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Why I'm on the brink of burning my israeli passport?

I hope you meant Israel.

Why do you forget that the population increased after Balfour Declaration 1917,when Britain occupied Palestine during WWI and they gave a declaration to the Jews that they will give them a homeland in Palestine??? How an you forget that?
Till then jews were living peacefully with muslims and Christians for 1300yrs because... till then Jews constituted just 10% of the population.
No, I meant Palestinians. You can't provoke a beast and cry foul once you get your *** handed down to you. they need to either man up and fight head on, or else no need to prick the Israelis and then whine like butt hurts.
Arabs also did not ask the local population when settled here. Neither Europeans asked native americans or australians.

Arabs settled here thousands of years ago well after the Jewish Homeland ceased to be exactly that if it ever were that; going back in History well before it was generally thought to be 'wrong' to occupy another's land & claim it as its own may force us to hearken to the time of the ancient Canaanites who were overtaken by some of the tribes that came to identify themselves as Israelites begging us to question who's land was it & the Canaanites in turn conquered an earlier people going all the way back to the first human settlement that was formed there !

Fortunately for us well before Israel's creation the notion that immigrating in droves to someone's lands & then claiming it as one's own went out-of-vogue !
It went bad because the conflict had been turned into Jewish-Muslim, that's the main reason the fight for a small piece of land haunts the entire world. Ideally the conflict would have been Israel and its neighbouring state like other territorial conflicts in the world but the entire Western world, or faraway Muslim countries like Bangladesh or Malayasia is related to this conflict because of the religion based nature of the conflict. You know rest of us Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, atheists etc. hardly care about Israel-Palestine disputes and it means little for us.

To be honest, I feel that Zionism was the movement that placed excessive emphasis on religion, and the Palestinian Arabs were forced to fight this battle on similar grounds.
Kerala is not the promised land for Portuguese in Bible, your analogy is flawed.

The analogy was never supposed to have religious undertones ! :crazy:

By that logic I could take something out of my Scripture that suits me & invade India claiming it as my own or you could take something out of your own Scripture that suits you to invade Pakistan & complete the Mahabharat you think ought to be - Where would such rationales leave us ?
Jewish population started growing since ~1820. BTW during the same time was large influx of Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian Arabs into Palestine as well. The overwhelming majority of the Gazans are Egyptian migrants from 19th century.

Thats not true. Jews were 3rd class citizens. They often were massacred, force converted, expelled etc.
@al-Hasani is right!!
Most of the jews were actually arabs. And it was after the european jews migrated to Palestine that the struggle began.
No, I meant Palestinians. You can't provoke a beast and cry foul once you get your *** handed down to you. they need to either man up and fight head on, or else no need to prick the Israelis and then whine like butt hurts.
You're right when you called israel a beast, their feral attacks prove you right.
Now I am not fighting with an Indian or friend on this.
I strongly believe what Palestinians are fighting for is justified.
all of you... stop this nonsense about who lived where and when.

all of you... think of living in a world without borders, without visa, without military.

all of you... look at photos of earth from space. do you see the borders you see on political maps??

all of you... think of living among humanity, with a single governing socialist system, with true democracy and justice and freedoms.
Arabs settled here thousands of years ago well after the Jewish Homeland ceased to be exactly that if it ever were that; going back in History well before it was generally thought to be 'wrong' to occupy another's land & claim it as its own may force us to hearken to the time of the ancient Canaanites who were overtaken by some of the tribes that came to identify themselves as Israelites begging us to question who's land was it & the Canaanites in turn conquered an earlier people going all the way back to the first human settlement that was formed there !

Fortunately for us well before Israel's creation the notion that immigrating in droves to someone's lands & then claiming it as one's own went out-of-vogue !
I repeat: saying that Palestine belongs to Arabs and Jews should go to Europe is as stupid as saying that America belongs to Comanches and all white Americans should go back to Europe.
The analogy was never supposed to have religious undertones ! :crazy:

By that logic I could take something out of my Scripture that suits me & invade India claiming it as my own or you could take something out of your own Scripture that suits you to invade Pakistan & complete the Mahabharat you think ought to be - Where would such rationales leave us ?
Ghazwa e Hind ?? you got quite a few loonies who still believe in that.
Ghazwa e Hind ?? you got quite a few loonies who still believe in that.

As do you !

I repeat: saying that Palestine belongs to Arabs and Jews should go to Europe is as stupid as saying that America belongs to Comanches and all white Americans should go back to Europe.

Who's saying the Jews should go back ? I'm not saying that !

But that doesn't take anything away from the fact that no-one asked the Palestinians or the Arabs who inhabited these lands for centuries whether they'd be alright with a mass immigration of European Jews claiming to carve out their Jewish Homeland right from the land where they lived !
all of you... stop this nonsense about who lived where and when.

all of you... think of living in a world without borders, without visa, without military.

all of you... look at photos of earth from space. do you see the borders you see on political maps??

all of you... think of living among humanity, with a single governing socialist system, with true democracy and justice and freedoms.

Time to head back to Earth my friend. Things on the ground aren't as hunky dory as what you saw from space.:lol:
To be honest, I feel that Zionism was the movement that placed excessive emphasis on religion, and the Palestinian Arabs were forced to fight this battle on similar grounds.

I don't know who did it first, my point was its a religion based conflict between Muslims and Jews, otherwise there is no reason why a Sri Lankan Muslim or a Bangladeshi Muslim feel himself connected to it.
I saw this article posted on PDF's FB page and thought of sharing it on the forum.

Why I'm on the brink of burning my Israeli passport?

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In the pic: A 3yr old's body being taken away by palestinians(L) and Ayelet Shaked (R)

Ayelet Shaked represents the far-right Jewish Home party in the Knesset. This means she is well to the right of Benyamin Netanyahu, just in case you thought such a thing was not possible.

On Monday she quoted this on her Facebook page: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

A week earlier, just before 17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair was snatched and burned alive, Shaked wrote: “This is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. The reality is that this is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started it.”

So even before the boy died horribly she declared him to be the enemy, and afterwards, without any apparent hint of guilt or remorse, she was calling for the deaths of innocent women and their unborn babies.

She made me think about my mother’s sister Klara and her three small children who were living in Krakow in 1939 when the Germans invaded. They decided that the Jews – all Jews – were the enemy and had to be eliminated, not least the women and the little snakes they were raising. “Why? Ask them – they started it”, as the Nazis would say if asked.

I never met Klara or her children who had perished by 1942. I did meet my uncle Romek, who survived by working in Oskar Schindler's factory, and his wife Yetti who survived because she spoke good German and was able to pretend she was a fine German woman who had kicked out her Polish Jewish husband, as she smiled prettily at every Nazi she came across.

My father’s brother Shmuel and his young family also perished before I was born, taken in Holland, to where they had escaped from Berlin, to the same camp Anne Frank died in.

I know what it is to have been helpless victims, living and dying under racist oppressors’ boots, and I know that today’s Israelis are no longer the victims but the perpetrators of the current crisis. Yes, Hamas are dreadful hate-filled killers and woe betide Israel had they had the wherewithal to carry out their intentions. But the fact remains that it is Israel which has the tanks, bombers, artillery, nuclear warheads and missile defences of Goliath, while ordinary Gazans had nothing a week ago and even less today, as even hospitals and schools were bombed.

Shaked got what she wanted: the death toll in Gaza is nearing 100, one in four being children. Hundreds more have serious injuries in a place where hospitals have also been bombed and medical essentials are running out.

In Israel, in spite of Hamas’s best efforts, not one death has been recorded, nor any serious injuries, although a wedding party was disrupted and got on the television news.

And, as the bombs rain on Gaza, Israeli teens have taken to tweeting scantily-clad selfies alongside their political sentiments. In two now deleted tweets, one wrote “Death to all of you Arabs you transfag”, while another proclaimed “Arabs may you be paralyzed & die with great suffering!” Another teen simply tweeted “Death to these f****** Arabs”, and attached a photo of themselves pouting alongside it.

Seeing these angelic faces of evil spouting such genocidal rhetoric, I pick up my Israeli passport and a box of matches. “Not in my name, people. Not in my name!”

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Israel must accept that they have a poor PR agency. When Hamas started firing rockets targeting their reactor, Israel should have started crying and playing victim for a week. Instead they started the operation a little too soon.

As for all the crying - I wonder why Indian or Chinese Muslims start posting messages - Save Gaza now, when they remained in blissful silence when IS massacred 4000 Iraqi servicemen in broad daylight!

Israel does not care about Palestine, that is their policy and has remained so since their very inception. The Jews who ruled Israel in its formative years have built a no-compromise state. They know that the world does not give a f*** if a hundred or a thousand Jews are killed in Treblinka or Majdanek. They know only Jews do. After shedding blood for securing/occupying/conquering and establishing Israel they care about one thing and one thing only - to protect Israel.

Anything that poses a threat has been and will continue to be eliminated - that is the policy. Also the hatred for the Jews in the Arab world is pretty much unconditional and runs too deep to be solved by any negotiation.

So - the dead Arab civilians - right? Killing them is evil? Of course yes. But Hamas knows very well this would happen, the retaliation would be massive and total. Still the people of Palestine will vote for Hamas and pray their children becoming suicide bombers. The hate runs too deep. There can never be a peaceful solution. It's either the Jews or the Arabs. It is natural for Israel to take it's side. No surprises there.

Anyway 21% of Israel's current population are made up by Palestinian Arabs and they are only going to grow further. Almost 50% of the remaining Israelis have ancestral ties to the Arab world. Even our serial Israeli troll here is an Moroccan Jew.

Now most Israelis intermarry regardless of what their origins are. I know this myself as I have several Jewish friends of all backgrounds. We can see it on their appearance etc. as well.

The point is here that you do not have more rights to the land than Palestinians. Rather the contrary.

But since none of you two are going to go anywhere maybe it would be a good idea to work for a real two-state solution, stop those 400.000 illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank to merge, stop the oppression against Palestinians and show a political will for a two-state solution.

This way groups like Hamas will perish.

It's only talk.

As Kerry said (himself of partial Czech Jewish background) you are at risk (in fact you already are) of becoming an apartheid state.

Kerry's apartheid remark hits pro-Israel nerve - CNN.com
Who's saying the Jews should go back ? I'm not saying that !
Hamas says so and many their supporters.

But that doesn't take anything away from the fact that no-one asked the Palestinians or the Arabs who inhabited these lands for centuries whether they'd be alright with a mass immigration of European Jews claiming to carve out their Jewish Homeland right from the land where they lived !
Well I believe in democracy. Everyone can decided where he wants to live.

For example if 1.7 million Israeli Arabs will decide that they want to live in Palestinian state they are welcome. But all Arabs i've seem prefer to live in Israel.
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