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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

No I don't have a fantasy problem Mountain Jew, I was addressing his comment as a stand alone response irrespective of our conversation. Again, I implore to ask what I meant first if you have any problems understanding what I'm trying to convey before jumping to conclusions.

What I gathered so far is that since there is a connection (whatever that connection might be) with Jews of today and the Israel of so, so long ago. They have the right according to the concept of Israel, to come back to that land no matter who is there currently.

Yes, unless the Jews decide that they change their culture, and take the Land of Israel out of them
Or if the Jew converted to another, and then he lost the right to the land.
It also means that we have no right to any other land
Even if we lived 2,000 years in the ghetto somewhere in Italy, we have no right to this land
We claim only to the Land of Israel
I'm pretty sure it more than just tanks.

whatever it was , **** israel , israel will disband itself , its collapse will come from within . it is already starting with all the jews emigrating to elsewhere like europe and the US , and african migrants replacing them



Operation Nickel Grass
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

M60 tank unloaded from a USAF C-5 Galaxyduring Operation Nickel Grass
Yom Kippur War
Syrian front

Egyptian front

International front

Israel, as well as the US and most of the world, were caught by surprise on October 6, 1973 when Egypt and Syria crossed their borders and attacked Israel from the Sinai and the Golan Heights, respectively. In an attempt to undermine the United States ally, the Arab states were trained, prepared and supplied by Moscow.[1] The Soviet Union had supplied Egypt and Syria over 600 advanced surface-to-air missiles, 300 MiG-21 fighters, 1,200 tanks, and hundreds of thousands of tons of war material.[1] Seeing Israel's vulnerable position, Henry Kissinger, the United States Secretary of State and President Richard Nixon's National Security Adviser, made arrangements for El Al to pick up some items, including ammunition, "high technology products" and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles at a US naval base in Virginia. A modest effort soon began, but Kissinger still hoped to keep any visible involvement at a minimum.[3] On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[4] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.[5] Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. U.S. President Richard Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses.[6] The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.[7] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger had told Anwar El Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear."[4]However, subsequent interviews with Kissinger, James Schlesinger, and William Quandt suggested that the nuclear aspect was not a major factor in the decision to re-supply. These officials cited the ongoing Soviet re-supply effort and Sadat's early rejection of a ceasefire as the primary motivators.[8]

Initially, only the Israeli national airline, El Al, provided transport, and supplies began to arrive in Israel on 10 October, the same day the first Soviet resupply by air arrived in Damascus. Nonetheless, it was soon clear that El Al's limited supply of ill-configured passenger aircraft were insufficient. Still wanting to avoid direct US involvement, starting 10 October, the use of commercial carriers was explored to provide 10-20 flights a day.[9] None of these were willing to accept the job for fear of being refused entry to Arab nations after the war.[1][10] On 12 October, Nixon decided that no more delays could be allowed, and ordered the air force to "send everything that can fly." Within nine hours, C-141s and C-5s were en route to Israel.[1] The political maneuvering was not immediately solved by the air force's participation however: traditional European allies refused to allow re-supply aircraft to land for refueling or even overfly their territory. Portugal seemed willing to help though, so aircraft were dispatched to Lajes Field in the Azores Islands. After a few hours in the air, word came through that Portugal would permit them to land, and Lajes became a key staging point for the rest of the airlift. Strategic Air Command (SAC) KC-135As were the first to arrive at Lajes Air Base. The Stratotankers had left Pease AFB, New Hampshire, the night of Saturday, 13 October (one of the bases El Al was using to re-supply the war effort); the tankers were ferrying factory-fresh Douglas A-4 Skyhawk and McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II aircraft flying non-stop from the factory in St. Louis, Missouri to Ben Gurion Airport. To comply with the demands of other European nations, even U.S. supplies already stationed in Europe were routed through Lajes, and soon over thirty aircraft per day were moving through Lajes. To accommodate this, the base grew to house an extra 1,300 people who were billeted in improvised housing and hastily reactivated World War II barracks, rooms that would normally accommodate one or two enlisted men were expanded to four (2 bunk-beds).[11]

Between Portugal and Israel, the aircraft had to follow an extremely precise route. Flying exactly along the airspace border between hostile Arab nations to the south and European nations to the north, the transport craft flew down the middle of the Mediterranean Sea to Israel.[1] Fighter escort was deemed necessary for this leg of the journey, so American fighters from the U.S. 6th Fleet escorted the transports to within 150 miles of Israel, where Israeli Air Force Phantoms and Mirages escorted them into Ben Gurion International Airport. Along the Mediterranean route, American ships were stationed every 300 miles, and an aircraft carrier every 600 miles. These precautions appeared justified when unidentified Arab fighters made threats over the radio, but no conflict ensued. Upon arrival, the transports were unloaded by U.S. and Israeli servicemen before they returned home and supplies were expedited to the front where they arrived within a few hours. The first C-5A Galaxy transport airplane arrived at Lod airport on 14 October, 18:30 hrs local time.[12] That same day the Battle of the Sinai concluded in Israel's favor. A major Egyptian thrust had been stopped with the destruction of many attacking tanks, and Israel was now winning the war.[13]

An A-4E landing on USS Franklin D. Roosevelt in October 1973.
Airlifted supplies were not all that was delivered under Nickel Grass. In the opening days of the war, Arab forces destroyed significant numbers [14] of Israeli Air Force aircraft, surprising the Israelis with aggressive use of the new Soviet SA-6 Gainful surface-to-air missile. Consequently, at least 100 F-4 Phantom II fighters were sent to Israel under Nickel Grass,[15] coming from the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing, the 33d Tactical Fighter Wingand the 57th Fighter Weapons Wing.[16] They were flown to Lod, where American pilots were swapped for their Israeli counterparts. After the replacement of USAF insignia with IAF insignia if needed, the planes were refueled and ordered to the front, often taking to the air within hours of having arrived. Some aircraft came directly from the USAFE fleet and operated in USAF camouflage,[17] but with Israeli insignia, thus earning the Israeli nickname "Frog". Nine days after the initial attack, Israel launched counterattacks. 36 A-4 Skyhawks from U.S. stocks, staging from Lajes were refueled by SAC KC-135A tankers from Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire and U.S. Navy tankers from the USS John F. Kennedy (CVA-67) west of the Strait of Gibraltar. They then flew on to the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) southeast of Sicily where they stayed overnight, then continued on to Israel refueling once more from tankers launched from the USS Independence (CVA-62) south of Crete.[18] Twelve C-130E Hercules transports were also transferred to Israel, the first of the type to be delivered to the IDF/AF.[19]

When the third cease-fire resolution was finally implemented on October 24, the airlift immediately slowed. Further flights were made to rebuild Israeli forces to their pre-war strength, and Operation Nickel Grass was ended on 14 November. In the end, the military airlift shipped 22,325 tons of materiel to Israel. Additionally, the United States conducted its own seaborne re-supply operation, delivering 33,210 tons to Israel by October 30.[20] During the same general time, the Soviets airlifted 12,500–15,000 tons of supplies, more than half of which went to Syria; they also supplied another 63,000 tons mainly to Syria by means of a sealift.[21][22]

Operation Nickel Grass had immediate and far-reaching effects. Arab members of OPEC had declared they would limit or stop oil shipments to the United States and other countries if they supported Israel in the conflict. Holding to their threats, the Arab states declared a complete oil embargo on the United States. Oil prices skyrocketed, fuel became scarce, and the United States was soon embroiled in the 1973 oil crisis.[23]

Nickel Grass also revealed a severe deficiency in American airlift capabilities: the need for staging bases overseas. Without Portugal's assistance, the airlift might not even have been possible. As a result, the U.S. greatly expanded its aerial refueling capabilities and made long-distance flight operations the standard rather than the exception.[1]

A GAO study of the operation discussed the shortcomings of the C-141A. As a result, the C-141B was conceived. The A models were sent back to Georgia where they were cut fore and aft of the wing, extended in length by three pallet positions, and refitted for in-flight refueling.[24]

Nickel Grass vindicated the Air Force decision to purchase the C-5 Galaxy. Since its introduction in 1970, the C-5 had been plagued by problems. The Air Force claimed to have rectified the problems, but the C-5 was still viewed by the press as an expensive failure. During Nickel Grass, C-5s carried 48% of the total cargo in only 145 of the 567 total missions. The C-5 also carried "outsize" cargo such as M60 Patton tanks, M109 howitzers, ground radar systems, mobile tractor units, CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters, and A-4 Skyhawk components; cargo that could not fit in smaller aircraft. This performance justified the C-5's existence.[1]

Another effect of the operation was the near-resignation of then United States chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) General George Brown. Brown was nearly forced to resign after making comments claiming that Israel received U.S. military aid because Jews controlled the American banking system.[25][26]

See also[edit]


there's a quote from nixon who said "send anything that flies to israel"
You wont find anyone in the world that is crazy enough to fund Israel in exchange for hatred from the Arabs. At least Saudis have oil. Israel has nothing. Its citizens have high standards of living because of foreign funding
Egypt and Pakistan also received money from the United States and do not have a good standard of living
US money is marginal, a low percentage of Israel's budget
The moment Israel tells Russia, for example, that Israel leaves the US and moves to Russia, the Russians will jump with joy.
The Russians have already raised this option.
Israel has to sell a strategic geographical location, a lot of technology, intelligence services of the best in the world and more.
You exaggerate the Arab political power in the world, the US is getting along with both the Arabs and Israel together

Ok that's fair. But why do so many Israeli officials talk of an "unbreakable bond" between the US and Israel? I'm guessing this is just more PR mumbo-jumbo.
Also, but not only

whatever it was , **** israel , israel will disband itself , its collapse will come from within . it is already starting with all the jews emigrating to elsewhere like europe and the US , and african migrants replacing them



Operation Nickel Grass
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

M60 tank unloaded from a USAF C-5 Galaxyduring Operation Nickel Grass
Yom Kippur War
Syrian front

Egyptian front

International front

Israel, as well as the US and most of the world, were caught by surprise on October 6, 1973 when Egypt and Syria crossed their borders and attacked Israel from the Sinai and the Golan Heights, respectively. In an attempt to undermine the United States ally, the Arab states were trained, prepared and supplied by Moscow.[1] The Soviet Union had supplied Egypt and Syria over 600 advanced surface-to-air missiles, 300 MiG-21 fighters, 1,200 tanks, and hundreds of thousands of tons of war material.[1] Seeing Israel's vulnerable position, Henry Kissinger, the United States Secretary of State and President Richard Nixon's National Security Adviser, made arrangements for El Al to pick up some items, including ammunition, "high technology products" and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles at a US naval base in Virginia. A modest effort soon began, but Kissinger still hoped to keep any visible involvement at a minimum.[3] On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[4] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.[5] Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. U.S. President Richard Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses.[6] The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.[7] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger had told Anwar El Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear."[4]However, subsequent interviews with Kissinger, James Schlesinger, and William Quandt suggested that the nuclear aspect was not a major factor in the decision to re-supply. These officials cited the ongoing Soviet re-supply effort and Sadat's early rejection of a ceasefire as the primary motivators.[8]

Initially, only the Israeli national airline, El Al, provided transport, and supplies began to arrive in Israel on 10 October, the same day the first Soviet resupply by air arrived in Damascus. Nonetheless, it was soon clear that El Al's limited supply of ill-configured passenger aircraft were insufficient. Still wanting to avoid direct US involvement, starting 10 October, the use of commercial carriers was explored to provide 10-20 flights a day.[9] None of these were willing to accept the job for fear of being refused entry to Arab nations after the war.[1][10] On 12 October, Nixon decided that no more delays could be allowed, and ordered the air force to "send everything that can fly." Within nine hours, C-141s and C-5s were en route to Israel.[1] The political maneuvering was not immediately solved by the air force's participation however: traditional European allies refused to allow re-supply aircraft to land for refueling or even overfly their territory. Portugal seemed willing to help though, so aircraft were dispatched to Lajes Field in the Azores Islands. After a few hours in the air, word came through that Portugal would permit them to land, and Lajes became a key staging point for the rest of the airlift. Strategic Air Command (SAC) KC-135As were the first to arrive at Lajes Air Base. The Stratotankers had left Pease AFB, New Hampshire, the night of Saturday, 13 October (one of the bases El Al was using to re-supply the war effort); the tankers were ferrying factory-fresh Douglas A-4 Skyhawk and McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II aircraft flying non-stop from the factory in St. Louis, Missouri to Ben Gurion Airport. To comply with the demands of other European nations, even U.S. supplies already stationed in Europe were routed through Lajes, and soon over thirty aircraft per day were moving through Lajes. To accommodate this, the base grew to house an extra 1,300 people who were billeted in improvised housing and hastily reactivated World War II barracks, rooms that would normally accommodate one or two enlisted men were expanded to four (2 bunk-beds).[11]

Between Portugal and Israel, the aircraft had to follow an extremely precise route. Flying exactly along the airspace border between hostile Arab nations to the south and European nations to the north, the transport craft flew down the middle of the Mediterranean Sea to Israel.[1] Fighter escort was deemed necessary for this leg of the journey, so American fighters from the U.S. 6th Fleet escorted the transports to within 150 miles of Israel, where Israeli Air Force Phantoms and Mirages escorted them into Ben Gurion International Airport. Along the Mediterranean route, American ships were stationed every 300 miles, and an aircraft carrier every 600 miles. These precautions appeared justified when unidentified Arab fighters made threats over the radio, but no conflict ensued. Upon arrival, the transports were unloaded by U.S. and Israeli servicemen before they returned home and supplies were expedited to the front where they arrived within a few hours. The first C-5A Galaxy transport airplane arrived at Lod airport on 14 October, 18:30 hrs local time.[12] That same day the Battle of the Sinai concluded in Israel's favor. A major Egyptian thrust had been stopped with the destruction of many attacking tanks, and Israel was now winning the war.[13]

An A-4E landing on USS Franklin D. Roosevelt in October 1973.
Airlifted supplies were not all that was delivered under Nickel Grass. In the opening days of the war, Arab forces destroyed significant numbers [14] of Israeli Air Force aircraft, surprising the Israelis with aggressive use of the new Soviet SA-6 Gainful surface-to-air missile. Consequently, at least 100 F-4 Phantom II fighters were sent to Israel under Nickel Grass,[15] coming from the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing, the 33d Tactical Fighter Wingand the 57th Fighter Weapons Wing.[16] They were flown to Lod, where American pilots were swapped for their Israeli counterparts. After the replacement of USAF insignia with IAF insignia if needed, the planes were refueled and ordered to the front, often taking to the air within hours of having arrived. Some aircraft came directly from the USAFE fleet and operated in USAF camouflage,[17] but with Israeli insignia, thus earning the Israeli nickname "Frog". Nine days after the initial attack, Israel launched counterattacks. 36 A-4 Skyhawks from U.S. stocks, staging from Lajes were refueled by SAC KC-135A tankers from Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire and U.S. Navy tankers from the USS John F. Kennedy (CVA-67) west of the Strait of Gibraltar. They then flew on to the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) southeast of Sicily where they stayed overnight, then continued on to Israel refueling once more from tankers launched from the USS Independence (CVA-62) south of Crete.[18] Twelve C-130E Hercules transports were also transferred to Israel, the first of the type to be delivered to the IDF/AF.[19]

When the third cease-fire resolution was finally implemented on October 24, the airlift immediately slowed. Further flights were made to rebuild Israeli forces to their pre-war strength, and Operation Nickel Grass was ended on 14 November. In the end, the military airlift shipped 22,325 tons of materiel to Israel. Additionally, the United States conducted its own seaborne re-supply operation, delivering 33,210 tons to Israel by October 30.[20] During the same general time, the Soviets airlifted 12,500–15,000 tons of supplies, more than half of which went to Syria; they also supplied another 63,000 tons mainly to Syria by means of a sealift.[21][22]

Operation Nickel Grass had immediate and far-reaching effects. Arab members of OPEC had declared they would limit or stop oil shipments to the United States and other countries if they supported Israel in the conflict. Holding to their threats, the Arab states declared a complete oil embargo on the United States. Oil prices skyrocketed, fuel became scarce, and the United States was soon embroiled in the 1973 oil crisis.[23]

Nickel Grass also revealed a severe deficiency in American airlift capabilities: the need for staging bases overseas. Without Portugal's assistance, the airlift might not even have been possible. As a result, the U.S. greatly expanded its aerial refueling capabilities and made long-distance flight operations the standard rather than the exception.[1]

A GAO study of the operation discussed the shortcomings of the C-141A. As a result, the C-141B was conceived. The A models were sent back to Georgia where they were cut fore and aft of the wing, extended in length by three pallet positions, and refitted for in-flight refueling.[24]

Nickel Grass vindicated the Air Force decision to purchase the C-5 Galaxy. Since its introduction in 1970, the C-5 had been plagued by problems. The Air Force claimed to have rectified the problems, but the C-5 was still viewed by the press as an expensive failure. During Nickel Grass, C-5s carried 48% of the total cargo in only 145 of the 567 total missions. The C-5 also carried "outsize" cargo such as M60 Patton tanks, M109 howitzers, ground radar systems, mobile tractor units, CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters, and A-4 Skyhawk components; cargo that could not fit in smaller aircraft. This performance justified the C-5's existence.[1]

Another effect of the operation was the near-resignation of then United States chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) General George Brown. Brown was nearly forced to resign after making comments claiming that Israel received U.S. military aid because Jews controlled the American banking system.[25][26]

See also[edit]


there's a quote from nixon who said "send anything that flies to israel"
Yo Troll,
Go somewhere else, you've messed up the whole forum!!
I can't see the video in Israel
But it is true that there are stupid Jews who refer to this concept as negative.

How does this relate to the subject?
Are you just looking to get your poison out on the Jews?

How the hell did you reach to the chosen people?
how is that related?

Since when do we try to find arguments to convince others?
The arguments are internal

You're right it can definitely happen
But it all depends on American interests

Israel will simply join another power
As we went from France to the United States
Actually you are stating two truths here without being aware of it:
1) "I can't see the video in Israel".. So RIP to democracy you are claiming all over the place..
2) "Israel will simply join another power. As we went from France to the United States".. Now you are recognizing that you are a leach..

We were saying this all along.. now, glad to hear it from a Usraeli..ex-Frenchsraely ( Sounds a bit like frankenstein!)..
Yes, unless the Jews decide that they change their culture, and take the Land of Israel out of them
Or if the Jew converted to another, and then he lost the right to the land.
It also means that we have no right to any other land
Even if we lived 2,000 years in the ghetto somewhere in Italy, we have no right to this land
We claim only to the Land of Israel

So you presented your case and answered the question of why Jews have a claim to this land in the Middle East known as Israel. Then you answered my question of what Israel plans to do with Palestinian and you replied "nothing".

You had originally stated that "I'm so American and I don't understand how the world works" although the world isn't Israel and my point has merit to it.

So all in all I got a better understanding (based on your view of what a Jews entitlement to the land of Israel is) out of this conversation. There is some points of contention but I guess we'll have to let bygone be bygones.

Answer me this Mountain Jew. And answer it truthfully (I mean it, as a man to man thing). Do you believe given the overwhelming facts that Jews have positions in high ranking positions in the US both in Political, Financial, Media and banking and Federal Reserve (which is a private owned entity), it's fair to say that Jews have a unequal control over the United States given their respective population size?

Reason I'm asking this is because anti-Jewish sentiment has grown exponentially due to the internet and apposing views to old views of Jews being the victims and men like George Soros, the Jewish owned media, and theories theories floating around.

Are you aware of the Israelis nukes? and the Samson option? What's your honest thoughts on them as well.

Actually you are stating two truths here without being aware of it:
1) "I can't see the video in Israel".. So RIP to democracy you are claiming all over the place..
2) "Israel will simply join another power. As we went from France to the United States".. Now you are recognizing that you are a leach..

We were saying this all along.. now, glad to hear it from a Usraeli..ex-Frenchsraely ( Sounds a bit like frankenstein!)..

That second bullet point made me genuinely depressed. If his view is the view of many Israelis and the Knesset/Israeli government then we as Americans should dump Israel asap.
Actually you are stating two truths here without being aware of it:
1) "I can't see the video in Israel".. So RIP to democracy you are claiming all over the place..
2) "Israel will simply join another power. As we went from France to the United States".. Now you are recognizing that you are a leach..

We were saying this all along.. now, glad to hear it from a Usraeli..ex-Frenchsraely ( Sounds a bit like frankenstein!)..
"1) "I can't see the video in Israel".. So RIP to democracy you are claiming all over the place.." - It's not about democracy, it's because of YouTube that blocks it.

"2) "Israel will simply join another power. As we went from France to the United States".. Now you are recognizing that you are a leach.." -
Every country is allied to a stronger country, that's how it works, unless you're a world power
And Israel is not a world power

*Stop seeing reality through your imagination
"1) "I can't see the video in Israel".. So RIP to democracy you are claiming all over the place.." - It's not about democracy, it's because of YouTube that blocks it.

"2) "Israel will simply join another power. As we went from France to the United States".. Now you are recognizing that you are a leach.." -
Every country is allied to a stronger country, that's how it works, unless you're a world power
And Israel is not a world power

*Stop seeing reality through your imagination

So you're not our friends, at least the truth comes out a little.
So you presented your case and answered the question of why Jews have a claim to this land in the Middle East known as Israel. Then you answered my question of what Israel plans to do with Palestinian and you replied "nothing".

You had originally stated that "I'm so American and I don't understand how the world works" although the world isn't Israel and my point has merit to it.

So all in all I got a better understanding (based on your view of what a Jews entitlement to the land of Israel is) out of this conversation. There is some points of contention but I guess we'll have to let bygone be bygones.

Answer me this Mountain Jew. And answer it truthfully (I mean it, as a man to man thing). Do you believe given the overwhelming facts that Jews have positions in high ranking positions in the US both in Political, Financial, Media and banking and Federal Reserve (which is a private owned entity), it's fair to say that Jews have a unequal control over the United States given their respective population size?

Reason I'm asking this is because anti-Jewish sentiment has grown exponentially due to the internet and apposing views to old views of Jews being the victims and men like George Soros, the Jewish owned media, and theories theories floating around.

Are you aware of the Israelis nukes? and the Samson option? What's your honest thoughts on them as well.

Also i must note that the generation of ww2 has almost died out and this means that the holocaust card will be more and more weak to westerners. On the contrary you will have more arguments Israel=Nazis because of the Palestinian issue. Muslim lobbies are gaining strength in Europe and i would say that only in USA the Jews can boast that they have significant power. Its a simple a matter of numbers. As long as Jews in USA manage to control the government it will be ok for Israel. When this control is lost, Israel will have the fate of south Africa
Also i must note that the generation of ww2 has almost died out and this means that the holocaust card will be more and more weak to westerners. On the contrary you will have more arguments Israel=Nazis because of the Palestinian issue. Muslim lobbies are gaining strength in Europe and i would say that only in USA the Jews can boast that they have significant power. Its a simple a matter of numbers. As long as Jews in USA manage to control the government it will be ok for Israel. When this control is lost, Israel will have the fate of south Africa

I don't know the future although you're assumption is very possible. I plan on living a long and healthy life and the way the US has conducted itself (with the destruction and destabilization of many nations) the future doesn't look bright at all. If the US will stand by Israel no matter what even when the rest the world is against them it's the US (the worlds most powerful military has a lot of merit to it). Eventually this is the trump card that Israel will use against the rest of the world due to their immense influence on the US gov/institutions. Idk though, maybe I'm wrong but who knows the future.
Last edited:
You had originally stated that "I'm so American and I don't understand how the world works" although the world isn't Israel and my point has merit to it.

So all in all I got a better understanding (based on your view of what a Jews entitlement to the land of Israel is) out of this conversation. There is some points of contention but I guess we'll have to let bygone be bygones.
Excuse me, I forgot to answer you on "Why are you so American",there are so many posts here you know...

Answer me this Mountain Jew. And answer it truthfully (I mean it, as a man to man thing). Do you believe given the overwhelming facts that Jews have positions in high ranking positions in the US both in Political, Financial, Media and banking and Federal Reserve (which is a private owned entity), it's fair to say that Jews have a unequal control over the United States given their respective population size?
It's a fact and it's true.

Reason I'm asking this is because anti-Jewish sentiment has grown exponentially due to the internet and apposing views to old views of Jews being the victims and men like George Soros, the Jewish owned media, and theories theories floating around.
The problem begins with the fact that other people attribute all kinds of theories to the Jewish identity of those senior officials. The Jews in the United States are not primarily driven by their Jewish interests.
They like the rest of the Americans are divided into right and left.
Those on the right are American patriots, and they are proud of it
Those on the left are often leftists, globalists, anti-Semites and haters of Israel

You mentioned George Soros, he is one of those on the left
He is an anti-Semitic and a known Israel hater, he invests all his money in activities against Israel and Jews in general
I don't know how the Mossad has yet to liquidate him.

As for the media, the media in the United States does belong to a large percentage of Jews, but it is anti-Israeli
The media elite in North America, Europe as well as in Israel are leftist elites, which means that the Jews who own these media companies are also leftists who betray their Jewish identity and believe in the religion of the left.

It is important to understand something about the United States
It is a country of ignorant and stupid people run by strong elites (without generalization)
And it's really dominant, even the Americans themselves say all the time that they are ignorant.
This leads to growing gaps between the elites and the foolish citizens, and these stupid citizens try to explain this through various theories.

It is important to emphasize that not all American citizens are stupid.

Are you aware of the Israelis nukes? and the Samson option? What's your honest thoughts on them as well.
Yes I am aware
I think that's one of the few good moves Israel has made
Both nuclear weapons and Samson's option,
Do not worry Israel is not going to destroy the world, it is only to create deterrence and ensure the survival of the state.

That second bullet point made me genuinely depressed. If his view is the view of many Israelis and the Knesset/Israeli government then we as Americans should dump Israel asap.
My intention was that in case the US abandons Israel, Israel will find another power.
As for Israel's loyalty, this is the last thing you should worry about
Both the Israeli government and the citizens are very fond of the Americans, and the US in general

So you're not our friends, at least the truth comes out a little.
I answered you about it in my last post
Excuse me, I forgot to answer you on "Why are you so American",there are so many posts here you know...

It's a fact and it's true.

The problem begins with the fact that other people attribute all kinds of theories to the Jewish identity of those senior officials. The Jews in the United States are not primarily driven by their Jewish interests.
They like the rest of the Americans are divided into right and left.
Those on the right are American patriots, and they are proud of it
Those on the left are often leftists, globalists, anti-Semites and haters of Israel

You mentioned George Soros, he is one of those on the left
He is an anti-Semitic and a known Israel hater, he invests all his money in activities against Israel and Jews in general
I don't know how the Mossad has yet to liquidate him.

As for the media, the media in the United States does belong to a large percentage of Jews, but it is anti-Israeli
The media elite in North America, Europe as well as in Israel are leftist elites, which means that the Jews who own these media companies are also leftists who betray their Jewish identity and believe in the religion of the left.

It is important to understand something about the United States
It is a country of ignorant and stupid people run by strong elites (without generalization)
And it's really dominant, even the Americans themselves say all the time that they are ignorant.
This leads to growing gaps between the elites and the foolish citizens, and these stupid citizens try to explain this through various theories.

It is important to emphasize that not all American citizens are stupid.

Yes I am aware
I think that's one of the few good moves Israel has made
Both nuclear weapons and Samson's option,
Do not worry Israel is not going to destroy the world, it is only to create deterrence and ensure the survival of the state.

My intention was that in case the US abandons Israel, Israel will find another power.
As for Israel's loyalty, this is the last thing you should worry about
Both the Israeli government and the citizens are very fond of the Americans, and the US in general

I answered you about it in my last post

fu k your jewish mother , yid
Also i must note that the generation of ww2 has almost died out and this means that the holocaust card will be more and more weak to westerners. On the contrary you will have more arguments Israel=Nazis because of the Palestinian issue. Muslim lobbies are gaining strength in Europe and i would say that only in USA the Jews can boast that they have significant power. Its a simple a matter of numbers. As long as Jews in USA manage to control the government it will be ok for Israel. When this control is lost, Israel will have the fate of south Africa
Your mistake is that you think the Jews in the US are worried about Israel
Most American Jews, especially those with senior positions, are anti-Israeli leftists
Those who give support to Israel are the Evangelicals
Israel fighting for its survival.Do or die.Every citizen is proud soldier in Israel.Mean while arbs are divided on basis shia and sunni.Most are ruled by autocratic leader and selfish kings who just fool there people in the name of Islam without proper vision of future.

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