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Why I support Narendra Modi And no, I’m not a right-wing Hindu fanatic

Yes, plan B !! :D


Now come on, he is gonna be around for another 30-40 years, will become your PM someday!! :D

Nope. Modi is vengeful. I see the Gandhi family being hounded out of India/politics.

Varun Gandhi of the BJP will resign in protest, but whatevs.
I think this rally was targeted against Taslima Nasrin, could be Salman Rushdie also, but could be against Hindus also, not sure. :) And nobody is vacating Bengal, giving some money to imams doesn't mean these imams are in control of anything here. However, infiltration from BD need to be stopped now.

In Kashmir both central & state government abandoned Kashmiri Pandits, that was a pathetic crime by the people in power who didn't want to protect its people, I am still not clear why central government turned a blind eye to the plight of pandits at that time when they were being chased out of Kashmir, police & military should have been given a free hand to protect them at any cost. Pundits must be rehabilitated, preferably in their ancestral homes in Kashmir if they are not against going back, with full & permanent military protection. I also think we are giving too much liberty to certain Kashmiri separatist leaders, meeting with Pakistani politicians and all, that need to be curbed. How is the situation in Kashmir now? Do minorities still feel insecure there?
Well, there have been attempts to 'forcefully' send Pandits back but such attempts have failed. The political leaders say, Pandits come back, come back. But they don't mean it. There's no Hindu Samhati etc either - a complete void.
The Older generation still has fond memories and often in an emotional moment miss the Pandits. But considering practical situations, most(Kashmiri Muslims in the valley) consider what has happened, happened for good! Property is one thing, religion another. Plus the current local Kashmiri kids know nothing about the Pandits - almost. Most of the district names have long been changed to Islamic names. For example, Anantnag (my constituency) has long been 'renamed' to Islamabad! This is an universal trend though. There are still some good people, but they are too few to have any influence. Most don't like us or are indifferent - because of one reason alone.

We are fortunate to live in the only Hindu majority area of Kashmir - and so have been spared from such incidents. It's a closely guarded self contained community and so relatively quiet and safe.

As for the general situation for the minorities - Sikhs just got threats to convert or leave. Last year only they complained to the PM - nothing happened :D But these are made of a different stock, many have guns. They often live in gated communities and trespassers have been heard to have been shot(rumor though). Shias have recently started an exodus, silently, and they are 'peacefully' vacating their property in the North and setting down in Udhampur, Doda or South Kargil. Buddhists are non existent in the Kashmir valley. That covers all minorities.

I can give you good news as well, but they are exceptions and unfortunately not the rule. I have no illusions about our vulnerability and the reason for it.

Yes, plan B !! :D


Now come on, he is gonna be around for another 30-40 years, will become your PM someday!! :D
@cheekybird :haha:
British MP Barry Gardiner :
Gardiner said Modi's "integrity, ability to administer and govern and strategic political thinking is of the highest order". He called him "a secular leader who has the overwhelming support of all communities in Gujarat... proven time and time again in state elections". "I have met politicians from across the world and I rank him on the pinnacle of all political leaders I have known," Gardiner said. "His competence to govern is unbelievable." Asked whether Modi is capable of governing India, Gardiner said, "Gujarat is the size of the UK or any European country. Since he has taken the state to the highest pinnacles of growth, it's easy to see him as the head of the UK or any European country." On Gujarat riots, Gardiner said, "The Supreme Court has till now exonerated Modi of all charges regarding the riots, and I believe the Supreme Court. We have to access the man on his capability to govern. It took us four days to control the London riots in 2012. It took him three days to bring the riots to a stop in Gujarat.
average people who are insensitive to see what RSS-fanatic rule by Rajah and Wazir have done in Godhra, sure will not mind supporting Modi. genocide and crushing of minorities are what their terror organization founders taught. This Radical Hindu fascist ideology is supported by biased or unaware citizen of this country.
Modi gaining power in the centre may be a milestone to the yet to achieved dream of Hindu Rashtra. Hindu Rashtra as per Hedgewar does not have any "sympathy" for Muslims, Christians. when they embraced videshi mazhab, they lost their rights in this punya pavan Bharat dharti. they can either live in India as subordinates without any rights to exercise, that may include owning property or voting rights. RSS wants to enslave whole Indian subcontinent "Akhand Bharat" and the choice of Musalman to reconvert to Hinduism. Arya Samaj can do mass reconversions to Hinduism. the saints of RSS - Golwalkar, Savarkar and Godfather Hedgewar's theocratic dreams are realizing after decades of Independence from British. Kudos! from secularism and Democracy to Hindu Rashtra and theocracy. great leap indeed!
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average people who are insensitive to see what RSS-fanatic rule by Rajah and Wazir have done in Godhra, sure will not mind supporting Modi. Modi gaining power in the centre may be a milestone to the yet to achieved dream of Hindu Rashtra. Hindu Rashtra as per Hedgewar does not have any "sympathy" for Muslims, Christians. when they embraced videshi mazhab, they lost the right in this punya pavan Bharat dharti. they can either live in India as subordinates without any rights to exercise, that may include owning property or voting rights. RSS wants to enslave whole Indian subcontinent "Akhand Bharat" and the choice of Musalman to reconvert to Hinduism. Arya Samaj can do mass reconversions to Hinduism. the saints of RSS - Golwalkar, Savarkar and Godfather Hedgewar's theocratic dreams are realizing after decades of Independence from British. Kudos! from secularism and Democracy to Hindu Rashtra and theocracy. great leap indeed!

Done with your crocodile tears of secularism ?
Nope. Modi is vengeful. I see the Gandhi family being hounded out of India/politics.

Varun Gandhi of the BJP will resign in protest, but whatevs.

Won't happen, there is an unwritten rule among politicians to not hunt each other because every political party has its fair share of corrupts & thieves. Nowadays media is spoiling the fun a bit though.
Well, there have been attempts to 'forcefully' send Pandits back but such attempts have failed. The political leaders say, Pandits come back, come back. But they don't mean it. There's no Hindu Samhati etc either - a complete void.
The Older generation still has fond memories and often in an emotional moment miss the Pandits. But considering practical situations, most(Kashmiri Muslims in the valley) consider what has happened, happened for good! Property is one thing, religion another. Plus the current local Kashmiri kids know nothing about the Pandits - almost. Most of the district names have long been changed to Islamic names. For example, Anantnag (my constituency) has long been 'renamed' to Islamabad! This is an universal trend though. There are still some good people, but they are too few to have any influence. Most don't like us or are indifferent - because of one reason alone.

We are fortunate to live in the only Hindu majority area of Kashmir - and so have been spared from such incidents. It's a closely guarded self contained community and so relatively quiet and safe.

As for the general situation for the minorities - Sikhs just got threats to convert or leave. Last year only they complained to the PM - nothing happened :D But these are made of a different stock, many have guns. They often live in gated communities and trespassers have been heard to have been shot(rumor though). Shias have recently started an exodus, silently, and they are 'peacefully' vacating their property in the North and setting down in Udhampur, Doda or South Kargil. Buddhists are non existent in the Kashmir valley. That covers all minorities.

I can give you good news as well, but they are exceptions and unfortunately not the rule. I have no illusions about our vulnerability and the reason for it.

Even Shias are forced to leave? So they are majority Sunnis trying to create a mini Pakistan there! How is the situation outside the valley, in Jammu & Srinagar? Can you mark the effected areas on a map? What was the Hindu & Sikh & other minority percentage before 89 and now? Just trying to get a better idea of the situation.

He has been improving himself. If Modi does not work out, then hopefully Pappu can dance.

He himself is of no use, he will be as good as his advisers around him, unfortunately his primary adviser will be his mother.
average people who are insensitive to see what RSS-fanatic rule by Rajah and Wazir have done in Godhra, sure will not mind supporting Modi. genocide and crushing of minorities are what their terror organization founders taught. This Radical Hindu fascist ideology is supported by biased or unaware citizen of this country.
Modi gaining power in the centre may be a milestone to the yet to achieved dream of Hindu Rashtra. Hindu Rashtra as per Hedgewar does not have any "sympathy" for Muslims, Christians. when they embraced videshi mazhab, they lost their rights in this punya pavan Bharat dharti. they can either live in India as subordinates without any rights to exercise, that may include owning property or voting rights. RSS wants to enslave whole Indian subcontinent "Akhand Bharat" and the choice of Musalman to reconvert to Hinduism. Arya Samaj can do mass reconversions to Hinduism. the saints of RSS - Golwalkar, Savarkar and Godfather Hedgewar's theocratic dreams are realizing after decades of Independence from British. Kudos! from secularism and Democracy to Hindu Rashtra and theocracy. great leap indeed!

So what about the founding principles of Islam then? Seem secular don't they?
Even Shias are forced to leave? So they are majority Sunnis trying to create a mini Pakistan there! How is the situation outside the valley, in Jammu & Srinagar? Can you mark the effected areas on a map? What was the Hindu & Sikh & other minority percentage before 89 and now? Just trying to get a better idea of the situation.

He himself is of no use, he will be as good as his advisers around him, unfortunately his primary adviser will be his mother.
:) Hehe - in fact Shias are legally marginalized! Their processions, common all over India are legally banned by the Jammu and Kashmir government! Can you believe that? :azn: Yeah that's Muharram, a national holiday is banned in Kashmir.
For 24th year, Shia processions banned in Kashmir, curfew imposed - Hindustan Times
Pandits share a good relation with Shias since 89.
Kashmiri Pandit on Shia pulpit ‹ The Friday Times
The slums in Baramulla, Srinagar etc are entirely Shia. Important notes about Kashmiri Shias | The Vale of kashmir's Blog
Plus there are riots between the two sometimes (where there are substantial Shias)
Indian Army deployed after Shia-Sunni clashes in Kashmir. | Page 3

Shias of Kashmir: Socio-Political Dilemmas | Kashmir Observer

PressTV - Shias of Kashmir: Socio-political dilemmas

Even Tehelka came up with this - Are Kashmiri Shias The Next Pandits? | Tehelka.com

As for the map - I will post it tomorrow, gotta sleep today. You can tag me once ... I tend to forget things :ashamed: But the basic map is like this -
Sunnis are overwhelmingly from Anantnag and Kulgam to the North and West.
Most Shias have shifted to Ramban, Kishtwar, Doda and Udhampur. There is a substantial portion in Jammu as well. Kargil is Shia majority. Hindus are entirely in Jammu, Udhampur and Kishtwar and Buddhists in Ladakh. There are Shias in Ladakh as well. Plus there are some Bon people (ethnic Tibetans) :)

Hindus were about a little less than 10% in Kashmir valley in 1988. Now it is about 0.3%. But Kashmiri Muslims have a low birthrate when compared to the rest of India. Muslims constitute about 65% of JnK. Shias are about one third ( a little less). Sikhs in the Valley never crossed a lakh. There are about 50k there, not sure. Sunnis would be about 50% in the entire state. So that's about it. :)
Won't happen, there is an unwritten rule among politicians to not hunt each other because every political party has its fair share of corrupts & thieves. Nowadays media is spoiling the fun a bit though.

You're very correct. But Modi has been hounded by them for 12+ years. I don't think he's a man to shy away from payback.
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