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Why I'm on the brink of burning my israeli passport?

Hamas says so and many their supporters.

Naturally some Palestinians would be pissed but I don't speak for them !

Well I believe in democracy. Everyone can decided where he wants to live.

For example if 1.7 million Israeli Arabs will decide that they want to live in Palestinian state they are welcome. But all Arabs i've seem prefer to live in Israel.

I wonder if the Israeli Government will grant the right to the 1.7 million Israeli Arabs to live in a Palestinian State comprising of the lands they live in right now as opposed to moving to the open air prison called Gaza !
You're right when you called israel a beast, their feral attacks prove you right.
Now I am not fighting with an Indian or friend on this.
I strongly believe what Palestinians are fighting for is justified.
Palestinians have a right to have a homeland, but lobbying random rockets into Israeli cities is not the way forward. If one puts another country's civilians in danger then they must be ready for an answer. Knowing how Israel would react and reacted in the past one must tread this path carefully. I am not fighting, just putting forth my perspective. We might not agree on it but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it in a healthy manner. Anyway lets just avoid it.
Israel must accept that they have a poor PR agency. When Hamas started firing rockets targeting their reactor, Israel should have started crying and playing victim for a week. Instead they started the operation a little too soon.

As for all the crying - I wonder why Indian or Chinese Muslims start posting messages - Save Gaza now, when they remained in blissful silence when IS massacred 4000 Iraqi servicemen in broad daylight!

Israel does not care about Palestine, that is their policy and has remained so since their very inception. The Jews who ruled Israel in its formative years have built a no-compromise state. They know that the world does not give a f*** if a hundred or a thousand Jews are killed in Treblinka or Majdanek. They know only Jews do. After shedding blood for securing/occupying/conquering and establishing Israel they care about one thing and one thing only - to protect Israel.

Anything that poses a threat has been and will continue to be eliminated - that is the policy. Also the hatred for the Jews in the Arab world is pretty much unconditional and runs too deep to be solved by any negotiation.

So - the dead Arab civilians - right? Killing them is evil? Of course yes. But Hamas knows very well this would happen, the retaliation would be massive and total. Still the people of Palestine will vote for Hamas and pray their children becoming suicide bombers. The hate runs too deep. There can never be a peaceful solution. It's either the Jews or the Arabs. It is natural for Israel to take it's side. No surprises there.
Very very diplomatic!!

Thats right a South Indian would stick out in Kashmir like an Elephant on a Whale's butt ! :sarcastic:
And you thought all kashmiris are pale white, ghoshtly like you?? :coffee:
One more word about Kashmir and I will get you reported to you know whom.
Palestinians have a right to have a homeland, but lobbying random rockets into Israeli cities is not the way forward. If one puts another country's civilians in danger then they must be ready for an answer. Knowing how Israel would react and reacted in the past one must tread this path carefully. I am not fighting, just putting forth my perspective. We might not agree on it but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it in a healthy manner. Anyway lets just avoid it.
Lol naah I didnt mean you were fighting.
I just didnt know how you would react to my posts. Ergo I said I wont "fight" on this topic.
Yeah I am sure they knew that there would be repercussions. But now I think Palestinians have been pushed to wall , they had to react or were forced to react. If they support hamas thats because they dont have anyone else supporting them.
Arab countries do support Palestine but then its like fighting a behemoth(Israel) which has the support of another behemoth (US) so nobody comes out in the open other than banning Israeli passport holders.

Like I always say never trust a wannabe Kashmiri with a Bengali Cricketer's name ! :sarcastic:

@SarthakGanguly :whistle: !

@Indischer does she mean Lord Voldemort ? :o:
I think she meant Lord Aeromort!:partay:
Nooo I meant @Jungibaaz and @Chak Bamu .
@Aeronaut is partial towards @Armstrong. (just how amii?? )
Lol naah I didnt mean you were fighting.
I just didnt know how you would react to my posts. Ergo I said I wont "fight" on this topic.
Yeah I am sure they knew that there would be repercussions. But now I think Palestinians have been pushed to wall , they had to react or were forced to react. If they support hamas thats because they dont have anyone else supporting them.
Arab countries do support Palestine but then its like fighting a behemoth(Israel) which has the support of another behemoth (US) so nobody comes out in the open other than banning Israeli passport holders.
That does not speak well for the Arabs in general. I would suggest you to tune in to some Palestinian channels and watch their programs. You will get the shock of you life.
Well in that case you earned my respect, at least some people in India speak their own mind

Your (conveyed) respect has zero value if its based on religions of recipients of your favored choices and not their dogma involved..
Hamas says so and many their supporters.

Well I believe in democracy. Everyone can decided where he wants to live.

For example if 1.7 million Israeli Arabs will decide that they want to live in Palestinian state they are welcome. But all Arabs i've seem prefer to live in Israel.

Why don't you consider a single state?

Jews, Muslims and Christians live side by side together as equals.

It does not need to happen overnight(maybe phased in over 10 years) but I am sure that you will have the political and economic backing of the rest of the world.

The practically of a two-state solution is rapidly fading with each day.
That does not speak well for the Arabs in general. I would suggest you to tune in to some Palestinian channels and watch their programs. You will get the shock of you life.
Dont beat around the bush!
I am a dud.
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