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Why has Pakistan not tested a ICBM yet?

Now is the perfect time for Pakistan to test its ICBM.
I hardly agree with an Indian on anything.

But Pakistan is coming close to that moment.

Pakistan must show the world that we can strike countries such as Russia and UK. We cannot be bullied by anyone.
I hardly agree with an Indian on anything.

But Pakistan is coming close to that moment.

Pakistan must show the world that we can strike countries such as Russia and UK. We cannot be bullied by anyone.
Do you guys have the technology to launch a sub orbital two stage ICBM rocket? If you had it, you could launch your own low orbit satellite.
I think everyone here knows that Pakistan has the capability to build a ICBM missile. Why has Pakistan not tested one yet? Are there poltical reasons? Maybe international sanctions? Building a MIRV is way way complicated than ICBM. So there is no reason to doubt that Pakistan does not have ICBM technology. Even North Korea has two operational ICBMs. The Hwasong-14 with 10,000 km range and Hwasong-15 with 13,000 km. Pakistan can easily test a 10,000 km ICBM.

P.S. I may have said something wrong. If you see a mistake correct me. I am new here.

Pakistan has not test a ICBM since india is only a stone throw away..
When the enemy is under your every Missile range why need an ICBM . We are a defensive Country. We donot Invade others land. Yes the Aggressor is Under our watch and it's in our neighbourhood.
When the enemy is under your every Missile range why need an ICBM . We are a defensive Country. We donot Invade others land. Yes the Aggressor is Under our watch and it's in our neighbourhood.
Israel is also the aggressor and the one behind India’s aggression. Also what about Indian oversea bases thousands of kms from Pakistan? They aren’t under any missile range yet. Nato or Quad aren’t trust worthy either. Pakistan should have a very limited number of icbms just in case.
Israel is also the aggressor and the one behind India’s aggression. Also what about Indian oversea bases thousands of kms from Pakistan? They aren’t under any missile range yet. Nato or Quad aren’t trust worthy either. Pakistan should have a very limited number of icbms just in case.

Israel is also the aggressor and the one behind India’s aggression. Also what about Indian oversea bases thousands of kms from Pakistan? They aren’t under any missile range yet. Nato or Quad aren’t trust worthy either. Pakistan should have a very limited number of icbms just in case.
Shaheen's range is exactly till Israel . No need for more . As our main enemy is India. We have told the west of they attack us we will Nuke India , If Israel attack us we will Nuke India , Of anything unwanted happens to Pakistan we will Nuke India.
India is like a western pet their weak point.
India is like a western pet their weak point.
India is also their pawn and disposable.
We still need something that can hit Europe just in case. All west needs is another 9/11 and this time they’ll come for Pakistan. I don’t see the harm in making some modified Shaheen in limited number like 10 modified Shaheen missiles with range to hit Europe.

Also when are you gonna be back on Twitter?
India is also their pawn and disposable.
We still need something that can hit Europe just in case. All west needs is another 9/11 and this time they’ll come for Pakistan. I don’t see the harm in making some modified Shaheen in limited number like 10 modified Shaheen missiles with range to hit Europe.

Also when are you gonna be back on Twitter?
Back in twitter I wrote a story about how Pakistan Activated it's nukes when the USA Invaded Afghanistan. Won't disclose the Locations but under the security of our SSGs they were deployed near the Balochistan Afghan border and some In KPK. Incase USA decide to enter our land. So we are not Obvious of the threats generating from far away. And officialy disclosed range might be different from the range of our Weapons , unofficially they might reach larger parameters.
Shaheen's range is exactly till Israel . No need for more . As our main enemy is India. We have told the west of they attack us we will Nuke India , If Israel attack us we will Nuke India , Of anything unwanted happens to Pakistan we will Nuke India.
India is like a western pet their weak point.
Tf hahahahahaha if US attacks you will nuke india are you even making sense bro 🤣 and u think india won't give a retaliatory strike back you have not even considered our nukes and let us consider that u guys happen to maybe destroy india and then US will definitely invade you then who are you going to strike next yourself 😂.
Nothing will be tested under the current leadership, not more needs to be said.
ICBMs are for mighty nations. Not for beggers.

All this time you thought it was due to careful calculations of your military to test them? Think again.

I genuinely believe Pakistan has been encouraged to keep its nuclear deterrence minimal. Focusing on short range delivery vehicles.....
@waz bhai the economy needs to be improved first to withstand pressure from Kafir nations of the West.
That's a lie you've been told.
Living in fear won't help you

Be like Iran, India etc....you were close to it with IK.
Make the Pakistani Economy at least $500 Billion Dollars in Nominal GDP terms before testing an ICBM.

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