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Arab tyrants better for Israel

Sorry, it's not about me as a person. There is Islam, then there is man made ideologies. I don't belong to a sect, unfortunately since some Muslims began creating sects we began belonging to a sect. I follow the Quran and Sunnah. That's it, that's what makes you a Muslim. Nobody can tell me my sect is 'man made' since we follow Islam. Everything in our religion tells us the Shia sect is wrong. We've had every debate over this with religious scholars. There's simply no argument here.

And no, when push comes to shove of course we get to this 'respect other people's beliefs' thing. That would be cute if we were Christians or Jews who believed God is a lie and religion is man made. But, we don't, we sincerely believe in God and Islam. Therefore, we aren't going to accept anything we don't consider a belief as far as it goes for our religion. And I'm not into your nationality argument either, we need to take matters into our hands as preserving our religion is more important.

Again, it depends on perspective. They may also call themselves as righteous Muslims, so you do have to deal with it and learn to co-exist with others. If you try to kill them or attack them, you will come under attack, it's the rule of nature. You can't expect flowers when you consider a person as infidel/heretic. Everyone says I'm right, even Ayman al Zawahiri or Abu bakr al Baghdadi say we are on the right path, so self declaration doesn't matter. People should learn to live with each other.

Also, perhaps it's time to call your leaders to stop receiving money or arms from infidel Shias, because the way I see it, most of your 'brothers' won't hesitate to kill Palestinians or label them as terrorists when they have the opportunity. It should be so messed up when the 'believers' are doing nothing for you, while heretics are always there to defend you.

Anyway, as I said earlier, instead of 'forcing others to heaven', it's time to take back the land you've lost. You can't start a crusade against non-believers and heretics when your home is occupied. Isn't that right?

Those are Nusayris and Ba'ath. But it's no secret that you have so-called Muslims who belong to both sects that cause problems. I am talking overall here.

We do not need to agree with their sect. But at the end of the day the differences are small and it's not a coincidence that the Muslim clerics, both today and before, regarded both sects as Muslim.

The problematic bunch among them should be dealt with. I agree. Just like we need to deal with Daesh and other trash.

My conclusion is still the same; Sectarian nonsense is only going to drag us down. Nothing positive will come out of this.

What about if we as Sunni Arabs who form close to 90% of all the nearly 450 million Arabs worldwide and nearly 90% of the 1.6 billion Muslims just follow Islam as we understand it and just counter other Muslim sects in theological discussions and win as has always been the case?

As I said Shias like Sunnis now live in year 2014. Research is now open for anyone that can read or write or use a computer. People should come to their own conclusions this way. Just like we cannot force non-Muslims to become Muslims. You have people believing in cows, animals and whatever. In comparison Shias are 100 times closer to our hearts as Muslims.

Yes, we should guide our own, our religion and culture. I agree with that fully.


Once again the few Farsi users here (Mullah supporters and indoctrinated) are a world apart from our own Shia Arabs. The Shia Arabs do not even recognize their system let alone many believing in separate Shia sects very alike to mainstream Sunni Islam (Zaydi Islam).
Keep lying all the worlds know that Wahhabi selefi not the Suuni are terrorists so these pictures or the fake news will never ever support your claims by the way your countries unfortunately a failed states the reason for that is one you are beddo have nothing to do with civilization now we Shia have one hope for the sunni nations to survive is to go behind secular who believe in their citizenship not the religion since your religion is a man made has nothing to do with Islam period
That's the only difference that I have noticed. What's the other main differences aside from historical disagreements that are 1400 years old? Mainly in connection to the succession of the Caliphate?
We should make a clear distinction between your ordinary Shia Arab and that tiny, tiny treacherous minority that are causing problems and who are indeed a problem that must be dealt with. Equally as some of the so-called Sunni Arabs who are causing trouble. We know who they are.

It's not about person to person. It's about the ideology as a whole. Every Lebanese and Iraqi Shia have told me that you can't be a Shia if you don't do mutah, stand against the first two caliphs, hadith, prayer, Imam ideology, ...stuff that's not acceptable since there's no religious ground for their beliefs. I believe we should be one and following Islam, every sect out there insist on playing around with Islam. Such as the nonsense that Jesus lived in India, or that there's a Prophet after ours, or that Salafis follow the right way revived by a man in the tenth century or whatever and they're better than everybody else.
Well this is one authors opinion.
The Israeli ambassador to US (Michael Oren) has said that Israel much rather see Al-Qaeda in power than Bashar Al Assad.
Who is more dangerous to Israel? A strategic enemy with an organized army or a bunch of mindless terrrorists that their only goal is to set up caliphate and impose their extremist views on the rest of Syrians?
I think we all know the answer.
Assad's ancient helicopters carrying barrel bombs are strategic danger to Israel :rofl:

It's not about person to person. It's about the ideology as a whole. Every Lebanese and Iraqi Shia have told me that you can't be a Shia if you don't do mutah, stand against the first two caliphs, hadith, prayer, Imam ideology, ...stuff that's not acceptable since there's no religious ground for their beliefs. I believe we should be one and following Islam, every sect out there insist on playing around with Islam. Such as the nonsense that Jesus lived in India, or that there's a Prophet after ours, or that Salafis follow the right way revived by a man in the tenth century or whatever and they're better than everybody else.

Look at that clown "Malik-Alashter" in action. Is he even able to make himself understandable in English yet Arabic? Anyway that is the trash from "the other side" that I am talking about. The one that we need to combat. We have similar types in our own ranks. So now you hopefully get my point.

As I said that is not the mainstream view of Arab Shias. I can guarantee you that.

Anyway it's no secret that many Iraqi Shia Arabs (especially from the South) are radicals but they do not represent Shias in any way or form just like the Mullah supporters in Iran.

Go speak to practically all other ordinary Shia Arabs. Whether from Yemen, KSA or where they are from. Not that there are many of them.
Keep lying all the worlds know that Wahhabi selefi not the Suuni are terrorists so these pictures or the fake news will never ever support your claims by the way your countries unfortunately a failed states the reason for that is one you are beddo have nothing to do with civilization now we Shia have one hope for the sunni nations to survive is to go behind secular who believe in their citizenship not the religion since your religion is a man made has nothing to do with Islam period


Here you go, all the crimes they commit is a lie. And our religion is a lie. Of course he will always avoid a religious debate because he will always lose it! This is why they keep insisting on deliberately lying to give an excuses for their man made sect. I bet this guy doesn't even consider himself Arab.

And when he says 'Wahabi' he means:

Umar, Abu Bakr, Muhammad(SAW), Aisha(RA), every Arab sunni in the world

Look at that clown "Malik-Alashter" in action. Is he even able to make himself understandable in English yet Arabic? Anyway that is the trash from "the other side" that I am talking about. The one that we need to combat. We have similar types in our own ranks. So now you hopefully get my point.

As I said that is not the mainstream view of Arab Shias. I can guarantee you that.

It kind of is mainstream but there is a large minority against their ways. I have to go now, i'll return to this discussion and I don't want the Israeli to get involved since I already know what the snake will do.

Here you go, all the crimes they commit is a lie. And our religion is a lie. Of course he will always avoid a religious debate because he will always lose it! This is why they keep insisting on deliberately lying to give an excuses for their man made sect. I bet this guy doesn't even consider himself Arab.

And when he says 'Wahabi' he means:

Umar, Abu Bakr, Muhammad(SAW), Aisha(RA), every Arab sunni in the world

It kind of is mainstream but there is a large minority against their ways. I have to go now, i'll return to this discussion and I don't want the Israeli to get involved since I already know what the snake will do.

I know that I am dealing with trash and a illiterate low IQ clown. Nothing new. But I think that we have come to some kind of agreement which is good. I think that you should reread my post number 48 where I hopefully make myself clear. You must have encountered Shia Arab radicals who are a minority. Basically since they are living in USA they are not representatives of the "real ones" or local ones.

I have to go as well. Promised to play some football with the local university gang.:lol:
Again, it depends on perspective. They may also call themselves as righteous Muslims, so you do have to deal with it and learn to co-exist with others. If you try to kill them or attack them, you will come under attack, it's the rule of nature. You can't expect flowers when you consider a person as infidel/heretic. Everyone says I'm right, even Ayman al Zawahiri or Abu bakr al Baghdadi say we are on the right path, so self declaration doesn't matter. People should learn to live with each other.

Also, perhaps it's time to call your leaders to stop receiving money or arms from infidel Shias, because the way I see it, most of your 'brothers' won't hesitate to kill Palestinians or label them as terrorists when they have the opportunity. It should be so messed up when the 'believers' are doing nothing for you, while heretics are always there to defend you.

Anyway, as I said earlier, instead of 'forcing others to heaven', it's time to take back the land you've lost. You can't start a crusade against non-believers and heretics when your home is occupied. Isn't that right?

This has nothing to do with modern day Sunni's. Most Muslims don't adhere to what they should 100 percent anymore. Nobody said we should kill anybody, both sides are doing the job of killing each other. This isn't about politics either, I made my case about Iranians. I don't care for them, they're free to found their rules and views. I was speaking of the Arab world. Of course if you haven't noticed the whole thread I've been emphasizing that the Arab world/movement is lacking in every way possible in respect to their interests and leverage.
Look at that clown "Malik-Alashter" in action. Is he even able to make himself understandable in English yet Arabic? Anyway that is the trash from "the other side" that I am talking about. The one that we need to combat. We have similar types in our own ranks. So now you hopefully get my point.

As I said that is not the mainstream view of Arab Shias. I can guarantee you that.

Anyway it's no secret that many Iraqi Shia Arabs (especially from the South) are radicals but they do not represent Shias in any way or form just like the Mullah supporters in Iran.

Go speak to practically all other ordinary Shia Arabs. Whether from Yemen, KSA or where they are from. Not that there are many of them.
Reality hurt no doubt, but I recognize some change in your views I wish I'm right.
Reality hurt no doubt, but I recognize some change in your views I wish I'm right.

Maybe you should get some help? A Hashemite like me do not need to impress people like you. We have seen what you are up to in this thread and that we as Sunni Muslims and Arabs cannot have dialogue with your likes when you deny obvious facts.

Also learn to write English before you make a fool out of yourself once again.

We can take this discussion in Arabic or French when I will be back.
To all my Brothers Shia and Sunni please for Muhammads sake stop repleing to these beddo in any debate that involve religion and politics since they're Alqaeda supporters @Hazzy997 @al-Hasani and all their kind they just spread the word of hate many thanks to those who help stopping these hatred.

Yes, Al-Qaeda might be useful for once and clean the earth from illiterate low IQ Gypsy retards like you. :lol:

Is that creature for real or is it some foreign import or a Farsi under disguise? A special case indeed.

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