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Why I'm on the brink of burning my israeli passport?

Lol naah I didnt mean you were fighting.
I just didnt know how you would react to my posts. Ergo I said I wont "fight" on this topic.
Yeah I am sure they knew that there would be repercussions. But now I think Palestinians have been pushed to wall , they had to react or were forced to react. If they support hamas thats because they dont have anyone else supporting them.
Arab countries do support Palestine but then its like fighting a behemoth(Israel) which has the support of another behemoth (US) so nobody comes out in the open other than banning Israeli passport holders.

Life expectancy at birth (2007) - 73.3
Under-5 mortality rate per 1000 (2008) - 27
Maternal mortality rate per 100,000 live births (2007) - 20
Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2006, estimate) -8
Government expenditure on health as % of general govt. expenditure (2009) -10.5
Human Development Index Rank, out of 177 countries (2007) - 110
Gross National Income (GNI) per capita USD (2005) - 1,250
Adult (15+) literacy rate (1997-2007) - 93.8
Adult male (15+) literacy rate (1997-2007) - 97.2
Adult female (15+) literacy rate (2000-200.) - 90.3
% Population with access to improved drinking water source (2007) - 89

If with stats like these they feel pushed to the wall.. Indians should kill themselves.
I saw this article posted on PDF's FB page and thought of sharing it on the forum.

Why I'm on the brink of burning my Israeli passport?

View attachment 38482
In the pic: A 3yr old's body being taken away by palestinians(L) and Ayelet Shaked (R)

Ayelet Shaked represents the far-right Jewish Home party in the Knesset. This means she is well to the right of Benyamin Netanyahu, just in case you thought such a thing was not possible.

On Monday she quoted this on her Facebook page: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

A week earlier, just before 17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair was snatched and burned alive, Shaked wrote: “This is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. The reality is that this is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started it.”

So even before the boy died horribly she declared him to be the enemy, and afterwards, without any apparent hint of guilt or remorse, she was calling for the deaths of innocent women and their unborn babies.

She made me think about my mother’s sister Klara and her three small children who were living in Krakow in 1939 when the Germans invaded. They decided that the Jews – all Jews – were the enemy and had to be eliminated, not least the women and the little snakes they were raising. “Why? Ask them – they started it”, as the Nazis would say if asked.

I never met Klara or her children who had perished by 1942. I did meet my uncle Romek, who survived by working in Oskar Schindler's factory, and his wife Yetti who survived because she spoke good German and was able to pretend she was a fine German woman who had kicked out her Polish Jewish husband, as she smiled prettily at every Nazi she came across.

My father’s brother Shmuel and his young family also perished before I was born, taken in Holland, to where they had escaped from Berlin, to the same camp Anne Frank died in.

I know what it is to have been helpless victims, living and dying under racist oppressors’ boots, and I know that today’s Israelis are no longer the victims but the perpetrators of the current crisis. Yes, Hamas are dreadful hate-filled killers and woe betide Israel had they had the wherewithal to carry out their intentions. But the fact remains that it is Israel which has the tanks, bombers, artillery, nuclear warheads and missile defences of Goliath, while ordinary Gazans had nothing a week ago and even less today, as even hospitals and schools were bombed.

Shaked got what she wanted: the death toll in Gaza is nearing 100, one in four being children. Hundreds more have serious injuries in a place where hospitals have also been bombed and medical essentials are running out.

In Israel, in spite of Hamas’s best efforts, not one death has been recorded, nor any serious injuries, although a wedding party was disrupted and got on the television news.

And, as the bombs rain on Gaza, Israeli teens have taken to tweeting scantily-clad selfies alongside their political sentiments. In two now deleted tweets, one wrote “Death to all of you Arabs you transfag”, while another proclaimed “Arabs may you be paralyzed & die with great suffering!” Another teen simply tweeted “Death to these f****** Arabs”, and attached a photo of themselves pouting alongside it.

Seeing these angelic faces of evil spouting such genocidal rhetoric, I pick up my Israeli passport and a box of matches. “Not in my name, people. Not in my name!”

View attachment 38483

lol Drama queen ! as if Israel care what u do with ur passport. Meanwhile apply for a new passport from the The Khlialafat of Iraq!
Life expectancy at birth (2007) - 73.3
Under-5 mortality rate per 1000 (2008) - 27
Maternal mortality rate per 100,000 live births (2007) - 20
Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2006, estimate) -8
Government expenditure on health as % of general govt. expenditure (2009) -10.5
Human Development Index Rank, out of 177 countries (2007) - 110
Gross National Income (GNI) per capita USD (2005) - 1,250
Adult (15+) literacy rate (1997-2007) - 93.8
Adult male (15+) literacy rate (1997-2007) - 97.2
Adult female (15+) literacy rate (2000-200.) - 90.3
% Population with access to improved drinking water source (2007) - 89

If with stats like these they feel pushed to the wall.. Indians should kill themselves.
Golden cage isnt it??

Golden cage isnt it??
ghas khayenge aur atom bomb banayenge !
Golden cage isnt it??
Nah, they just gotten use to donations they receive for their struggle. They don't want to get off their bum and work to make their lives better why because as long as the fight with Israel continues, donations would keep pouring in.
Nah, they just gotten use to donations they receive for their struggle. They don't want to get off their bum and work to make their lives better why because as long as the fight with Israel continues, donations would keep pouring in.
Your posts make sense....and with each post I have been smiling ear to ear.
But you're so not influencing me.
Why don't you consider a single state?

Jews, Muslims and Christians live side by side together as equals.

It does not need to happen overnight(maybe phased in over 10 years) but I am sure that you will have the political and economic backing of the rest of the world.

The practically of a two-state solution is rapidly fading with each day.

Bro, I can tell you. I have many Israeli friend on facebook, some even have doctorate degree in Political Science. They literally dictate me on secularism, and say Israel is best secular country and even better than India. I laugh on them, jaise bhe lude langre secularism hai India mai, but it is much better than Israel.
Silence? Leave that? But why you silent? Thats a BS argument, because they are silent so we will be silent in there killings.

why should i bother .. my cup is full of own worries. i am just pointing out the hypocrisies of thekedars of morality.
why should i bother .. my cup is full of own worries. i am just pointing out the hypocrisies of thekedars of morality.

Then why you are here on this thread, if it doesnt matter to you. Why you even pointing hypocrisies if you doesnt even have a interest in this topic and doesnt know about it.
Then why you are here on this thread, if it doesnt matter to you. Why you even pointing hypocrisies if you doesnt even have a interest in this topic and doesnt know about it.

why should not i. just showing mirror to those riding moral high horses.
why should not i. just showing mirror to those riding moral high horses.

There is very famous saying -" people who live in glasses houses shoudnt throw stones to other houses". So, bro show this high moral ground to some other place.
Jewish population started growing since ~1820. BTW during the same time was large influx of Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian Arabs into Palestine as well. The overwhelming majority of the Gazans are Egyptian migrants from 19th century.

Thats not true. Jews were 3rd class citizens. They often were massacred, force converted, expelled etc.

I made a similarity between the Palestinians and Native Americans. Both were stateless people.

Well Turkic people ruled Palestine much longer than Arabs.

as long as u dont bother about u being 3rd grade citizen .. its always peace in ummah !
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