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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood


There are such groups in Turkey too, even if small in numbers they're just like Al Qaeda sympathizans.
Seriously tho, why do you guys even take that @Arabian Legend character serious? That tool is only good for thanking Al-Hasani`s posts, opening such stupid threads and nothing more...Better to ignore the fool

why are u guys arguing with saudiz ?

they are the only creatures who support terrorism , condemn peace and name call others .

theyre all trolling keyboard heros @Arabian Legend @Awadd @al-Hasani and otherz

ignore 'em all @Sinan @xenon54 @usernameless @T-123456

There are such groups in Turkey too, even if small in numbers they're just like Al Qaeda sympathizans.
The difference is, the ones in Turkey existed since decades but allways in small numbers, and they didnt have any influence in daily life.
But the ones in Europe are pretty sucessfuly, their number is growing, and the numbers of young muslims going to Syria from Europe prove it.
Whats more scary is that heir propaganda works goods, even a gyps in my working place who allways told us that he is a Greek became a salafi.

I was once in a Arabic mosque with a friend of mine because we was late to teravi and couldnt reach the Turkish mosque, after the prayer some beardies asked us where we are from because we obviously didnt looked like Arabs.
So we told we are Turks, at the beginning they was nice and friendly to us, they talked about how beautyful Istanbul is and how many mosques there are.
Later they began to talk about how unfair the life in Europe is and how they are oppressing muslims and that we need to defend us against this. :crazy: After this point me and my friend quickly left the place.

Also once we was chilling at the park and some salafists had a conference in a hall just nearby, they came to us and one of them saw my Ottoman Tughra necklace, they imadiately invited us to their ''conference'' but we said no.

These guys are damn dangerous man, we gotta be careful, i try to avoid them as much as possible.
Here's something you should know,

Syed Qutub was also a Salafist.
The difference is, the ones in Turkey existed since decades but allways in small numbers, and they didnt have any influence in daily life.
But the ones in Europe are pretty sucessfuly, their number is growing, and the numbers of young muslims going to Syria from Europe prove it.
It's especially a problem because many of the low educated muslim youngsters (especially theMoroccan ones) here are often complaining about the 'oppressing' life in the Netherlands, so they seek some way out, a way which makes them feel respected, without realizing the path they entered.
I had a muslim Bosnian friend once. As you know muslim Bosnians in general are pro-Turks, so was this dude. However, after some years he suddenly grew a beard, didn't come to Turkish mosque to pray anymore, became very religious, began to speak about religious matters so much, he had an anti-Turkish tone (that we 'betrayed' Islam by trying to join the EU etc) and whatnot. It was as if an Arab was talking to me, and that says a lot. I can't believe that he came to such findings by his own while he had some Turkish friends. More probable is that he got influenced through hanging out with the wrong types of muslim Arabic guys, probably outcasts as himself as well. with such people in Islam, the negative image of Islam will only grow, i'm afraid.
It's especially a problem because many of the low educated muslim youngsters (especially theMoroccan ones) here are often complaining about the 'oppressing' life in the Netherlands, so they seek some way out, a way which makes them feel respected, without realizing the path they entered.
I had a muslim Bosnian friend once. As you know muslim Bosnians in general are pro-Turks, so was this dude. However, after some years he suddenly grew a beard, didn't come to Turkish mosque to pray anymore, became very religious, began to speak about religious matters so much, he had an anti-Turkish tone (that we 'betrayed' Islam by trying to join the EU etc) and whatnot. It was as if an Arab was talking to me, and that says a lot. I can't believe that he came to such findings by his own while he had some Turkish friends. More probable is that he got influenced through hanging out with the wrong types of muslim Arabic guys, probably outcasts as himself as well. with such people in Islam, the negative image of Islam will only grow, i'm afraid.
The exact same problem exist here too.
There are so much more things i could tell but im affraid to be declared as zionist or something if i do.
Let me tell you something, there are many Kosovo Albanians in my working place, at the beginning they were just ordinary guys like you and me but a couple years ago they began to grow beards and began to say we are salafists.
You know at Ramadan Turks begin one day later than Saudis and end it one day later, so these guys said you Turks are doing everything wrong and such stuff.

I allways wondered why these guys became so radical from one day to another, later i found out that Arabs are making propaganda in mosques where muslims from balkan go and some sheiks pay them for beeing salafis, i dont know why they are doing this, maybe to get fresh blood for their various terrorist groups.
This could also explain why so many young muslims from Europe join jihad in Syria and other places.

Im dead serious about this, not trolling or something.
Whom you see as Salafists are mostly not, most I've met or known are just ignorants and extremists. Salafisim calls for acting like the prophet and his followers who were the purest Muslims. However, nobody pays someone to become a Salafist or sth. And please don't belittle the ones who grow beards for religious purposes just because ignorants and terrorists grow them, it's Sunnah to grow beards.
Whom you see as Salafists are mostly not, most I've met or known are just ignorants and extremists. Salafisim calls for acting like the prophet and his followers who were the purest Muslims.
Well ok lets say extremists, i called them salafists because they call themselves salafi.

However, nobody pays someone to become a Salafist or sth.
You have no clue whats going on in Europe mate, three other Turks living in Europe or somewhre else confirmed what i said, im not talking some BS here.

And please don't belittle the ones who grow beards for religious purposes just because ignorants and terrorists grow them, it's Sunnah to grow beards.
I know, i was referring to the extremists, my Oncle also has a beard, i have no problem with that but with their mentality.
Europe is turning into Eurabia- there's no doubt about that. Funny thing is a lot of those people turned to extremism only once they got there; in their home countries, they might well have been moderates.
I bet you are. But mentally, you are in a cave, just like most of the Arabs.

Yeah, Turkish mosques in Europe are very well organized by Turkish state, these guys cant do this kind of propaganda in our mosques, thank god.

I know a old Turkish man whos is involved in mosque organisation stuff, he even helped to establish a mosque here, he is well informed about this stuff, he told me about the Arab propaganda in Balkan mosques.
What Arab propaganda man? Islam is Islam. I bet there is no difference between our and your Quraan. You also believe in Sahih Sunnah just like us. So....
Whom you see as Salafists are mostly not, most I've met or known are just ignorants and extremists. Salafisim calls for acting like the prophet and his followers who were the purest Muslims. However, nobody pays someone to become a Salafist or sth. And please don't belittle the ones who grow beards for religious purposes just because ignorants and terrorists grow them, it's Sunnah to grow beards.

Salafis are literalists to the point of being irrational; if they had their way they'd bring the 7th Century to the 21st !

The rest of the Muslim Sects within Sunni Islam like the Deobandis or the Barelvis (in South Asia) are between Salafi Islam & what may be called as 'Innovative Islam' !

Remarkably so the only Islamic Sects which are truly Progressive in Nature, at least in some forms, are the Minority Sects like the Ismailis, the Alevis or the Dawoodi Bohras but then they're pretty further apart from Mainstream Islam in their theology which begs questioning whether they are truly representative of Islam & Muslims at any rate or not ?

The Muslim World is a messed up place right now ! :(
What Arab propaganda man? Islam is Islam. I bet there is no difference between our and your Quraan. You also believe in Sahih Sunnah just like us. So....
The propaganda that young muslims must go to Syria for Sharia for exsample, why do so many young muslims give up their life in Europe and go to Syria?

Dude we in Europe see the developement with our own eyes, how can about 10 people in my working place become radical within a couple of months? There is something fishy, they even tried to do their propaganda on me, i wrote about it in earlier pages.

@olcayto and @usernameless also experianced the same.
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