are not for your people. Besides MB is a cult and has nothing to do with Islam. It is a POLITICAL party that is less than 100 years old.

The people of Egypt already spoke and made it very clear. MB has failed everywhere.

Stick to your fake wannabe-Arab Grand Ayatollah Mullah's.

Also nothing more funny than seeing Farsis "supporting" the MB. Most of MB supporters and members have nothing more than contempt towards Farsis and Shias. It's hilarious. During the MB rule Shia peasants and the most famous Shia cleric in Egypt (Iranian stooge) was killed in broad daylight by an angry mob that accused them of spying for Iran and corrupting Islam. All while Morsi did nothing. :lol:

I can post the video if anyone wants to see it.


PS: Also we could not care less what outsider think. Nobody should teach the people of Prophet Ibrahim (as), Prophet Ismail (as) and Prophet Muhammad (saws) or the people inhabiting the cradle of Islam their own religion. With all due respect.
Return to your fire worship. Abrahamic religions are not for your people. Besides MB is a cult and has nothing to do with Islam. It is a POLITICAL party that is less than 100 years old.

The people of Egypt already spoke and made it very clear. MB has failed everywhere.

Stick to your fake wannabe-Arab Grand Ayatollah Mullah's.

Also nothing more funny than seeing Farsis "supporting" the MB. Most of MB supporters and members have nothing more than contempt towards Farsis and Shias. It's hilarious. During the MB rule Shia peasants and the most famous Shia cleric in Egypt (Iranian stooge) was killed in broad daylight by an angry mob that accused them of spying for Iran and corrupting Islam. All while Morsi did nothing. :lol:

I can post the video if anyone wants to see it.


PS: Also we could not care less what outsider think. Nobody should teach the people of Prophet Ibrahim (as), Prophet Ismail (as) and Prophet Muhammad (saws) or the people inhabiting the cradle of Islam their own religion. With all due respect.
You haven't answered the question...
You haven't answered the question...

Which question genius?

MB are supported by the US. What more do you want? They have failed everywhere. They are a political cult that has now been behind terrorist attacks against Egyptians. Their supporters murdered you Shia Muslims and your most influential Egyptian cleric in broad daylight while Morsi did nothing. They are a absolute failure. I know plenty of people that are sympathizing with that cult and all of them are idiots expect few.

They are also stirring trouble up in our region and shaking hands with the rawafid.

Keep them away from the holy lands. For all I care they can rule your country in the meantime.
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